aspx.cs file not found after unpacking a WSP package - visual-studio-2010

I´ve unpacked a WSP package creating a new Project in Visual Studio with the "Import Sharepoint Solution Package" option. I can deploy the project and everything works just fine but I obtain this warning message:
Warning 1 File 'MySolutionCentralAdminPage.aspx.cs' was not found.
The Warning comes with this block of code:
<%# Page Language="C#"
MasterPageFile="~/_admin/admin.master" %>
The thing is everything just works so this file MUST be somewhere but after an intensive search (in my computer and then looking for solutions in internet) I must say I cannot find this file.
How can I locate it in order to modify it?

Is there an MySolution.aspx? the codebehind for the markup you've pasted here should be CassidianCentralAdminPage.aspx.cs not MySolution.aspx.cs
When you're sure that everything is working without MySolution.aspx.cs, you could remove the ItemEntry from the Project file.
To do so you should unload the project in VS and choose Edit ProjectFile from the contextmenu when you rightclick the unloaded project.
I would remove the Item Entry for MySolution.aspx.cs, save it and reload the project.
But you have to ensure that everything is working without the MySolution.aspx.cs..


Xamarin System.Exception when adding Content page VS

When trying to add a Content Page to the solution in visual studio, the following error occurs:
Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
The project system has encountered an error.
Did not find new element in the hierarchy for item `Views\MyPage.xaml`.
The item would have been added with type "Page".
The project item schema service knows about this item type.
The item does exist in the project file.
When adding the file I do the following:
Right click on Views in my Xamarin Solution > Add > New Item > Content Page > Add
When looking in the windows explorer, there is a file created MyPage.xaml but it has not created MyPage.xaml.cs and it is not added to the solution
It is a blank Xamarin shared project and this error just keeps happening...
It's driving me nuts as I can't even add a single page
As a workaround, I add the files manually using the W. explorer and then edit app.projitems manually, but this is just ridiculous.
As a dirty workaround until this gets fixed, adding the files "manually" to the project gets the job done.
With Visual Studio closed,
copy/paste existing (working) *.xaml and *.xaml.cs files (rename
them as you please)
open the newly pasted files with a text
editor (not VS) and rename the contents to your chosen name in #1
add newly pasted files to your *.projitems file (open it in a text
editor, search for the filenames you copied in #1 and add the new
ones similarly) - there'll be 3 places to add them
Now open the solution in VS and rebuild - it should look and build fine.
Apparently, if you go into the VS2017 installer and install the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) development workload, this fixes the issue.
Make sure you have
instead of
in your .xaml files that throw this exception on VS.

How to build DNN 8 source files

I have just downloaded the source package for DNN 8. I created a folder for the site, copied the files there and found the solution named DNN_Platform.sln and opened it with VS 2015. Did a right click and build on the solution and it successfully completed. I navigated to the web site and it gave me the standard install screen to input info such as database name etc. It ran and I was able to go to the web site. It has a single blank page named home with nothing in the page. I can go to some of the admin pages and they are fine. But I got to File Manager and all that I see is the bread crumb telling me my page location. Same occurred trying to look at the Page management screen. When I look at the available modules there are only a few there and there is no module for either the file manager (Digital Assets) or page manager. It feels like I am missing a portion of the build. I Googled to find install instructions for DNN8 but so far can't find any. I found instructions for earlier source code installs but the DNN8 package is a lot different. Can someone tell me where I can find this information or shed some light on what I have done wrong? I also did a standard install for DNN8 and all the modules are there.
In the root of the source directory there are two solution files:
Open both (two different Visual Studio instances). First build DNN_Platform.sln, then build DNN_Core.sln.
Once you've built both you will not see the module directories in Visual Studio unless you click on "Show all Files" in solution explorer. You will also find them using File Explorer.

What causes a duplicate web.config under the obj output folder after publishing an MVC3 app?

Often after publishing my MVC3 app, using a file system publish, when I next try to run the app in the VS2010 debugger, I get the error: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. I get this because my web.config file has been duplicated in a folder called obj\debugrelease\package\packagetmp\web.config, where debugrelease is the name of the build config I am publishing to. Simply deleting the whole obj folder solves this issue, but I'm annoyed that it happens and can't help wondering what is wrong.
Have you tried the following?:
Looking at project properties >> Package/Publish Web tab to see if there is anything not set quite right, for instance I have "Deploy only files needed to run this application".
Showing all files in your project to make sure you haven't got web.config files hiding somewhere other than your obj folder.
Opening your project file in a text editor to see if the config is referencing a web.config file somewhere it shouldn't?

Visual Studio Copy Project

I would like to make a copy of my project. I would rather not start doing it from scratch by adding files and references, etc. Please note that I don't mean copy for deployment. Just plain copy.
Is there a tool in VS to do this? I am using VS 2008
Just create a template;
From your project choose: Project - Export Template
The wizard will let you define
Template name
Template Description
Preview image
Then it zips up your project into 'My Exported Templates' directory.
You also have the option to make your template available when you create a new project.
When you use your template to create a new project, the namespace will be correct for 'your_new_project_name' throughout every file, all references correct, everything perfecto :)
You can send the .zip file to anybody, and they must copy (not unzip) the .zip file into Templates\ProjectTemplates directory for them to use too.
I made an ASP.NET MVC template with folders, layout page, viewmodels etc arranged just how I like them.
If you have an empty folder in your project, it WON'T be added to the template, so I just added an empty class appropriate to each folder, and a sample picture for images folder.
If you want a copy, the fastest way of doing this would be to save the project. Then make a copy of the entire thing on the File System. Go back into Visual Studio and open the copy (by right clicking on solution => add existing project => open the copied project). From there, I would most likely recommend re-naming the project/solution (Steps of Safely Renaming Project are in the following link) so that you don't have two of the same name, but that is the fastest way to make a copy.
It is highly NOT ADVISABLE to copy projects at all because the some config files formed internally like .csproj, .vspscc etc. may (and most probably will) point to references which belong to previous solutions' location and other paths/locations in system or TFS. Unless you are an expert at reading these files and fixing references, do not try to copy projects.
You can create a skeletal project of the same type you intend to copy, this creates a proper .csproj, .vspscc files. Now you are free to copy the class files,scripts and other content from the previous project as they will not impact. This will ensure a smooth build and version control (should you choose to be interested in that)
Having said all this, let me give you the method to copy project anyhow in a step-wise manner:
Go to the project you want to copy in solution explorer and right-click.
Now select 'Open Folder in File Explorer' (Assuming you have the solution mapped to a local path on your disk).
Select the Projects you want to replicate as whole folders(along with all dependencies,bin .vspscc file, .csproj file)
Paste them in your desired location (it could be your same solution folder or even another solution folder. If it is within the same solution folder, then you would be required to rename it, also the .csproj and other internal files to the new name).
No go back to Visual Studio, Right-Click on Solution > Add > Existing Project...
Browse and select the Project file (.csproj file) now from the location you placed it in and select 'open'
This file now appears in the solution explorer for you to work.
You may now have to resolve a few build errors probably with duplicated/missing references and stuff but otherwise it's as pristine in logic and structure as you expected it to be.
I guess if this is something you do often, there's a little (non-free) utility that promises to do it for you: I haven't used it, so not sure how good it is:
There is also this project on CodePlex:
I will probably give the codeplex project a try, and if it doesn't work I'll manually rename everything and edit the sln file.
I follow these steps and I use the development tool called Resharper ,which is awesome by the way:
Copy the existing project folder to the destination you want
Go to source control and with right click just to the root folder you want and pick "Add items to folder...".Then, a wizard will come up to choose the files to copy (there is no need for some files and the wizard guides you for that reason by default).
Change the name of the solution file (*.sln)
Change the names of the sub-projects if exist.
Use Resharper to change the binding namespaces name (I will automatic do the dirty job with safety).The alternative way is to manually change all namespaces with the new name.
The same action with method names.
Check solution's properties if you want to change.
That's it. You are ready!!!
Following Shane's answer above (which works great BTW)…
You might encounter a slew of yellow triangles in the reference list.
Most of these can be eliminated by a Build->Clean Solution and Build->Rebuild Solution.
I did happen to have some Google API references that were a little more well as NewtonSoft JSon.
Trying to reinstall the NuGet package of the same version didn't work.
Visual Studio thinks you already have it installed.
To get around this:
1: Write down the original version.
2: Install the next higher/lower version...then uninstall it.
3: Install the original version from step #1.
The best way is actually to create a new Project from scratch, then go into the folder with the project files you want to copy over (project, form1, everything except folders).
Rename the files (Except for form1 files) for example: I copied Ch4Ex1 files into my Ch4Ex2 project but first renamed the files to Ch4Ex2.
Copy and paste those files into the Solution Explorer for the new project in Visual Studio.
Then just overwrite the files and you should be good to go!
Old thread but I hope it helps anyone looking for this answer!
The easiest way to do this would be to export the project as a template and save it to the default template location. Then, copy the template into the exact same directory on the location you want to move it to. After that, open up visual studio on the new location, create a new project, and you will get a prompt to search for a template. Search for whatever you named the template, select it and you're done!
I have a project where the source files are in in a folder below the project folder. When I copied the project folder without the source folder and opened the copied project, the source files are not missing but found at the old location. I closed the project, copied also the source folder, and re-opened the project. Now, the project magically references the copied source files (both the new path showed up on "save as" and a change in a file has been saved in the copied version).
There is a caveat: If not both old and new project folders are below a used library folder, the above-mentioned magic discards also the absolute reference to the library and expects it under the same relative path.
I tried this with VS Express 2012.
My solution is a little bit different - the computer that the package resided on died and so I was forced to recreate it on another computer.
What I did (in VS 2008) was to open the following files in my directory:
- <package name>.djproj
- <package name>.dtproj.user
- <package name>.dtxs
- <package name>.sln
- Package.dtsx
When I did this a popup window asked me if the sln file was going to be a new solution and when I clicked 'yes' everything worked perfectly.
After trying above solutions & creating copy for MVC projects
For MVC projects please update the port numbers in .csproj file, you can take help of iis applicationhost.config to check the port numbers. Same port numbers will cause assembly loading issue in IIS.
I use Visual Studio 2013 where Project > Export Template is not an option. Here is what I use to clone a project.
From your solution:
File > Export Template > select project to make template from, note save path
Download and install VS 2013 SDK Here
Create new VSIX project under Extensibility
From the VSIXManifest Dialog select the Assets tab
Fill in the Author textbox
Choose "Project Template" for Type and Browse to add the exported template (saved at path you noted in step 1)
Save and build the VSIX project. Go to the VSIX project's .../bin/Debug folder and double click to run the .vsix file
Start new instance of Visual Studio and you should see your template under whatever project type your template is. Create a new project from your template
You will have to re-add any dll references
Trick the Clone from repository tool
Open the project location in file explorer.
Copy the path to any browser (aka open the project location in the browser).
Use the address from the browser as the source repository for cloning.
Relax and enjoy the no error clone.

generation of designer file failed

Every few days VS2008 decides to get mad at me and fails to generate a designer file claiming it cannot find the file specified and that it's missing an assembly. Here's the scenario:
The aspx page has a reference to a custom user control (inheriting UserControl) which references another assembly in the backend. There are many other references to this "missing" assembly in other places in code which don't throw errors. rebuilding, updating the source to the clean copy, shouting at the computer, punching the screen, etc all fail to work.
Any suggestions? This is quite annoying.
We've had similar problems before, unfortunately I don't remember the exact solution.
If your using a "Web Site" project (no project file) then start by checking that both your page and your control both set the ClassName property in the first line of your aspx/ascx file and that you specify the full name of the class including the namespace.
<#Control Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
Many times not setting all of these will still work but you will get odd compiler errors and behavior in VS.
If you using a Web Site Application project try deleting the designer file manually and then right click on your project and choose "Convert from Web Application." This will should recreate the designer file for you.
My only other suggestion would be to recreate the page and/or the user control from scratch.
Jared, you've hit it. Using "Convert to Web Application" to manually generate the designer file solves my problem. I'm glad you posted this before i started reinstalling. Thanks.
You might try archiving a template of a new file with its designer equivalent. If VS coughs then you can do an "Add Existing" option with the file you already have.
It seems, however, to be an issue with your installation of VS2008 so you might try reinstalling it.
I found that using a custom control, you would need to add a reference to the .dll. This fixed it for me after migrating from a web site to web app.
