JavaFX 2 TableView inserting rows directly on the control - tableview

Does the TableView Control in JavaFX 2 allow the insertion of new data right on the cells of the control?
I have not been able to find anything in that direction. Even the Oracle sample has separate textboxes and an ADD button outside of the control (like it was in the early 90's - yea, I've been programming for that long...)

It's not really clear what do you want to achieve.
If you mean editing table values in place you can take a look at this tutorial:
If you want to add new row by action on cell you can add context menu to cells by TableView.setContextMenu(context_menu); and implement adding new row "right on the cells".


Adding Grids within Grids

I've just come across the new Grid layout system in Umbraco, which seems quite interesting, however I can't seem to find a way to include a grid within a grid.
I've added a simple 2 column row onto a page in the example below, but now I want to add another 2 column row within it to fill in the 2 red squares. Is this not possible or am I missing something obvious?
If I click any of the layouts at the bottom it instead adds them as an extra row to the bottom of the page rather than inside an existing grid.
The only way to include a grid in a grid (that I'm aware of) is to use the Doc Type Grid Editor package:
This package allows any Document Type to be the basis for a grid editor. I was able to create a grid editor that was a set of tabs where each tab had a grid data type for the content. The data type was specific to tabs so you couldn't create tabs in a tab.
I also created a package (v7 Dialog Expander) to allow the dialog flyout to expand: I did this because a grid in the small width of the dialog flyout was just too small.
It is definitely possible and actually has worked out well so far. That said, I would tread lightly here because there could be issues that we haven't yet discovered as this solution is still on a development project.

Xcode: How do I "scroll" the table view in designer when designing static cells, to reach cells off screen?

Probably the silliest question you've seen today, but I can't figure out how I can reach the off-screen cells, so i can customize them (In the designer)
How can I customize the 4th cell in section 2 (or anything below, not visible):
You can simply select the table view and then scroll using a scroll wheel or touchpad.

How can I blend in my SegmentedControl in a UITableView better?

As you can see on the screenshot the segmented control is placed rather ugly this way.
I need it in that place, meaning below the section title and before the second cell for that section. How could I make this better?
I can think of two suggestions that would improve the appearance. The first would be to increase the height of the table cell (just that particular table cell, not all of the cells in your table) so that the whitespace margin at the top and bottom of your segmented control is equal to the margin you currently have on the left and right of the control.
Another solution would be to move the selection of the value for this setting into a separate tableView controller that you drill down to. So that cell would show the current value, but tapping the cell would take the user to a new view where the user could select to change the value.
Here is an example of this from the Instapaper app settings page that I think looks pretty clean.

How do I implement a customized list in Cocoa?

I want to build a Cocoa App with a list of entries very similar to the ToDo list of (see the screencast). The question is whether I should use
a TableView,
a CollectionView or
a WebView.
I think it could work with all of them, but which one suits the following requirements best?
have a list of entries -> 1 column & many rows
reordering with drag & drop
select single entries & use keys for actions like delete
open up an entry: the row should expand to show more input fields
customized look: rounded corners, shadow, background gradient
So far my research says that the TableView has most of the functionality, but is harder to customize in its appearance, the CollectionView doesn't have drag & drop (right?) but is easy to design and the WebView would take much effort to not hurt the user experience and I can't bind my model directly to input fields.
What pros and cons am I missing and what would you recommend to use?
A WebView doesn't make sense. You might as well create a web application if you use a WebView. An NSCollectionView is more for grid like data, like TV listings per hour.
NSTableView is the only one that makes sense in this case. I've implemented all 5 bullet points with with an NSTableView without issue. You need to extend NSTableView and do some custom drawing for the customized look. That's the hardest part.
open up an entry: the row should expand to show more input fields
You need an outline view. A table view is for flat lists.
Note that NSOutlineView is a subclass of NSTableView, so all the table-view features work on an outline view as well.
There are people who've done this already. One that I've used successfully is by Matteo Bertozzi and is available here: It might take a bit of massaging to get it to work properly (especially if you need complex drag-and-drop behavior), but for basic functionality, such as getting the section titles and items in the list, it works excellently.
Edit: This has come up before and is a common question on the cocoa-dev email list. Here are some other options.
Just took a look at itself using "F-script anywhere".
They've used a subclass of NSTableView called "DetailTableView" which presents the condensed todo items. Collapsed todo items are implemented using a custom cell called "ToDoCell", but the expanded look you get when editing is interesting. In that case they've got a custom view called "ToDoEditView" which is inserted as a subview of the DetailTableView when required. I suspect this editing view is temporarily added as a subview in the correct location and the corresponding row of the tableview gets resized temporarily while it is present.
All pretty speculative .. I'd love to know the details of how this was done. It's an awesome UI.
I'm approaching the very same problem in my app (with one big list similar to the Things todo list) and I think a table view would make a lot of sense here.
The trick is having your cells ("rows") expand when double-clicked. That's about all the progress I've made so far.

Sizing a control to fit its container in Interface Builder

Let's say I have a split view, and I want to fill half of it with a table view (a fairly common use case, I would think). Is there any way to tell the table view to size itself to fit the split view or do I really have to size it manually?
I've done this, the way Jon Hess mentions first. Assuming you're using Interface Builder version 3:
Drag and resize your GUI (tableview from what I understand?) component to fit into the enclosing area the way you want it.
Click it to select it.
Press Command-Shift-I to open the inspector window for this GUI component. The inspector window should now actually show that you've selected a "Scroll View".
Click the "ruler" heading to be able to set the sizing. You'll see to the right an animated representation of how your GUI component will behave within its enclosing GUI component, and to the left another represenation of the same, without animation, but with four springs and two struts that you can turn on or off.
Turn all six things on, making them red.
VoilĂ  :-)
It's generally easier to create the subviews first, then use the Layout/Embed Objects In/Split View menu item to create the split view around them.
As far as I know, doing it manually is the only way to go. However, if you turn on "snap to cocoa guidelines", the inner view will snap to the edges of the enclosing view as you drag towards them. This makes it easier than having to manually mouse the edges into place, or manually edit the sizes to match.
You can set all of the springs and struts of the table view to "on" in the size inspector and that will cause the table view to fill the split view. Alternatively, you can use the outline view in the main document window to place the tableview's enclosing scroll view directly into the splitview instead of in an intermediary custom view.
