are there any limitations in the IsolatedStorageSettings in WP7? - windows-phone-7

I have a question about the IsolatedStorageSettings in WP7.
normally i parsed all my Lists etc with json and then saved it to a IsolatedStorageFile. but now i'm asking myself why i'm doing this. isn't is easyer simply to save the lists etc to the IsolatedStorageSettings?
does the IsolatedStorageSettings have any limitations about the size? these are no lists with 100000 entries.
or is there any argument against these?

IsolatedStorageSettings was not developed to hold large quantities of application data like you propose. While you may currently be able to store data there, there is no guarantee that future updates won't fundamentally change the way this area works, thereby exposing yourself to risks about your app's function.
It is probably advisable, therefore, to stick with using the "normal" IsolatedStorageFile techniques you said you already use.

Nope, none at all. As long as your phone has > 10% of storage space you can do whatever you want. Who cares about everyone else's applications.
If the user says O.K. to the warning message then you can save more, but it could cause the application to crash


I want to create a desktop app with database-like search functions but without the SQL database

I know basic SQL, and SQL is all I know when it comes to storing and retrieving data. I want to create 1 .exe and it should contain all ~100,000 key-value pairs (i have the data in .txt files) and maybe an extra attribute for description (this I would add myself - like a note to myself).
I also would like to write it in a new language I don't know yet; like python or C# (I have made desktop apps written in Java & all with SQL databases). So language will not be an issue and I would appreciate suggestions.
These key-value pairs might not need to be updated and I'm willing to re-compile/repackage the code to make 1 change in the data. The key is 6 letters long and 2 numbers at the end like hxnaaa01. Each of these letters represent or describe something about itself so I would also need to search for a specific letter on a specific position to get exactly what I need.
I know that regex would work well with what I need but all I mentioned is all I know. I don't know enough and I don't know what keywords to google.
I have read about XML and CSV. I don't really know what they are and I'm not sure how all of this would fit in 1 executable.
To summarize, I need:
1 executable (Windows Desktop App)
Search function ~100k KVP+1more attribute (using regex?)
no database
with GUI
ability to add a "note" to each KVP
should be fast and lightweight
1 executable (Windows Desktop App), no database
Data persistence will require either additional files, or a database. It's pretty much unavoidable, you can store data in memory, but it's only persisted for as long as it resides there.
You have another requirement: "fast and lightweight".
To achieve this requirement, you'll need to really think about your solution, what technology you use and how you can improve it in future.
Although searching through data is pretty trivial, an efficient solution is not. It requires upfront research into algorithms, data structures and general practices. (which is a rabbit hole itself).
In the case of JSON [1], you'll need to create an additional file to contain all your key/value pairs, you can use C# to create the extra file (on first launch, for example).
JSON promises to be lightweight, I tend to agree, some may not. When dealing with the filesystem, I think it can be agreed is often far from lightweight solution.
JSON is very readable though:
"key": "value",
"comment": "oh this is cool"
There's a lot of factors that play into something being fast and lightweight, so there's a need for some research on your part.
Honestly, depending on your experience, I wouldn't focus so much on the fast, I'd focus more on it working, then refactor that into something that's fast if it's too slow. [2]
And again, depending on your experience, I'd stick to opening the file, using a for/loop to find my key and do something with the data found, plus reward myself for having something that works.
TL;DR: you need either a file, or database for truly persistent storage, JSON or a remotely hosted MySQL would work. Try not to focus too much on fast before you have something that works. [1] [2]

cocoa: what's the best way of designing a persistent cache?

I have to download some info from the Internet, like what's the phone number of a person. I want to save the info in disk in order to load it when my application starts. So I want to know whether Core data is the best choice? I mean is it fast enough? I want to load the info into NSCache object, is it a good class I can use?
It is a Plist type caching; key->value, only strings. Easy coding. For a few data I would recommend this. described here
The other one with NSArchiver->NSData: binary storage, any type of data, but you have to deserialize and deserialize. More coding, no limits ( well, you are doing the transformation) . I do proffer this one, because during the development, maybe I will need later some other data than text. Usually need to cache images. presented here actually the good answer is with downvote!
If you are storing anything that will be used between launches of the application then using Core Data is the way to go unless you have really, really basic requirements. NSCache is better as a temporary cache that is used by the application as it is running and for data that can be recalculated if it does not already exist.

How can I find out how many GDI objects my process is allowed to create?

There's a registry key where I can check (& set) the currently set GDI object quota for processes. However, if a user changes that registry key, the value remains the old value until a reboot occurs. In my program, I need to know if there's a way to determine, programatically, how many more GDI objects I can create. Is there an API for getting GDI information for the current process? What about at the system level?
Always hard to prove the definite absence of an API, but this one is a 95% no-go. Lots of system settings are configured through the registry without an API to tweak it afterward.
Raymond Chen's typical response to questions like these is "if you want to know then you are doing something wrong". It applies here, the default quota of 10,000 handles is enormous.
If you want to find the current quota that matters to you, create GDI objects until that fails. Record that number. Then, destroy all of them.
If you feel like doing this on a regular basis to get an accurate number, you can do so. It's probably going to be fairly expensive though.
Since Hans mentioned Raymond already, we should play his "Imagine if this were true" game. If this API - GetGDIObjectLimit or whatever - existed, what would it return? If the object count limit is 10000, then you expect it to return that right? So what happens when the system is low on memory? The API tells you a value which has no actual meaning. If you're getting close to 10000 GDI objects, you are doing something wrong and you should concentrate on fixing that.

Performance: Need to read from LONGTEXT

I'm building a CMS-type webapp that allows users to enter arbitrary-sized blocks of HTML. These blocks are entered by the user in their admin area and inserted into their template of choice when a page is delivered.
I'm guessing a user is not going to add more than 50-100 blocks and I'm not going to be getting more than 1000 users any time soon.
I was planning on using mySQL's LONGTEXT type to store these but I'm wondering if storing files in a directory will be more performant as the Linux OS will cache them? Given that I'm building for at most (1000 * 100) text blocks is there any reasonable performance worry with using mySQL?
Obviously I will be caching the HTML before delivery so I won't be reading these blocks on every delivery - reads will only occur when someone updates/creates new content.
I could use memcached/other cache/noSQL implementation or some other storage mechanism but I'm focusing on keeping it simple and delivering ASAP so don't want to introduce other stuff that I don't have experience with unless there's a significant performance worry.
Are the blocks of HTML content the only thing you are saving? If so, a file may be easiest.
However, it seems likely that you may want to save other bits of information along with the HTML and be able to query based on those bits of data. For example: date created, date last modified, name of the block, the user(s) who have edited the block.
If this is the case, then a database may be the best way to go. Since you said you do not expect to have many users (at least not a first) I would concentrate on finding the solution that is the fastest / most flexible to program and focus on performance and caching after your website begins to grow in size.
I advise you to use a flat file rather than Mysql to store this kind of data.
Html is more a "file" than a "value information" so it hasn't to be in a DB.
Moreover, you will certainly have better performances.
You can also read this post.

Should I worry about putting a large amount of data on the Windows Clipboard?

If you try to close a Microsoft Office application when you've got a ton of its stuff on the clipboard (e.g. a whole word doc), it prompts you to ask if you would like to access that data after the application is closed.
In this day and age, does it really matter if I have say 10MB of stuff on the clipboard?
As I write my image processing app, should I follow the same rule as Office, or just forget about it and leave the data there?
Personally, I favor just forgetting about it and leaving it there. I've always found the MS Word approach more annoying than useful.
The reason word is asking about this is that it uses Delayed Rendering for the clipboard. This allows word to only create the formats that are requested upon a paste operation. However, any formats on the clipboard that were created with delayed rendering will disappear if the program exits without rendering them. In the case of excel, rendering thousands of empty cells in RTF would take megabytes of space, even though the actual data is tiny. Thus it asks whether you want the data rendered to the clipboard or if you're fine with losing it.
For your own application, the question then becomes: should I use delayed rendering? The answer depends on how long it take you to render in the various formats you'd like to support. If you're only supporting one format that renders quickly, odds are there's not going to be an advantage to delayed rendering.
If you're storing things on the clipboard without the user requesting it then you might just annoy a few people :)
Otherwise, yeah, just leave the data there.
How To Erase Windows Clipboard Data and Why.
any one who has access to the computer can easily see the clipboard information.
I'd guess, malware today would also be snooping there.
this question might be more suitable on superuser.
