Testing checklist for a win app that will be working on win 7 - windows

We are in process of preparing a testing checklist to make sure that our newly developed windows app (.NET 3.5, WPF) is going to be worked well on windows 7 in all environments.
Since our app is accessing WMI,USB devices(we have a USB blocker),windows power plans since we have power saving utility.
Because of that, we prepared a small checklist to make sure that our app will works well even if users change some windows settings.
Here is what we currently have:
Testing with 64 and 32bit OS.
Testing with OS that is not installed on C:\ drive.
Trying with windows running with/without domain.
Turning off windows installer service and making sure that our app is going to turn it on during installation.
Checking WMI service before accessing WMI.
Testing on laptop/Desktop machines.
We still need more test cases to cover more scenarios.
So if you have any more suggestions, that would help a lot.
Thank you!


Difference between 10.0.19041 and 10.0.22000 SDK

while understanding the differences between 10.0.19041.0 and 10.0.22000.0 SDK ,I encountered
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/ this page. After looking into it , I understood 10.0.22000.0 is mainly for windows 11 applications .
If we select 10.0.019041 as the package and build the application, won't it run on windows 11.
If we want our application to be run on windows 11 do we need to choose 10.0.22000.0 over 10.0.19041.0.
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Thanks for the help!
TLDR: No, your understanding is wrong. You can likely use whatever version you want and your application will run on both, Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Long with details:
It's true, the 10.0.19041 SDK is for Windows 10.
It's also true, 10.0.22000 SDK is for Windows 11.
Let's have a look from a user perspective:
When you download software, how often do you need to select the correct operating system? Not very often. So, somehow, the SDK version does not seem to be very important.
Let's have a look from a Microsoft perspective:
Does Microsoft want all developers require a rebuild of their Windows 10 programs once they release Windows 11? Certainly not, because this would mean that with the release of Windows 11, there wouldn't be a single application which runs on Windows 11. Microsoft couldn't even perform inhouse tests for multi-million-user software such as Adobe Reader.
Let's have a look from a technical perspective:
The Windows SDK provides the API definitions of Windows. The Windows API is very old. And since Microsoft does not want developers to rebuild and, even worse, let them fix breaking changes, Microsoft keeps that API incredibly stable. They will not change the API, they will only add new API methods.
The chance that the Windows API you use already existed in Windows 10 and still exists in Windows 11 is almost 100%. So your application compiled for Windows 10 will still work on Windows 11.
Likewise, if you compile with the Windows 11 API and don't use the most recent fancy API, your application will still work on Windows 10.
Let's say you developed an application that manages Fonts. You have used the interfaces IDWriteFontSet, IDWriteFontSet2 and IDWriteFontSet3. With Windows 11, Microsoft has added IDWriteFontSet4. As long as you don't use that interface and stick to the previous 3 interfaces, your application will run fine. Once you start using IDWriteFontSet4, your application may crash on Windows 10 (potentially only if the user invokes the functionality, not so sure).

Remote Desktop for Mac - issue with JavaFX app - PDFBOX

I have written a JavaFX app running on Windows 10 machine in the office which has problems showing (painting/rendering) certain embedded controls such as a Pane with PdfBox when I connect to it with Remote Desktop for Mac. It shows only a black screen in the app instead of the pdf document.
When I connect using RDP from my Windows 10 machine at home to my Windows 10 machine at work, the app works just fine (the pdf is shown in the app).
I have the same problems using AnyDesk and Teamviewer.
The app only shows PDFs properly using a connection from Windows 10 to Windows 10 with Microsoft RDP.
It might be a JavaFX issue. Similar issues are described here (although not 100% identical):
However, since I guess Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac is using the same technology as the Windows Desktop client, I would have expected it to work fine.
I have a Mac Mini M1 running the latest OS (Monterey) at the time of writing this post. I am also using the latest Remote Desktop client for Mac.
This problem is not new and was also present in older releases.
I have tried to play around with screen resolutions, both on Host and Client but nothing good came out of those tests.
Disabled also hardware acceleration in Remote Desktop for Mac preferences but it didn't change anything.
The machine at the office has the following specs (which I cannot change nor update)
Edizione Windows 10 Pro
Versione 20H2
Data installazione: ‎10/‎09/‎2021
Build sistema operativo 19042.1415
Esperienza Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
Anyone else who has seen this problem and perhaps resolved it?
Could it be a bug in either PdfBox or Remote Desktop for Mac?
Except for the above issue, the Remote Desktop Client for Mac is working great (not lagging as TeamViewer or AnyDesk) and the user experience is phenomenal.
PS: While this might be considered a programming question (since I wrote the app with JavaFX) but it might be better to post on another forum? If yes, which one? On the other hand, many similar posts (look at the suggested thread on the right) have been upvoted despite not dealing with programming issues.
How do you use PDFBox? I ask because this is not a JavaFX component. If you use a SwingNode for that it might be interesting to try one of my two PDFViewer demos here and see whether the problem persists.
The difference is in how I do the rendering and maybe that makes a difference for your use-case too. But of course this is just a wild guess and I can't promise anything.

Using my iPad to remotely execute Powershell on my desktop PC

Does anyone have instructions/resources/step by step guidance to enable me to use my iOS on my iPad to remotely continue developing some test driven development to execute Powershell session with Pester on my Win 10 desktop.
My sense of networking skills needs an upgrade as I wasn't sure which apps on both sides I need to configure and set up correctly.
Not sure if Powershell web feature does allow me this. The idea of doing this is to relax on my couch with the iPad instead of sitting at my desk using the desktop. :)

Can you develop Windows 8 applications on Windows 7 PC and remote debug on a Windows 8 device?

I am trying to work out the least disruptive way of beginning to experiment with Windows 8 development. I currently have a Windows 7 Ultimate PC (plenty of disk space, RAM and i7 CPU), and I have a copy of Windows 8 (not 8.1).
I have considered various options:
Convert my whole machine to Windows 8. (Not ideal right now, as I am in the middle of other work, but I may have to do this eventually).
Dual boot Windows 7 & 8. (Can't get this to work. Windows 7 is already installed, and though I can get Windows 8 to install on the second HD, I can't get its boot menu to see Windows 7. I suspect this would be easier if I installed Windows 8 first, but that would be a huge pain.)
Run either OS using a virtual machine. (I haven't looked into this yet, and I have no idea what is involved.)
As a final option, I wondered if it is possible to develop Windows 8 applications on a Windows 7 PC and remote debug on an attached Windows 8 device? (I'd prefer to do this, as it is a way I have worked often in the past while doing console development.)
Does anyone have any experience of any of this - positive or negative? It takes ages to experiment with this stuff, with the constant threat of recking my existing work environment. I'd really appreciate any advice or pointers to articles that deal with any of this stuff.
Microsoft do their loyal developers no favours. I've paid hundreds for modern hardware, Windows versions and Visual Studio, and still it seems difficult to say the least to develop for their latest OS.
Kind wishes ~ Patrick
Option 4 is not possible. In similar situation I went with option 2 and gratually migrate myself completly to windows 8.
If you have problems with boot try to ask on superuser.com or better search the web for guideline.
If you want to develop applications for Windows 8 don't go with option 3.Please see this post on installing Visual studio in VM.
Regarding option 2,verbatim from Microsoft
You must install the older operating system first, and then install the more recent operating system. If you don't (for example, if you install Windows Vista on a computer already running Windows 7), you can render your system inoperable. This can happen because earlier versions of Windows don't recognize the startup files used in more recent versions of Windows and can overwrite them.
But as #Antonio said there may be roundabout for option 2.

Is there an online application simulator somewhere?

I've developed some Java applications and wrapped them in exe files, some of them require JDIC files, the apps run on Windows systems, since my PC is all setup for development, it has all the necessary parts, but if a user downloads and runs my apps, they may not work as I thought. So I wonder if there is any place online that I can upload my apps and try to run them in a Windows environment and see if they work in the simulation ?
Consider using VirtualPC. You can get licensing for free.
Also you can get images from MS site for various versions of Windows to test with - supposedly for browser compatibility but you can use them for other things (which may or may not violate the EULA).
Consider using VMWare Workstation. You can get licensing for free.
You could use Amazon's EC2 instances to get easy access to virtual Windows machines. There is a bit of set up involved, but once you've done that you can spin up new machines easily enough. There are a number of tutorials online.
However, doing it locally with virtual windows instances is going to be even easier. I'd second VMware workstation or player.
You can download trial Windows server images directly from Microsoft for free.
