How to get variable/function definitions set in Parallel (e.g. with ParallelMap)? - wolfram-mathematica

I have a function that I use to look up a value based on an index. The value takes some time to calculate, so I want to do it with ParallelMap, and references another similar such function that returns a list of expressions, also based on an index.
However, when I set it all up in a seemingly reasonable fashion, I see some very bizarre behaviour. First, I see that the function appears to work, albeit very slowly. For large indexes, however, the processor activity in Taskmangler stays entirely at zero for an extended period of time (i.e. 2-4 minutes) where all instances of Mathematica are seemingly inert. Then, without the slightest blip of CPU use, a result appears. Is this another case of Mathematica spukhafte Fernwirkung?
That is, I want to create a variable/function that stores an expression, here a list of integers (ListOfInts), and then on the parallel workers I want to perform some function on that expression (here I apply a set of replacement rules and take the Min). I want the result of that function to also be indexed by the same index under another variable/function (IndexedFunk), whose result is then available back on the main instance of Mathematica:
(*some arbitrary rules that will convert some of the integers to negative values:*)
maxIndex = 333;
Scan[(ListOfInts[#]=RandomInteger[{1,999},55])&,Range[maxIndex ]]
(*just for safety's sake:*)
DistributeDefinitions[rulez, ListOfInts]
(*I believe I have to have at least one value of IndexedFunk defined before I Share the definition to the workers:*)
(*... and this should let me retrieve the values back on the primary instance of MMA:*)
(*Now, here is the mysterious part: this just sits there on my multiprocessor machine for many minutes until suddenly a result appears. If I up maxIndex to say 99999 (and of course re-execute the above code again) then the effect can more clearly be seen.*)
AbsoluteTiming[Short[ParallelMap[(IndexedFunk[#]=Min[ListOfInts[#]/.rulez])&, Range[maxIndex]]]]
I believe this is some bug, but then I am still trying to figure out Mathematica Parallel, so I can't be too confident in this conclusion. Despite its being depressingly slow, it is nonetheless impressive in its ability to perform calculations without actually requiring a CPU to do so.
I thought perhaps it was due to whatever communications protocol is being used between the master and slave processes, perhaps it is so slow that it just appears that the processors are doing nothing when if fact they are just waiting to send the next bit of some definition or other. In which case I thought ParallelMap[..., Method->"CoarsestGrained"] would be of some use. But no, that doesn't work neither.
A question: "Am I doing something obviously wrong, or is this a bug?"

I am afraid you are. The problem is with the shared definition of a variable. Mathematica maintains a single coherent value in all copies of the variable across kernels, and therefore that variable becomes a single point of huge contention. CPU is idle because kernels line up to the queue waiting for the variable IndexedFunk, and most time is spent in interprocess or inter-machine communication. Go figure.
By the way, there is no function SetSharedDefinition in any Mathematica version I know of. You probably intended to write SetSharedVariable. But remove that evil call anyway! To avoid contention, return results from the parallelized computation as a list of pairs, and then assemble them into downvalues of your variable at the main kernel:
Scan[(IndexedFunk[#[[1]]] = #[[2]]) &,
ParallelMap[{#, Min[ListOfInts[#] /. rulez]} &, Range[maxIndex]]
ParallelMap takes care of distributing definition automagically, so the call to DistributeDefinitions is superfluous. (As a minor note, it is not correct as written, omitting the maxIndex variable, but the omission is automatically taken care of by ParallelMap in this particular case.)
EDIT, NB!: The automatic distribution applies only to the version 8 of Mathematica. Thanks #MikeHoneychurch for the correction.


Even when using the same randomseed in Lua, get different results?

I have a large, rather complicated procedural content generation lua project. One thing I want to be able to do, for debugging purposes, is use a random seed so that I can re-run the system & get the same results.
To the end, I print out the seed at the start of a run. The problem is, I still get completely different results each time I run it. Assuming the seed doesn't change anywhere else, this shouldn't be possible, right?
My question is, what other ways are there to influence the output of lua's math.random()? I've searched through all the code in the project, and there's only one place where I call math.randomseed(), and I do that before I do anything else. I don't use the time or date for any calculations, so that wouldn't be influencing the results... What else could I be missing?
Updated on 2/22/16 monkey patching math.random & math.randomseed has, oftentimes (but not always) output the same sequence of random numbers. But still not the same results – so I guess the real question is now: what behavior in lua is indeterminate, and could result in different output when the same code is run in sequence? Noting where it diverges, when it does, is helping me narrow it down, but I still haven't found it. (this code does NOT use coroutines, so I don't think it's a threading / race condition issue)
randomseed is using srandom/srand function, which "sets its argument as the seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random integers to be returned by random()".
I can offer several possible explanations:
you think you call randomseed, but you do not (random will initialize the sequence for you in this case).
you think you call randomseed once, but you call it multiple times (or some other part of the code calls randomseed as well, possibly at different times in your sequence).
some other part of the code calls random (some number of times), which generates different results for your part of the code.
there is nothing wrong with the generated sequence, but you are misinterpreting the results.
your version of Lua has a bug in srandom/random processing.
there is something wrong with srandom or random function in your system.
Having some information about your version of Lua and your system (in addition to the small example demonstrating the issue) would help in figuring out what's causing this.
Updated on 2016/2/22: It should be fairly easy to check; monkeypatch both math.randomseed and math.random and log all the calls and the values returned by the functions for two subsequent runs. Compare the results. If the results differ, you should be able to isolate why they differ and reproduce on a smaller example. You can also look at where the functions are called from using debug.traceback.
Correct, as stated in the documentation, 'equal seeds produce equal sequences of numbers.'
Immediately after setting the seed to a known constant value, output a call to rand - if this varies across runs, you know something is seriously wrong (corrupt library download, whack install, gamma ray hit your drive, etc).
Assuming that the first value matches across runs, add another output midway through the code. From there, you can use a binary search to zero in on where things go wrong (I.E. first half or second half of the code block in question).
While you can & should use some intuition to find the error as you go, keep in mind that if intuition alone was enough, you would have already found it, thus a bit of systematic elimination is warranted.
Revision to cover comment regarding array order:
If possible, use debugging tools. This SO post on detecting when the value of a Lua variable changes might help.
In the absence of tools, here's one way to roll your own for this problem:
A full debugging dump of any sizable array quickly becomes a mess that makes it tough to spot changes. Instead, I'd use a few extra variables & a test function to keep things concise.
Make two deep copies of the array. Let's call them debug01 & debug02 & call the original array original. Next, deliberately swap the order of two elements in debug02.
Next, build a function to compare two arrays & test if their elements match up & return / print the index of the first mismatch if they do not. Immediately after initializing the arrays, test them to ensure:
original & debug01 match
original & debug02 do not match
original & debug02 mismatch where you changed them
I cannot stress enough the insanity of using an unverified (and thus, potentially bugged) test function to track down bugs.
Once you've verified the function works, you can again use a binary search to zero in on where things go off the rails. As before, balance the use of a systematic search with your intuition.

How to recognize variables that don't affect the output of a program?

Sometimes the value of a variable accessed within the control-flow of a program cannot possibly have any effect on a its output. For example:
global var_1
global var_2
start program hello(var_3, var_4)
if (var_2 < 0) then
save-log-to-disk (var_1, var_3, var_4)
return ("Hello " + var_3 + ", my name is " + var_1)
end program
Here only var_1 and var_3 have any influence on the output, while var_2 and var_4 are only used for side effects.
Do variables such as var_1 and var_3 have a name in dataflow-theory/compiler-theory?
Which static dataflow analysis techniques can be used to discover them?
References to academic literature on the subject would be particularly appreciated.
The problem that you stated is undecidable in general,
even for the following very narrow special case:
Given a single routine P(x), where x is a parameter of type integer. Is the output of P(x) independent of the value of x, i.e., does
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = ...?
We can reduce the following still undecidable version of the halting problem to the question above: Given a Turing machine M(), does the program
never stop on the empty input?
I assume that we use a (Turing-complete) language in which we can build a "Turing machine simulator":
Given the program M(), construct this routine:
if x == 0:
return 0
Run M() for x steps
if M() has terminated then:
return 1
return 0
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = ...
M() does not terminate.
M() does terminate
=> P(x) = 1 for a sufficiently large x
=> P(x) != P(0) = 0
So, it is very difficult for a compiler to decide whether a variable actually does not influence the return value of a routine; in your example, the "side effect routine" might manipulate one of its values (or even loop infinitely, which would most definitely change the return value of the routine ;-)
Of course overapproximations are still possible. For example, one might conclude that a variable does not influence the return value if it does not appear in the routine body at all. You can also see some classical compiler analyses (like Expression Simplification, Constant propagation) having the side effect of eliminating appearances of such redundant variables.
Pachelbel has discussed the fact that you cannot do this perfectly. OK, I'm an engineer, I'm willing to accept some dirt in my answer.
The classic way to answer you question is to do dataflow tracing from program outputs back to program inputs. A dataflow is the connection of a program assignment (or sideeffect) to a variable value, to a place in the application that consumes that value.
If there is (transitive) dataflow from a program output that you care about (in your example, the printed text stream) to an input you supplied (var2), then that input "affects" the output. A variable that does not flow from the input to your desired output is useless from your point of view.
If you focus your attention only the computations involved in the dataflows, and display them, you get what is generally called a "program slice" . There are (very few) commercial tools that can show this to you.
Grammatech has a good reputation here for C and C++.
There are standard compiler algorithms for constructing such dataflow graphs; see any competent compiler book.
They all suffer from some limitation due to Turing's impossibility proofs as pointed out by Pachelbel. When you implement such a dataflow algorithm, there will be places that it cannot know the right answer; simply pick one.
If your algorithm chooses to answer "there is no dataflow" in certain places where it is not sure, then it may miss a valid dataflow and it might report that a variable does not affect the answer incorrectly. (This is called a "false negative"). This occasional error may be satisfactory if
the algorithm has some other nice properties, e.g, it runs really fast on a millions of code. (The trivial algorithm simply says "no dataflow" in all places, and it is really fast :)
If your algorithm chooses to answer "yes there is a dataflow", then it may claim that some variable affects the answer when it does not. (This is called a "false positive").
You get to decide which is more important; many people prefer false positives when looking for a problem, because then you have to at least look at possibilities detected by the tool. A false negative means it didn't report something you might care about. YMMV.
Here's a starting reference:
Any of the books on that page will be pretty good. I have Muchnick's book and like it lot. See also this page: (
You will discover that implementing this is pretty big effort, for any real langauge. You are probably better off finding a tool framework that does most or all this for you already.
I use the following algorithm: a variable is used if it is a parameter or it occurs anywhere in an expression, excluding as the LHS of an assignment. First, count the number of uses of all variables. Delete unused variables and assignments to unused variables. Repeat until no variables are deleted.
This algorithm only implements a subset of the OP's requirement, it is horribly inefficient because it requires multiple passes. A garbage collection may be faster but is harder to write: my algorithm only requires a list of variables with usage counts. Each pass is linear in the size of the program. The algorithm effectively does a limited kind of dataflow analysis by elimination of the tail of a flow ending in an assignment.
For my language the elimination of side effects in the RHS of an assignment to an unused variable is mandated by the language specification, it may not be suitable for other languages. Effectiveness is improved by running before inlining to reduce the cost of inlining unused function applications, then running it again afterwards which eliminates parameters of inlined functions.
Just as an example of the utility of the language specification, the library constructs a thread pool and assigns a pointer to it to a global variable. If the thread pool is not used, the assignment is deleted, and hence the construction of the thread pool elided.
IMHO compiler optimisations are almost invariably heuristics whose performance matters more than effectiveness achieving a theoretical goal (like removing unused variables). Simple reductions are useful not only because they're fast and easy to write, but because a programmer using a language who understand basics of the compiler operation can leverage this knowledge to help the compiler. The most well known example of this is probably the refactoring of recursive functions to place the recursion in tail position: a pointless exercise unless the programmer knows the compiler can do tail-recursion optimisation.

Or-equals on constant as reduction operation (ex. value |= 1 ) thread-safe?

Let's say that I have a variable x.
x = 0
I then spawn some number of threads, and each of them may or may not run the following expression WITHOUT the use of atomics.
x |= 1
After all threads have joined with my main thread, the main thread branches on the value.
if(x) { ... } else { ... }
Is it possible for there to be a race condition in this situation? My thoughts say no, because it doesn't seem to matter whether or not a thread is interrupted by another thread between reading and writing 'x' (in both cases, either 'x == 1', or 'x == 1'). That said, I want to make sure I'm not missing something stupid obvious or ridiculously subtle.
Also, if you happen to provide an answer to the contrary, please provide an instruction-by-instruction example!
I'm trying to, in OpenCL, have my threads indicate the presence or absence of a feature among any of their work-items. If any of the threads indicate the presence of the feature, my host ought to be able to branch on the result. I'm thinking of using the above method. If you guys have a better suggestion, that works too!
I'm trying to add early-exit to my OpenCL radix-sort implementation, to skip radix passes if the data is banded (i.e. 'x' above would be x[RADIX] and I'd have all work groups, right after partial reduction of the data, indicate presence or absence of elements in the RADIX bins via 'x').
It may work within a work-group. You will need to insert a barrier before testing x. I'm not sure it will be faster than using atomic increments.
It will not work across several work-groups. Imagine you have 1000 work-groups to run on 20 cores. Typically, only a small number of work-groups can be resident on a single core, for example 4, meaning only 80 work-groups can be in flight inside the GPU at a given time. Once a work-group is done executing, it is retired, and another one is started. Halting a kernel in the middle of execution to wait for all 1000 work-groups to reach the same point is impossible.

Performance difference between iterating once and iterating twice?

Consider something like...
for (int i = 0; i < test.size(); ++i) {
Now consider..
for (int i = 0; i < test.size(); ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < test.size(); ++i) {
Is there a large difference in time spent between these two? I.e. what is the cost of the actual iteration? It seems like the only real operations you are repeating are an increment and a comparison (though I suppose this would become significant for a very large n). Am I missing something?
First, as noted above, if your compiler can't optimize the size() method out so it's just called once, or is nothing more than a single read (no function call overhead), then it will hurt.
There is a second effect you may want to be concerned with, though. If your container size is large enough, then the first case will perform faster. This is because, when it gets to test[i].bar(), test[i] will be cached. The second case, with split loops, will thrash the cache, since test[i] will always need to be reloaded from main memory for each function.
Worse, if your container (std::vector, I'm guessing) has so many items that it won't all fit in memory, and some of it has to live in swap on your disk, then the difference will be huge as you have to load things in from disk twice.
However, there is one final thing that you have to consider: all this only makes a difference if there is no order dependency between the function calls (really, between different objects in the container). Because, if you work it out, the first case does:
// ...
while the second does:
// ...
// ...
So if your bar() assumes that all foo()'s have run, you will break it if you change the second case to the first. Likewise, if bar() assumes that foo() has not been run on later objects, then moving from the second case to the first will break your code.
So be careful and document what you do.
There are many aspects in such comparison.
First, complexity for both options is O(n), so difference isn't very big anyway. I mean, you must not care about it if you write quite big and complex program with a large n and "heavy" operations .foo() and bar(). So, you must care about it only in case of very small simple programs (this is kind of programs for embedded devices, for example).
Second, it will depend on programming language and compiler. I'm assured that, for instance, most of C++ compilers will optimize your second option to produce same code as for the first one.
Third, if compiler haven't optimized your code, performance difference will heavily depend on the target processor. Consider loop in a term of assembly commands - it will look something like this (pseudo assembly language):
do this ;; some commands
call that
IF condition
goto L1
;; some more instructions, ELSE part
I.e. every loop passage is just IF statement. But modern processors don't like IF. This is because processors may rearrange instructions to execute them beforehand or just to avoid idles. With the IF (in fact, conditional goto or jump) instructions, processors do not know if they may rearrange operation or not.
There's also a mechanism called branch predictor. From material of Wikipedia:
branch predictor is a digital circuit that tries to guess which way a branch (e.g. an if-then-else structure) will go before this is known for sure.
This "soften" effect of IF's, through if the predictor's guess is wrong, no optimization will be performed.
So, you can see that there's a big amount of conditions for both your options: target language and compiler, target machine, it's processor and branch predictor. This all makes very complex system, and you cannot foresee what exact result you will get. I believe, that if you don't deal with embedded systems or something like that, the best solution is just to use the form which your are more comfortable with.
For your examples you have the additional concern of how expensive .size() is, since it's compared for each time i increments in most languages.
How expensive is it? Well that depends, it's certainly all relative. If .foo() and .bar() are expensive, the cost of the actual iteration is probably minuscule in comparison. If they're pretty lightweight, then it'll be a larger percentage of your execution time. If you want to know about a particular case test it, this is the only way to be sure about your specific scenario.
Personally, I'd go with the single iteration to be on the cheap side for sure (unless you need the .foo() calls to happen before the .bar() calls).
I assume .size() will be constant. Otherwise, the first code example might not give the same as the second one.
Most compilers would probably store .size() in a variable before the loop starts, so the .size() time will be cut down.
Therefore the time of the stuff inside the two for loops will be the same, but the other part will be twice as much.
Performance tag, right.
As long as you are concentrating on the "cost" of this or that minor code segment, you are oblivious to the bigger picture (isolation); and your intention is to justify something that, at a higher level (outside your isolated context), is simply bad practice, and breaks guidelines. The question is too low level and therefore too isolated. A system or program which is set of integrated components will perform much better that a collection of isolated components.
The fact that this or that isolated component (work inside the loop) is fast or faster is irrelevant when the loop itself is repeated unnecessarily, and which would therefore take twice the time.
Given that you have one family car (CPU), why on Earth would you:
sit at home and send your wife out to do her shopping
wait until she returns
take the car, go out and do your shopping
leaving her to wait until you return
If it needs to be stated, you would spend (a) almost half of your hard-earned resources executing one trip and shopping at the same time and (b) have those resources available to have fun together when you get home.
It has nothing to do with the price of petrol at 9:00 on a Saturday, or the time it takes to grind coffee at the café, or cost of each iteration.
Yes, there is a large diff in the time and the resources used. But the cost is not merely in the overhead per iteration; it is in the overall cost of the one organised trip vs the two serial trips.
Performance is about architecture; never doing anything twice (that you can do once), which are the higher levels of organisation; integrated of the parts that make up the whole. It is not about counting pennies at the bowser or cycles per iteration; those are lower orders of organisation; which ajust a collection of fragmented parts (not a systemic whole).
Masseratis cannot get through traffic jams any faster than station wagons.

Matlab: avoiding memory allocation in mex

I'm trying to make my mex library avoid all memory allocation what so even.
Until now, the mex got an input, created some matrices using mxCreate...() and returned this output.
But now I'd like to modify this interface so that the mex itself would not do any allocations.
What I had in mind is that the mexFunction will get as input the matrix to fill values into and return this very same matrix as an output.
Is this supposed to be possible?
The slight alarm that got me thinking if this is at all something I need to be doing is that the left hand arguments come to the mexFunction as const and the right hand argument are non-const. to return the input matrix as an output I'll need to remove this const.
Funnily enough I was just looking at this the other day. The best info I found was threads here and here and also this.
Basically it is generally considered a very bad thing in Matlab world... but at the same time, nothing stops you so you can do it - try some simple examples and you will see that the changes are propogated. Just make changes to the data you get from prhs (you don't need to return anything - since you changed the raw data it will be reflected in the variable in the workspace).
However as pointed out in the links, this can have strange consequences, because of Matlabs copy-on-write semantics. Setting format debug can help a lot with getting intuition on this. If you do a=b then you will see a and b have different 'structure addresses' or headers, representing the fact that they are different variables, but the data pointer, pr, points to the same area in memory. Normally, if you change y in Matlab, copy-on-write kicks in and the data area is copied before being changed, so after y has a new data pointer. When you change things in mex this doesn't happen, so if you changed y, x would also change.
I think it's OK to do it - it's incredibly useful if you need to handle large datasets, but you need to keep an eye out for any oddness - try to make sure the data your putting in isn't shared among variables. Things get even more complicated with struct and cell arrays so I would be more inclined to avoid doing it to those.
Modifying the right-hand arguments would be a bad idea. Those inputs can be reference counted, and if you modify them when the reference count is greater than one, then you will be silently modifying the value stored in other variables as well.
Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way to do what you want given the existing MEX API.
