Variable input for JMeter Load testing? - jmeter

I need to load test a service I've developed but I need the data that I post to the web service to have some variance.
I've set up Thread with an Http Request and I've the parameter I need to set but I can't see how I'd go about changing the contents of the HTTP parameter from request to request.
Ideally I'd like to feed in a list of data Items and have JMeter iterate through them.

Prepare kind of csv-file with list of your test-params and use it to parametrize your test-samplers, using at least the following:
CSV Data Set Config
Explained example here, simple example here.
Jmeter functions: __CSVRead, __StringFromFile.
Variables From CSV sampler from jmeter-plugins.

One way would be to prepare a CSV file with all the values that you will need. There are a multitude of different ways to use it afterwards. Alies Belik's answer listed most of them. The drawback of the CSV approach, however, is that you need to generate the list of values, and in some tests you can't simply reuse it without cleaning up/reinitializing the back-end database.
Another option are the functions for generating random values, usually paired with "User Defined Variables" controller.
__Random for generating numbers in a given range.
__RandomString for generating random strings of a given length and containing a set of characters.
This is a powerful mechanism, but I find it somewhat cumbersome and clunky.
For simple variables, like generating username/password/e-mail combinations, I prefer and find it easier to use the Random Variable config element. It's available since Jmeter 2.3.3. You add it to your thread group and specify a variable to store the random value for each thread. You can later reference this variable in your HTTP sampler, in the GET/POST parameters of the request, by specifying the Value of the parameter to be testuser-${rnd} for username, testpass-${rnd} for password. Each thread will get a different value of ${rnd} so there is a small chance (but there is still a chance) that you will get duplicate values (users).

Besides the functions mentioned in #zorlem answer, You can also use:
__UUID for generating a pseudo random type 4 Universally Unique IDentifier, if you need to generate random & unique strings.


How can I embed a test data set in my JMeter test plan?

At the moment, my JMeter test uses a CSV Data Set Config to iterate through a limited set of input data for each HTTP request that I do.
But I don't want to deal with the hassle of an external file (uploading it to my test runner, etc.) - I'd like to just embed the data into the jmx file itself.
I was hoping for something like a "test data" node, that would work similarly to a CSV data set (with Recycle on EOF especially) and I'd just copy/paste the data into the test plan instead of working with an external file.
I'm thinking I might be able to work around it with a JSR223 preprocessor - but is there a better built-in way?
Edit: As per comment: the data cannot be generated.
If you want to do this via JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language correct syntax would be
vars.put("messageId", "wibble");
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance, see the JavaDoc for available functions and properties.
Easier way would be going for User Defined Variables or User Parameters or even better Set Variables Action
You can create a text contains keys and values separated with tab, copy all text
Notice if you have property file you can replace = with tab
Add to JMeter GUI User Defined Variables and click Add from Clipboard
It'll load all your variables to JMeter without "do that by hand using JMeter's GUI"
This is my first go at a script based approach using a JSR223 preprocessor node:
// This is where the data is embedded. Up to a couple of hundred entries
// is probably fine, more than that will likely be a bad idea.
def messageIdList = ["graffle", "wibble", "wobble", "flobble", "gibble", ...]
def messageIndex = (vars.getIteration() -1) % (messageIdList.size() -1)
println "iteration ${vars.iteration}, size ${messageIdList.size()}, index: ${messageIndex}"
vars.put("messageId", messageIdList[messageIndex]);
This appears to do what I want, even when run in a Thread Group with multiple threads.
I'm not sure exactly what the vars.getIteration() represents, and I'm not clear about the precise lifetime / scope of the variables. But it'll do for now.
Any better answers will cheerfully accepted, marked and upvoted.

What is the argument type and return type for web elements in qtp?

I keep seeing code like this:
.WebButton("locator1", "locator2", "locator3")
What is the type of arguments in WebButton, WebElement, WebEdit etc ? I tried passing an array to .WebButton. So, qtp told me its not the correct type. Is there an alternate way to pass multiple locators ?
Also, what is the return type of .WebButton, .WebElement etc. ?
The "arguments" which you are talking about are the set of properties which are needed by QTP/UFT to identify that particular object(WebElement, WebEdit etc.) uniquely so that one can perform actions on them.
Also, this is not some sort of a function that is going to return you any value.
If you are not sure about what properties you need to mention in those brackets, an easier way would be to add that object to the Object Repository and drag that object from OR to your script. After that you can perform any action on those objects.
If you do not want to use OR, then you need to make use of, what we call, Descriptive Programming(DP) wherein you have to mention the object property names and their values "explicitly" in the script.
Remember that the sole purpose of mentioning these properties is to help QTP identify the objects in your application so that you can perform actions on them(like click, set etc.)
Here are a few links which can help you:
EDIT 2 - for answering your question in the comment:
.WebButton("Locator1","Locator2","Locator3") means .webButton("property1:=value1","property2:=value2","property3:=value3")
Now, I could have only mentioned property-value pair1(which you are referring to as "Locator1") only If it alone was sufficient for identifying that webbutton. If only 1 property-value pair cannot help UFT in UNIQUELY recognizing the webbutton, then I have to provide another property-value pair until I have provided enough of them so that QTP recognizes that webbutton uniquely. Since, I have provided multiple property-value pairs(or locators), they have to be separated by commas. If there was only one property-value pair, no comma is needed. All this explanation only applies to the case when we are using Descriptive Programming. If we are not using Descriptive programming, then in that case the objects and their properties&values are stored in the Object Repository and you just have to mention their logical names(say Button1 as stored in OR) in the script like:
To understand more, you need to do some more research on "How object Identification works in UFT/QTP"

Is there a way to represent a measurement with multiple values as a observation?

I got a problem that I have some measurement data ( like Echo measurements), that can potentially have multiple values associated with it. In other words, you have a single measurement, but multiple values associated.
Is there a standard way to represent multiple values for a single measurement as a Observation?If so, what is the best way?
I notice that under observation, you can have multiple components, should I put my LOINC code for my measurement just at observation level and put each value at component level? Or I have to use extensions?
I am not sure exactly what your data looks like but here are a couple of patterns:
There is sampledData Datatype that can be used for datastreams like an EKG
If you have discrete values that are all interpreted together with an observation ( they can't stand alone as independent observations) the using components with an Observation.code= code, Observation.value[x] is empty , Observation.component.code= code, Observation.component.value[x]= result value. here is an example of this pattern.
In some cases you will have an Observation.value[x] as well.
Note Observation.component.code is required for each component.
For grouping indpendent observations together using component is not appropriate. This grouping is done using DiagnosticReport.result or Observation.related. The DiagnosticReport resource which typically used for reporting diagnostics in responce to an order.

XPath Query in JMeter

I'm currently working with JMeter in order to stress test one of our systems before release. Through this, I need to simulate users clicking links on the webpage presented to them. I've decided to extract theese links with an XPath Post-Processor.
Here's my problem:
I have an a XPath expression that looks something like this:
However I need to extract a specific child for each thread (user). I want to do something like this:
(n being the current index)
My question:
Is there a way to make this query work, so that I'm able to extract a new index of the expression for each thread?
Also, as I mentioned, I'm using JMeter. JMeter creates a variable for each of the resulting nodes, of an XPath query. However it names them as "VarName_n", and doesn't store them as a traditional array. Does anyone know how I can dynamicaly pick one of theese variables, if possible? This would also solve my problem.
Thanks in advance :)
Nested variables are apparently not supported, so in order to dynamically refer to variables that are named "VarName_1", VarName_2" and so forth, this can be used:
Where "n" is an integer. So if n == 1, this will get the value of the variable named "VarName_1".
If the "n" integer changes during a single thread, the ForEach controller is designed specifically for this purpose.
For the first question -- use:
where $n must be substituted with a specific integer.
Here we also assume that //div[#data-attrib="foo"] selects a single div element.
Do note that the XPath pseudo-operator // typically result in very slow evaluation (a complete sub-tree is searched) and also in other confusing problems ( this is why the brackets are needed in the above expression).
It is recommended to avoid using // whenever the structure of the document is known and a complete, concrete path can be specified.
As for the second question, it is not clear. Please, provide an example.

jmeter for capturing system generated dynamic values

I am using JMeter for a real estate application when I am selecting a plot it is generating a dynamic value like this 1305003402565. It is incrementing like this 1305003280751 per request to request I need to capture this value and I am not able to find it in the source code.
You may be able to force your application to show the dynamic value in the source code by requesting the page as a GET (instead of POST). Then, using Tree View, copy the source into your favorite regular expression extractor to write your regex to extract the value.
