Fastest way to insert elements from Ruby hash to SQLite 3 - ruby

I have a Ruby hash with variables:
a two-element array of strings
an integer
I have tried the two following ways to insert the elements from the hash to a SQLite 3 DB:
myRubyHash.each do |k, v|
db.execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )", x
myRubyHash.each do |x|
db.execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )", x
The first being considerably faster (but still quite slow). Is there a faster way to go about this?
If it helps, my SQLite 3 table was created by:
rows = db.execute <<-SQL
CREATE TABLE Assoc_words_p (
name1 varchar(30),
name2 varchar(30),
val int,
PRIMARY KEY (name1,name2)

I found the prepare statement can be used as follows:
stmnt1 = db.prepare( "INSERT INTO Table(name1,name2,val) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" )
myRubyHash.each do |k, v|

Sadly, Hash#each is just not a fast method, and I expect that's what's causing the performance concerns. The first thing that comes to mind in terms of performance is wondering why there's a hash there at all - it seems like the faster way to go would be to put your data into the database directly and skip the hash altogether.


JDBC connection for HANA with input parameters

I am trying to extract some tables with using RJDBC connection. However, in the tables, there are some must input variables that I need to give. I need to find a way that extract these input parameters. As I understand, then I can extract the tables I want. However, I don't know how to find and extract them.
qry <- 'select * from "__tablename__"(
PLACEHOLDER."$$variable1$$" => ?,
PLACEHOLDER."$$variable2$$" => ?,
PLACEHOLDER."$$variable3$$" => ?,
PLACEHOLDER."$$variable4$$" => ?,
PLACEHOLDER."$$variable5$$" => ?)'
data <- dbGetQuery(conn, qry, variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4, variable5)

Can't insert multiple INSERT queries via Laravel

I have simple multiple insert:
$query = "
INSERT INTO `products` SET `code` = '0100130', `price` = '273.90', `brand` = 'Alpina', `supplier` = 'karat';
INSERT INTO `products` SET `code` = '0600075', `price` = '222.24', `brand` = 'Alpina', `supplier` = 'karat';
I have tried DB::raw($query), DB::query($query), DB::statement($query) - all three fails. But all three works if there is only one INSERT statement. If more than one, I get no error, but inserts are not performed.
I'm looking for a fastest way to import 13million inserts. Inserting one by one will take 24 hours for server.
Laravel v7.12.0
Try like this :
$query = "
INSERT INTO products(code, price, brand, supplier) VALUES
(0100130, 273.90, 'Alpina', 'karat'),
(0100130, 273.90, 'Alpina', 'karat')
You can't do two (or more) INSERT INTO into one sql query.

summing values from one table into another table

I'm an SQL newbie using VB6/Access 2000 and am trying to get a query which puts the sum of values from a table into another table.
VB6 does the job, but it's so slow.
I searched and tried in Access many times, just got lost with keywords IN, ON, (INNER) JOIN, each time getting a different error.
The core code should be as follows:
update t1
set t1.value = sum(t2.value)
and is a date, no duplicates
t2.code is a variable string like '0081', '090'
values are single precision
After further searching i found a similar question here ( ) and tried that:
SET t1.value =
FROM spese
but Access just says "updatable query needed" -- what does that mean?
Try this:
SET t1.value = SUM(t2.value)
FROM t1, t2

H2 MERGE: Column not found

I've got the following table:
create table companies (id identity, version int not null, last_modified timestamp not null);
insert into companies (version, last_modified) values (0, NOW());
I then create a PreparedStatement and supply a value for index 1:
merge into companies (id, version, last_modified) values(?, version + 1, NOW())
H2 fails with this error:
Column "VERSION" not found
I understand that H2 doesn't like version + 1 on the right-hand side, but it's not clear how to return 0 for new rows and version + 1 for existing rows. Is there an easier way than using a select statement with a union?
You could use:
merge into companies (id, version, last_modified)
values(?, coalesce((select version + 1 from companies where id = ?), 0), NOW())
Thomas's answer of
merge into companies (id, version, last_modified)
values(?, coalesce((select version + 1 from companies where id = ?), 0), NOW())
Becomes rather cumbersome if you (as I do) want to conditionally insert or update several fields - you need a coalesce((select ...), default) for each one!
It would appear that a more general answer needs to be two statements:
MERGE INTO companies (id) key (id) VALUES (?)
UPDATE companies SET version=1+IFNULL(version,0), otherfields... WHERE id=?
In other words: don't use MERGE for multiple conditional changes (where you need an expression and not just a value) in a record.
I'd love to be proven wrong on this...

How do I dynamically change constant assignment?

I'm writing an insert with a select:
my_object_id = 7
id_list = [1,2,4,5]
(test_id, data_id, text, created_at, updated_at)
select #{my_object_id}, data_id, text, created_at, updated_at
from tests where id in (#{id_list})
I get error that I cannot change the constant. How do I inject values into a string so I can use it in my insert/select statements?
How can this be solved in Ruby?
Here's a bit of an explanation to #SergioTulentsev answer:
You should change the first letter of TEST_TEMPLATE to lowercase, because variables starting with uppercase letters are not actually variables, they are constants, so you shouldn't change them.
As #SergioTulentsev shows in his code, you should change every letter to lowercase to match the style-conventions used in Ruby.
There's no reason to make it a constant.
my_object_id = 7
id_list = [1,2,4,5]
test_template = %Q{
(test_id, data_id, text, created_at, updated_at)
select #{my_object_id}, data_id, text, created_at, updated_at
from tests where id in (#{id_list})
