heroku: Running console attached to terminal... - heroku

I am trying to deploy a simple rails application to an heroku account, I was able to login and push, only it seems to hang when I try to
heroku run rake db:migrate
or to
heroku run console
I get the message
Running console attached to terminal...
and then nothing happens... it just hangs. I read that it could be I have some blocked ports (like, port 5000) but it seems quite strange to me, I never had such problems before...
I am on Ubuntu, how can I check if that's the case? or how could I fix the issue? Anybody got any hint? I already tried to heroku update, same issue...

Its the port problem i also face the same issue a while ago and their support guys told me top make open the port.
Here is their reply
This problem is typically caused by a connectivity or firewall issue. You can test your connection to our heroku run and heroku console servers by running the following commands:
telnet rendezvous.heroku.com 5000
telnet s1.runtime.heroku.com 5000
Some users have success after whitelisting these hostname+port combinations in their firewall. We recommend contacting your IT department to move forward with this issue.
If you are successfully able to connect, press Ctrl+] (right bracket) and then type quit to exit the telnet session.
An application which takes a long time to boot can also exasperate connectivity issues. If the server does not respond quickly enough, your local connection will timeout before the app can boot.

To test the net enabled access to that port try the following. They mention that filtered-port issue on their guide.
$ telnet rendezvous.heroku.com 5000


Error in Remote Calabash Server: 'Connection refused"

For the purposes of testing. I have three computers running 9 containers locally on top of a ruby Sinatra server, testing an Android app. I'm using calabash server with cucumber steps.
All was running fine until about a month ago and I started seeing Calabash server errors. The first few containers run fine. Then it gets to around the 5th container and I start seeing a connection error as follow: "
Error in Remote Calabash Server: 'Connection refused - Connection
refused - connect for "" port 37265 ('"
Followed by a long runtime error.
And that container craps out. The other containers will then usually run successfully after that.
I understand it's a very broad sounding issue and there's a lot of variables at play. But any suggestions at all of where to look would be most helpful. Could the servers just be struggling with too many requests? It's not getting hit by many at once, but who knows at this stage.
Any help as always much appreciated.

Accessing webmin through browser port :10000

Recently set up a Debian 9.1 x64 server with SSH and LAMP stack (PHP ver7.0). PHP and Apache are both installed correctly since I get their landing pages. UFW is also active.
I have now installed webmin(using apt-get) and also tried following the instructions from http://www.webmin.com/deb.html on a different occasion. I "sucessfully" completed the installation(s) via terminal and it directed me to goto https://MY_Domain:10000 and to log in with root.
After multiple attempts, even tried using https://MY_IP_ADDRESS:10000 I am greeted with "Safari cannot open MY_IPADDRESS because it cant connect to the server".
I have tried the following to solve my problem:
-Reinstalling webmin,
-Restarting webmin,
-Stopping my UFW firewall,
-Allowing ports 10000 ,HTTPS port (443 I think), port 22, port22 v6
-Opening webmin config and changing the port/listen line to listen to another port such as 44321,
-Opening error logs. The only "error" that appeared was something about not being able to do something with IPv6,
-Using different browsers,
I have read many forum posts of users having similar problems but none of the solutions have been effective. I have heard of IPtables but for some reason I cannot implement that solution. Im very new to server configuration therefore I'd appreciate the help.
Similar post: Unable to access Webmin through browser
Ok so I finally fixed it. To fix this, log in as root then nano to
sudo nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf
Turn off SSL by setting it to 0.
The restart webmin and try to connect.
Im about to research into whether this is a safe practice.
I get the same problem only after system restart. All works fine, firewall configured for webmin port and all, also tried with fireall disabled, after system restart all goes down the drain, webmin service is ufo and after uninstall and reinstall webmin the story replays. I am at my wits end. Good bye opensuse!

Docker login from cmd line yields i/o timeouts

I'm trying to login to docker from the Docker Quickstart Terminal but it doesn't work.
I always get an error saying: "Error response from daemon: Server Error: Post https://index.docker.io/v1/users/: dial tcp: i/o timeout"
I have been working with docker the last few days and was always able to login and push/pull stuff. The only thing different I can think of is that I'm currently on a different Wifi.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
This is a known issue, and is probably related to VirtualBox; after switching networks, boot2docker/VirtualBox sometimes looses connectivity or uses incorrect DNS settings.
DNS confused when switching WiFi networks
Container connectivity lost after switching wireless networks
Manual restart required everytime network connectivity changes (contains some workarounds)
Docker Machine 0.5.3 adds two new options that may circumvent this;
After restarting the machine it worked again, don't know what caused the problem though...

Cannot connect to localhost:8082

After successful running the maven project in eclipse, I cannot connect to http://localhost:8082. It shows the below error:
connection refused
What should I do to resolve the problem?
This exception usually occurs when there is no service listening on the port you are trying to connect to. A couple of things could be happening:
You have not started your server.
Your server is not waiting to
accept connections.
You are trying to connect to the wrong port
You should check your services. I think they are either stopped or not working. You can check the services:-
a) if using windows by clicking services in control panel
b) if using linux type in the command Line sudo mqsql service.
you can refer this link- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-find-out-if-mysql-is-running-on-linux/
2)Also check the database connection string might you have not used correct string.

cPanel stopped responding to curl requests

I'm on a VPS and use a bash script to deploy websites to subdirectories inside on of my accounts. I've been using this script with no issues until today, randomly, cPanel decided to ignore curl.
In this script I automatically create a database and add a user to it, which is accomplished via curling cPanel with the appropriate information.
Here's what I was doing and previously was working flawlessly.
curl -k -v -G -d db=$db_name https://$cpanel_user:$cpanel_password#$cpanel_host:2083/frontend/x3/sql/addb.html
I isolated this line to a separate script to debug. Here's the kicker, the server simply doesn't respond. Curl just says Trying X.X.X.X... and then eventually the connection times out. Curl works for everything else so I know that's not it. Just for grins I tried wget and it can't establish a connection either.
I have [had] security tokens disabled in cPanel.
My question is what would cause the connection to fail? I'm stumped as this worked yesterday.
I don't mind investigating and debugging, but with no errors or anything I simply don't know where to look. I talked to my host and they said there hasn't been any firewall/security updates rolled out.
Suggestions on issues or where to look?
Edit: So if I run that curl command locally in OSX it fires up and creates the DB no problem. So for some reason the URL isn't responding to my own server (itself) o.O
Edit 2: It seems my server can't curl itself on that port I need (dunno why it would have stopped). For example if I curl my server IP or a domain on my server (from the server) it works. If I try to curl my ip:2083 it won't resolve.
How can I allow curl to work with port 2083?
My firewall CSF just allow incomming TCP connexion on port 2083 to the server. But the other one blocked the outgoing tcp connexion on port 2083.
So opening both port IN-OUT on both server solved the issue.
