Ollydbg equivalent for Mac OS X [closed] - macos

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Closed 10 years ago.
is there any good equivalent debugger for Mac OS X?
Something that allows patching and saving of the assembly as well (with graphic interface?)

GDB is the gold standard for debugging on *nix. GDB has all of the debugging features you would expect in a modern debugger. For example, reverse debugging is the best feature to have if you are modifying the binary in memory, when you make a mistake just step back and try again. DDD is a popular front end, but seriously you should learn GDB's CLI. It has bit of a learning curve, but once you learn it you'll never go back. Its a lot faster.
Saving a modified binary isn't that great of a feature. Just open the binary with a hex editor like Hex Fiend and modify it directly, not a big deal.

I'm not a OSX person, but you might find IDA useful, however, you will probably need to pay for the linux/osx versions, as there is only a free version for windows.

Have a look at the lldb debugger (http://lldb.llvm.org/) and of course gdb is available.


Is there any ghci GUI frontend/extension that support inline graphics display like ipython? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I mean it have features like inline graphics display, worksheet mode, audio playback and ect ... like ipython, maple and matlab
I found winghci on windows but it doesn't seem to have those features. (BTW, I didn't use Windows)
On Linux, I can't find any GUI mode for ghci. I always run ghci from terminal.
Duplicated? this and this show that ghci is capable of do graphics but it is not exactly what I want to know.
There is a Summer of Code project called GHCLive, which looks exactly like what you want.
Quite surprisingly, no one is really talking about it.
I wish they were.
There's no "graphical" version or variant of GHCi. As pointed out in the linked questions, there are plenty of Haskell libraries to do plots, drawings, and other graphics, and there are plenty of libraries that output audio or produce music.
If you just need nicer Haskell programming helpers, you should look at the various Haskell modes for Emacs (my personal favourite is ghc-mod). These also let you evaluate Haskell expression from Emacs, which could allow you to simulate worksheets.
There are also some pure-Haskell editors like Yi or Leksah which do everything the Haskell modes for Emacs do, but in a purer way. In particular, Leksah aims to be exactly what you're looking for: an IDE for working with Haskell.

Is there a recommendable Prolog IDE for the Mac? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'd love to do some stuff in Prolog. Just need a good IDE for the Mac to make it not a pain in the butt. Which IDE do you recommend?
There is also a free Prolog IDE based on Eclipse, PDT, available from:
Along the lines of "not really an IDE" answers, Textmate seems to be a favorite of OS X developers.
There seems to be some Prolog community support for it as well.
Not exactly about IDes but the current Logtalk distribution includes support for several text editors and syntax highlighters that can also be used for Prolog programming:
The Prolog FAQ also contains useful information about editing and publishing Prolog code (sections 15 and 16):
There are several plugin's available for Eclipse which work rather well with prolog. Theres a SICStus plug in which we use in Uni, although I dont believe its free, theres also a few other options in the Eclipse Marketplace (Under the Help menu)
Try CiaoDE plus GNU Emacs. CiaoDE is a state of the art prolog system with lots of libraries that runs in OS X, Linux and Windows.
You can try to use XGP for this.

Guidance for making a program with only pure assembly on Mac OS X? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have realized I have to study Assembly language to understand programming deeply during trying to implement coroutine.
So I decided to start study Assembly. I want to start this by making small programs with only pure assembly. What's required and where should I start from? Easy Tutorials? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6 on iMac Core i5 machine.
MIPS is a nice and short instruction set.
Nothing fancy to get in your way.
MIPS Emulators
SPIM was a classic emulator used for years. Some useful info here.
Mars looks promising and runs in java.

Are there any IDA Pro alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any disassembler which provide a feature set comparable to IDA Pro?
I'm interested in both free and commercial products. Please use one answer per product and if possible write a short comment about it, like "easy to use", "many features", "only support for PE files", ...
Not to my knowledge. IDA Pro is clearly the best disassembler around. To the point that even the free (old) version of IDA (4.9) doesn't have a real challenger.
For the sakes of providing a comparison, you might want to try PVDasm
IDA Pro is a commercial licensed product and so has the funding to put the advanced features in place like graphing of jumps. There is also free version of IDA, although I'm not sure what functionality has been removed.
A free alternative is OllyDbg. Another is PEBrowse Professional Interative, but I haven't used this one yet.
In all honesty, IDA Pro is worth it, if you are seriously considering a debugger/reverse engineering tool. There isn't anything like it whatsoever on the market.
Hope this helps,
If you're using a Mac, you should consider Hopper.
Note: IDA Pro now (as of 6.0+) supports a native solution on OS X

What disassembler do you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm into hacking challenges (like rankk.com) and some of the challenges require disassembly and little modifications of PE files.
I'm looking for a disassembler/debugger that is able to dump the strings, walk the assembler code and allow modifications.
My knowledge in this field is very limited so I'm looking for something relatively easy to use and preferably free.
IDA, nothing else comes even close.
I like OllyDbg. (with a good companion :)
IDA Pro has a nice graph for better understanding of the code flow and the disassembler is amazing. Although i use OllyDbg as JIT debugger and general debugger for MASM.
IDA also has a free version now of their previous version. For light or introductory reversing or getting started it's a great tool.
IDA Pro for common cases, SoftIce for special cases (for example when you need to reverse highly protected application, you can use special SoftIce plugins and so on). I was an experienced cracker in student years :)
