NSTableView how to click anywhere in the cell to edit text? - cocoa

I have a very simple NSTableView hooked up via NSArrayController and bindings to my model. I would like to tweak the behaviour the of the view slightly when double clicking to edit. It seems the default behaviour for when double click editing a cell is to only open the cell for editing when the click happens on the location of text inside the cell (see below).
I would like to change the behaviour so that a double click anywhere in the cell causes editing (the green case in the image below). Any ideas? Maybe I was searching for the wrong terms but I couldn't find anything out there about this.

Subclass NSTextFieldCell and override -hitTestForEvent:inRect:ofView: to return NSCellHitEditableTextArea regardless of where the mouse click occurred.


Button not showing in .nib file

So I downloaded CircleView and tried to change the code. The program came with a button, color wheel, 2 sliders, and a view. When ever I add anything (Slider, button, textfield), on run time the things I added wouldn't show up. What am I not doing?
It's a .nib file.
This is the edit page.
This is what I see when running the program.
As you can see, the button and textfield doesn't appear during run time.
By default, when you add a button, the autoresizing mask (aka "springs and struts") are set to the following:
That means that when you resize the window, the button you added will stay in the same spot it originally was, instead of being "pulled" down with the edge of the window. This could potentially cause the buttons or textfields you added to be hidden behind the circle view once you resize the window large enough.
To prevent that from happening you'll want to change the autoresizing mask of the items to be "pinned" to the bottom edge of the window, so that they look like in the following image:
To do that, click on the red I bar at the top of the square to remove it, and then click on the lower I area to turn it on.
Note that you can also select multiple buttons or textfields at one time to change them all at the same time.

Specify editing NSTextField inside NSPopover on appearance

I'm working on an app that presents an NSPopover containing a number of NSTextFields. While I can tab between these fields as I expect, the popover is selecting a particular text field to be in the editing state when it appears, and it's not the field I want to edit; I'd like to be able to define which text field is editing on popover appearance programmatically (or in Interface Builder). How can I do this?
I've set up the appropriate key view loop by connecting IB outlets for all the various text fields involved, and I've hooked up the popover's nextResponder property to the text field I want to edit first, but that doesn't seem to have an effect - the popover will still select its preferred text field instead of mine. The Window Programming Guide suggests that I set the initialFirstResponder outlet of the window to the view I want selected, but an NSPopover is not an NSWindow and has no initialFirstResponder property (unless I'm missing something obvious).
Is there any way to specify which NSTextField I want to be editing when an NSPopover appears?
I think you said you tried using -makeFirstResponder: and passing the text field. This will set the window's firstResponder, but that's not the same as initialFirstResponder and the window must have initialFirstResponder set to something other than nil in order to respect the key view loop. (Source) A slight tweak to what you tried worked for me:
- (void)popoverWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification
// Set the window's initialFirstResponder so that the key view loop isn't auto-recalculated.
[[myField window] setInitialFirstResponder:myField];
I think you can make this work by setting all the text field's that you don't want to have focus to "selectable" instead of "Editable" in IB, this should leave the one text field you want to start with as the first responder. Then, in your popoverDidShow: method, set them all back to editable, and you should be able to tab between them as usual.

NSWindow's title as indicator popup button

I'm trying to make my first Cocoa app (previously I was making iOS apps) and what I wish to do for my custom view is make it's title clickable with indicator (accessory) triangle facing down.
Clicking the title would open a popup/menu with my items.
How is that doneable in Cocoa?
Rdelmar's answer is probably the easiest way to go, but may not do exactly what you might want to do (which is replace the actual title with a pop up item, instead of having a popup button under the title in the toolbar area). With respect to functionality your application will probably work just as well using the toolbar.
If, however, you truly want to replace the actual title, the means of going about this would be to set the NSWindow title text to #"" to hide it, and redraw it by sticking in your own view.
[[[theWindow contentView] superview] addSubview:theSubview];
This basically tells the superview of the main content view to add another subview (direct "translation" from the code), and you'll have to tinker with the frame of this new subview to have it be positioned where the title should be positioned (as now it's free to be placed anywhere in the window frame, including on top of the title bar, as opposed to simply inside the content view).
theSubview can be your popup button, or whatever you want, and you'll also probably have to custom draw the popup button to match the original drawing of the window title.
You can do this by adding a toolbar to your window in IB. Once, you add the toolbar, you can double click on it to open the customizer view of it. Drag a popup button into the Allowable Toolbar Items area and after it is inserted there you can drag it into the bottom area which shows the layout of the toolbar -- you can also drag out any of the default items there that you don't want.

NSOutlineView NSTableRowView Loses Apparent Selection After Editing

I have a view-based outline view (OSX 10.7). Clicking on an item selects it, as usual. Double clicking allows editing of the textfield it contains. However, when I'm done editing the textField, the row's highlight disappears. The outlineView still thinks the row is selected, and sending that row a drawSelectionInRect message doesn't change its appearance. Telling the outlineView to again select the row also doesn't change its appearance. Only by again clicking on the row can I get the highlight to reappear. Any idea what's going on?
My fault. I'm observing changes to the managedObjectContext, and was reloading the entire tree when individual items changed: by correcting this to reload only the affected item, things work as they should.

Using a round rect button as a badge with a counter

I'm using a view based NSOutlineView with two different views (both views are custom subclasses of NSTableCellView). In the top level view I display a badge with a counter. The counter indicates the number of entries on the lower level. The counter is implemented as a rounded rect NSButton, following Apple's SidebarDemo project.
As you can see from the images the behaviour of the button upon selection of the cell is not the behaviour you would expect. My button turns black, while in Apple's sample it turns white. I've tracked down the method that sets this particular behaviour for a button to the setHighlightsBy method:
[[self.button cell] setHighlightsBy: 0];
I use the above in the awakeFromNib method of the custom cell class. In the same awakeFromNib I also set the button's bezel:
[[self.button cell] setBezelStyle: NSInlineBezelStyle];
The bezel style works just fine, but the highlighting seems to be ignored.
Further information I can give: The outline view uses bindings to gets its contents, its highlight mode is set to "Source List".
Why is my highlighting being ignored?
Is your button set up in IB (like in the demo project)? If so, do you have the "enable" box checked in the control section of the attributes inspector? I got the behavior you're seeing if I unchecked that box.
I found the cause of the described behaviour, thanks to the suggestion made by #rdelmar in his answer. The button is bound to the Cell View using the "Argument" binding inspector.
One of the settings there is "Conditionally sets enabled", which was enabled and apparently causes auto-disabling of my button. Once you disable this setting, the problem disappears.
