How can I access memcache on Heroku via command line - heroku

How can I access memcache on Heroku via command, I just want to look up some key and delete it.

heroku run console --app your-app-name
for Cedar, or
heroku console --app your-app-name
for Bamboo and Aspen. Then
m =


How to add -a -app in my Websockets file?

I've got a problem when I upload my project on Heroku. I've trying changing value of and MongoUrl, but I get this error:
Error: Missing required flag:
› -a, --app APP app to run command against
This has nothing to do with any of your files. It's an argument that you must provide to the Heroku CLI itself, e.g.
heroku config:set SOME_VARIABLE=some_value -a myapp
where myapp is the name of your Heroku app.
The -a / --app argument is required when heroku can't figure out what app to connect to, either bcause there is no Heroku remote configured or because there is more than one Heroku remote configured.
See also How to avoid the --app option with heroku CLI?

Error: Missing required flag: -a, --app APP app to run command against

I am new to Heroku and I keep getting the above error - everything looks good to go when I deploy in heroku, connect to my github repo etc.. but I keep getting this error.
Its a node/express app and works exactly as I'd like locally but it won't deploy. Any help would be appreciated.
For getting logs of particular heroku app, use:
heroku logs --app=app_name
For example: your app name is 'chatapp'
heroku logs -app=chatapp
just run the command with the --app flag, followed by the app name.
I like how the --app flag is "mandatory" according to the official documentation, but the lone usage example in the official documentation doesn't use the --app flag.
Anyway, it's not really mandatory. It's just implicit, usually. You have to tell Heroku which app you're using, with something like:
$ heroku git:remote -a your_app_name
and then it stops wondering which app to run these commands on.
you did not set git remote to your application, do that first by,
heroku git:remote -a your_app_name
To expand a little further on this (just for the benefit of other new users encountering a similar issue) - below is an example of a command you could enter in macOS Terminal:
heroku logs --tail --app yourexampleservername
If you have deployed yourexampleservername to Heroku, this should then display a log.

Heroku Kafka certificates

According to the documentation, Heroku passes KAFKA_TRUSTED_CERT, KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT and KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY directly into my heroku applications. In consequence, only applications running on heroku can access Heroku Kafka? I would like to access it directly from my home workstation but i dont know how to get the ENVs
You can run either heroku config --app your_application_name to get all variables, or run heroku config:get KAFKA_TRUSTED_CERT --app your_application_name to just get one specific variable.
You can also login to Heroku dashboard and find all variables there in "Settings" section of your app.

Heroku toolbelt command requires app-name

How do you specify the app you want when you log in to Heroku from the command line?
I was trying to check the logs so when I first logged in I tried:
Heroku logs
this then told me:
! No app specified.
! Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app <app name>
I then tried:
heroku --app my-appname
but i get:
`--app` is not a heroku command.
I have tried all combinations.
You still need to include the command:
heroku logs --app app-name
You can also use -a instead of --app:
heroku logs -a app-name
Another option is to associate your (git) project to Heroku. From heroku open - no app specified:
$ cd app-dir
$ heroku git:remote -a app-name
$ heroku logs
Try this:
heroku git:remote -a [app_name]
This should allow you to call commands without having to specify which app you want them to be called on.
You could try adding --app app-name after you sentence.
Example: $ heroku domains:add your-domain --app app-name
Heroku CLI automatically detects the app name by scanning the git remotes for the current working copy.
If you're not in the app's local git clone, you need to specify the app name:
heroku logs --app app-name
heroku logs -a app-name
or by specifying the remote name:
heroku logs --remote production
You can reference this part of the Heroku documentation:
From my tests the Heroku CLI will infer the app from the current Git remote.
So to change to the "test" app:
git config heroku.remote test
And to come back to the default "heroku" application, which is probably your production app:
git config heroku.remote heroku
Not sure this is a good idea though...
For future solution seekers-
The error says a possible solution.
Run this command from an app folder
cd to the app directory root, then run your desired command.


On heroku, how to get the whole value of DATABASE_URL ?
When I issue a
heroku config --app APP_NAME
I get several config parameters but the DATABASE_URL is not entirely visible
DATABASE_URL => postgres://
Any idea ?
$ heroku config --app APP_NAME
(The Heroku toolbelt has been updated since the question was asked; the command now shows the entire DATABASE_URL.)
$ heroku pg:credentials:url YOUR_DATABASE_NAME
Gives you all the informations needed (url, port, dbname, user, password):
Connection information for default credential.
Connection info string:
"dbname=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx port=5432 user=zzzzzzzzzzzzzz password=************* sslmode=require"
Connection URL:
This may seem really basic but your heroku APP_NAME is You can find that by logging into and looking in your account. In order to get your app config variables you simply type into the console:
heroku config --app APP_NAME
To get the full database URL, use config:get from the Heroku CLI;
heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a my-app-name
To get PostgreSQL dump file from heroku :-
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups
it shows all the backups
heroku pg:backups:url BackupID
