WHat is the best solution for large caching in Ruby? - ruby

I'm building an REST API in Ruby with JRuby+Sinatra running on top of Trinidad web server.
One of the functionalities of the API will be getting very large datasets from a database and storing them in a middle caching/non relational DB layer. This is for performing filter/sorting/actions on top of that dataset without having to rebuild it from the database.
We're looking into a good/the best solution for implementing this middle layer.
My thoughts:
Using a non relational database like Riak to store the datasets and having a caching layer (like Cache Money) on top.
Our datasets can be fairly large

Since you asked for an opinion, I'll give you mine... I think MongoDB would be a good match for your needs:
I've used used it to store large, historical datasets for a couple of years now that just keep getting bigger and bigger, and it remains up to the task. I haven't even needed to delve into "sharding" or some of the advanced features.
The reasons I think it would be appropriate for the application you describe are:
It is an indexed, schemaless document store which means it can be very "dynamic" with fields being added or removed
I've benchmarked it's performance versus some SQL databases for large "flat" data it performs orders of magnitude better in some cases.
https://github.com/guyboertje/jmongo will let you access MongoDB from JRuby


How couchdb 1.6 inherently take advantage of Map reduce when it is Single Server Database

I am new to couch db, while going through documentation of Couch DB1.6, i came to know that it is single server DB, so I was wondering how map reduce inherently take advantage of it.
If i need to scale this DB then do I need to put more RAID hardware, of will it work on commodity hardware like HDFS?
I came to know that couch db 2.0 planning to bring clustering feature, but could not get proper documentation on this.
Can you please help me understanding how exactly internally file get stored and accessed.
Really appreciate your help.
I think your question is something like this:
"MapReduce is … a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster." [shortened from MapReduce article on Wikipedia]
But CouchDB 1.x is not a clustered database.
So what does CouchDB mean by using the term "map reduce"?
This is a reasonable question.
The historical use of "MapReduce" as described by Google in this paper using that stylized term, and implemented in Hadoop also using that same styling implies parallel processing over a dataset that may be too large for a single machine to handle.
But that's not how CouchDB 1.x works. View index "map" and "reduce" processing happens not just on single machine, but even on a single thread! As dch (a longtime contributor to the core CouchDB project) explains in his answer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/12725497/179583:
The issue is that eventually, something has to operate in serial to build the B~tree in such a way that range queries across the indexed view are efficient. … It does seem totally wacko the first time you realise that the highly parallelisable map-reduce algorithm is being operated sequentially, wat!
So: what benefit does map/reduce bring to single-server CouchDB? Why were CouchDB 1.x view indexes built around it?
The benefit is that the two functions that a developer can provide for each index "map", and optionally "reduce", form very simple building blocks that are easy to reason about, at least after your indexes are designed.
What I mean is this:
With e.g. the SQL query language, you focus on what data you need — not on how much work it takes to find it. So you might have unexpected performance problems, that may or may not be solved by figuring out the right columns to add indexes on, etc.
With CouchDB, the so-called NoSQL approach is taken to an extreme. You have to think explicitly about how you each document or set of documents "should be" found. You say, I want to be able to find all the "employee" documents whose "supervisor" field matches a certain identifier. So now you have to write a map function:
function (doc) {
if (doc.isEmployeeRecord) emit(doc.supervisor.identifier);
And then you have to query it like:
GET http://couchdb.local:5984/personnel/_design/my_indexes/_view/by_supervisor?key=SOME_UUID
In SQL you might simply say something like:
SELECT * FROM personnel WHERE supervisor == ?
So what's the advantage to the CouchDB way? Well, in the SQL case this query could be slow if you don't have an index on the supervisor column. In the CouchDB case, you can't really make an unoptimized query by accident — you always have to figure out a custom view first!
(The "reduce" function that you provide to a CouchDB view is usually used for aggregate functions purposes, like counting or averaging across multiple documents.)
If you think this is a dubious advantage, you are not alone. Personally I found designing my own indexes via a custom "map function" and sometimes a "reduce function" to be an interesting challenge, and it did pay off in knowing the scaling costs at least of queries (not so much for replications…).
So don't think of CouchDB view so much as being "MapReduce" (in the stylized sense) but just as providing efficiently-accessible storage for the results of running [].map(…).reduce(…) across a set of data. Because the "map" function is applied to only a document at once, the total set of data can be bigger than fits in memory at once. Because the "reduce" function is limited in its size, it further encourages efficient processing of a large set of data into an efficiently-accessed index.
If you want to learn a bit more about how the indexes generated in CouchDB are stored, you might find these articles interesting:
The Power of B-trees
CouchDB's File Format is brilliantly simple and speed-efficient (at the cost of disk space).
Technical Details, View Indexes
You may have noticed, and I am sorry, that I do not actually have a clear/solid answer of what the actual advantage and reasons were! I did not design or implement CouchDB, was only an avid user for many years.
Maybe the bigger advantage is that, in systems like Couchbase and CouchDB 2.x, the "parallel friendliness" of the map/reduce idea may come into play more. So then if you have designed an app to work in CouchDB 1.x it may then scale in the newer version without further intervention on your part.

Are these the ways to write a query without joins in a NOSQL scalable website architecture?

I keep hearing that one of the ways to architect a scalable website is to not use joins. How is the world do you do that since most data is relational?
My limited research has yielded these thoughts:
A) If your data is inherently relational then indeed use a relational database, i.e., use the right tool for the job.
B) Maintain a denormalized version of your data.
C) For the data that can be forced to be non-relational then you can use NOSQL. Data architect it in such a way that joins are not necessary.
D) If you must relate your data then the application layer must manually implement joins by fetching the data sets one-by-one and manually relating the results.
E) Since manual joins at the application layer are very slow then try to do these offline (not while the user is waiting).
F) Use Map-Reduce.
Is this correct/any more answers?
High scalability has excellent articles on this. Check out the reddit one for how they handled the joins: http://highscalability.com/blog/2010/5/17/7-lessons-learned-while-building-reddit-to-270-million-page.html
Then there's already a stackoverflow question with a bunch of links in the answers for similar info:
Techniques for writing a scalable website
Cache as much as possible, i.e. when you have expensive queries (with or without joins) try to cache the query result rather than executing the query again etc. To make the whole site fast, cache objects on the highest possible layer, i.e. try to cache whole pages, if that does not works, try caching page fragments, then the data objects that provide the data to populate the pages etc. etc.
Caveat: There's some truth to the old saying "There are only 2 hard things in Computer Science - cache invalidation and naming things", so be careful what you put in your cache and for how long.

Mixing column and row oriented databases?

I am currently trying to improve the performance of a web application. The goal of the application is to provide (real time) analytics. We have a database model that is similiar to a star schema, few fact tables and many dimensional tables. The database is running with Mysql and MyIsam engine.
The Fact table size can easily go into the upper millions and some dimension tables can also reach the millions.
Now the point is, select queries can get awfully slow if the dimension tables get joined on the fact tables and also aggretations are done. First thing that comes in mind when hearing this is, why not precalculate the data? This is not possible because the users are allowed to use several freely customizable filters.
So what I need is an all-in-one system suitable for every purpose ;) Sadly it wasn't invented yet. So I came to the idea to combine 2 existing systems. Mixing a row oriented and a column oriented database (e.g. like infinidb or infobright). Keeping the mysql MyIsam solution (for fast inserts and row based queries) and add a column oriented database (for fast aggregation operations on few columns) to it and fill it periodically (nightly) via cronjob. Problem would be when the current data (it must be real time) is queried, therefore I maybe would need to get data from both databases which can complicate things.
First tests with infinidb showed really good performance on aggregation of a few columns, so I really think this could help me speed up the application.
So the question is, is this a good idea? Has somebody maybe already done this? Maybe there is are better ways to do it.
I have no experience in column oriented databases yet and I'm also not sure how the schema of it should look like. First tests showed good performance on the same star schema like structure but also in a big table like structure.
I hope this question fits on SO.
Greenplum, which is a proprietary (but mostly free-as-in-beer) extension to PostgreSQL, supports both column-oriented and row-oriented tables with high customizable compression. Further, you can mix settings within the same table if you expect that some parts will experience heavy transactional load while others won't. E.g., you could have the most recent year be row-oriented and uncompressed, the prior year column-oriented and quicklz-compresed, and all historical years column-oriented and bz2-compressed.
Greenplum is free for use on individual servers, but if you need to scale out with its MPP features (which are its primary selling point) it does cost significant amounts of money, as they're targeting large enterprise customers.
(Disclaimer: I've dealt with Greenplum professionally, but only in the context of evaluating their software for purchase.)
As for the issue of how to set up the schema, it's hard to say much without knowing the particulars of your data, but in general having compressed column-oriented tables should make all of your intuitions about schema design go out the window.
In particular, normalization is almost never worth the effort, and you can sometimes get big gains in performance by denormalizing to borderline-comical levels of redundancy. If the data never hits disk in an uncompressed state, you might just not care that you're repeating each customer's name 40,000 times. Infobright's compression algorithms are designed specifically for this sort of application, and it's not uncommon at all to end up with 40-to-1 ratios between the logical and physical sizes of your tables.

Normalize or Denormalize in high traffic websites

What are the best practices for database design and normalization for high traffic websites like stackoverflow?
Should one use a normalized database for record keeping or a normalized technique or a combination of both?
Is it sensible to design a normalized database as the main database for record keeping to reduce redundancy and at the same time maintain another denormalized form of the database for fast searching?
Should the main database be denormalized but with normalized views at the application level for fast database operations?
or some other approach?
The performance hit of joining is frequently overestimated. Database products like Oracle are built to join very efficiently. Joins are often regarded as performing badly when the real culprit is a poor data model or a poor indexing strategy. People also forget that denormalised databases perform very badly when it comes to inserting or updating data.
The key thing to bear in mind is the type of application you're building. Most of the famous websites are not like regular enterprise applications. That's why Google, Facebook, etc don't use relational databases. There's been a lot of discussion of this topic recently, which I have blogged about.
So if you're building a website which is primarily about delivering shedloads of semi-structured content you probably don't want to be using a relational database, denormalised or otherwise. But if you're building a highly transactional website (such as an online bank) you need a design which guarantees data security and integrity, and does so well. That means a relational database in at least third normal form.
Denormalizing the db to reduce the number of joins needed for intense queries is one of many different ways of scaling. Having to do fewer joins means less heavy lifting by the db, and disk is cheap.
That said, for ridiculous amounts of traffic good relational db performance can be hard to achieve. That is why many bigger sites use key value stores(e.g. memcached) and other caching mechanisms.
The Art of Capacity Planning is pretty good.
You can listen to a discussion on this very topic by the creators of stack overflow on thier podcast at:
First: Define for yourself what hight-traffic means:
50.000 Page-Viewss per day?
500.000 Page-Views per day?
5.000.000 Page-Views per day?
Then calculate this down to probable peak page-views per minute and per seconds.
After that think about the data you want to query per page-view. Is the data cacheable? How dynamic is the data, how big is the data?
Analyze your individual requirements, program some code, do some load-testing, optimize. In most cases, before you need to scale out the database servers you need to scale out the web-servers.
Relational-database can be, if fully optimized, amazingly fast, when joining tables!
A relational-database could be hit seldom when to as a back-end, to populate a cache or fill some denormalized data tables. I would not make denormalization the default approach.
(You mentioned search, look into e.g. lucene or something similar, if you need full-text search.)
The best best-practice answer is definitely: It depends ;-)
For a project I'm working on, we've gone for the denormalized table route as we expect our major tables to have a high ratio of writes to reads (instead of all users hitting the same tables, we've denormalized them and set each "user set" to use a particular shard). You may find read http://highscalability.com/ for examples of how the "big sites" cope with the volume - Stack Overflow was recently featured.
Neither matters if you aren't caching properly.

Pitfalls in prototype database design (for performance viability testing)

Following on from my previous question, I'm looking to run some performance tests on various potential schema representations of an object model. However, the catch is that while the model is conceptually complete, it's not actually finalised yet - and so the exact number of tables, and numbers/types of attributes in each table aren't definite.
From my (possibly naive) perspective it seems like it should be possible to put together a representative prototype model for each approach, and test the performance of each of these to determine which is the fastest approach for each case.
And that's where the question comes in. I'm aware that the performance characteristics of databases can be very non-intuitive, such that a small (even "trivial") change can lead to an order of magnitude difference. Thus I'm wondering what common pitfalls there might be when setting up a dummy table structure and populating it with dummy data. Since the environment is likely to make a massive difference here, the target is Oracle running on RHEL 3.
(In particular, I'm looking for examples such as "make sure that one of your tables has a much more selective index than the other"; "make sure you have more than x rows/columns because below this you won't hit page faults and the performance will be different"; "ensure you test with the DATETIME datatype if you're going to use it because it will change the query plan greatly", and so on. I tried Google, expecting there would be lots of pages/blog posts on best practices in this area, but couldn't find the trees for the wood (lots of pages about tuning performance of an existing DB instead).)
As a note, I'm willing to accept an answer along the lines of "it's not feasible to perform a test like this with any degree of confidence in the transitivity of the result", if that is indeed the case.
There are a few things that you can do to position yourself to meet performance objectives. I think they happen in this order:
be aware of architectures, best practices and patterns
be aware of how the database works
spot-test performance to get additional precision or determine impact of wacky design areas
More on each:
Architectures, best practices and patterns: one of the most common reasons for reporting databases to fail to perform is that those who build them are completely unfamiliar with the reporting domain. They may be experts on the transactional database domain - but the techniques from that domain do not translate to the warehouse/reporting domain. So, you need to know your domain well - and if you do you'll be able to quickly identify an appropriate approach that will work almost always - and that you can tweak from there.
How the database works: you need to understand in general what options the optimizer/planner has for your queries. What's the impact to different statements of adding indexes? What's the impact of indexing a 256 byte varchar? Will reporting queries even use your indexes? etc
Now that you've got the right approach, and generally understand how 90% of your model will perform - you're often done forecasting performance with most small to medium size databases. If you've got a huge one, there's a ton at stake, you've got to get more precise (might need to order more hardware), or have a few wacky spots in the design - then focus your tests on just this. Generate reasonable test data - and (important) stats that you'd see in production. And look to see what the database will do with that data. Unless you've got real data and real prod-sized servers you'll still have to extrapolate - but you should at least be able to get reasonably close.
Running performance tests against various putative implementation of a conceptual model is not naive so much as heroically forward thinking. Alas I suspect it will be a waste of your time.
Let's take one example: data. Presumably you are intending to generate random data to populate your tables. That might give you some feeling for how well a query might perform with large volumes. But often performance problems are a product of skew in the data; a random set of data will give you an averaged distribution of values.
Another example: code. Most performance problems are due to badly written SQL, especially inappropriate joins. You might be able to apply an index to tune an individual for SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE blah but that isn't going to help you forestall badly written queries.
The truism about premature optimization applies to databases as well as algorithms. The most important thing is to get the data model complete and correct. If you manage that you are already ahead of the game.
Having read the question which you linked to I more clearly understand where you are coming from. I have a little experience of this Hibernate mapping problem from the database designer perspective. Taking the example you give at the end of the page ...
Animal > Vertebrate > Mammal > Carnivore > Canine > Dog type hierarchy,
... the key thing is to instantiate objects as far down the chain as possible. Instantiating a column of Animals will perform much slower than instantiating separate collections of Dogs, Cats, etc. (presuming you have tables for all or some of those sub-types).
This is more of an application design issue than a database one. What will make a difference is whether you only build tables at the concrete level (CATS, DOGS) or whether you replicate the hierarchy in tables (ANIMALS, VERTEBRATES, etc). Unfortunately there are no simple answers here. For instance, you have to consider not just the performance of data retrieval but also how Hibernate will handle inserts and updates: a design which performs well for queries might be a real nightmare when it comes to persisting data. Also relational integrity has an impact: if you have some entity which applies to all Mammals, it is comforting to be able to enforce a foreign key against a MAMMALS table.
Performance problems with databases do not scale linearly with data volume. A database with a million rows in it might show one hotspot, while a similar database with a billion rows in it might reveal an entirely different hotspot. Beware of tests conducted with sample data.
You need good sound database design practices in order to keep your design simple and sound. Worry about whether your database meets the data requirements, and whether your model is relevant, complete, correct and relational (provided you're building a relational database) before you even start worrying about speed.
Then, once you've got something that's simple, sound, and correct, start worrying about speed. You'd be amazed at how much you can speed things up by just tweaking the physical features of your database, without changing any app code. To do this, you need to learn a lot about your particular DBMS.
They never said database development would be easy. They just said it would be this much fun!
