Spring Security Performances - performance

My web app is using Spring Security 3 as login manager and users data (username, password, etc) are saved on database.
Now we added external applications that are supposed to use the same login page internally to the first app. That could be a problem especially for performance reasons. Is it possible take out the "spring security part" as a separate module? How can I keep in this case the redirection working in the main application? Design suggestions?

You seem to need a Single Sign On concept implemented.
Spring security supports two of those out of the box. You could refer to this answer for details.


what Spring Security make it worth to use?

I am a beginner and i read some part of Spring Security.
from docs,
Spring Security provides you with a very flexible framework for your
authentication and authorization requirements,
But i didn't get the actual goal behind Spring Security. Why i need spring security as i can achieve same thing by simple java filter manually.
What Spring Security make sense to worth using it?
Appreciate if anyone can explain in simple words and mention some use cases for that.
Spring Security isn't only for protecting pages it can also protect methods, do ACL on your domain objects. Prevent (or at least make it more difficult) to do session hijacking, it also has support for concurrent session usage (a single user can login only max x times at once).
The current release also has support for security headers and out-of-the-box CSFR protection for your forms.
Next to all that it provides, out-of-the-box, multiple ways of storing your security related data be it in files, database, ldap, active directory
Whilst you might be able to do simple protection of pages in a filter it doesn't give you any of the added benefits of Spring Security.
Finally Spring Security has been battle tested and is used by many companies, small to large, whilst your simple custom filter isn't.
I have configured security on the enterprise projects using both the ways: Here is the benefits using Spring Security over writing Filter:
1) Ease to Use & Configure
2) Multiple Auth Provider (i.e. LDAP, SSO, etc)
3) Maintainabilty
4) Ease to implement Session Management
5) Ease to implement Remember Me Functionality

Spring Social Twitter - User Authentication

I'm new to Spring Social and I'm writing a Spring MVC application which users should use for, let's say, tweet, follow/unfollow users. So far I can do everything I want with my own credentials (stored in a property file) using the TwitterTemplate.
I need the application to do the same on behalf of other users (authenticating them when registering in my application).
You probably want to look at this part of Spring Social reference document as an entry point. I have experienced it with facebook and linked in and it works pretty well to store connections credentials in a database.
You also want to make sure I guess that you do not use the ProviderSignInController highlighted in some of the code samples which is designed for using the social provider as an authentication infrastructure for a web application but a ConnectController which has proved to be efficient in offline access cases. See section 4 of the spring social reference documentation.

Sharing security context between few web applications

I need to have web application which actually consist from few separate wars unified into same navigration bar on UI, i need to have all system secured but have authentication only to main web application and after automatic propagation of this security context to sub web applications. I'm using spring security, could someone help me with advice? thanks
This can be achieved by following approach. In Spring, SecurityContext by default is stored in HttpSession. Instead you can configure it to store in some shared repository.
So, configuration should be changed to use your own SecurityContextRepository implementation instead of HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository. Once configured, the security framework will look at the Repository which is available to all your web applications.
The Repository can be either a database or a cached server.
Spring Security stores the login data in the http session. So what I would try is to share the session between the applications.
It seams that this is possible (in Tomcat) by using the Single Sing On attribute.
But be warned, sharing the session between two applications is not without danger. See this Stack Overflow question.

Spring Security - Preventing Users access to a page if an id is invalid

I am new to Spring Security and am mulling over the idea of using it or not in my application.
The requirement is as follows :
In my web application i store a session information inside the database,a key for this is stored in a cookie
2.Now whenever someone tries to access a url which is not according to the flow i want to deny access.
3.Can i use Spring Security for this.
I am using Spring MVC,Mongo DB and MySQL as the develeoment environment.
If you're trying to simply control the flow of an application, I'd suggest using Spring Webflow. This allows you to define set flows in a multi-page application.
Spring Security can be used to control flows, but only for access control. It integrates well with Webflow (and with Spring MVC) to ensure you can secure some or all of your flows.

Spring Acegi - Social Network platform

Can spring Acegi security be used for a social networking application where users can set their security preferences to share their data only with their friends?
The common scenario of the Acegi tutorials is where you want to authorize actions per user role, but what about authorizing users to view specific data, say, only their friends'?
Is it possible to use Acegi for that? How?
Short answer: yes.
Note that Acegi is now part of Spring, and is now known as Spring Security.
As to how to it, that's a much more complicated question, and likely has as many right answers as those willing to try. Your final solution will depend on the needs of the app your developing, the environment your in, and the organization you are designing for. I'll assume that you want everyone (or most) to see the basic information, and that the sensitive information only appears on the page if the requester is a friend.
I believe the most basic means of all will involve using the SecurityContext within your servlet/controllers/resources (far too many ways to design a web app to make assumptions here), and page templates (jsf, jsp, etc..., etc..), to get get access to the currently authenticated user, and include only the information that user is allowed to access.
The fundamental elements of Spring Security are
- Security Interceptor
- Authentication Manager
- Access Decision Manager
- Run-As Manager
- After-Invocation Manager
The actual implementation of a security interceptor will depend on what resource is being secured. If you’re securing a URL in a web application, the security interceptor will be implemented as a servlet filter. But if you’re securing a method invocation, aspects will be used to enforce security.
A security interceptor does little more than intercept access to resources to enforce security. It does not actually apply security rules. Instead, it delegates that
responsibility to the various managers.
Through using proper manager(s) you will manage to fulfill your requirements.
Reference: Manning Spring in Action 2nd Edition August 2007
