How execute bash script line by line? - bash

If I enter bash -x option, it will show all the line. But the script will execute normaly.
How can I execute line by line? Than I can see if it do the correct thing, or I abort and fix the bug. The same effect is put a read in every line.

You don't need to put a read in everyline, just add a trap like the following into your bash script, it has the effect you want, eg.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
trap read debug
Works, just tested it with bash v4.2.8 and v3.2.25.
If your script is reading content from files, the above listed will not work. A workaround could look like the following example.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Press CTRL+C to proceed."
trap "pkill -f 'sleep 1h'" INT
trap "set +x ; sleep 1h ; set -x" DEBUG
To stop the script you would have to kill it from another shell in this case.
If you simply want to wait a few seconds before proceeding to the next command in your script the following example could work for you.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
trap "set +x; sleep 5; set -x" DEBUG
I'm adding set +x and set -x within the trap command to make the output more readable.

The BASH Debugger Project is "a source-code debugger for bash that follows the gdb command syntax."

If your bash script is really a bunch of one off commands that you want to run one by one, you could do something like this, which runs each command one by one when you increment a variable LN, corresponding to the line number you want to run. This allows you to just run the last command again super easy, and then you just increment the variable to go to the next command.
Assuming your commands are in a file "", run the following, one by one.
$ cat
echo "hi there"
ls -la /etc/passwd
$ $(LN=1 && cat | head -n$LN | tail -n1)
"hi there"
$ $(LN=2 && cat | head -n$LN | tail -n1)
Wed Feb 28 10:58:52 AST 2018
$ $(LN=3 && cat | head -n$LN | tail -n1)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 6774 Oct 2 21:29 /etc/passwd

Have a look at bash-stepping-xtrace.
It allows stepping xtrace.

xargs: can filter lines
cat .bashrc | xargs -0 -l -d \\n bash
-0 Treat as raw input (no escaping)
-l Separate each line (Not by default for performances)
-d \\n The line separator


Copy *unbuffered* stdout to file from within bash script itself

I want to copy stdout to a log file from within a bash script, meaning I don't want to call the script with output piped to tee, I want the script itself to handle it. I've successfully used this answer to accomplish this, using the following code:
exec > >(sed "s/^/[${1}] /" | tee -a myscript.log)
exec 2>&1
# <rest of script>
echo "hello"
sleep 10
echo "world"
This works, but has the downside of output being buffered until the script is completed, as is also discussed in the linked answer. In the above example, both "hello" and "world" will show up in the log only after the 10 seconds have passed.
I am aware of the stdbuf command, and if running the script with
stdbuf -oL ./
then stdout is indeed continuously printed both to the file and the terminal.
However, I'd like this to be handled from within the script as well. Is there any way to combine these two solutions? I'd rather not resort to a wrapper script that simply calls the original script enclosed with "stdbuf -oL".
You can use a workaround and make the script execute itself with stdbuf, if a special argument is present:
if [[ "$1" != __BUFFERED__ ]]; then
stdbuf -oL "$prog" __BUFFERED__ "$#"
shift #discard __BUFFERED__
exec > >(sed "s/^/[${1}] /" | tee -a myscript.log)
exec 2>&1
# <rest of script>
echo "hello"
sleep 1
echo "world"
This will mostly work:
if you run the script with ./test, it shows unbuffered [] hello\n[] world.
if you run the script with ./test 123 456, it shows [123] hello\n[123] world like you want.
it won't work, however, if you run it with bash test - $0 is set to test which is not your script. Fixing this is not in the scope of this question though.
The delay in your first solution is caused by sed, not by tee. Try this instead:
exec 6>&1 2>&1>&>(tee -a myscript.log)
To "undo" the tee effect:
exec 1>&6 2>&6 6>&-

How do I automatically save the output of the last command I've run (every time)?

If I wanted to have the output of the last command stored in a file such as ~/.last_command.txt (overwriting output of previous command), how would I go about doing so in bash so that the output goes to both stdout and that file? I imagine it would involve piping to tee ~/.last_command.txt but I don't know what to pipe to that, and I definitely don't want to add that to every command I run manually.
Also, how could I extend this to save the output of the last n commands?
Under bash this seems to have the desired effect.
bind 'RETURN: "|tee ~/.last_command.txt\n"'
You can add it to your bashrc file to make it permanent.
I should point out it's not perfect. Just hitting the enter key and you get:
matt#devpc:$ |tee ~/.last_command.txt
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|'
So I think it needs a little more work.
This will break program/feature expecting a TTY, but...
exec 4>&1
PROMPT_COMMAND="exec 1>&4; exec > >(mv ~/.last_command{_tmp,}; tee ~/.last_command_tmp)"
If it is acceptable to record all output, this can be simplified:
exec > >(tee ~/.commands)
Overwrite for 1 command:
script -c ls ~/.last_command.txt
If you want more than 1 command:
$ script ~/.last_command.txt
$ command1
$ command2
$ command3
$ exit
If you want to save during 1 login session, append "script" to .bashrc
When starting a new session (after login, or after opening the terminal), you can start another "nested" shell, and redirect its output:
% bash | tee -a ~/.bash_output
% ls # this is the nested shell
% exit
% cat ~/.bash_output
% exit
Actually, you don't even have to enter a nested shell every time. You can simply replace your shell-command in /etc/passwd from bash to bash | tee -a ~USERNAME/.bash_output.

Get the name of the caller script in bash script

Let's assume I have 3 shell scripts:
the problem is that in I want to know the name of the caller script.
so that I can respond differently to each caller I support
please don't assume I'm asking about $0 cause $0 will echo script_3 every time no matter who is the caller
here is an example input with expected output
./ should echo script_1
./ should echo script_2
./ should echo user_name or root or anything to distinguish between the 3 cases?
Is that possible? and if possible, how can it be done?
this is going to be added to a rm modified script... so when I call rm it do something and when git or any other CLI tool use rm it is not affected by the modification
Based on #user3100381's answer, here's a much simpler command to get the same thing which I believe should be fairly portable:
PARENT_COMMAND=$(ps -o comm= $PPID)
Replace comm= with args= to get the full command line (command + arguments). The = alone is used to suppress the headers.
In case you are sourceing instead of calling/executing the script there is no new process forked and thus the solutions with ps won't work reliably.
Use bash built-in caller in that case.
$ cat
#! /bin/bash
function warn_me() {
echo "$#"
$ cat
warn_me "Error: You did not do something"
$ .
Error: You did not do something
The $PPID variable holds the parent process ID. So you could parse the output from ps to get the command.
PARENT_COMMAND=$(ps $PPID | tail -n 1 | awk "{print \$5}")
Based on #J.L.answer, with more in depth explanations, that works for linux :
cat /proc/$PPID/comm
gives you the name of the command of the parent pid
If you prefer the command with all options, then :
cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline
explanations :
$PPID is defined by the shell, it's the pid of the parent processes
in /proc/, you have some dirs with the pid of each process (linux). Then, if you cat /proc/$PPID/comm, you echo the command name of the PID
Check man proc
Couple of useful files things kept in /proc/$PPID here
/proc/*some_process_id*/exe A symlink to the last executed command under *some_process_id*
/proc/*some_process_id*/cmdline A file containing the last executed command under *some_process_id* and null-byte separated arguments
So a slight simplification.
sed 's/\x0/ /g' "/proc/$PPID/cmdline"
If you have /proc:
$(cat /proc/$PPID/comm)
Declare this:
PARENT_NAME=`ps -ocomm --no-header $PPID`
Thus you'll get a nice variable $PARENT_NAME that holds the parent's name.
You can simply use the command below to avoid calling cut/awk/sed:
ps --no-headers -o command $PPID
If you only want the parent and none of the subsequent processes, you can use:
ps --no-headers -o command $PPID | cut -d' ' -f1
You could pass in a variable to to determine how to respond...
./ script1
./ script2
if [ $1 == 'script1' ] ; then
echo "we were called from script1!"
elsif [ $1 == 'script2' ] ; then
echo "we were called from script2!"

How do I print the full pipeline of which my script is one part of?

Using echo "blah" | myscript, as an example pipeline am looking for a way to from within "myscript":
whose output would be the original pipeline:
echo "blah" | myscript
Any ideas?
Here you go:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
siblings=($(pgrep -P "$(ps -p $$ o ppid=)" | grep -Fvx $$))
while true
for sibling in ${siblings[#]}
if [ "$(readlink "/proc/${sibling}/fd/1")" = "$(readlink "/proc/${pid}/fd/0")" ]
# Found previous pipe process
continue 2
break # No previous pipe process
while IFS= read -r line
pipeline="${pipeline+${pipeline} | }$line"
done < <(ps --sort=pid -p "$pids" o args=)
printf '%s\n' "$pipeline"
$ ./
bash ./
$ cat /dev/zero | sleep 1 | ./
cat /dev/zero | sleep 1 | bash ./
Working on a small project to make this a proper tool.
It's not easy to do this directly, but you could use following information to recreate the pipeline:
Your script's PID is in $$ env variable
Using ps -fe and looking at columns 2 and 3 you can find your script's parent and the parent's parent and so on. The pipeline consists of a series of direct ancestors, and you can follow the path down to process with PID 1 (init process or equivalent).
Knowing each process's PID, you can get its command line from /proc/PID/cmdline (replace '\0''s with spaces using tr for human-readable format
If you know that the script was called from a pipeline, you're essentially done. If you need to find out whether it was called from a pipeline or interactively, you would probably need to check what ls -lh /proc/self/fd/0 prints. That's the 0-th file descriptor, meaning stdin. If it points to /dev/someting (like /dev/pts/XX) you're probably interactive. If the target of the link starts with pipe:[, it's likely you are receiving data from a pipeline (it could also be a network socket but hopefully you can rule this case out as unlikely in your setup).

How to invoke bash, run commands inside the new shell, and then give control back to user?

This must either be really simple or really complex, but I couldn't find anything about it... I am trying to open a new bash instance, then run a few commands inside it, and give the control back to the user inside that same instance.
I tried:
$ bash -lic "some_command"
but this executes some_command inside the new instance, then closes it. I want it to stay open.
One more detail which might affect answers: if I can get this to work I will use it in my .bashrc as alias(es), so bonus points for an alias implementation!
bash --rcfile <(echo '. ~/.bashrc; some_command')
dispenses the creation of temporary files. Question on other sites:
This is a late answer, but I had the exact same problem and Google sent me to this page, so for completeness here is how I got around the problem.
As far as I can tell, bash does not have an option to do what the original poster wanted to do. The -c option will always return after the commands have been executed.
Broken solution: The simplest and obvious attempt around this is:
bash -c 'XXXX ; bash'
This partly works (albeit with an extra sub-shell layer). However, the problem is that while a sub-shell will inherit the exported environment variables, aliases and functions are not inherited. So this might work for some things but isn't a general solution.
Better: The way around this is to dynamically create a startup file and call bash with this new initialization file, making sure that your new init file calls your regular ~/.bashrc if necessary.
# Create a temporary file
# Add stuff to the temporary file
echo "source ~/.bashrc" > $TMPFILE
echo "<other commands>" >> $TMPFILE
echo "rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE
# Start the new bash shell
bash --rcfile $TMPFILE
The nice thing is that the temporary init file will delete itself as soon as it is used, reducing the risk that it is not cleaned up correctly.
Note: I'm not sure if /etc/bashrc is usually called as part of a normal non-login shell. If so you might want to source /etc/bashrc as well as your ~/.bashrc.
You can pass --rcfile to Bash to cause it to read a file of your choice. This file will be read instead of your .bashrc. (If that's a problem, source ~/.bashrc from the other script.)
Edit: So a function to start a new shell with the stuff from ~/ would look something like:
more() { bash --rcfile ~/ ; }
... and in you would have the commands you want to execute when the shell starts. (I suppose it would be elegant to avoid a separate startup file -- you cannot use standard input because then the shell will not be interactive, but you could create a startup file from a here document in a temporary location, then read it.)
bash -c '<some command> ; exec /bin/bash'
will avoid additional shell sublayer
You can get the functionality you want by sourcing the script instead of running it. eg:
$cat script
$ . script
$ at this point cmd1 and cmd2 have been run inside this shell
Append to ~/.bashrc a section like this:
if [ "$subshell" = 'true' ]
# commands to execute only on a subshell
alias sub='subshell=true bash'
Then you can start the subshell with sub.
The accepted answer is really helpful! Just to add that process substitution (i.e., <(COMMAND)) is not supported in some shells (e.g., dash).
In my case, I was trying to create a custom action (basically a one-line shell script) in Thunar file manager to start a shell and activate the selected Python virtual environment. My first attempt was:
urxvt -e bash --rcfile <(echo ". $HOME/.bashrc; . %f/bin/activate;")
where %f is the path to the virtual environment handled by Thunar.
I got an error (by running Thunar from command line):
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Then I realized that my sh (essentially dash) does not support process substitution.
My solution was to invoke bash at the top level to interpret the process substitution, at the expense of an extra level of shell:
bash -c 'urxvt -e bash --rcfile <(echo "source $HOME/.bashrc; source %f/bin/activate;")'
Alternatively, I tried to use here-document for dash but with no success. Something like:
echo -e " <<EOF\n. $HOME/.bashrc; . %f/bin/activate;\nEOF\n" | xargs -0 urxvt -e bash --rcfile
P.S.: I do not have enough reputation to post comments, moderators please feel free to move it to comments or remove it if not helpful with this question.
With accordance with the answer by daveraja, here is a bash script which will solve the purpose.
Consider a situation if you are using C-shell and you want to execute a command
without leaving the C-shell context/window as follows,
Command to be executed: Search exact word 'Testing' in current directory recursively only in *.h, *.c files
grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
Solution 1: Enter into bash from C-shell and execute the command
grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
Solution 2: Write the intended command into a text file and execute it using bash
echo 'grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./' > tmp_file.txt
bash tmp_file.txt
Solution 3: Run command on the same line using bash
bash -c 'grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./'
Solution 4: Create a sciprt (one-time) and use it for all future commands
alias ebash './'
ebash grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
The script is as follows,
# =========================================================================
# References:
# =========================================================================
# Enable following line to see the script commands
# getting printing along with their execution. This will help for debugging.
#set -o verbose
if [ ! -n "$1" ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` grep -nrs --color -w --include=\"*.{h,c}\" Testing ."
echo "Usage: `basename $0` find . -name \"*.txt\""
# Create a temporary file
# Add stuff to the temporary file
#echo "echo Hello World...." >> $TMPFILE
#initialize the variable that will contain the whole argument string
#iterate on each argument
for arg in "$#"
#if an argument contains a white space, enclose it in double quotes and append to the list
#otherwise simply append the argument to the list
if echo $arg | grep -q " "; then
argList="$argList \"$arg\""
argList="$argList $arg"
#remove a possible trailing space at the beginning of the list
argList=$(echo $argList | sed 's/^ *//')
# Echoing the command to be executed to tmp file
echo "$argList" >> $TMPFILE
# Note: This should be your last command
# Important last command which deletes the tmp file
last_command="rm -f $TMPFILE"
echo "$last_command" >> $TMPFILE
#echo "---------------------------------------------"
#echo "TMPFILE is $TMPFILE as follows"
#echo "---------------------------------------------"
check_for_last_line=$(tail -n 1 $TMPFILE | grep -o "$last_command")
#echo $check_for_last_line
#if tail -n 1 $TMPFILE | grep -o "$last_command"
if [ "$check_for_last_line" == "$last_command" ]
#echo "Okay..."
exit 0
echo "Something is wrong"
echo "Last command in your tmp file should be removing itself"
echo "Aborting the process"
exit 1
$ bash --init-file <(echo 'some_command')
$ bash --rcfile <(echo 'some_command')
In case you can't or don't want to use process substitution:
$ cat script
$ bash --init-file script
Another way:
$ bash -c 'some_command; exec bash'
$ sh -c 'some_command; exec sh'
sh-only way (dash, busybox):
$ ENV=script sh
Here is yet another (working) variant:
This opens a new gnome terminal, then in the new terminal it runs bash. The user's rc file is read first, then a command ls -la is sent for execution to the new shell before it turns interactive.
The last echo adds an extra newline that is needed to finish execution.
gnome-terminal -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'
I also find it useful sometimes to decorate the terminal, e.g. with colorfor better orientation.
gnome-terminal --profile green -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'
