How in ORACLE CRMOD will a field becomes read only when the pick-list is set to some value - oracle

In Oracle CRM ON DEMAND we have the “Status” dropdown field with value as “Completed” in Activities. I have Configure it in a such a way so that the Subject field becomes read only when the status is set to Completed.How to do that.

I found the answer its by using Field Validation by writing Expression.To make Subject Field Read-Only when Status is set to Completed, follow these steps:
GOTO.Admin>Application Customisation>Activity>Activity Field Set UP.
Click Subject and in Field Validation box,
write the following expression
PRE('') = [] OR NOT []=LookupValue("EVENT_STATUS", "Completed")
save it to see required result


Kentico 12: change value of one page type field based on value of another field

I have a custom page type with two fields, StateName and StateCode. I would like it so that when a value is selected in either of these fields, the other field’s value changes to match.
So for example, if I select “Alabama” in the StateName field, the value of the StateCode field would automatically change to “AL.” Or if I select “CO” in the StateCode field, the StateName field would automatically change to “Colorado,” etc. Is this possible?
(I have to keep these as two separate fields, because I need to display either the state name or the state code on the front-end depending on context. Therefore, I can’t use a single field with options like AL;Alabama because then the field only returns the value AL and I have no way of getting the display name Alabama).
I know Kentico has options for setting “dependent” fields, but that only appears to determine visibility – e.g. only display Field B if I select a particular value in Field A. I can’t find a way to actually change the selected value in one field based on the selected value in another field.
Two control solution seems some kind of an overkill here. You can use StateInfoProvider to get what you want.
StateInfo state = StateInfoProvider.GetStateInfo("Alabama")
The other way would be to use a simple drop down control and use
query like that :
select stateCode + '|'+ StateDisplayName, StateDisplayName from cms_State
to get get code and display name as value separated by |

Can i make a field editable for a specefic role "System Administrator" if the field type is calculated in the form

I am using a calculated field in a form (Data Type = Single Line of Text), however I would like to make this field editable for a specific users having "System Administrator" roles.
I tried using the field security profile to make this field editable (so that System Admin can update or create records here) however update/create options are disabled here in security profile and cannot be altered.
Is there an appropriate way to achieve this? Can we make a calculated field editable for specific set of roles?
No, you cannot directly edit the value of a calculated field.
A work-around would be to create a separate field, where only specific users can enter data. In your calculated field you could then add a condition to take either the manually entered value from the other field (if it exists) and otherwise use the original action for the calculated field.
The calculated field is calculated in SQL when you retrieve it, but is not stored in field.
So, for a calculated field there IS NOT a place to store a value. This makes it impossible to have the same field be calculated in some cases and manual in other cases.
You would need to have two fields the calculated fields and an override field. In the calculated field you set a condition that if the override field contains data the action is to set the calculated field equal to the override field. The else has an action to calculate the field as your normally.
Here is an example where I created a field testca(`new_testca') that will if the Account Number is populated use that value and if not its value will be some text I entered, "NEED ACCOUNT NUMBER".

ServiceNow "Display Value"

I am not able to understand the meaning of "Display Value" in Service Now.
I found some of the documents on the web. But that was not helpful.
Think of it as choosing what field to use as the "Name" of the record. It's what shows up in reference fields, when you call the GlideRecord.getDisplayValue() function, and other places in the system.
Let's say for simplicity you have a table called "Problem" with 3 fields:
Creation date
Created by
You're on the "Incident" table, and you want to link the incident to a certain problem. You open up the reference picker and choose the problem from the popup list, but when you return to the incident form the value showing in the field "Problem" says "2017-05-08 10:30:50". This indicates that the "Display Value" field is set to "Creation date". The incident is linked to the correct problem, but it's just the "Display Value" is not set correctly.
If you updated the "Problem" table so that it's "Display Value" field was "Number", then when you chose the problem to link your incident to, the "Problem" field on the incident record would show up for example like "PRB000005".
There can only be one display value per table. If you change a field to be the display value for that table, any other field on that table with display value = true will be set to display value = false.

Use SSRS Expression to Hide Tablix Based on Parameter Selection

I have a report that displays sales by county or by agent - but the user cannot select both. The #AgentOrCounty parameter is hard-coded: Agent = 0 and County = 1. And the #AgentID parameter only accepts one value but the #CountyID accepts multiple values. And my report has two tablixes: one for the dataset and one to display an error message if the user selects both an #AgentID and #CountyID
What I hope someone can help me with is how I can write two expressions to hide the tablixes based on the user selection.
One additional issue I am experiencing is that the #CountyID parameter is a multi-value parameter that I have to pass a NULL value to to allow the report to run if the user wishes to display by Agent.
Right now, on my Error Message tablix, I have the following expression:
=IIF(LEN(Parameters!AgentOrCounty.Value)=0,TRUE,FALSE) OR IIF(LEN(Parameters!AgentID.Value)=0,TRUE,FALSE)
But this doesn't hide the Error Message tablix when the user runs the report correctly for Agents.
When I think in logical terms, I would like the Error Message table to be hidden if the #AgentOrCountyID = 0 and #CountyID is NULL or the #AgentOrCountyID = 1 and #AgentID is NULL.
And I would like the report data tablix to be hidden if #CountyID and #AgentID are both not NULL.
Any suggestions?
To hide the error message tablix, I used the following expression:
=IIF((Parameters!AgentOrCounty.Value=0 And Parameters!CountyID.Value(0)="NULL")
Or (Parameters!AgentOrCounty.Value=1 And Parameters!AgentID.Value Is Nothing),True,False)
And to hide my data set tablix when the user selected both an agent and a county, I used the following expression:
=IIF(Len(Parameters!AgentID.Value)>0 And Len(Parameters!CountyID.Value(0))>0,True,False)

How do I set an SSRS Parameter that doesn't have a value to something else?

I have an SSRs Report with a parameter that gets information from SQL. If it hasn't found anything, at the moment it is just empty. Is there anyway to set it such that if it's empty it will return a different value, say "Please Extend Date Ranges" and disable the parameter?
If you using it to fill it using the SQL and using it for only internal purposes then there is option to make the parameter internal and it will be hidden and it will does not prompt the user.
Make a change to the stored procedure or query that populates the parameter. Include some logic so that if no results are returned by the query you are using now, it adds a row with the default label you want.
But no, you can't disable the parameter dynamically, I don't believe.
