MVC3 Multi-User Data Level Security -

The application I am working on is multi-user and multi-company and I am having trouble at the moment trying to figure out the most efficient/best way to ensure data level security, in broad terms prevent UserA from seeing UserB's data. If there are various controllers (Products, Orders, etc) and models, then the routes are something like Product/Edit/1 and Order/Edit/1. However, to ensure that users cannot alter the routes to see each others data it seems that each service layer/db layer call will require me checking that the specific product key/order key belongs to the authenticated user? Is this the best option or am I missing something more elegant.
Edit Update
From Omri's answer below, the first link actually has a link to here. It mentions the various ways to accomplish the access level security, but I guess this is what I want to know people's opinions about. Should I do something like this:
public class ProductController
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
if (_productService.CanUserEdit(id, userID))
throw UnauthorizedException;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public class ProductController
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
_productService.Save(id, userID);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public class ProductService
public void Save(int id, int userID)
if (CanUserEdit(id, userID))
private CanUserEdit(int id, int userID)
Obviously there is not much difference between the two implementations, just whether or not the action takes place within the Controller or at the service level. The service level changes on the fly based on the company, so my guess is that we probably should do the first option and have the product service for each company derive from a common base class that implements the CanUserEdit capability since that does not change.

Seems to be two common approaches: OnActionExecuting or AuthorizeAttribute. See here:
How to Extend/Architect the ASP.NET MVC 3 Authorize Attribute to Handle This Scenario
ASP.NET MVC 3 also has Global Action Filters which allow you to apply action filters globally without the need for explicit attribute declaration:


Web api controller with multiple post methods with the same name but with different parameters

I have web api controller that has multiple post methods with the same name but with different parameters; when i run the application, i got an error:-
Multiple actions were found that match the request
note:- I don't want to use Action Routing as i want to unify my clients who use my web api
public Customer Post(Customer customer)
public Product Post(Product product)
The problem is that there's no way to distinguish between those two Post methods based on the URL that's getting passed to the web api.
The way to handle this would be to use a separate controller. One controller would be "api/Customer" and would have Post method that takes a Customer:
public class CustomerController : ApiController
public Customer Post(Customer customer) { }
The other would be "api/Product" and take a Product:
public class ProductController : ApiController
public Product Post(Product product) { }
If you really really wanted to pass both into one controller, you could create a class that has all the properties of both Customer and Product, and then look at the properties to figure out what just got passed into your controller. But... yuck.
public class EvilController : ApiController
public ProductOrCustomer Post(ProductOrCustomer whoKnows)
// Do stuff to figure out if whoKnows has
// Product properties or Customer properties
You could use a single controller, with a single method taking a parameter of an interface type that both classes implement. Then call private handlers based on runtime type.

N-Tier Service Layer Validation Show Business Logic Error in Presentation Layer

I am converting from the old ways of ASP.NET Web Forms to ASP.NET MVC. I have a project that I am working on that has about 40-50 tables in the database. I have decided to use Entity Framework as my data access layer. I have also decided to put a repository layer and unit of work abstraction over EF so that I am not tied to it and so that I can do unit testing. Finally, I want to make my controllers "thin" so I am looking at implementing a business "service" layer for my business logic.
The thing I am struggling with is how do I propagate Business Logic Errors from my service layer to my Presentation UI layer so that an appropriate error can be shown? Please note that I am trying to look for a solution that is NOT MVC specific as this service/business logic layer will likely be used in other things besides an MVC app (console app's, web services, etc.)
On to some code...
Lets say I have a POCO / data / domain model like so:
public class Category
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
// other properties (navigation, etc)...
An Entity Framework fluent configuration/mapping class like so:
public class CategoryMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Category>
public CategoryMap()
this.HasKey(c => c.Id);
this.Property(c => c.Id).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity); // auto increment identity in our DB schema
this.Property(c=> c.Name)
.IsRequired() // defined as NOT NULL in DB schema so we put a constraint here
.HasMaxLength(150); // defined as varchar(150) in DB schema so we put a constraint here
this.Property(c=> c.Description)
.IsRequired(); // defined as NOT NULL in DB schema so we put a constraint here
// fluent config for related entities (navigation properties) would go here...
A unit of work encapsulating multiple repositories like so:
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly MyDbContext context;
private CategoryRepository catRepo;
public UnitOfWork()
this.context = new MyDbContext();
public ICategoryRepository Categories
get { return this.catRepo?? (this.catRepo= new CategoryRepository (this.context)); }
A service / business logic layer like so:
public class CategoryService : ICategoryService
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public CategoryService(IUnitOfWork uow) // injected by IoC
this.unitOfWork = uow;
public Category CreateNewCategory(Category category)
if (category == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("category cannot be null");
// Simple business logic here to make sure another category with this name does not already exist.
int count = this.unitOfWork.Categories.Count(cat => cat.Name == category.Name);
if (count > 0)
// *** This is the error I want the user to see in the UI ***
throw new Exception("Sorry - a category with that name already exists!");
And a controller like this:
public ManageCategoriesController : Controller
ICategoryService catSvc;
public ManageCategoriesController(ICategoryService svc) // injected by IoC
this.catSvc = svc;
public ActionResult(CategoryCreateModel createModel) // my View Models / Create Models have Data Annotations on them
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// use of AutoMapper to map from View Model to domain model...
Category cat = Mapper.Map<CategoryCreateModel , Category>(createModel);
this.catSvc.CreateNewCategory(cat); // ***need to get potential errors from Service and display on form.***
return this.RedirectToAction("Index");
First of all, can anybody tell me if I am on the right track with using View Models? I feel like I almost have three View Models (Create, Edit, View/List) per domain model.
Secondly, my EF configuration/mapping class takes care of the database constraints. Some of these constraints (e.g. Max length) are also data annotations in the View Models and can easily be displayed on the UI. But where can I show my custom business logic errors?
First, your overall approach to MVC looks good to me :-)
Second, you most likely want to use DataAnnotation on your view models for model validation. Have a look this blog post for a good intro on using it in ASP.MVC.
In case of custom validation not suitable for data annotation you can do the following in your controller:
// the following exception could be thown by some nested validation logic
// e.g. while processing a post request
throw new ValidationException("the error description");
catch (ValidationException exception)
ModelState.AddModelError("", exception.Message);
This is a pretty old question, but for future readers I'd like to add something.
If you're actually using a N-Tier pattern, entity validation should be in your Service layer. Not in your MVC Controller.
The right way to do it is to do basic model validations in your model class, using ValidationAttributes, but re-validate your entities in your service layer.
Add a handling of custom exceptions in your controller to catch any validation error raised from the service layer, and display error messages.
If your service layer is just there to call your repositories, you're doing something wrong ;)

Is there a recommended base repository class to use with Entity Framework?

I'm using an EF Code First approach with an ASP.NET MVC 3 application, and instead of re-creating the wheel, I was wondering if there already exists a solid base Repository class that my custom Repository classes could extend in order to provide default functionality out of the box (e.g. basic CRUD, etc...).
So something like this ...
public class CustomerRepository : BaseRepository { ... }
... would therefore provide a default way to work with Customer objects out of the box. I'd like to then inject an ICustomerRepository into my MVC controllers and have the functionality available to me there.
I'm sure something like this already exists out there as I've done something similar with NHibernate.
No, there is no built-in repository, other than EF itself (which is in and of itself an implementation of the Unit of Work pattern, and DbSet's are basically Repositories).
There is currently a debate in the software community over whether generic repositories have much real value. For testing purposes, many argue, they provide easy unit testing. Others say that unit testing repositories doesn't help because mocked repositories don't behave the same way that real ones do (because of the linq -> Sql translation layer, which doesn't exist in a mocked repository).
Many are suggesting that you do integration testing against EF using an in-memory database like SqlLite rather than unit testing it.
Still, if you are intent on using repositories, there are many examples out there on the net, with varying styles and methods. Or you can roll your own. MS does not provide one.
In my experience, write your own repositories is redundant because EF implements this pattern already through DbSet's.
I worked with MVC3 + EF Code Fisrt in a recent project. We started implementing a generic repository following some tutorials and soon we realized that we are writing a lot of unnecessary and redundant code. Actually, the repositories were given us nothing but hiding a lot of the DbSet's functionality. Finally, we decided to remove them and work with our DbContext and DbSet's directly.
But, how about complex business logic beyond simple CRUD operations?
Well, we exposed all complex functionality like queries and multiple CRUD operations through a service layer. You can build different service classes by functionality. By example, you can write an AccountService to manage all functionality related with user accounts. Something like this:
public class AccountService {
private MyContext ctx;
public AccountService(DbContext dbContext) {
this.ctx = (MyContext)dbContext;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the underlying DbContext object.
/// </summary>
public DbContext DbContext {
get { return ctx; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the users repository.
/// </summary>
public DbSet<User> Users {
get {return ctx.Users;}
public bool ValidateLogin(string username, string password) {
return ctx.Users.Any(u => u.Username == username && u.Password == password);
public string[] GetRolesForUser(string username) {
var qry = from u in ctx.Users
from r in u.Roles
where u.Username == username
select r.Code;
return qry.ToArray<String>();
public User CreateUser(string username, string password) {
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid user name");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid password");
User u = new User {
Username = username.Trim().ToLower(),
Password = password.Trim().ToLower(),
Roles = new List<Role>()
return u;
How about dependency injection?
Using this approach, the only thing we need to inject is the DbContext. The service classes has a constructor that takes a DbContext. So, when your controller constructor takes a service instance the DbContext will be injected to it.
Edit: Example code
This is an example code about how you controller could look:
public class HomeController : Controller {
private readonly AccountService accountService;
public AccountController(AccountService accountService) {
this.accountService = accountService;
And this could be the DI configuration using NInject:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel) {
kernel.Bind<DbContext>().ToMethod(ctx => ctx.Kernel.Get<MyContext>());
How about unit testing?
You could build specific interfaces for each service layer class and mock it where you need.
A friend of mine, Sacha Barber wrote a nice article covering some of these ideas.
Link can be found here.
RESTful WCF / EF POCO / Unit of Work / Repository / MEF: 1 of 2
EF has a base class called DbContext. You can add properties of type DbSet<TEntity>
This allows you to do something like this:
public class User {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class DatabaseContext : DbContext {
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
You can now use this like so:
using(var db = new DatabaseContext()) {
User jon = new User {Name = "Jon Smith"};
var jonById = db.Users.Single(x => x.Id == 1);
If you want more abstraction see this post about building a generic repository around EF Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable Just to note, this level of abstraction is not always needed. You should decide if your abblication will truly benefit from adding a generic repository over just using DbContext directly.

ASP.NET MVC 3: Validating model when information external to the model is required

What's a good way to validate a model when information external to the model is required in order for the validation to take place? For example, consider the following model:
public class Rating {
public string Comment { get; set; }
public int RatingLevel { get; set; }
The system administrator can then set the RatingLevels for which a comment is required. These settings are available through a settings service.
So, in order to fully validate the model I need information external to it, in this case the settings service.
I've considered the following so far:
Inject the service into the model. The DefaultModelBinder uses System.Activator to create the object so it doesn't go through the normal dependency resolver and I can't inject the service into the model without creating a new model binder (besides which, that doesn't feel like the correct way to go about it).
Inject the service into an annotation. I'm not yet sure this is possible but will investigate further soon. It still feels clumsy.
Use a custom model binder. Apparently I can implement OnPropertyValidating to do custom property validation. This seems the most preferable so far though I'm not yet sure how to do it.
Which method, above or not, is best suited to this type of validation problem?
Option 1 doesn't fit. The only way it would work would be to pull in the dependency via the service locator anti-pattern.
Option 2 doesn't work. Although I couldn't see how this was possible because of the C# attribute requirements, it is possible. See the following for references:
Resolving IoC Container Services for Validation Attributes in ASP.NET MVC
Option 3: I didn't know about this earlier, but what appears to be a very powerful way to write validators is to use the ModelValidator class and a corresponding ModelValidatorProvider.
First, you create your custom ModelValidatorProvider:
public class CustomModelValidatorProvider : ModelValidatorProvider
public CustomModelValidatorProvider(/* Your dependencies */) {}
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidator> GetValidators(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
if (metadata.ModelType == typeof(YourModel))
yield return new YourModelValidator(...);
ASP.NET MVC's IDependencyResolver will attempt to resolve the above provider, so as long as it's registered with your IoC container you won't need to do anything else. And then the ModelValidator:
public class EntryRatingViewModelValidatorMvcAdapter : ModelValidator
public EntryRatingViewModelValidatorMvcAdapter(
ModelMetadata argMetadata,
ControllerContext argContext)
: base(argMetadata, argContext)
_validator = validator;
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidationResult> Validate(object container)
if (/* error condition */)
yield return new ModelValidationResult
MemberName = "Model.Member",
Message = "Rating is required."
As the provider is retrieved through the IDependencyResolver and the provider has full control over the returned ModelValidators I was easily able to inject the dependencies and perform necessary validation.
You could try fluent validation. It supports mvc and DI so you can inject external services into your validators.
Assuming that you want both client and server-side validation of the model based upon the values returned from the service, I would opt for 2., Inject the service into an annotation.
I give some sample code in my response to this question about adding validators to a model. The only additional step in your case is that you will need to inject your service into your class inheriting from DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.
What about just simply using IValidateableObject and in that method determine if validation is appropriate or not and setting the errors there?
How do I use IValidatableObject?

Best Practices for Struts 2 CRUD

So I've found a bunch of Struts 2 CRUD examples around the web:
Struts 2 CRUD Demo
and a few books:
Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development ISBN: 978-1847193391
Struts 2 Design and Programming ISBN: 978-0980331608
But all of them differ a little bit on how to do form population.
Some suggest implementing the Java interfaces ModelDriven or Prepareable to call come prepare function to pre-populate any needed data members.
Others suggest creating your own PrepareForUpdate action that calls a pre-populate function then redirects to the main edit view.
They also very on how to pass around an object identifier to indicate what object to retrieve for editing. SOme suggest intercepters what others throw it in the URL parameters and retrieve it through ActionContext or pass it around through a s:hidden field.
Is there a Best Practices way to do form population in Struts 2?
What are the advantages/disadvantages to the methods mentioned above?
I'm not aware of any documented best practices, but I've been using Webwork and Struts2 for about three years now, so I can tell you what I've used in my projects. By the way, the CRUD demo documentation you linked to strikes me as a bit out of date (I realize its from the project site).
I split my CRUD work into three different actions:
An action that lists the entities. It supports pagination and populates some type of a table or grid view.
An action that handles both add and edit functionality. Uses a prepare() method to set up dropdowns, etc.
An action that handles delete functionality.
Some suggest implementing the Java interfaces ModelDriven or Prepareable to call come prepare function to pre-populate any needed data members.
That's the approach that I would advocate, although I don't use the ModelDriven interface. For details, check out how Struts2 ModelDriven interface works and the comments on my answer. Whether you use ModelDriven or not is just a personal choice. Also, check out why is model-driven action preferred over object backed bean properties.
Others suggest creating your own PrepareForUpdate action that calls a pre-populate function then redirects to the main edit view.
I have not seen that before and based on your description, I would avoid that technique. It seems wasteful to do a redirect and create an additional HTTP request to achieve the same thing that the prepare() method was designed to handle.
They also very on how to pass around an object identifier to indicate what object to retrieve for editing.
Just pass the identifier in the URL or the form. That's the standard approach for web applications.
I've been using Struts 2 for about 3 years. I use ModelDriven and Prepareable together in the same action. Each domain object (model) has a struts action class that returns a list or single object depending on if the id was passed to the action. This works pretty well for me, and the only time it's been problematic is when using Ajax. I usually separate my Ajax actions into a separate action for the model, if I am using them. I store the model id, as well as any related objects that I might need as hidden HTML fields in the view.
Using this approach, the action and the view are restful. You can leave the page for a long period of time and invoke the action without fear that the action will fail. Here's an example:
public class ApplicationAction extends MyBaseAction
implements ModelDriven<Application>, Preparable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7242685178906659449L;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
private Application application;
private Integer id;
List<Application> allApplications;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public Application getModel() {
return application;
public void prepare() throws Exception {
if(id == null || id.intValue() == 0){
application= new Application();
application= applicationService.getApplication(id);
public String list() throws Exception {
allApplications = applicationService.getApplications();
return SUCCESS;
#Validations( visitorFields = {#VisitorFieldValidator(message = "Validation Error", fieldName = "model", appendPrefix = false)})
public String update() throws Exception {
addActionMessage("Application Saved Successfully.");
return SUCCESS;
public void setApplicationService(ApplicationService applicationService) {
this.applicationService = applicationService;
public List<Application> getAllApplications() {
return allApplications;
