Drag scrolling in a GTK+ app - scroll

I am working on a GTK+ application that uses goocanvas to display a graph on screen. I am having problems coming up with a good way to implement drag scrolling.
Currently the app saves the coordinates where the user clicked and then in a "motion-notify" signal callback, does goo_canvas_scroll_to() to the new position. The problem is that drawing is somewhat slow, and with each pixel moved by the mouse, I get the callback invoked once. This makes the drawing lag behind when dragging the graph around.
Is there a good way to do drag scrolling, so it'd appear more smooth and I could skip some of the redraws?

I was able to get something like this working once by starting a 5ms timer when the user presses the mouse button. In the timer I check where the mouse is and decide which way to scroll, including faster scrolling the closer you are to the edge. The result was very smooth scrolling, at least that's what I remember. Here the guts of it, its gtkmm/c++, but you should be able to get the gist of it:
static const int HOT_AREA = 24;
// convert distance into scroll size. The larger the
// value, the faster the scrolling.
static int accel_fn(int dist) {
if (dist > HOT_AREA)
dist = HOT_AREA;
int dif = dist / (HOT_AREA/4);
if (dif <= 0) dif = 1;
return dif;
bool scrollerAddin::on_timeout() {
int ptr_x, ptr_y;
o_scroller->get_pointer(ptr_x, ptr_y);
int vp_width = o_scroller->get_width();
int vp_height = o_scroller->get_height();
if (o_scroller->get_hscrollbar_visible())
vp_height -= o_scroller->get_hscrollbar()->get_height();
if (o_scroller->get_vscrollbar_visible())
vp_width -= o_scroller->get_vscrollbar()->get_width();
if (ptr_x < HOT_AREA)
else if (ptr_x > vp_width - HOT_AREA)
scroll_right(accel_fn(ptr_x - (vp_width - HOT_AREA)));
if (ptr_y < HOT_AREA)
scroll_up(accel_fn(HOT_AREA - ptr_y));
else if (ptr_y > vp_height - HOT_AREA)
scroll_down(accel_fn(ptr_y - (vp_height - HOT_AREA)));
return true;
The scroll functions merely adjust the appropriate Adjustment object by the argument.


Android 11 Conversation Bubble Notification Coordinates

I have a chat list view in the bubble notifications (https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/bubbles) which has a swipe listener requiring the position of the listview items.
In a regular activity i get this through:
int[] mylistCoords = new int[2];
and then subtract the offset of the listview from the touchpoint to match the hitbox of the elements.
int x = (int) motionEvent.getRawX() - listViewCoords[0];
int y = (int) motionEvent.getRawY() - listViewCoords[1];
View child;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
child = mListView.getChildAt(i);
if (rect.contains(x, y)) {
mDownView = child;
Now in the bubble this does not work anymore because getLocationOnScreen does not compute the offset of the ConversationBubbleView to the actual main screen. Instead it only considers the ConversationBubbleView as the full screen and as a result the the touch point is offset by the same amount toward the bottom.
Any ideas how I can get access to these coordinates? I tried all sorts
of DisplayMetrics/Display shenanigans to compute the offset manually with values from view.getY() ect. but it seems the Bubble Conversation is a encapsulated thing on its own and I cannot access stuff around it. Thanks in advance.

Drawing image(PGraphics) gives unwanted double image mirrored about x-axis. Processing 3

The code is supposed to fade and copy the window's image to a buffer f, then draw f back onto the window but translated, rotated, and scaled. I am trying to create an effect like a feedback loop when you point a camera plugged into a TV at the TV.
I have tried everything I can think of, logged every variable I could think of, and still it just seems like image(f,0,0) is doing something wrong or unexpected.
What am I missing?
Pic of double image mirror about x-axis:
PGraphics f;
int rect_size;
int midX;
int midY;
void setup(){
size(1000, 1000, P2D);
f = createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
midX = width/2;
midY = height/2;
rect_size = 300;
void draw(){
fade_and_copy_pixels(f); //fades window pixels and then copies pixels to f
background(0,0,0);//without this the corners dont get repainted.
//transform display window (instead of f)
float scaling = 0.90; // x>1 makes image bigger
float rot = 5; //angle in degrees
translate(midX,midY); //makes it so rotations are always around the center
image(f,0,0); //weird double image must have something not working around here
popMatrix();//returns window matrix to normal
int x = mouseX;
int y = mouseY;
//fades window pixels and then copies pixels to f
void fade_and_copy_pixels(PGraphics f){
loadPixels(); //load windows pixels. dont need because I am only reading pixels?
f.loadPixels(); //loads feedback loops pixels
// Loop through every pixel in window
//it is faster to grab data from pixels[] array, so dont use get and set, use this
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
//////////////FADE PIXELS in window and COPY to f:///////////////
color p = pixels[i];
//get color values, mask then shift
int r = (p & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int g = (p & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int b = p & 0x000000FF; //no need for shifting
// reduce value for each color proportional
// between fade_amount between 0-1 for 0 being totallty transparent, and 1 totally none
// min is 0.0039 (when using floor function and 255 as molorModes for colors)
float fade_percent= 0.005; //0.05 = 5%
int r_new = floor(float(r) - (float(r) * fade_percent));
int g_new = floor(float(g) - (float(g) * fade_percent));
int b_new = floor(float(b) - (float(b) * fade_percent));
//maybe later rewrite in a way to save what the difference is and round it differently, like maybe faster at first and slow later,
//round doesn't work because it never first subtracts one to get the ball rolling
//floor has a minimum of always subtracting 1 from each value each time. cant just subtract 1 ever n loops
//keep a list of all the pixel as floats? too much memory?
//ill stick with floor for now
// the lowest percent that will make a difference with floor is 0.0039?... because thats slightly more than 1/255
//shift back and or together
p = 0xFF000000 | (r_new << 16) | (g_new << 8) | b_new; // or-ing all the new hex together back into AARRGGBB
f.pixels[i] = p;
////////pixels now copied
This is a weird one. But let's start with a simpler MCVE that isolates the problem:
PGraphics f;
void setup() {
size(500, 500, P2D);
f = createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
void draw() {
rect(mouseX, mouseY, 100, 100);
image(f, 0, 0);
void copyPixels(PGraphics f) {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
color p = pixels[i];
f.pixels[i] = p;
This code exhibits the same problem as your code, without any of the extra logic. I would expect this code to show a rectangle wherever the mouse is, but instead it shows a rectangle at a position reflected over the X axis. If the mouse is on the top of the window, the rectangle is at the bottom of the window, and vice-versa.
I think this is caused by the P2D renderer being OpenGL, which has an inversed Y axis (0 is at the bottom instead of the top). So it seems like when you copy the pixels over, it's going from screen space to OpenGL space... or something. That definitely seems buggy though.
For now, there are two things that seem to fix the problem. First, you could just use the default renderer instead of P2D. That seems to fix the problem.
Or you could get rid of the for loop inside the copyPixels() function and just do f.pixels = pixels; for now. That also seems to fix the problem, but again it feels pretty buggy.
If somebody else (paging George) doesn't come along with a better explanation by tomorrow, I'd file a bug on Processing's GitHub. (I can do that for you if you want.)
Edit: I've filed an issue here, so hopefully we'll hear back from a developer in the next few days.
Edit Two: Looks like a fix has been implemented and should be available in the next release of Processing. If you need it now, you can always build Processing from source.
An easier one, and works like a charm:
add f.beginDraw(); before and f.endDraw(); after using f:
loadPixels(); //load windows pixels. dont need because I am only reading pixels?
f.loadPixels(); //loads feedback loops pixels
// Loop through every pixel in window
//it is faster to grab data from pixels[] array, so dont use get and set, use this
Processing must know when it's drawing in a buffer and when not.
In this image you can see that works

How to move images over canvas by touch event?

I've tried on this and this, but I found they only work for mouse events. I would like to drop some pictures on the canvas and let the user to
"touch" on it to drag and drop. But it seems that the picture doesn't receive user's touch event, only the canvas receives the event.
Any suggestion or plugin?
ps: I develop the application on Phonegap and Android system.
you also need to take care of MSPointer events, that are events from Microsoft to manage touch (it was introduced with Win8 and WinPhone 8).
The steps needed, each frame:
detect mouse, touch and MSPointer events
check the cursor position colliding the images
move the image
For the first point:
function getCursorPositions (event, canvas) {
var element = canvas, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, positions = [];
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
offsetX += element.offsetLeft;
offsetY += element.offsetTop;
} while ((element = element.offsetParent));
// Add padding and border style widths to offset
/*offsetX += stylePaddingLeft;
offsetY += stylePaddingTop;
offsetX += styleBorderLeft;
offsetY += styleBorderTop;*/
var touch = event;
//if multi-touch, get all the positions
if (event.targetTouches) { // or changedTouches
var touchPoints = (typeof event.targetTouches !== 'undefined') ? event.targetTouches : [event];
for (var i = 0; i < touchPoints.length; i++) {
touch = touchPoints[i];
positions.push({touch.pageX - offsetX, touch.pageY - offsetY});
else {
positions.push({touch.pageX - offsetX}, {touch.pageY - offsetY});
//return positions for mouse or fingers
return positions;
For the second point, you have at least 2 ways to detect the collision:
you can check whether the mouse position is inside the bounding box of your item :
function pointIsInRegion (point, targetRegion, threshold) {
return point.x >= (targetRegion.position.x - threshold) &&
point.y >= (targetRegion.position.y - threshold) &&
point.x <= (targetRegion.position.x + targetRegion.dimension.width + threshold) &&
point.y <= (targetRegion.position.y + targetRegion.dimension.height + threshold);
Or you can be more accurate by checking the pixels collision.
To achieve this second method, you have to render your items in a temporary canvas and check if there is at least pixels from your 2 items that collide (it can be accelerated by using masks).
For the third point (move the image), all you have to do is to move your image from "currentCursorPosition - previousCursorPosition". That's ths easiest part.
Anyway, I suggest you to use a framework. The code is already done and It will help you to go faster.
cgSceneGraph, (I'm the designer of this framework) will do the Job for you in just few lines.
Have a look at the "planner 2D" and "collision" examples (http://gwennaelbuchet.github.com/cgSceneGraph/examples.html)
Hope this can help you.

XNA choosing a subgroup of Game.Components

G'day All,
My little game has 5 bouncing balls and 1 player. Initially I wrote the code for the bouncing balls first and each ball has a collision detection method:
foreach (Bouncer bouncer in Game.Components) //For each bouncer component in the game...
if (bouncer != this)// Don't collide with myself
if (bouncer.collisionRectangle.Intersects(this.collisionRectangle))
// How far apart of the positions of the top right hand corners of the sprites when they hit?
int deltaX = Math.Abs((int)this.position.X - (int)bouncer.position.X);
int deltaY = Math.Abs((int)this.position.Y - (int)bouncer.position.Y);
// This is the width and height of a sprite so when two sprites touch this is how far the corners are from each other.
int targetWidth = 80;
int targetHeight = 80;
// The following determins the type of collision (vert hit vs horiz hit)
// Because the app is driven by a game based timer the actual amount of sprite overlap when the collision detection occurs is variable.
// This bit of simple logic has a 10 pixel tollerance for a hit.
// If target - delta is > 10 it will be interpreted as overlap in the non-colliding axis.
// If both if statements are triggered it is interpreted as a corner collision resulting in both sprites rebounding back along the original paths.
if (targetWidth - deltaX < 10) // The hit is a side on hit.
this.velocity.X *= -1;
if (targetHeight - deltaY < 10) // The hit is a vertical hit
this.velocity.Y *= -1;
this.numberOfCollisions = this.numberOfCollisions + 1;
Then I added my player component and the wheels fell off. The app compiles OK but when I run it I get an InvalidCastException and the message:
Unable to cast object of type 'Bounce2.Player' to type 'Bounce2.Bouncer'.
I don't want to include the player object in this collision detector.
Is there a way I can enumerate my way through the Bouncer objects and exclude any other objects?
You can use this:
foreach (Bouncer bouncer in Game.Components.OfType<Bouncer>())
Note that you can store the Bouncer instances in other list too.

howto generate a smooth movement in xna for wp7?

i want to create a game and addes a image to my game, now i want it to move down smoothly. i have a code like this:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
pos.Y = pos.Y + 1;
the movement works but it dont looks smooth, it looks like it jiggle. pos is a vector2 for the position in the image.
how to make it more smooth?
If you want movement to be smooth without adding a physics library you just have to factor in gameTime to your position update.
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
pos.Y = pos.Y * 100 * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
I don't have access to XNA + visual studio right now, but the changes I made should give you an idea of what to try out. Keep in mind the Update call happens multiple times a second so the elapsed time will be a small number so then you have to multiply it by a larger "movement" value in this case I put 100. Tweak 100 until you see the movement speed you desire.
Beanish is right, you should multiply by GameTime if you want smoothness. Physics is an overkill if you only want your animation to look smooth.
The best way I've found to do animation is by using position interpolation, for this to work you have to know the initial (you already know this) and final position of the image.
If you want to move from A to B in, say, 2 seconds, you can use the following code.
Vector2 a = new Vector2(0, 0);
Vector2 b = new Vector2(0, 100);
float elapsedTime = 0;
float duration = 2.0;
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
float dt = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
elapsedTime += dt;
if (elapsedTime > 1)
elapsedTime = 1;
float param = elapsedTime / duration;
pos = Vector2.Lerp(a, b, param);
The best thing about using this approach is that you can now use "easing" to make you animation look really really nice.
To do this just add a Power operation to the interpolator parameter:
pos = Vector2.Lerp(a, b, (float)Math.Pow(param /2.0, 0.5));
This will make you image slow down as it arrives to B. You can play with the exponent value (0.5) to get different results, try 2.0 for example.
Another important thing is that your image will always stop at B. If you use the Euler integration approach (your approach, adding a velocity each frame) you might have some trouble making the image stop at the right position (aka B) and it gets even worse when using 2 or 3 dimesions.
To know more about easing, check Robert Penner's Easing Equations.
First I can tell you what the problem isn't. You don't need a physics engine to have smooth movement. And changing the Update to include the ElapsedGameTime will not make a lick of difference for the smoothness (assuming you haven't changed the default of IsFixedTimestep to false). When there is a fixed timestep, ElapsedGameTime will always have the same value, it will not vary.
I don't how much you are doing in your code, but if it's too much, XNA will start skipping the Draw portion of your code, and this can definitely cause jerkiness. One way to check: in your Update method, test the value of IsRunningSlowly. Whenever it is true, XNA will skip some Draw calls.
If you are not doing anything complicated, then the culprit may be the refresh rate of your monitor. If it is set to anything other than 60Hz, you will have jerkiness. You could fix this by changing your monitor's refresh rate. Alternatively you can change the value of TargetElapsedTime to match your monitor's rate.
You should consider adding to your game a library for handling physics, as for example FarseerPhysics. By calculating the position in a per time base with physics rules applied your movements will be smooth and natural.
