Magento - Sort Products by ID - sorting

I am trying to set up my Magento store to sort the products in the order that they were added to the catalog (by product ID). However, I haven't been able to find a good example of how to set this up. It seems to do this by default in most of my product categories, but not all of them.
I thought the sort by "Position" option on the frontend would do this, but it doesn't seem to work for all of my categories. I am using community edition 1.6.1.
Thanks in advance!

Copy :
to (create the appropiate folder ):
Find the following line in List.php :
$this->_productCollection = $layer->getProductCollection();
add the following line below :
$this->_productCollection->joinField('category_product', 'catalog/category_product', 'product_id', 'product_id=entity_id', array('store_id'=> Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()), 'left');
// Here is the explain
* #param string $alias 'category_product'
* #param string $table 'catalog/category_product'
* #param string $field 'name'
* #param string $bind 'PK(product_id)=FK(entity_id)'
* #param string|array $cond
* #param string $joinType 'left'
* default definition
* joinField($alias, $table, $field, $bind, $cond=null, $joinType='inner')
Find the following line in Config.php :
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position')
Replace with :
$options = array(
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position'),
'product_id' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Product ID')
PS : I am writing this article from home which I haven't got Magento installation on my machine, so I didn't test but the structure is OK. If you face of any toruble, make sure field and table name.

Just in case someone needs:
Change this:
'product_id' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Product ID')
to this:
'entity_id' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Product ID')

Find the following line in Config.php :
$options = array(
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position')
Replace with :
$options = array(
// 'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position')
'entity_id' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Last')
then change the default sorting direction to descending:
open app/design/frontend/your theme/your layout/layout/catalog.xml
add the line
<action method="setDefaultDirection"><dir>desc</dir></action>
in block
<block type="catalog/product_list_toolbar" name="product_list_toolbar" template="catalog/product/list/toolbar.phtml">
<block type="page/html_pager" name="product_list_toolbar_pager"/>
<!-- The following code shows how to set your own pager increments -->


Magento current cart detail(Without login)with product data

I have Magento online store with two types of products (configurable and simple) and now I am working on web services. Can someone explain me how to get cart detail without logging in? I have tried everything but I am unable to get cart details.
You can get the cart item
$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
foreach ($cart->getAllItems() as $item):
echo $item->getProduct()->getName()
You will not get visitor's cart item from another resource as its interlinked with browser session. For this you need to add product from that resource from which you want to get. API is the suitable way for this. Please look at the below code i guess it will helps you.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
include_once 'app/Mage.php';
$initializationCode = 'admin';
$initializationType = 'store';
Mage::app($initializationCode, $initializationType);
* This is the path to the V2 wsdl of the magento api
$wsdl = '';
* Create the soap client
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => false));
$username = 'mysoapuser';
$password = 'mysoapuserpassword';
* For every magento api session, we first need to login.
* The returned value is you API session_id which you need to
* Pass to every API call you make.
$session_id = $client->login($username, $password);
* The first thing we do is create the Magento shopping cart, or quote
* Here is detailed information and more examples from Magento:
* We pass it the session_id from our login call and the store id we want
* create the quote for. The returned value will be the quote_id
* if it was successful, or nothing with no faults if it fails
$cart = $client->shoppingCartCreate($session_id, '1');
$addAddress = $client->shoppingCartCustomerAddresses(
'mode' => 'shipping',
'firstname' => 'Paul',
'lastname' => 'Briscoe',
'street' => '117 N. 1st St.',
'city' => 'Ann Arbor',
'region' => 'MI',
'postcode' => '48104',
'country_id' => 'US',
'telephone' => '7345458017',
'is_default_shipping' => 1
* Just make sure to check that the quoteId was returned from the API
* Next we are going to start adding products into the new quote. The format is below.
* Keep in mind that you could easily loop through an array of order products.
* Note: getExternalOrder() does not actually exist, but if you have an order object
* or array of products you can use to get the info you need.
$externalOrderProducts = getExternalOrder();
$products = array();
foreach($externalOrderProducts as $product){
$products[] = array(
'product_id' => $product->getId(),
'sku' => $product->getSku(),
'qty' => $product->getQty(),
'options' => null,
'bundle_option' => null,
'bundle_option_qty' => null,
'links' => null
* Here make the API call back to Magento to add the product array to the quote
* For more information on this call see:
* Returns True if the product successfully added to the quote
if($addAddress) {
$addProduct = $client->shoppingCartProductAdd(
} else {
echo "Address did not add.";
* Again, check that the product added successfully and then simply call the Shipping List API
* For a list of available shipping methods for this quote.
* For more information on this call see:
if($addProduct) {
$shipping = $client->shoppingCartShippingList($session_id, $cart);
} else {
echo "Product did not add.";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Attach Image to Product with Drupal Api

I am trying to programatically add products to my drupal commerce store. So far I have been able to add products that contain basic information ( such as sku, title, and price ). How would I be able to add field data, such as images and other field types, using drupal's api.
The code I used to add the products is derived from the commerce_examples/product_example module.
* #file product_example.module
* Demonstrates pricing hooks, etc.
* Implements hook_menu().
* Simply presents a page that will explain what this module is for.
* hook_menu() has nothing to do with the checkout page functionality.
function product_example_menu() {
$items['commerce_examples/product_example'] = array(
'title' => 'Product Example',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('product_example_info_page'),
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;
* This form provides a way to interact with some of the example functions
* provided here.
function product_example_info_page($form, &$form_state) {
$form['explanation'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#markup' => t('This example demonstrates product creation and manipulation.'),
$form['product_creation'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Please create a product for use with this example'),
$types = commerce_product_types();
$form['product_creation']['product_type'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Product type for product to be created'),
'#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array_keys($types)),
$form['product_creation']['title'] = array(
'#title' => t('Product title'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => t('A dummy product for use with product_example'),
$form['product_creation']['price'] = array(
'#title' => t('Product price'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#description' => t('A price in decimal format, without a currency symbol'),
'#default_value' => '100.00',
$form['product_creation']['product_creation_submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Create product'),
'#submit' => array('product_example_product_creation_submit')
return $form;
* Submit handler for creating a product.
function product_example_product_creation_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$extras = array(
'sku' => 'product_example_' . drupal_hash_base64(microtime()),
'status' => TRUE,
'uid' => $GLOBALS['user']->uid,
'title' => $form_state['values']['title'],
// Use the product example's creation function to create a product.
$product_id = product_example_create_product($form_state['values']['product_type'], $form_state['values']['price'], $extras);
drupal_set_message(t('Created sample product with title !title and sku !sku', array('!title' => l($extras['title'], 'admin/commerce/products/' . $product_id), '!sku' => $extras['sku'])));
* Create a product programmatically.
* This is stolen shamelessly from commerce_bpc. Thanks for the help here!
* #param $product_type
* (string) The name of the product type for which products should be created.
* #param $price
* Decimal amount of price. If additional fields need to be populated they
* can be populated in exactly the same way as the commerce_price field.
* #param $extras
* An array for the values of 'extra fields' defined for the product type
* entity, or patterns for these. Recognized keys are:
* - status
* - uid
* - sku
* - title
* Note that the values do NOT come in the form of complex arrays (as they
* are not translatable, and can only have single values).
* #return
* The ID of the created product.
function product_example_create_product($product_type, $price, $extras) {
$form_state = array();
$form_state['values'] = array();
$form = array();
$form['#parents'] = array();
// Generate a new product object
$new_product = commerce_product_new($product_type);
$new_product->status = $extras['status'];
$new_product->uid = $extras['uid'];
$new_product->sku = $extras['sku'];
$new_product->title = $extras['title'];
$new_product->created = $new_product->changed = time();
$price = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(0 => array(
'amount' => $price * 100,
'currency_code' => commerce_default_currency(),
$form_state['values']['commerce_price'] = $price;
// Notify field widgets to save their field data
field_attach_submit('commerce_product', $new_product, $form, $form_state);
return $new_product->product_id;
Using the same format the examples uses to add price data:
$price = array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(0 => array(
'amount' => $price * 100,
'currency_code' => commerce_default_currency(),
I was able to add other field data, however I am still having trouble adding data to the field_productimage field that all commerce products come with by default.
I can suggest you about other fields data such as extra info related to product. You can add these fields to the product type from the UI or if you are creating product type programmatically then also you can do the same.
Add fields in your form to collect the data e.g -
$form['product_creation']['values'] = array(
'#title' => t('Some data'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#description' => t('Dummy data'),
Get those data in your function product_example_create_product() by $form_state().
Add them to $new_product object like
$new_product->field_name['und'][0]['value'] = $extras['values'];
Save the product, just like you are doing.
For the image, you will have to follow the method of file attachment. Like -
$file_path = drupal_realpath('image/product_image.png');
$file = (object) array(
'uid' => 1,
'uri' => $file_path,
'filemime' => file_get_mimetype($file_path),
'status' => 1,
// We save the file to the root of the files directory.
$file = file_copy($file, 'public://');
$new_product->product_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = (array)$file;

Magento sort by entity_id

Does anyone know how to make entity_id visible on the frontend as a sortable attribute? I went to manage attributes and I can't add entity_id as an attribute as it says
"The attribute code 'entity_id' is reserved by system. Please try another attribute code"
So I tried to do a search in the whole database I had Magento on using the following SQL CMD:
select attribute_id from eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'updated_at';
and it returned zero results, I tried other attributes and those showed...
Does anyone know how I can add entity_id as an attribute, as I can't even make it visible because I have no idea what the attribute_id # is even while searching the whole database for that value.
Here is the code I use to make a attribute visible on the admin section of magento:
UPDATE `catalog_eav_attribute`
SET `is_visible` = '1'
WHERE `catalog_eav_attribute`.`attribute_id` = 105;
I've tried searching high and low for days, and trying different variations - so stuck at this point, any help would be great.
I'm using Magento Enterprise 12.2 if that helps, but to be honest the DB is not much different than the community version the only differences are the added modules but when it comes to products it's pretty much the same.
This is surprisingly nasty - I can't see a way to do this simply in the DB, as entity_id isn't a standard attribute (it's really just a key field) and the core code repeats the same logic in three place (urgh).
It's also changed a lot since the older versions of Magento, so many of the tutorials and forum posts on this no longer apply.
What you can do is add "entity_id" in as a new sorting option, similar to the way "Best Value" exists as a sorting option. In the following example I've labelled it "Newest"
The usual caveats apply: You should do this in an extension (or at the least in /local/ overrides) but the three core file methods that need overriding in Community Edition 1.7 are:
public function toOptionArray()
$options = array();
$options[] = array(//benz001
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Newest'),
'value' => 'entity_id'
); //end benz001
$options[] = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Best Value'),
'value' => 'position'
foreach ($this->_getCatalogConfig()->getAttributesUsedForSortBy() as $attribute) {
$options[] = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__($attribute['frontend_label']),
'value' => $attribute['attribute_code']
return $options;
Then Mage_Catalog_Model_Category_Attribute_Source_Sortby
* Retrieve All options
* #return array
public function getAllOptions()
if (is_null($this->_options)) {
$this->_options = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Newest'),
'value' => 'entity_id'
), //end benz001
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Best Value'),
'value' => 'position'
foreach ($this->_getCatalogConfig()->getAttributesUsedForSortBy() as $attribute) {
$this->_options[] = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__($attribute['frontend_label']),
'value' => $attribute['attribute_code']
return $this->_options;
And then Mage_Catalog_Model_Config
public function getAttributeUsedForSortByArray()
$options = array(
'entity_id' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Newest'), //benz001
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position'),
foreach ($this->getAttributesUsedForSortBy() as $attribute) {
/* #var $attribute Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Abstract */
$options[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = $attribute->getStoreLabel();
return $options;
With those in place, flush the cache and refresh and you can then select to sort by Newest/entity_id in the config and on the category page and on the frontend.
Note: even if you have caching turned off it's still a good idea to flush the cache - parts of the admin are cached even when caching is disabled.

Creating attribute sets and attributes programmatically

I am using the code listed on the following link:
Everything works until the point:
// Just add a default group.
$this->logInfo("Creating default group [{$this->groupName}] for set.");
$modelGroup = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_group');
// This is optional, and just a sorting index in the case of
// multiple groups.
// $modelGroup->setSortOrder(1);
I am unsure where the object reference would need to be set from - I am attempting to have this as a separate file that can be automated - I am running this file by doing a
require_once 'app/Mage.php';
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated
You will need to have a block in your modules config.xml that looks like so
<namespace_module_setup><!-- becomes folder under sql dir -->
This will allow you to place your installer code in the directory that is in your XML. You need to make sure that the version listed on the installer file matches the <version>1.2.0</version> of your module otherwise Magento will not be able to run your installer. To add an attribute Set, you can use the following data, I have never use it, but the entityTypeId defines whether it is a customer, shipping, category, product entity, each 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.
* Add Attribute Set
* #param mixed $entityTypeId
* #param string $name
* #param int $sortOrder
* #return Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup
public function addAttributeSet($entityTypeId, $name, $sortOrder = null)
$data = array(
'entity_type_id' => $this->getEntityTypeId($entityTypeId),
'attribute_set_name' => $name,
'sort_order' => $this->getAttributeSetSortOrder($entityTypeId, $sortOrder),
$setId = $this->getAttributeSet($entityTypeId, $name, 'attribute_set_id');
if ($setId) {
$this->updateAttributeSet($entityTypeId, $setId, $data);
} else {
$this->_conn->insert($this->getTable('eav/attribute_set'), $data);
$this->addAttributeGroup($entityTypeId, $name, $this->_generalGroupName);
return $this;
This is the code for adding an attribute to a set, just change the attribute set data
$installer = $this;
/* #var $installer Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup */
$data= array (
'attribute_set' => 'Default',
'group' => 'General',
'label' => 'Some Label',
'visible' => true,
'type' => 'varchar', // multiselect uses comma-sep storage
'input' => 'text',
'system' => true,
'required' => false,
'user_defined' => 1, //defaults to false; if true, define a group
The above is a working example of an attribute installation for a module.
There is an easier one-liner for this. Just extend Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup for your install script and use something like this in your installer:
$installer = $this;
/* #var $installer Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup */
$installer->addAttributeSet(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY, 'New Attribute Set Name');
You should implement this as an installer, so Magento loads it when the module is installed (or upgraded). $this, in the example, means that installer class.
You could create the module and the installer using, and then adding that code there. That tool is a module creator I developed.

Creating Custom Options on a Product using the Magento API

How do I add custom options to a product like you can in the backend, using the API.
Im using C# but if you know how do to this in Php, that would be helpful too.
I noticed that product has this:
var product = new catalogProductCreateEntity();
product.options_container = "blah";
And there is this:
catalogAttributeOptionEntity optionEntity = new catalogAttributeOptionEntity();
optionEntity.value = "sds";
optionEntity.label = "ere";
But I cant see a way of utilizing them, im not sure how to make a container, and the catalogAttributeOptionEntity does not have all the properties needed to make a custom option.
Look at the admin product controller. Yes it is possible.
* Initialize data for configurable product
if (($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('configurable_products_data')) && !$product->getConfigurableReadonly()) {
if (($data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('configurable_attributes_data')) && !$product->getConfigurableReadonly()) {
$product->setCanSaveConfigurableAttributes((bool)$this->getRequest()->getPost('affect_configurable_product_attributes') && !$product->getConfigurableReadonly());
* Initialize product options
if (isset($productData['options']) && !$product->getOptionsReadonly()) {
This is not documented anywhere (else), but at least in Magento 1.6 one can find the appropriate API methods for product options in the source code. (I don 't know since which version that feature exists.)
The API itself is defined in: app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/etc/api.xml
<catalog_product_custom_option translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Catalog product custom options API</title>
<add translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Add new custom option into product</title>
<update translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Update custom option of product</title>
<types translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Get list of available custom option types</title>
<info translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Get full information about custom option in product</title>
<list translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Retrieve list of product custom options</title>
<remove translate="title" module="catalog">
<title>Remove custom option</title>
The called functions are defined in: app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Option/Api.php
class Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option_Api extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Api_Resource
* Add custom option to product
* #param string $productId
* #param array $data
* #param int|string|null $store
* #return bool $isAdded
public function add( $productId, $data, $store = null )
* Update product custom option data
* #param string $optionId
* #param array $data
* #param int|string|null $store
* #return bool
public function update( $optionId, $data, $store = null )
* Read list of possible custom option types from module config
* #return array
public function types()
* Get full information about custom option in product
* #param int|string $optionId
* #param int|string|null $store
* #return array
public function info( $optionId, $store = null )
* Retrieve list of product custom options
* #param string $productId
* #param int|string|null $store
* #return array
public function items( $productId, $store = null )
* Remove product custom option
* #param string $optionId
* #return boolean
public function remove( $optionId )
* Check is type in allowed set
* #param string $type
* #return bool
protected function _isTypeAllowed( $type )
The $data-array also is a bit tricky, since it's keys partly depend on the selected option type. The basic $data-array looks like:
$data = array (
'is_delete' => 0,
'title' => 'Custom Option Label',
'type' => 'text',
'is_require' => 0,
'sort_order' => 1,
'additional_fields' => array (
0 => array (
'price' => '10.0000',
'price_type' => 'fixed', // 'fixed' or 'percent'
'sku' => '',
The additional_fields always conatin at least one row with at least the columns price, price_type and sku. More additional fields (maf: …) may be added depending on the type. The types in the group select may have more than one row specified in additional_fields. The custom option types/type-groups are:
text (maf: 'max_characters')
file (maf: 'file_extension', 'image_size_x', 'image_size_y')
select (maf: 'value_id', 'title', 'sort_order')
Examples for complete option data arrays:
// type-group: select, type: checkbox
$data = array (
'is_delete' => 0,
'title' => 'extra Option for that product',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'is_require' => 0,
'sort_order' => 1,
'additional_fields' => array (
0 => array (
'value_id' => '3',
'title' => 'Yes',
'price' => 10.00,
'price_type' => 'fixed',
'sku' => NULL,
'sort_order' => 1,
1 => array (
'value_id' => 3,
'title' => 'No',
'price' => 0.00,
'price_type' => 'fixed',
'sku' => NULL,
'sort_order' => 2,
// type-group: text, type: field
$data = array (
'is_delete' => 0,
'title' => 'Custom Option Label',
'type' => 'text',
'is_require' => 0,
'sort_order' => 1,
'additional_fields' => array (
0 => array (
'price' => 10.00,
'price_type' => 'fixed',
'sku' => NULL,
'max_characters' => 150,
In the end I decided it cant be done via the API and went to the database directly.
