Cucumber + Selenium - How to count the number of rows in a table? - ruby

Does anyone know a quick way to count the number of entries in a table using Ruby, Cucumber & Selenium?
The table is fairly basic, I want to count the number of rows:
<table id="product_container">
<th>Product Name</th>
<th>Qty In Stock</th>

You can use:
page.should have_css "#product_container tr", :count => number_of_rows.to_i

The following step definition should work with Capybara.
Then /^I should have (\d+) table rows$/ do |number_of_rows|
actual_number = page.all('#product_container tr').size
actual_order.should == number_of_rows
Then I should have 10 table rows
The page.all documentation.

I always use getXpathCount() (Selenium method) in such situation and it works fine :)
$rowsCount = $this->getXpathCount("//table[#id='product_container']/tr");
And if you don't want to count header rows, you should edit the table as:
<table id="product_container">
<th>Product Name</th>
<th>Qty In Stock</th>
Then you can get the products count:
$rowsCount = $this->getXpathCount("//table[#id='product_container']/tbody/tr");


ColdFusion dataTable returning f is undefined

I'm adding dataTable to my coldFusion project, but it is returning: Uncaught TypeError: f is undefined
<table id="webPosttable" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<cfoutput query="myQuery">
<cfset totalreportin = totalreportin + val(counter)>
<cfset totalreportcost = rate*counter + totalreportcost>
<TD colspan="3">TOTAL:</TD><td>#totalreportin#</td><TD></td><td>#dollarformat(totalreportcost)#</td>
<TD colspan="3">AVERAGE:</TD><td><Cfif incomingreport.recordcount GT 0>#decimalformat(val(totalreportin/incomingreport.recordcount))#<Cfelse>0</CFIF></td>
<td></td><td><Cfif totalreportin GT 0>#dollarformat(totalreportcost/totalreportin)#<cfelse>0</cfif></td>
"lengthChange": false,
"paging": false,
"bInfo" : false,
"dom": '<"pull-left"f><"pull-right"l>tip'
Does anyone know what if something is missing in my table structure or javascript datable settings?
The problem won't be in your Coldfusion code, it will be the structure of your <tfoot> content. The number of columns in the tfoot doesn't match the number of columns in the rest of your table. Even the two trs within your tfoot don't match each other.
Comment out the tfoot temporarily to test whether it works without, then balance up the columns and put it back in.
<td><Cfif incomingreport.recordcount GT 0>#decimalformat(val(totalreportin/incomingreport.recordcount))#<Cfelse>0</CFIF></td>
<td colspan="5"></td>
<td><Cfif totalreportin GT 0>#dollarformat(totalreportcost/totalreportin)#<cfelse>0</cfif></td>
If you still have errors after that then I'd advise updating the question to include the code showing which version of jQuery+datatables you're including and where and how you're including it. You may also need to wrap your script in a $(document).ready( function () { ...

Html Agility Pack loop through Specific Row

I have a table like this
<tr id="data1">
And I want to use Html Agility Pack to parse its specific row i.e i want to display row next to row which has id=data1
below is code I am trying ...
//Selecting Document Node....
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
//Selecting Specific Node...
var tableNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table");
Your xpath should be like this:

How to turn a table into a single block of text with scrapy

I am trying to scrape a table which looks like the below.
<table class="table">
<th scope="row">Title</th>
<th scope="row">Title 2</th>
<td>Detail 2</td>
How would you set up scrapy so my output file generates an output similar to the below?!
Title: Detail
Title2: Detail2
Currently I can get all the text using two css selectors (one for the td's and one for the th's) but I would love to be able to combine these!
Unfortunately the number of rows differs from page to page..
Using xpath:
for i in response.xpath("//table[#class='table']//tr")
tabledata[i.xpath("th/text()").extract_first()] = i.xpath("td/text()").extract_first()
{"Title":"Detail", "Title 2":"Detail 2"}

Creating pipe tables with pandoc

Is it possible to convert a html table into a pipe table with pandoc (or using any other tool)?
I tried pandoc bla.html --to markdown+pipe_tables and pandoc bla.html --to markdown+pipe_tables-simple_tables but both seem to produce simple tables.
bla.html contains:
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
If I use -t markdown_github as suggested here, the output is html again.
I realized that "-t markdown_github" does produce the right result after I entered something into the first <th> cell. The empty cell seems to trip pandoc.

About Selenium IDE

How to record a Autosuggest box in a application through Selenium IDE
You may have some success using a combination of mouseDownAt, mouseUpAt and waitForElementPresent.
waitForElementPresent, css=.autoSuggestLink
Can you provide a link to the demo page of the auto suggest script you're using
I have created one demo script using "" Base URL. So please check following script for this.
