Pickaxe, Well Grounded Rubyist, --- Fill in my next book --- [closed] - ruby

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Closed 11 years ago.
Trying to master Ruby (not rails yet). What book would you recommend reading next?
Well Grounded Rubyist
My background... I have a CS degree, I feel like I have absorbed the first two books and am getting quite comfortable with Ruby. I want to get better at the Ruby language before I head into Rails.

Next I'd recommend "Eloquent Ruby" (Russ Olsen) and "Ruby Best Practices" (Greg Brown).


What is the Ruby equivalent of "pythonic"? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
In the Python community, the term pythonic refers to idiomatic Python[1]. Is there an equivalent term in the Ruby community for idiomatic Ruby[2]?
[1] For example, using enumerate(l) instead of range(len(l)) is pythonic.
[2] For example, using .each instead of for is idiomatic Ruby.
I've not heard of any such shorthand, presumably because there's no convenient suffix you can append to Ruby to turn it into an adjective :)
If you say something's idiomatic, and you're around rubyists, I think everybody will know what you mean.

Why in Ruby 1.9 Continuations are evil? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am relative new in Ruby world. And I don't know, what to think. In 'The Ruby Programming Language' I read I shouldn't use Continuations in new code and use Fibers instead. I found this presentation (from 2008) http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/pub/ContinuationFest-ruby.pdf which says that Continations are broken and creators of their Ruby's implementations are criminals.
On the other hand I read a few blogs where authors were showing their excitement about continuations and they didn't sad anyhing about continuations bugs.
So I don't know what to think. I know than it is better to use Fibers instead of Continuations, but what to do when Fibers aren't enough? Can I use Continuations or are they broken (presentation from 2008 says it)?
Why Matz kicked Continuations to stdlib? Why there are votes, he will kick it out from Ruby?

what makes a simple program to be a good program? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
The programming language or The programming logic.....
Because both are equally important for good coding practice. And, please justify your answer.
What makes a program to be a good program?
Being able to address the customer needs and make him happy.
Programming language, programming logic, code style etc. are nonessential to the success.
The programming language doesn't have squat to do with a good program, you can write ugly code in C++ and elegant code in LOLcode and if they perform the same function nobody will care. Most important is that the code is bug free and performs its function.

LaTeX package for writing algorithms [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
which package would you use for writing algorithms in LaTeX? I know about algorithm, algorithmic and algorithms packages.
The listings package is what you are looking for.
alt text http://files.droplr.com/files/35740123/13etch.listings.png
I'd add to your list algorithm2e.
Use Algorithmic for algorithms and psuedocode writing.

where is the best algorithm exercises like euler project? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need learn some algorithms. What is the best collection of algorithm exercises that is like Project Euler?
These are the ones that I know of, which are good and are used by many programmers.
Top Coder
Code Chef
Try Spoj, it lets you use a large variety of languages and run and compile them online.
