Flash player debugger stopped working - windows

Has anybody had Flash player debuuger suddenly stop working for no reason whatsoever.
What I've found so far:
- No exception screens popping up.. in ANY browser. Reinstalled debugger version of flash player, no go.
- Flashbug not showing in Firebug
- No trace calls visible in FlashDevelop
- Flash IDE behaves normal.. all trace calls visible
- Firefox updated about the same time but problem seems to be on a wider scale
This started approximately, on Sunday 8th Januray (or saturday).
Any ideas?
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Use the below special uninstaller:
Download and install the latest debug version:
Ensure that this file exists, otherwise create it:
"c:\Documents and Settings[user name]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs\flashlog.txt"
Note that there is a bug in Flash Player right now that when Photoshop is open that the player will not update logs
I hope this works for you as it did for me!
There's also a thread about this for Win 7 64x at:


Issue with resizing windows using an Application Compatibility shim

I'm trying to run a legacy VB6 application on Windows 10. I'm using creating an .sdb shim file which detects the application's .exe using the Compatibility Administrator tool found in the Windows ADK. Whenever the .exe runs, the screen resolution is resized to a specific resolution. When the .exe stops, the resolution returns to normal.
The Compatibility fixes I'm using are "ForceDisplayMode" with parameters to display at the legacy app's old resolution. And also "ForceTemporaryModeChange" which will revert the screen resolution back to normal.
One problem I'm having is that when the application is open, if I close my laptop lid and reopen it, the .sdb stops working (windows doesn't log out). If I log out, the old resolution is maintained as expected. I'm trying to figure out if there's an option to maintain the .sdb's resolution, or if this is an oversight on Microsoft's end?
Ok, in the off chance that anyone has this incredibly obscure problem in the future, the solution was apparently to disable tablet mode on Windows 10 1809. That solves the .sdb shim being undone by closing the lid on my SP3/SP6s.
Edit: Ok, turns out that was not the solution. It was just coincidence, so I've uncheckmarked this answer. We had an image that didn't have this problem but then later images reverted this behavior. Still don't know why this occurs.
Edit 2: I still don't know why this occurs but I have a few observations that may help someone. I'm on Windows 10 LTSC Version 1809 Build 17763.615. It seems to have to do with specifically putting the SP6 to sleep via flipping up the keyboard. If you sleep by Windows > Power > Sleep or pressing the power button or letting the SP6 go to sleep on its own, the SDB is correctly maintained. Another odd observation is that if you sleep via the 3 ways listed above but then flip up the keyboard, the SDB is cancelled.

directx 11 c++ application in vs 2012 -- full screen crashes after running for a while

Win7 Directx 11 with VS 2012 -- When I let my app run in full screen on my development computer, eventually, the program exits full screen back to windowed, all by itself, and pops up a dialog telling me windows resources are running low. The dialog tells me something about turning off interactive themes or something to that end. When I run the program in release mode on one of our client machines, the app runs fine, does everything it should, but after a while, instead of popping up the dialog about windows resources, I get an exception window with exception 0x40000015 as the error. This only happens if I am in full screen, windowed, it never crashes. Event Viewer shows nothing at all about the crash. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance. Basically what my app is, is a wrapper graphics library. When it says I am using all the resources, my resource monitor shows that I never went above 20% of memory and the cpu never went above 14%. The 0x40000015 error number is rather general and doesn't exactly point me in any real direction.
This is not related to trying to exit an app in full screen, as that I have the code required to prevent the exception related to that problem.
It turned out to be a component issue on the target platform. The ReportLiveDeviceObjects info was helpful and will continue to help down the line.

Selenium-webdriver Firefox issue windows 7

I am running Selenium Webdriver locally on my windows home server (windows 7 professional actually) which logs to a site and sends some emails. It's a java program with a single thread running.
I can see Firefox opening up just fine when running through Eclipse and follow the clicks etc as it logs on without problems.
I have set up a Task Scheduler task to start it up every morning though and run the jar. The program runs fine but when Firefox opens it is almost invisible, I can see the grey frames of it but everything else is transparent and invisible and if you drag something in front of it the graphics get stuck.
When clicking on Properties on Task manager I can see that it started with firefox.exe - foreground whereas when I open Firefox normally it says -browser.
The program still does what it should do, it's just Firefox is not visible at all when running through java -jar X.jar etc.
Any ideas why?
Windows 7 Professional
WebDriver 2.32
Firefox 21
I suspect it has something to do with the anonymous Firefox Profiles created each time firefox runs. I usually delete them from Temp once a week.
P.S No idea if it matters but server is headless and I am accessing it through TeamViewer.
Issue solved by deleting firefox profiles and loading from scratch. Weird, not sure yet what caused this and if it happens again.
Perhaps I will create a specific firefox profile and use instead of a anonymous one created each time.

Flash CS6 not displaying AS3 projects (OS X)

Flash CS6 won't display any AS3 projects while debugging anymore. When compiling for debugging it turns up white in the default "debug window" inside of Flash. If I right-click in the debugger window it says "Movie not loaded". No compiler errors are shown. The resulting swf file only runs if opened with the Flash Player from Finder.
This applies for all projects that I know have been working fine up until now. I've also tested to create a new, blank FLA on which I only draw a rectangle with the same result.
If, however, I select a Flash Player version prior to 10 (falling back to AS2) as the target for the test file containing only a rectangle, it does compile and show up fine.
I've uninstalled Flash and Flash Builder (and deleting any trace of the applications in the Library folders) and then reinstalled it multiple times without any result. I've also tried to uninstall Flash Player and Flash Player Debugger to no avail. For this I'm following the advice on Adobe's site and are using their Flash Player uninstaller applications, but it doesn't seem to uninstall all instances of the Players...
I believe the problem lies in the version of Flash Player Debugger that Flash uses internally to display the swf when debugging and it seems to somehow persist between re-installations. Is there a sure-shot way to reset this entirely?
Has anybody encountered this problem before?
I finally found the problem myself. It seems like the Chrome extension called FlashFirebug randomly causes these issues. When I deactivated the extension Flash started working properly again.

Browser hangs when debugging Flash

Since the latest update to Firefox 3.6.13 I can no longer debug flash apps. If I have the debug flash player installed, it hangs when loading my application, and never connects to the debugger.
I'm running Flash Debug 10.2 (latest one).
I've tried uninstalling / reinstalling, but I get the same experience.
When the page loads, the browser hangs, 10+ seconds later, the page continues. It happens on my application as well as sites like Hulu.
Anyone else have similar issues?
I already disabled the dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll and set timeoutSecs to -1.
This issue seems to happen in all browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome) with Flash Debug player 10.1 or 10.2. I'm not quite sure what the issue might be.
Somehow my hosts entry for "localhost" got mangled when editing the file. This caused the debugger to look for a debug host on another machine. It then waited for the timeout before continuing to work.
Fixing the localhost issue fixed my debugging issue.
