local versioning system (Windows) - windows

Is there any useful tool that can store history of my folder locally like SVN does?
For example I can commit (however not to server but locally) or it can automatically track folder history.
The idea is to view history of my folder and rollback something or so (like in SVN but without server)
This is needes for Windows

Git should do the trick nicely. It is distributed so you can just use it locally without connecting to a server.

What you describes sound a whole lot like the core of distributed/decentralized version control systems (DVCS). The most popular DVCSs are Git and Mercurial (and Bazaar to some degree, though it seems an order of magnitude less widespread).
In fact, I'm doing precisely what you describe for some non-programming projects, with Mercurial (specifically TortoiseHg - the equivalent to TortoiseSVN) and it's working perfectly. Git long had a reputation for inferior Windows support and GUI tools, but I wouldn't be surprised if this has changed. I've never really used Git (wasn't ever dissatisfied with Mercurial, so I only use it for checking out the source of projects that use Git), so I can neither judge its fitness for your usecase nor recomment a frontend.

You can use even SVN (TortoiseSVN) with file:/// protocol for this task (create local repo without server)


How can I setup a simple Mercurial back-up solution from a workstation to server?

First, a confession. In about 10 years of professional development, I've never used a source control system. There, that feels better. My historical setup (as recommended by management, ha!) has been to create dated folders on a server and copy-and-paste my data into it each evening.
I've known for a long time that a much better, manageable solution would be to use git or Mercurial to manage my source but I've never taken the time to learn any of these new tools because myold system has always worked well enough for my needs as the lone developer for every project I've ever worked on.
I have finally change this setup. I've installed Mercurial on my Mac, which after a bit of reading, I prefer over git. As a GUI front-end, I have installed SourceTree which appears to be easy to use and quite friendly. The problem I am having is that I can't find a very simple, straight-forward walkthrough for setting up a server repository that I use for pushing changes to each evening. I'm sure it's there, I just can't find it.
I've honestly tried to Google this, but there is something about the term "SourceTree". I can't find anything useful because half of the information I find is in regards to using git and it tends to involve pushing a project to a site like github.com, which is not pertinent in my case.
Additionally, I have skimmed the Mercurial documentation and I still may not be entirely clear about the full commit/update/push/pull/branch/merge concept. I just want to get something setup rather fast that will back-up and track the changes of my projects, without having to be a source control guru.
How do I setup a simple repository on a Windows network server, and push and pull changes each evening? My company want me to store my data in a personal folder, on a network share that is backed up to tape and is then stored off site.
I'm sure it has to be simple. I just want to be sure that I'm doing it correctly so that in the case that I need to access a back up, it is there and can be easily pulled... or branched.. or whatever.
Well, it depends on the kind of the server you are going to use.
Let's assume it's not a Windows server (just a guess, as you're a Mac user). Let's also assume that right now you only need it for yourself, not for a bunch of users.
Then the simplest way is to use SSH. Suppose the server is server, and you have an account rlh there. You'll need to have a public/private key pair for a seamless access (no need to enter the password on each pull/push). You'll need to install Mercurial on the server as well, obviously.
On the server, create a repo (in your home dir, for example):
rlh#mac$ ssh server
rlh#server$ mkdir myproject
rlh#server$ cd myproject
rlh#server$ hg init
On your machine, clone the repo:
rlh#mac$ hg clone ssh://rlh#server/myproject myproject
The default target will be set automatically, and you should be able to pull/push with no additional configuration.
Feel free to ask if you have a question regarding this.
When searching for hosting solutions, best not to include the term SourceTree in your query — SourceTree is just a front-end tool that is in principle unrelated to Mercurial hosting. That might explain the lack of useful information.
Here is an overview of ways to set up Mercurial servers:
Personally I’m using plain hgweb and that has served me well.
Also I would recommend to consider using a hosting service such as BitBucket or Google Code. It requires much less effort to set up and maintain. Here is an overview of Mercurial hosting services:
Personally I’m also considering moving my self-hosted Mercurial repositories over to BitBucket, because of reduced maintenance overhead, and also it has functionality like bug tracker, wiki etc.

Development on two computers

I would like to have a desktop PC and a laptop available for development. I am using XAMPP on the desktop which I use as my main workstation, however I'd like to just change location and be able to continue working on the laptop. It seems that it is possible to move the /htdocs folder to Dropbox so the XAMPP instances on both devices would use the same shared folder. That would be a part-solution, what about the question of databases, how would I go about that? I'm sure there are others who work in a similar fashion, so I'd like some pointers on how to set this up properly. Thanks
Your best bet is to set up version control. Given that you seem to assume you will basically always be networked, you might like to use github or bitbucket to create your "central" repository, and use your favourite DVCS to push changes between the repositories.
Conceptually the simplest, although perhaps not the best, depending on how you like to develop is to push all changes through the "master", and have both of your computers pull from there. Using mercurial or git, you can also push directly between the repositories on both of your computers.
I use bitbucket because it offers free, private repositories (github is free, but the free version only allows public repositories).
This also gives you the advantage of an offsite backup.
Try using a SVN or CVS solution...
You can use a development environment which is virtulized and have a high availability.
There are some virtualization services like (amazon, Microsoft) which you can utilize (They are paid services) .
If viruilization is not possible, you might want to maintain the scripts for the database in a version control tool . So when you switch commit the database changes in the version control tool , rerun the database scrips on the laptop to upgrade the database with latest information.
Also same thing applies for HTTP files.
If the database creation script is out of question you might want to create a database snapshot with raw datafile , which should be checked in into version control tool before switch and checkout on the other machine . Refer following link on which files you want to check-in into version control tool.
You could include a virtual machine in your Dropbox folder. This way you can encapsulate your development environment in a single file and take it with you wherever you want.
I have done that with an Ubuntu VM and never had a problem.

MacHg / Murky / TortoiseHg - which to use?

I started using Mercurial and chose MacHg as my GUI of choice, simply because it was the first thing I found when I googled Mercurial Mac GUI. However, I just recently discovered Murky, and TortoiseHg was recently updated for the Mac. Are there any significant reasons I should choose one over the other, or is the decision simply which application's interface I like the best?
I am the author of MacHg so of course am biased. Re Murky, it hasn't been kept up to date and it will fall over with large scale repositories when viewing history. It has to parse the whole history graph to lay it out (it uses the top level 'hg log'). Through a neat trick MacHg does this incrementally so if you have 200,000 commits MacHg doesn't need to read them all to figure out how to display them it can jump right to the place you are viewing. TortiseHg also suffers from having to read and parse the whole history although it can do this much faster than Murky (since TortiseHg uses faster lower level calls to get the data) (as reported to me by others.)
SourceTree seems like an ok solution. It is supported now commercially by Atlassian who do Bitbucket and they are a nice bunch of guys. However, as of my last test of SourceTree( it appears to be limited by the same problems. For instance one test case I use is the OpenOffice mercurial repository which is some 3Gigs with 260,000 revisions. Trying to view the graph for say revision 150,000 is really really slow in these other programs. I quit SourceTree after 5 minutes of waiting.
Also MacHg has some nicer history and rebasing tools if I do say so myself. SourceTree right now has better integration with some of the external services like Bitbucket and GitHub although it is not difficult at all to add repositories in MacHg (simple drag and drop or open, or paste in a string, etc...) Neither MacHg or SourceTree (AFAIK) have support for phases yet but I plan to add these very shortly as I am sure SourceTree will as well. TortiseHg has support for phases I think right now.
And well, I like "look and feel" of MacHg of course :)
You can't go too wrong with MacHg, or TortiseHg, or SourceTree unless you have large repositories in which case I would opt for MacHg for now.
This question is sort of subjective, but I've found SourceTree to be a good solution for visualizing your working copy. However, for the most part, I just use the terminal to commit/push/pull/update.
MacHg has at least straight forward instalation and Mercurial is integrated inside, what i missing is info, and there is also commandline interface, only documentation is not good enough.
I was in mac-mercurial / python / keyring configuring hell circle, i just new to setup repository for pulls without password asking (where pass is encrypted) from sh script for my build server. MacHg could be the way out, because everything is already integrated in instalation package, except mhg and chg aliases for normal (no MacHG) terminal.
I also missing some info about repository cloning progress, because i cloning 500 MB repository from bitbucket through https take me usually 2 hours. I need to debug if is problem on mercurial, ISP (it should be done in 2 minutes in regard of my connection speed) or bitbucket side.

Check in - Check out process/version control for PSDs and Image files

The title may not be so clear but the issue I am facing is this:
Are designers are working on large photoshop files across the network, this has a number of network traffic and file corruption issues which I am trying to overcome.
The way I want to do this is to have the designers copy the the files to their machine (Mac OSX) and work on them locally. But the problem then stands that they may forget to copy them back up or that another designer may start work on the version stored on the network.
What I need is a system where the designer checks out the files or folders from the server which locks those files so no other user can copy them until they are checked back in. We do not need to store revisions for the files.
My initial idea was to use SVN or preferably GIT and force lock on checkout somehow, does this sound feasible or is there a better system?
How big are the files on average? Not sure about GIT haven't used it but SVN should be ok - If you did go with SVN I would trial checking out over Http/Https vs Network Path to the repo as you may get a speed advantage out of one or the other. When we vpn to our repo at work it is literally 100 times faster over http than checking out using a network \\path to the repo.
SVN is a good option, but you will have revisions (this is the whole point of SVN). SVN doesn't lock files by default, but you may configure it so that it does. See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn-book.html?bcsi_scan_554E00F99A9AD604=0&bcsi_scan_filename=svn-book.html#svn.advanced.locking
I don't know git very well, but since it's not a centralized VCS, I'm pretty sure it isn't the right tool for your situation.

Is it easy to port TortoiseHg to use Git instead?

TortoiseHg is superior to TortoiseGit in many features.
Would be a matter of changing a few lines of code to make a new TortoiseGit based on TortoiseHg, or it requires weeks/months of development?
You can use Mercurial with Git repositories via the excellent hg-git extension, which is developed by the github folks. Any recent TortoiseHg version already has the dulwich library, you just need to clone hg-git and add a couple lines to your mercurial.ini file.
The instructions are in the TortoiseHg help under "Use with other VCS systems" .
Directions for configuring ssh can be found here. However, TortoiseHg will automatically use the plink it comes bundled with, so you don't need to worry about configuring PuTTY's plink.
Note that I've had some problems cloning large repos on XP due to file locking issues which don't seem to occur on Windows 7.
It would definitely not be just a matter of changing a few lines.
TortoiseHg is intimately written against Mercurial. It doesn't just wrap around the command line client, it integrates with the core python code.
The entire program, from bottom and up, would have to be rewritten.
It is much more constructive to give the TortoiseGit team good feedback on what you would like see improved.
