Conditional Insert or Update in Oracle - performance

I have one table in oracle where data gets inserted from some third party. I want to populate master tables from that table. So, what will be the best way performance wise using collection.
E.g. Suppose, the table into which data will get populated from third party is 'EMP_TMP'.
Now I want to populate 'EMPLOYEE' master table through procedure which will get populated from EMP_TMP Table.
Here again there is one condition like IF SAME EMPID (this is not primary key) EXISTS then we have to UPDATE FULL TABLE which consists of SAME EMPID ELSE we have INSERT NEW RECORD.
[Note: Here EMPID is VARCHAR2 and EMPNO will be primary key where we will use SEQUENCE]
I think here merge will not perform much better performancewise since we cant use collection in MERGE statement.

Well, if performance is your primary consideration, and you don't like MERGE, then how about this (run as script, single transaction):
delete from EMPLOYEE where emp_id IN (
select emp_id from EMP_TMP);
insert into EMPLOYEE
select * from EMP_TMP;
Obviously not the "safest" approach (and as written assumes exact same table definitions and you have the rollback), but should be fast (you could also mess with IN vs EXISTS etc). And I couldn't quite understand your post if emp_id or emp_no was the common key in these 2 tables, but use whichever makes sense in your situation.

Create a procedure, you need to be using PL/SQL.
Do an update first then test sql%rowcount.
If it is 0, no updates where done and you have to do an insert instead.
I think that this is fairly efficient.
pseudo code
Update table;
if sql%rowcount = 0 then
//get new sequence number
insert into table;


How to automatically insert foreign key into table after submit in oracle apex?

I have created forms in which the user can enter data. With collections the information is saved and will be inserted in the corresponding tables after the forms are submitted.
Now one column in the table has remained empty and I am not sure how to solve it in APEX.
Namely, the table has a foreign key to another table.
But the ID of this table is generated only after submitting the forms.
Can I solve it, for example, with a trigger that then enters the foreign key into the table after the forms are submitted?
Would it be an after insert trigger like this:
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (TO_CHAR (SQLERRM (-20299)));
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (TO_CHAR (SQLERRM (-20298)));
or is there another better solution for this?
I would not use a trigger for that, but handle this in your application.
You can achieve this by using the RETURNING INTO clause. That allows you to reuse the value of an inserted column in the same transaction.If this is in an anonymous pl/sql block in a page process it would be something like this:
INSERT INTO table1(val) VALUES ('Europe')
INSERT INTO table2(continent_id, val) VALUES (l_id,'Belgium');
In an apex form, you have an option to return the primary key into a page item after insert/update so you can use it in other processes if you use the built-in form processing.
This won't work; you'd insert only the :new.stuid column value into TBL2 which "might" succeed (if other columns in tbl2 aren't NOT NULL), but - all other columns will remain empty.
I guess you should prepare all data while you're still in Apex (i.e. fetch primary key for tbl1 and - at the same time - use it as a foreign key value for tbl2). Otherwise, there's no way to populate that information later because there's no other relation between these two tables (if there were, you wouldn't need the foreign key column, would you?).

trigger performance over different cases

I have a table that collects logs of every check_in. I want to pick 4 columns to later process them. I have placed a trigger on every insert and columns are copied. I am confused over which way to do it. For best PERFORMANCE. Below are some different ways I figured out. Assuming my destination table is indexed.
ALTER trigger GetCheckIn_HA_Transit
on tableXyz
declare #cardName nvarchar(max)
declare #checkIn datetime
declare #direction varchar(30)
declare #terminal varchar(30)
#direction = str_direction,
#terminal = TERMINAL,
#cardName = card_number,
#checkIn = transit_date
from tableXyz
INSERT INTO logs(direction,terminal,cardName,checkIn)
Another way i found was without declaration
ALTER trigger GetCheckIn_HA_Transit
on tableXyz
SELECT(STR_DIRECTION,TERMINAL,card_number,transit_date)FROM tableXyz
And is copying data from one table to another table is better in terms of performance than to copy from one database table to another database table over same server ??
Assuming every second we have an insert that will trigger our Trigger.

Delete records in an efficient way

I've two tables say STOCK and ITEM. We have a query to delete some records from ITEM table,
delete from ITEM where item_id not in(select itemId from STOCK)
And now I've more than 15,00,000 records to delete, the query was taking much time to do the operation.
When I searched, I found some efficient ways to do this action.
One way:
SELECT * FROM ITEM WHERE item_id in(select itemId from STOCK) ;
Secondly instead of truncating just drop the ITEM and then rename the ITEM_TEMP to ITEM. But in this case I've to re create all the indexes.
Can anyone please suggest which one of the above is more efficient, as I could not check this in Production.
I think the correct approach depends on your environment, here.
If you have privileges on the table that must not be affected, or at least must be restored if you drop the table, then the INSERT /*+ APPEND */ may simply be more reliable. Triggers, similarly, or foreign keys, or any objects that will be automatically dropped when the base table is dropped (foreign keys complicate the truncate, of course).
I would usually go for the truncate and insert method based on that. don't worry about the presence on indexes on the table -- a direct path insert is very efficient at building them.
However, if you have a simple table without dependent objects then there's nothing wrong with the drop-and-rename approach.
I also would not rule out just running multiple deletes of a limited number of rows, especially if this is in a production environment.
Best way from used space (and high watermark) and performance is to drop table and then rename ITEM_TEMP table. But, as you mentioned, after that you need to recreate indexes (also grants, triggers, constraints). Also all depending objects will be invalidated.
Some times I try to delete by portions:
delete from ITEM where item_id not in(select itemId from STOCK) and rownum < 10000;
exit when SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0;
end loop;
Since you have very high number of rows, it better use partition table , may be List partition on "itemId". Then you can easily drop a partition.
Also if your application could run faster. This need design change but it will give benefit in long run.

How do I UPDATE a large table in oracle pl/sql in batches to avoid running out of undospace?

I have a very large table (5mm records). I'm trying to obfuscate the table's VARCHAR2 columns with random alphanumerics for every record on the table. My procedure executes successfully on smaller datasets, but it will eventually be used on a remote db whose settings I can't control, so I'd like to EXECUTE the UPDATE statement in batches to avoid running out of undospace.
Is there some kind of option I can enable, or a standard way to do the update in chunks?
I'll add that there won't be any distinguishing features of the records that haven't been obfuscated so my one thought of using rownum in a loop won't work (I think).
If you are going to update every row in a table, you are better off doing a Create Table As Select, then drop/truncate the original table and re-append with the new data. If you've got the partitioning option, you can create your new table as a table with a single partition and simply swap it with EXCHANGE PARTITION.
Inserts require a LOT less undo and a direct path insert with nologging (/+APPEND/ hint) won't generate much redo either.
With either mechanism, there would probably sill be 'forensic' evidence of the old values (eg preserved in undo or in "available" space allocated to the table due to row movement).
The following is untested, but should work:
l_fetchsize number := 10000;
cursor cur_getrows is
select rowid, random_function(my_column)
from my_table;
type rowid_tbl_type is table of urowid;
type my_column_tbl_type is table of my_table.my_column%type;
rowid_tbl rowid_tbl_type;
my_column_tbl my_column_tbl_type;
open cur_getrows;
fetch cur_getrows bulk collect
into rowid_tbl, my_column_tbl
limit l_fetchsize;
exit when rowid_tbl.count = 0;
forall i in rowid_tbl.first..rowid_tbl.last
update my_table
set my_column = my_column_tbl(i)
where rowid = rowid_tbl(i);
end loop;
close cur_getrows;
This isn't optimally efficient -- a single update would be -- but it'll do smaller, user-tunable batches, using ROWID.
I do this by mapping the primary key to an integer (mod n), and then perform the update for each x, where 0 <= x < n.
For example, maybe you are unlucky and the primary key is a string. You can hash it with your favorite hash function, and break it into three partitions:
UPDATE myTable SET a=doMyUpdate(a) WHERE MOD(ORA_HASH(ID), 3)=0
UPDATE myTable SET a=doMyUpdate(a) WHERE MOD(ORA_HASH(ID), 3)=1
UPDATE myTable SET a=doMyUpdate(a) WHERE MOD(ORA_HASH(ID), 3)=2
You may have more partitions, and may want to put this into a loop (with some commits).
If I had to update millions of records I would probably opt to NOT update.
I would more likely create a temp table and then insert data from old table since insert doesnt take up a lot of redo space and takes less undo.
CREATE TABLE new_table as select <do the update "here"> from old_table;
index new_table
grant on new table
add constraints on new_table
etc on new_table
drop table old_table
rename new_table to old_table;
you can do that using parallel query, with nologging on most operations generating very
little redo and no undo at all -- in a fraction of the time it would take to update the

Insert into oracle database

Hi I have a database with loads of columns and I want to insert couple of records for testing, now in order to insert something into that database I'd have to write large query .. is it possible to do something like this
INSERT INTO table (SELECT FROM table WHERE id='5') .. I try to insert the row with ID 5 but I think this will create a problem because it will try to duplicate a record, is it possible to change this ID 5 to let say 1000 then I'd be able to insert data without writing complex query and while doing so avoiding replication of data .. tnx
In PL/SQL you can do something like this:
l_rec table%rowtype;
select * into l_rec from table where id='5'; := 1000;
insert into table values l_rec;
If you have a trigger on the table to handle the primary key from a sequence ( = seq_sequence.NEXTVAL) then you should be able to do:
(SELECT columns_needed FROM table WHERE whatever)
This will allow you to add in many rows at one (the number being limited by the WHERE clause). You'll need to select the columns that are required by the table to be not null or not having default values. Beware of any unique constraints as well.
Otherwise you'll be looking at PL/SQL or some other form of script to insert multiple rows.
For each column that has no default value or you want to insert the values other than default, you will need to provide the explicit name and value.
You only can use an implicit list (*) if you want to select all columns and insert them as they are.
Since you are changing the PRIMARY KEY, you need to enumerate.
However, you can create a before update trigger and change the value of the PRIMARY KEY in this trigger.
Note that the trigger cannot reference the table itself, so you will need to provide some other way to get the unique number (like a sequence):
BEGIN := s_mytable.nextval;
This way you can use the asterisk but it will always replace the value of the PRIMARY KEY.
