Mac OS dev - Tools for monitoring memory - xcode

Are there any tools that would allow me to monitor memory usage and leaks? For example, I want to track memory usage when releasing objects manually vs automatically with ARC enabled.

It's called instruments, you can acces it from Product -> Profile -> Leaks in xcode

Instruments is probably the easiest to use and does a pretty good job. It comes with Xcode and you can run it directly from Xcode when you launch your application.

Instruments is quite good at this, but still I find myself using the leaks and heap utilities quite often.


How to measure the performance of an Ionic 3 app?

I have developed an app using Ionic 3 framework. I would like to measure the CPU and memory usage of my app. What is the best practice to do so?
You must not use AndroidStudio and XCode to measure the memory usage of the Ionic app.
Why? Here is the comment from Ionic team member
Unfortunately we have not been able to reproduce this issue on our
end. Would you mind checking your app on your device with safari dev
tools instead of the memory tool in xcode? The reason I recommend this
is because the xcode memory tools can be misleading in the fact that
it's not actually measuring memory usage of the javascript heap of the
app, instead, it is reading the memory used by the kernel / OS itself.
So based off the same concept I described here, the OS will not free
up memory used by the JS virtual machine if it 1. thinks the action
that used that memory is going to happen often and 2. thinks that it
has plenty of memory to spare. So, while the JS heap memory will be
shrinking every time the JS engine runs garbage collection, that does
not mean that the memory that iOS has allocated to the browser will
shrink, and, if iOS did start freeing up memory when it has plenty of
memory available you would actually see performance issues. Also, it's
important to remember that high memory usage does not === a memory
leak and in fact operating systems are built to take the most
advantage of the resources (in this case ram) available to it,
especially on mobile devices.
Safari dev tools
Chrome dev tools

Xcode and Instruments tracking memory usage

My app on iOS simulator is using way too much memory. It's probably that memory is leaking. It's a ARC-enabled project with incorporation of plain C code. I tried it with some small project which I malloc and leak on purpose, instrument does not seem to notice. I tried it using Valgrind as described here, but I just can't get it to run. It says "error: address doesn't contain a section that points to a section in a object file".
What other options do I have? Any suggestions to how I would find what I'm leaking?
Maybe to late but you can use Valgrid... ?

What is the equivalent of Valgrind within the Xcode environment?

It was recently recommended to me to use Valgrind to check for memory leaks, errors etc. on my iPhone project (which is written mainly in C and Objective-C).
I'm fairly new to this kind of work and was wondering what tools there were in Xcode that would serve the same purpose.
Thanks so much
If you want to check memory leaks then you can run your project with performance tool with leaks. Follow the screen shot.
Xcode's "Leaks" tool is not the same thing as Valgrind. Valgrind detects overwriting memory boundaries (amongst other things) in addition to detecting memory leaks.

xcode 3.2.5 Run with performance tool -> Zombies option disabled

I have been developing for iOS but am new to Instruments. I was going through some tutorials for using instruments but most of them use Run with performance tool->object allocations, which is not present in my XCode (3.2.5) . If I select "Allocations" (which is present in my XCode), there is no option to select zombies (as is expected in Object Allocations). And also, Run with performance tool -> Zombies is disabled. Why does XCode disable the zombies option?
This post talks about it: Xcode "Run With Performance Tool" disabled?
I believe you are building an iOS program. As said by Apple engineers, most items under Run with Performance Tool need dTrace support, but dTrace is not available for iOS yet, not even for simulators.
I'm looking into this myself right now. If I find out more, I'll update this post. I was also hoping to use the Zombies performance tool for ios development. :(
Update: You might also look at How to run iPhone program with Zombies instrument? . I'm going to try that out.

Xcode "Run With Performance Tool" disabled?

I am trying to find memory leaks from my Xcode project. I don't know, what happened - I can't select anything from Run->Run with performance tool - the list of things are disabled.
Please help me, I am a beginner.
The problem was i have deleted the build folder and was trying to run with performance tool, without building the code again, if you need to test your app with performance tool, you must compiled your code, and you need to have build folder in your project.
I believe you are building an iOS program. As said by Apple engineers, most items under Run with Performance Tool need dTrace support, but dTrace is not available for iOS yet, not even for simulators.
