Which are the most Relevant Performance Parameters / Measures for a Web Application - performance

We are re-implementing(yes from scratch) a web application which is currently in production. We have decided to start doing some performance tests on the new app, to get some early information of the capabilities.
As the old application is currently in production and has a good performance we would like to extract some performance parameters, and then use this parameters as a reference or base goal of the performance of the new application.
Which do you think are the most relevant performance parameters we should be obtaining from the current production application?

Determine what pages are used the most.
Measure a latency histogram for the total time it takes to answer the request. Don't just measure the mean, measure a histogram.
From the histogram you can see how many % of requests have which latency in milliseconds. You can choose to key performance indicators by takes the values for 50% and 95%. This will tell you the average latency and the worst latency (for the worst 10% of requests).
Those two numbers alone will bring you great confidence regarding the experience your users will have.
Throughput does not matter for users, but for capacity planning.
I also recommend that you track the performance values over time and review them twice a year.

Just in case you need an HTTP client, there is weighttp, a multi-threaded client written by the guys from Lighttpd.
It has the same syntax used by ApacheBench, but weighttp lets you use several client worker threads (AB is single-threaded so it cannot saturate a modern SMP Web server).
The answer of "usr" is valid, but you can as well record the minnimum, average and maximum latencies (that's useful to see in which range they play). Here is a public-domain C program to automate all this on a given concurrency range.
Disclamer: I am involved in the development of this project.


How can we determine how much web requests per second a machine can handle without load testing?

What are some of the things that determine how many web requests a single machine can handle? In general what's an average number (requests per second) that most machines should be able to handle? For example, I see some answers that say 2k requests/s can easily be handled. How about 5k? 10k? etc.
I'm basically trying to do my best at estimating how many machines I'd need to scale to some high throughput, before I dive into load testing.
Yes, That is possible through performance modelling but the answers will have 5-10% error margin.
If you know exact size of web request then probably you can find your nw limit and thus this gives you maximum possible request acceptance limit. some exploratory test with sample test you can get the cpu time required by each request roughly(in terms of response time or thoughput). thus you can extrapolate the results for higher number of requests using many theorems examples, little's law. Using this theorem you can find maximum no of users (request here) can be supported on a give hw for a give acceptable response time.
but this all is done after tuning your application to expected level otherwise you will end up with lot of hw because of lack of tuning.

What are the parameters to collect after the performance testing [closed]

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I know this may be a repeat of the questions but I started using the WebPerformanceTest and LoadTest in my web projects.I could run the WebPerformanceTest and Loadttest.
Now what are the parameters/statistics that I need to share with the Dev team or Busniess team?I think of these..But it would be great if somoeone share what are the other parameters I might have to consider sharing..
1.No.of users the application can support
2.Reposne time what the application can give under the sustainable load
following things you can consider for sharing,
if SLA's are mentioned by Dev team or stakeholders and if your performance test shows that the web application is not matching those SLA's then you can share that
Next question comes in your and their mind is why? (try finding out which part/tier is taking most time or a bottleneck). This can be done by analyzing logs or use profiler which will give you costly things,slow compnonents
Next question is job of performance engineer (how to resolve them and improve the performance of my application). If you know application very well then try tuning it and get the improvement results after tuning which should be shared with Dev team or stakeholders.
Maximum number of users may be confusing if you do not limit response time. For 100ms requests 10 simultaneos users mean 100 rps (requests per second) and for 10s requests 100 simultaneous users mean only 10 rps.
If you use simple hit-based testing (e.g. testing single page or specific request performance) it could be better to use rps metric instead.
For response time - mean time could be confusing as well, especially in case of high variance of response time, it's better to provide response time for some percentiles.
I.e. 50% in 50ms, 75% in 55 ms, 90% in 60 ms, 95% in 70 ms, 99% in 90 ms and 100% in 10 sec. With average time of 150 ms. For some services 150 ms is very good, but about 1% of really slow answers is unacceptable and you hardly can find that problem using just mean and medium response time.
Also, in my experience, collecting resource usage stats (cpu, memory, I/O intensity and network usage) is very helpful for determining bottlenecks (i.e. service slow-down due to high I/O because of insufficient amount of memory for caches).
Are you asking the right question?
For me a big part of load and performance testing is deciding what my customer wants to learn about the system being tested. There is an element of "what data can I show the customer?" but that is based on interpreting what they ask for. The customer may not know what to ask, your job as a tester is to understand what the customer wants and provide them with the answers they want.
The two topics you list show how the system appears to its users: when it will break and how fast it responds. There are several variations on those factors based on rate-of-change of user load and on duration of the test.
Other factors include the performance of the various parts of the server computers that are being tested. Visual Studio load tests can collect performance data from other computers while the test runs. So they can monitor the web server(s), database server(s), application server(s) and so on. On each of these servers data about CPU and memory usage, SQL and IIS performance, and many more can be collected. All this data can be compared (most easily via graphs) against user load, error rates and transaction times to determine which parts of the system have plenty of headroom, which are busy and where the bottlenecks occur. Monitoring all this data may also reveal threshold warnings from the various servers, they should be checked against the Microsoft documentation and, perhaps, other sources to determine whether they are adversely affecting system performance and whether they should be investigated in more detail.
These and many other ideas are possible but it all goes back to working out what your customer wants to learn.
The same question was asked on another forum and the above words are almost identical to the answer I posted there.
You can furnish following details to your clients:
Response Time
Hits per Second
Connections Per Second
First Time to buffer
Number of Errors
Transactions Graph
CPU, Memory, and Disk Utilization
Network Utilization (if applicable)
Number of database inserts/updates/deletes records
It sounds like you simply have no (or exceedingly poor) requirements and you don't have a great depth in the field of performance testing and engineering. As far as what to collect
Before the test:
Full load profile of business functions that make up the load.
Documentation of each business function. Items to time within each business function.
Expected response times for each of the timed business functions
Pay special attention to think times and iteration pacing
Web logs from the current system so you can objectively measure how many people are on the system at any given time, not how many sessions are alive and have not yet timed out.
Test Environment with some defined match level to the production environment to scale your load appropriately.
In the test
Response times matched to the timing of the business functions on the requirements / user stories
Other enumerated datapoints for requirements (hits, volume returned, etc...)
A measurement of any finite resource in the system under test for bottleneck identification for slow response times. You can start at the top level (CPU, DISK, MEMORY, NETWORK) and work your way down through those stats as you find a resource constriction at the top level.
Post Test:
Executive overview: Did you hit the requrements (YES|NO)
Detailed data: response times, monitor peaks
Analysis: Where is the likely bottleneck holding your back
If you are attempting to represent human behavior then under no circumstance should you eliminate think time. Think time, or time between requests on an individual session, is baked into the definition of the client-server model and as you reduce it to zero your test becomes less and less a predictor of what will happen in production
Typically, it is based on the benchmark that you want to achieve with the given hardware and environment.
Following are the key parameters
No.of concurrent users (manual and system threads)
Load of transactional and existing data
Response time (typically page)
Throughput Utilization of CPU, Memory and Disk IOs and Network
Bandwidth(applicable where there is an integration with peripheral
systems )
Success percentage

Maximum number of concurrent requests a webserver can serve assuming average service time to be known

Is it logical to say: "If average service time for a request is X and affordable waiting time for the requests is Y then maximum number of concurrent requests to serve would be Y / X" ?
I think what I'm asking is that if there're any hidden factors that I'm not taking into account!?
If you're talking specifically about webservers, then no, your formula doesn't work, because webservers are designed to handle multiple, simultaneous requests, using forking or threading.
This turns the formula into something far harder to quantify - in my experience, web servers can handle LOTS (i.e. hundreds or thousands) of concurrent requests which consume little or no time, but tend to reduce that concurrency quite dramatically as the requests consume more time.
That means that "average service time" isn't massively useful - it can hide wide variations, and it's actually the outliers that affect you the most.
Broadly yes, but your service provider (webserver in your case) is capable of handling more than one request in parallel, so you should take that into account. I assume you measured end to end service time and havent already averaged it by number of parallel streams. One other thing you didnt and cannot realistically measure is the delay to/from your website.
What you are heading towards is the Erlang unit (not the language using the same name) which is used to described how much load a system can take. Erlangs are unitless (it is just a number) and originated from old school telephony, POTS, where it was used to describe how many wires were needed to handle X calls per time period with low blocking probability. Beyond erlang is engset which is used more for high capacity systems, such as mobile systems.
It also gets used for expensive consultant reports into realtime computer systems and databases to describe the point at which performance degradation is likely to occur. Wikipedia has an article on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_(unit) and the book 'Fixed and mobile telecommunications, network systems and services' has a good chapter on performance analysis.
While aimed at telephone systems, just replace with word webserver and it behaves the same. A webserver is the same concept, load is offered that arrives at random intervals to a system with finite parallel capacity. In your case, you can probably calculate total load with load tools easier than parallel capacity and then back calculate the formulas. This is widely done to gain a level of confidence in overall system models.
Erlang/engsetformulas are really useful when you have a randomly arriving load over parallel stream (ie web requests) and a service time that can only be averaged or estimated (ie it varies in real life). You can then calculate the blocking probability, which is the probability a new request will need to wait while current requests are serviced, and how long it will wait. It also helps analyse whether you need to handle more requests in parallel, or make each faster (#lines and holding time in erlang speak)
You will probably look into queuing systems analysis next, as a soon as requests block (queue), the models change slightly.
many factors are not taken into account
memory limits
data locking constraints such as people wanting to update the same data
application latency
caching mechanisms
different users will have different tasks on the site and put different loads
That said, one easy way to get a rough estimate is with apache ab tool (apache benchmark)
Example, get 1000 times the homepage with 100 requests at a time:
ab -c 100 -n 1000 http://www.example.com/

How to decide on what hardware to deploy web application

Suppose you have a web application, no specific stack (Java/.NET/LAMP/Django/Rails, all good).
How would you decide on which hardware to deploy it? What rules of thumb exist when determining how many machines you need?
How would you formulate parameters such as concurrent users, simultaneous connections, daily hits and DB read/write ratio to a decision on how much, and which, hardware you need?
Any resources on this issue would be very helpful...
Specifically - any hard numbers from real world experience and case studies would be great.
Capacity Planning is quite a detailed and extensive area. You'll need to accept an iterative model with a "Theoretical Baseline > Load Testing > Tuning & Optimizing" approach.
The first step is to decide on the Business requirements: how many users are expected for peak usage ? Remember - these numbers are usually inaccurate by some margin.
As an example, let's assume that all the peak traffic (at worst case) will be over 4 hours of the day. So if the website expects 100K hits per day, we dont divide that over 24 hours, but over 4 hours instead. So my site now needs to support a peak traffic of 25K hits per hour.
This breaks down to 417 hits per minute, or 7 hits per second. This is on the front end alone.
Add to this the number of internal transactions such as database operations, any file i/o per user, any batch jobs which might run within the system, reports etc.
Tally all these up to get the number of transactions per second, per minute etc that your system needs to support.
This gets further complicated when you have requirements such as "Avg response time must be 3 seconds etc" which means you have to figure in network latency / firewall / proxy etc
Finally - when it comes to choosing hardware, check out the published datasheets from each manufacturer such as Sun, HP, IBM, Windows etc. These detail the maximum transactions per second under test conditions. We usually accept 50% of those peaks under real conditions :)
But ultimately the choice of the hardware is usually a commercial decision.
Also you need to keep a minimum of 2 servers at each tier : web / app / even db for failover clustering.
Load testing
It's recommended to have a separate reference testing environment throughout the project lifecycle and post-launch so you can come back to run dedicated performance tests on the app. Scale this to be a smaller version of production, so if Prod has 4 servers and Ref has 1, then you test for 25% of the peak transactions etc.
Tuning & Optimizing
Too often, people throw some expensive hardware together and expect it all to work beautifully. You'll need to tune the hardware and OS for various parameters such as TCP timeouts etc - these are published by the software vendors, and these have to be done once the software are finalized. Set these tuning params on the Ref env, test and then decide which ones you need to carry over to Production.
Determine your expected load.
Setup a machine and run some tests against it with a Load testing tool.
How close are you if you only accomplished 10% of the peak load with some margin for error then you know you are going to need some load balancing. Design and implement a solution and test again. Make sure you solution is flexible enough to scale.
Trial and error is pretty much the way to go. It really depends on the individual app and usage patterns.
Test your app with a sample load and measure performance and load metrics. DB queries, disk hits, latency, whatever.
Then get an estimate of the expected load when deployed (go ask the domain expert) (you have to consider average load AND spikes).
Multiply the two and add some just to be sure. That's a really rough idea of what you need.
Then implement it, keeping in mind you usually won't scale linearly and you probably won't get the expected load ;)

Recommendations for Web application performance benchmarks

I'm about to start testing an intranet web application. Specifically, I've to determine the application's performance.
Please could someone suggest formal/informal standards for how I can judge the application's performance.
Use some tool for stress and load testing. If you're using Java take a look at JMeter. It provides different methods to test you application performance. You should focus on:
Response time: How fast your application is running for normal requests. Test some read/write use case
Load test: How your application behaves in high traffic times. The tool will submit several requests (you can configure that properly) during a period of time.
Stress test: Do your application can operate during a long period of time? This test will push your application to the limits
Start with this, if you're interested, there are other kinds of tests.
"Specifically, I have to determine the application's performance...."
This comes full circle to the issue of requirements, the captured expectations of your user community for what is considered reasonable and effective. Requirements have a number of components
General Response time, " Under a load of .... The Site shall have a general response time of less than x, y% of the time..."
Specific Response times, " Under a load of .... Credit Card processing shall take less than z seconds, a% of the time..."
System Capacity items, " Under a load of .... CPU|Network|RAM|DISK shall not exceed n% of capacity.... "
The load profile, which is the mix of the number of users and transactions which will take place under which the specific, objective, measures are collected to determine system performance.
You will notice the the response times and other measures are no absolutes. Taking a page from six sigma manufacturing principals, the cost to move from 1 exception in a million to 1 exception in a billion is extraordinary and the cost to move to zero exceptions is usually a cost not bearable by the average organization. What is considered acceptable response time for a unique application for your organization will likely be entirely different from a highly commoditized offering which is a public internet facing application. For highly competitive solutions response time expectations on the internet are trending towards the 2-3 second range where user abandonment picks up severely. This has dropped over the past decade from 8 seconds, to 4 seconds and now into the 2-3 second range. Some applications, like Facebook, shoot for almost imperceptible response times in the sub one second range for competitive reasons. If you are looking for a hard standard, they just don't exist.
Something that will help your understanding is to read through a couple of industry benchmarks for style, form, function.
TPC-C Database Benchmark Document
SpecWeb2009 Benchmark Design Document
Setting up a solid set of performance tests which represents your needs is a non-trivial matter. You may want to bring in a specialist to handle this phase of your QA efforts.
On your tool selection, make sure you get one that can
Exercise your interface
Report against your requirements
You or your team has the skills to use
You can get training on and will attend with management's blessing
Misfire on any of the four elements above and you as well have purchased the most expensive tool on the market and hired the most expensive firm to deploy it.
Good luck!
To test the front-end then YSlow is great for getting statistics for how long your pages take to load from a user perspective. It breaks down into stats for each specfic HTTP request, the time it took, etc. Get it at http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/
Firebug, of course, also is essential. You can profile your JS explicitly or in real time by hitting the profile button. Making optimisations where necessary and seeing how long all your functions take to run. This changed the way I measure the performance of my JS code. http://getfirebug.com/js.html
Really the big thing I would think is response time, but other indicators I would look at are processor and memory usage vs. the number of concurrent users/processes. I would also check to see that everything is performing as expected under normal and then peak load. You might encounter scenarios where higher load causes application errors due to various requests stepping on each other.
If you really want to get detailed information you'll want to run different types of load/stress tests. You'll probably want to look at a step load test (a gradual increase of users on system over time) and a spike test (a significant number of users all accessing at the same time where almost no one was accessing it before). I would also run tests against the server right after it's been rebooted to see how that affects the system.
You'll also probably want to look at a concept called HEAT (Hostile Environment Application Testing). Really this shows what happens when some part of the system goes offline. Does the system degrade successfully? This should be a key standard.
My one really big piece of suggestion is to establish what the system is supposed to do before doing the testing. The main reason is accountability. Get people to admit that the system is supposed to do something and then test to see if it holds true. This is key because because people will immediately see the results and that will be the base benchmark for what is acceptable.
