Windows device driver: FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME on raw partition - Access is Denied - windows

I am currently writing a Windows utility that does a similar job as Linux dd. But this utility only copy USED block instead of cloning the whole disk block by block.
The way I write it is to
(1) Copy MBR from disk A which contains three partitions to disk B.
(2) after step A. I am able see three raw partitions from disk management GUI. (no drive letter, no file system).
(3) Copy each partitions from A to B in a loop.*
The problem I have is:
in step (3) after I get the file handle from OpenDevice and I try to use that handle to lock a raw partition, I get Access Denied (error 5) and I am 100% sure that my program did not accidentally hold the lock somewhere else. My dev and testing environment is Windows 2003 server and my utility is executed as Admin privilege.
Here is the code snippet:
fHandle= OpenDevice(shareMode);
res = DeviceIoControl(fHandle, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dummy, NULL);
if (res == 0)
in my OpenDevice function in use:
to get the file handle(fHandle).
In DismountAndLockVolume function, I try to dismount this volume and grab the lock on it again.
DeviceIoControl(fHandle, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dummy, NULL);
ntStatus = OpenDevice(shareMode);
res = DeviceIoControl(fHandle, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dummy, NULL);
The problem is, when I my code try to dismount this volume, an exception is thrown due to access denied.
Then I browsed the Internet and get the following discussion thread: QUOTE
A write on a volume handle will succeed if the volume is not mounted by a
file system, or if one of the following conditions is true:
1. The sectors to be written to are boot sectors.
2. The sectors to be written to reside outside of file system space.
3. You have explicitly locked or dismounted the volume by using
4 . The volume has no file system. (In other words, it has been mounted
as a RAW volume.)
A write on a disk handle will succeed if one of the following conditions
is true:
1. The sectors to be written to do not fall within a volume's extents.
2. The sectors to be written to fall within a mounted volume, but you
have explicitly locked or dismounted the volume by using FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME
3. The sectors to be written to fall within a volume that is not mounted
or has no file system.
The modification of some disk parts, like the boot sector ( upto 16 ), is
still allowed . But my utility relies on raw write access to the disk. I am
not able to lock volume by FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME. Result is ACCESS DENIED. While
searching through net i come to know that kernel mode driver is only
solution. But in this group i come to know driver is not require. I work on
services and pass through SCSI, but i am not able to find the solution. If
kernel mode driver is require then what kind of driver it should be ?
Is anybody know the solution of the problem then please help me out
This thread terminates with no conclusion. Can somebody give me a hand on what was going on? Any hint for possible solution?
Millions of Thanks. I have been scratching my hair for days :-(((.


LockFile and LockFileEx fail on physical drive [duplicate]

How do i write to a physical drive in Windows 7?
I am trying to write to a physical disk (e.g. \\.\PhysicalDrive0) in Windows 7.
This question has been asked to death, but has never been answered. It is something that used to work in Windows XP, but Microsoft intentionally broke in Windows Vista. Microsoft provides hints about how to do it, but nobody has even been able to figure it out.
It used to work
In the olden days, writing to a physical disk was allowed (as long as you were an administrator). The method to do it was even documented in a Knowledge Base article:
INFO: Direct Drive Access Under Win32
To open a physical hard drive for direct disk access (raw I/O) in a Win32-based application, use a device name of the form
where N is 0, 1, 2, and so forth, representing each of the physical drives in the system.
You can open a physical or logical drive using the CreateFile() application programming interface (API) with these device names provided that you have the appropriate access rights to the drive (that is, you must be an administrator). You must use both the CreateFile() FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE flags to gain access to the drive.
All that changed in Windows Vista, when addition security restrictions were put in place.
How do you write to a physical disk?
Many people, and many answers, on many stackoverflow questions confuse:
writing to a physical disk (e.g. \\.\PhysicalDrive0), and
writing to a logical volume (e.g. \\.\C$)
Microsoft notes the restrictions placed on both kinds of operations:
Blocking Direct Write Operations to Volumes and Disks
Write operations on a DASD (Direct access storage device) volume handle will succeed if:
the file system is not mounted, or if
The sectors being written to are the boot sectors.
The sectors being written to reside outside file system space.
The file system has been locked implicitly by requesting exclusive write access.
The file system has been locked explicitly by sending down a lock/dismount request.
The write request has been flagged by a kernel-mode driver that indicates that this check should be bypassed. The flag is called SL_FORCE_DIRECT_WRITE and it is in the IrpSp->flags field. This flag is checked by both the file system and storage drivers.
In my case i am asking about writing to a Physical, not a Logical one. Microsoft notes the new set of restrictions on writing to a physical disk handle:
Write operations on a disk handle will succeed if:
The sectors being written to do not fall within a file system.
The sectors being written to fall within a mounted file system that is locked explicitly.
The sectors being written to fall within a file system that is not mounted or the volume has no file system.
My sectors being written do fall within a file system --> fail
My sectors being written do fall within mounted, unlocked, file system --> fail
My sectors being written do fall within a file system that is mounted, and in inside a logical volume that has a file system.
The hints on how to make it work revolve around:
unmounting a file system
locking a file system
But the question is how do you unmount a file system? How do you lock a file system?
What are you doing now?
I am able to read all physical sectors of a disk; that is no problem. The problem is when i want to write to a physical sector of the disk.
The current code i have is, in pseudo-code:
void ZeroSector(Int64 PhysicalSectorNumber)
String diskName := '\\.\PhysicalDrive0';
//INFO: Direct Drive Access Under Win32
//says you nedd both
//Open the physical disk
hDisk := CreateFile(diskName, desiredAccess, shareMode,
nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
Int32 bytesPerPhysicalSector := 4096; //Determined elsewhere using IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY+STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR
//Setup buffer for what we will be writing
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[bytesPerPhysicalSector];
//Calculate the byte offset of where the sector is
Int64 byteOffset = PhysicalSectorNumber * bytesPerPhysicalSector;
//Seek to that byte offset
SetFilePointer(hDisk, byteOffset.Lo, byteOffset.Hi, FILE_BEGIN);
//Write the buffer
DWORD numberOfBytesWritten;
if (!WriteFile(hDisk, buffer, bytesPerPhysicalSector, out numberOfBytesWritten, nil))
i can open the physical disk for GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE access
it doesn't fail until the actual WriteFile, which fails with:
How to do what Microsoft says
Microsoft said that my write would fail, and they were right. They said that i need to explicitly lock the file system:
Write operations on a disk handle will succeed if:
The sectors being written to fall within a mounted file system that is locked explicitly.
Except i don't know how to do that.
I know i probably have to use DeviceIoControl and one of the IOCTLS to "lock" a volume. But that presents three challenges:
figuring out which volume(s) are on the physical disk selected
figuring out which IOCTL to use
figuring out how to unlock the locked volumes
Ignoring those problems, i blindly tried the LockFile API. Just before calling WriteFile:
//Try to lock the physical sector we will be writing
if (!LockFile(DiskHandle, byteOffset.Lo, byteOffset.Hi, bytesPerPhysicalSector, 0)
That fails with:
Check out FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME control codes. I believe you would have to enum all volumes you have on your disk, and then dismount-and-lock them. After lock succeeded, the disk is all yours.
You probably won't be able to do this on a system drive though. I'd also guess that there will be caveats with volumes that contain page files.
after I have done this, I can write to the corresponding \\.\PhysicalDrive3. I could not before:
HANDLE hVol = CreateFileA(
DWORD unused;
BOOL b = DeviceIoControl(hVol, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &unused, NULL);
if (!b) {
printf("%u", GetLastError());
HANDLE h = CreateFileA(
argv[1], // that's my \\physicaldrive3
bResult = WriteFile(h, buf, cb, &dwWritten, &foo);
if (!bResult) {
// used to fail without messing with vol handle
printf("Failed writing data. Error = %d.\n", GetLastError());
return 0;

CreateFile on Directory in NTFS fails on ReadFile

Supposedly it is possible to actually open and read directories on NTFS volumes. However, my code to try this wasn't working, so I tried google, which found me this.
The key observation there seems to be that you must use FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS. So, trimming that down, I basically get:
DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0);
char* buf = new char[dwFileSize];
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
BOOL b = ReadFile(hFile, buf, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, 0);
Seems pretty straight-forward. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
The CreateFile and GetFileSize both work (handle is not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, non-zero and plausible file size), but the ReadFile returns FALSE, dwBytesRead is zero, and GetLastError returns 1 ("Incorrect function"). Huh.
While I was typing this question, the 'Similar Questions' prompt showed me this. That business about using AdjustTokenPrivileges made a lot of sense. However, it didn't help. Adding ReadFile (and using c:\temp) to that example gives the same behavior. A closer reading of the CreateFile docs shows that even without the SE_BACKUP_NAME privilege, I should be able to open the file due to admin privileges.
I've tried a number of permutations:
Different ways of specifying the directory name (c:\temp, c:\temp\, \\.\c:\temp, \\?\c:\temp\, etc).
Different directories
Different drives
I can't see any flags that might apply other than FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS (which I assume is required), but I tried FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and a 4096 byte aligned buffer. Nope.
I'm (currently) trying 152 permutations, and none of the ReadFiles are working. What am I missing?
Is my original assumption here incorrect? Is it not really possible to 'read' from a directory? Or is there just some trick I'm still missing?
What else should I mention?
I'm running as an admin, and can do a CreateFile on the volume.
My program is 64bit, built for unicode.
Windows 7 x64
NTFS 3.1 volume
It's cloudy outside (Hey, you never know what might matter...)
If you want to open a stream then you need to include the stream name and/or type as part of the path:
c:\foo:bar A.K.A. c:\foo:bar:$DATA
The default $DATA stream is used if you don't specify a stream. $DATA stores a files "normal data".
If you want the list of files in the directory then you can use GetFileInformationByHandleEx(FileIdBothDirectoryInfo) (and NtQueryDirectoryFile on older systems).
It looks like Jonathan Potter has given the correct answer. Despite prompting, he has elected not to post his comments as an answer. So I'm going to create one based on his responses in order to close the question.
In short: "You can open a handle to a directory to do certain things, but calling ReadFile on it isn't one of them."
What things? These things. This list includes:
In summary: While you can "open" directories and "read" certain information about them, you can't actually use ReadFile. If you want to read the DirName::$INDEX_ALLOCATION information, you'll have to use a different approach.

Running Freepascal hashing functions over Physical Disks using CreateFileW on Windows

I use Lazarus 1.2.2 and Freepascal 2.6.4.
I have a program called QuickHash that hashes files and, when I run it on Linux, it can be used to hash physcial disks too (/dev/sdXX). However, I'd like to add the ability to the Windows version.
I gather that to access physcial devices, like disks, one has to use CreateFile. Specifically, CreateFileW.
So, the user clicks a button which scans the computer for disks and lists them in a List Box. The one the user double clicks is then parsed (ListBox.GetSelectedText) for the string '\.\PhyscialDiskX' and that is assigned to a string variable,
strDiskID := getDiskID(Listbox.GetSelectedText);
That works fine.
I then try to create a handle to that disk :
hSelectedDisk := Windows.CreateFileW(PWideChar(strDiskID), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, 0);
Based on this article, specifcally "You must use both the CreateFile() FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE flags to gain access to the drive" I have also tried the other two combinations below :
All three successfully assign a handle. But, the top syntax and the bottom syntax eventually generate an error (explained below). The middle option immediately returns the default initialisation hash for a zero byte file, i.e. DA39... for SHA1.
My problem is I am unable to pass that handle (which is an integer) to the SHA1File and MD5FILE functions of the Freepascal md5 and SHA1 units. They expect a filename, which has to be a string.
So, if I pass it the strDiskID ('\.\PhyscialDiskX') (which defeats the objects of assigning a handle at all) I do get disk activity and the program appears to be working.
strDiskHashValue := SHA1Print(SHA1File(strDiskID));
But even when run on really small disks like a 500Mb USB drive, it takes many minutes and eventually returns "Run Error 1117" which according to this means
1117 (0x45D)
The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error."
However, I have tried it on several working disks and the error continues.
So, my question, ultimately, is how on earth do I pass that successfully assigned THandle to the hashing functions? (UI have also asked the question at the Lazarus forums but sometimes I get answers here from members who don't see the threads there)
You aren't going to be able to pass volume handles to functions that aren't expecting volume handles. These are very special handles with quite stringent requirements on their use. Not the least of which is that you must read blocks that are sector aligned, and whose sizes are multiples of the sector size.
So the solution is for you to take charge of reading the data. Read it into a buffer, and then pass that buffer to the hashing library. This means that you'll need a hashing library that can be called repeatedly to process new data. All comprehensive hashing libraries will offer such functionality.
The share mode flags are combined with bitwise or:
I would create the handle like this:
hSelectedDisk := CreateFileW(PWideChar(strDiskID), FILE_READ_DATA,
First of all I would concentrate on reading the content of the volume. Once you can do that, hashing will be routine.
It seems from the comments that you are having some trouble writing the hashing code. First of all you need to allocate a buffer that is a multiple of the sector size:
Buffer: Pointer;
GetMem(Buffer, BufferSize);
Use IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY to find out the sector size. And take note of this text from the documentation:
To read or write to the last few sectors of the volume, you must call DeviceIoControl and specify FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO. This signals the file system driver not to perform any I/O boundary checks on partition read or write calls. Instead, boundary checks are performed by the device driver.
Now that you have a buffer, you can read and hash the content.
ctx: TSHA1Context;
Digest: TSHA1Digest;
BytesRead: DWORD;
if not ReadFile(hSelectedDisk, Buffer^, BufferSize, BytesRead, nil) then
// handle error, raise exception
SHA1Update(ctx, Buffer^, BytesRead);
until BytesRead < BufferSize;
SHA1Final(ctx, Digest);
I've not attempted to compile or test this code. It's not meant to be complete or comprehensive. It is just intended to show you how to tackle the problem.

disk sector reading in objective c

I am using this method to access drive and reading sector.
int fd = open("/dev/rdisk1s1");
nbytes_got = pread(fd, buf, nbytes, off);
but FD returns -1 means it failed. i need to read disks and their sectors but i am unable to do this in mac OS X. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
If open returns -1, then you need to check errno to see why it failed. The most likely reason is that you are not running your program as root or as a user in group operator.
Also, you are missing the second (oflag) parameter to the open function.
That is pretty basic knowledge. Reading disk sectors directly is generally a pretty advanced topic. You probably shouldn't be doing this at your level of knowledge.

How to WriteFile to a PhysicalDrive (Windows 7) without getting ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED?

I'm trying to write a test pattern to every sector of a formatted USB drive. There is one logical drive (e.g. h:). This volume is FAT-formatted and contains data to be overwritten. Also, I want to overwrite the whole physical drive. The program is running with elevated user rights.
First I did the following:
// from the drive letter "h:" I get the physical disk number using
hDevice = ::CreateFile( "\\.\PhysicalDrive2", GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
// get the number of available sectors with IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX
// => ulNumberOfSectors
// now I try to write some sectors, e.g. 2 (I want to use a higher value):
WriteFile( hDevice, abBuffer, 2*512, &byteswritten, NULL );
The call to WriteFile fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
If I write one sector, it works.
When I overwrite the first sector and plug the device out and in again, Windows wants to format it. In this situation my code with 2048 sectors at once works without ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
I also unmounted the volume as described in CodeProject: WriteFile on Physical Drives with Windows 7 but this didn't change anything. Obviously the volume is unmounted because it's no longer visible in Windows Explorer.
I want to write more than a single sector due to perfomance reasons. I'm also afraid that other problems in the field might occur because I don't fully understand ths problem.
Any suggestions?
I didn't have problems with different WriteFile() sizes, but I did solve the
WriteFile(): Access is denied <ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED/5> to
devices (usually USB HDD/SSD) in Windows 7 running as Administrator (elevated rights) as follows:
Computer Management -> Disk Management:
Volume (H: in your case) -> right-click -> Delete Volume
Disk (Disk 2 in your case) -> right-click -> Off-line
Disk (Disk 2 in your case) -> right-click -> On-line
After that, I'm able to write to '\.\physicaldriveX' with no problem.
I think the Win7 locks (unlike previous Windows releases) the physical device as long as there is any file system on the device to avoid consistency problems.
You cannot directly access sectors of a drive which are owned by a mounted filesystem.
See Changes to the file system and to the storage stack to restrict direct disk access and direct volume access
The documentation for FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME describes the following sequence for overwriting a filesystem:
Open a volume.
Lock the volume.
Format the volume.
Dismount the volume.
Unlock the volume.
Close the volume handle.
Your pattern-writing operation would be in step 3 instead of formatting.
Another method is to use clean to delete all the partitions (and ALL DATA) on the disk:
C:\> diskpart
Diskpart> list disk
Diskpart> select disk N (where N is your disk number)
Diskpart> clean
Diskpart> exit
