How do I get the full name of a user in .net MVC 3 intranet app? -

I have an MVC 3 intranet application that performs windows authentication against a particular domain. I would like to render the current user's name.
in the view,
is set to DOMAIN\Username, what I want is their full Firstname Lastname

You can do something like this:
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
var principal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, User.Identity.Name);
var firstName = principal.GivenName;
var lastName = principal.Surname;
You'll need to add a reference to the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement assembly.
You can add a Razor helper like so:
#helper AccountName()
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
var principal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, User.Identity.Name);
#principal.GivenName #principal.Surname
If you indend on doing this from the view, rather than the controller, you need to add an assembly reference to your web.config as well:
<add assembly="System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement" />
Add that under configuration/system.web/assemblies.

Another option, without requiring a helper... You could just declare context and principal before you need to utilize these values, and then utilize it like a standard output...
#{ // anywhere before needed in cshtml file or view
var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
var principal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, User.Identity.Name);
Then anywhere within the document, just call each variable as needed:
#principal.GivenName // first name
#principal.Surname // last name

If you have many controllers then using #vcsjones approach might be painfull.
Therefore I'd suggest creating extension method for TIdentity.
public static string GetFullName(this IIdentity id)
if (id == null) return null;
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
var userPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, id.Name);
return userPrincipal != null ? $"{userPrincipal.GivenName} {userPrincipal.Surname}" : null;
And then you can use it in your view:
<p>Hello, #User.Identity.GetFullName()!</p>

If you've upgraded to Identity 2 and are using claims, then this kind of info would be a claim. Try creating an extension method:
public static string GetFullName(this IIdentity id)
var claimsIdentity = id as ClaimsIdentity;
return claimsIdentity == null
? id.Name
: string.Format("{0} {1}",
Then you can use it in the view like this:
#Html.ActionLink("Hello " + User.Identity.GetFullName() + "!", "Manage", "Account", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "Manage" })

Add the below in your _ViewImports.cshtml page :
#using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
Then, in your _Layouts.cshtml place the below :
var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
var principal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, User.Identity.Name);}
Note: You can concatenate by creating additional variable ex:
var userName = #principal.Givenname + ", " + #principal.Surname;
You can not call the variable 'userName' directly, however, you can call 'userName' anywhere on the page by creating a hidden field.


Instantiate new System.Web.Http.OData.Query.ODataQueryOptions in nunit test of ASP.NET Web API controller

I have an ASP.NET MVC4 Web API project with an ApiController-inheriting controller that accepts an ODataQueryOptions parameter as one of its inputs.
I am using NUnit and Moq to test the project, which allow me to setup canned responses from the relevant repository methods used by the ApiController. This works, as in:
public class ProjectControllerTests
public async Task GetById()
var repo = new Mock<IManagementQuery>();
repo.Setup(a => a.GetProjectById(2)).Returns(Task.FromResult<Project>(new Project()
ProjectID = 2, ProjectName = "Test project", ProjectClient = 3
var controller = new ProjectController(repo.Object);
var response = await controller.Get(2);
Assert.AreEqual(, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(, "Test project");
Assert.AreEqual(response.clientId, 3);
The challenge I have is that, to use this pattern, I need to pass in the relevant querystring parameters to the controller as well as the repository (this was actually my intent). However, in the case of ODataQueryOptions-accepting ApiController methods, even in the cases where I would like to use just the default parameters for ODataQueryOptions, I need to know how to instantiate one. This gets tricky:
ODataQueryOptions does not implement an interface, so I can't mock it directly.
The constructor requires an implementation of System.Web.Http.OData.ODataQueryContext, which requires an implementation of something implementing Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel, for which the documentation is scarce and Visual Studio 2012 Find References and View Call Hierarchy do not provide insight (what implements that interface?).
What do I need to do/Is there a better way of doing this?
Looks like someone else already answered this in the comments here, but it's not a complete solution for my use-case (see comment below):
ODataModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var opts = new ODataQueryOptions<Customer>(new ODataQueryContext(modelBuilder.GetEdmModel(),typeof(Customer)), request);
This is the solution I have been using in my NUnit tests to inject ODataQueryOptions
private static IEdmModel _model;
private static IEdmModel Model
if (_model == null)
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var baseType = typeof(MyDbContext);
var sets = baseType.GetProperties().Where(c => c.PropertyType.IsGenericType && c.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDbSet<>));
var entitySetMethod = builder.GetType().GetMethod("EntitySet");
foreach (var set in sets)
var genericMethod = entitySetMethod.MakeGenericMethod(set.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments());
genericMethod.Invoke(builder, new object[] { set.Name });
_model = builder.GetEdmModel();
return _model;
public static ODataQueryOptions<T> QueryOptions<T>(string query = null)
query = query ?? "";
var url = "http://localhost/Test?" + query;
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
return new ODataQueryOptions<T>(new ODataQueryContext(Model, typeof(T)), request);

Can I get the final HTML output of a route in ASP.NET MVC3?

Is there a way to get the "final HTML output" (what you get when you do "View source" in a browser) from code in ASP.NET MVC3 without making use of something like a WebRequest?
For example something like this:
string htmlCode = Url.GetHtml("Action", "Controller", new { id = 7 });
You can do it like this with RazorGenerator.Mvc which is available as a Nuget package. You can read more about it here: It was intended for Unit testing but I think it is what your looking for.
var view = new myview();
HtmlDocument document = view.RenderAsHtml();
Hope that helps you in what your trying to do.
This works for me:
public static string ViewToString(string viewName, object model)
ViewData.Model = model;
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
var view = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(ControllerContext, viewName);
var viewContext = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, view.View, ViewData, TempData, stringWriter);
view.View.Render(viewContext, stringWriter);
view.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(ControllerContext, view.View);
return stringWriter.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

How to read property data annotation value in .NET MVC

I Just starting out w/ ASP.NET MVC 3 and I am trying to render out the following HTML for the string properties on a ViewModel on the create/edit view.
<input id="PatientID" name="PatientID" placeholder="Patient ID" type="text" value="" maxlength="30" />
Each value ties back to the property on the ViewModel, id & name are the property name, placeholder is the Display attribute, value is the value of the property, and maxlength is the StringLength attribute.
Instead of typing out the above HTML w/ the correct values for each of my string properties I thought I would try to create an EditorTemplate by the name of SingleLineTextBox and use UIHint on my string properties or pass the name of the view when I call EditFor. So far so good, except I can't figure out how to get the maxlength value off the StringLength attribute.
Here is the code I have so far:
<input id="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName" name="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName" placeholder="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.DisplayName" type="text" value="#ViewData.Model" maxlength="??" />
As you can see, not sure how to set maxlength value. Anyone know how?
Also, am I going about this the best way? As I said before I could just write out the plain HTML myself for each property on the page. I've looked at using TextBoxFor it wasn't setting the maxlength and was adding a bunch of validation markup to the HTML output because of the StringLength attribute which I do not want. Another option I saw was extensions/helpers off the HTML class.
A full code sample for tvanfosson's answer:
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
#model System.String
var metadata = ViewData.ModelMetadata;
var prop = metadata.ContainerType.GetProperty(metadata.PropertyName);
var attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false);
var maxLength = attrs.OfType<System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MaxLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
<input id=#Html.IdForModel()#(metadata.IsRequired ? " required" : "")#(maxLength == null ? "" : " maxlength=" + maxLength.Length) />
HTML output:
<input id=Name maxlength=200 />
Ugly but it works. Now let's abstract it and clean it up a bit. Helper class:
public static class EditorTemplateHelper
public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo(ViewDataDictionary viewData)
var metadata = viewData.ModelMetadata;
var prop = metadata.ContainerType.GetProperty(metadata.PropertyName);
return prop;
public static object[] GetAttributes(ViewDataDictionary viewData)
var prop = GetPropertyInfo(viewData);
var attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false);
return attrs;
public static string GenerateAttributeHtml(ViewDataDictionary viewData, IEnumerable<Delegate> attributeTemplates)
var attributeMap = attributeTemplates.ToDictionary(t => t.Method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType, t => t);
var attrs = GetAttributes(viewData);
var htmlAttrs = attrs.Where(a => attributeMap.ContainsKey(a.GetType()))
.Select(a => attributeMap[a.GetType()].DynamicInvoke(a));
string s = String.Join(" ", htmlAttrs);
return s;
Editor Template:
#model System.String
#using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
#using Brass9.Web.Mvc.EditorTemplateHelpers;
var metadata = ViewData.ModelMetadata;
var attrs = EditorTemplateHelper.GenerateAttributes(ViewData, new Delegate[] {
new Func<StringLengthAttribute, string>(len => "maxlength=" + len.MaximumLength),
new Func<MaxLengthAttribute, string>(max => "maxlength=" + max.Length)
if (metadata.IsRequired)
string attrsHtml = String.Join(" ", attrs);
<input type=text id=#Html.IdForModel() #attrsHtml />
So you pass in an array of Delegates, and for each entry use a Func<AttributeTypeGoesHere, string>, and then return whatever HTML string you wanted for each attribute.
This actually decouples well - you can map only the attributes you care about, you can map different sets for different parts of the same HTML, and the final usage (like #attrsHtml) doesn't harm readability of the template.
Instead of the StringLength attribute (because it's a validator attribute not a metadata provider) you can use the AdditionalMetadata attribute. Sample usage:
public class ViewModel
[AdditionalMetadata("maxLength", 30)]
public string Property { get; set; }
Basically it puts the value 30 under the key maxLength in the ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues dictionary. So you can use it your EditorTemplate:
<input maxlength="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues["maxLength"]" id="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName" name="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName" placeholder="#ViewData.ModelMetadata.DisplayName" type="text" value="#ViewData.Model" />
To do this you'll need to create your own HtmlHelper extension and use reflection to get at the attributes on the model property. Look at the source code at for the existing ...For() HtmlHelper extensions. You'll need to get the PropertyInfo object for the model property using the expression that is passed in as the argument. They have several helper classes that should serve as templates for this. Once you have that, use the GetCustomAttributes method on the PropertyInfo to find the StringLength attribute and extract it's value. Since you'll be using a TagBuilder to create the input, add the length as an attribute via the TagBuilder.
var attribute = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StringLengthAttribute),false)
var length = attribute != null ? attribute.MaximumLength : 20; //provide a default
return new MvcHtmlString( builder.ToString( TagRenderMode.SelfClosing ) );
See my comment on why I think this is a bad idea.
An much simpler solution is to implement a custom DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider like this:
internal class CustomModelMetadataProvider : DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider
protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes, Type containerType, Func<object> modelAccessor, Type modelType, string propertyName)
ModelMetadata modelMetadata = base.CreateMetadata(attributes, containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName);
var maxLengthAttribute = attributes.OfType<MaxLengthAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
if (maxLengthAttribute != null)
modelMetadata.AdditionalValues.Add("maxLength", maxLengthAttribute.Length);
return modelMetadata;
In the template you can simply use:
object maxLength;
ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues.TryGetValue("maxLength", out maxLength);
You can get the StringLength Validator from within an Editor Template, here are some examples:
What I used and tested, as a result from the article above can be seen in my answer below (tested with MVC 5, EF 6) :
ASP.NET MVC 3 - Data Annoation and Max Length/Size for Textbox Rendering
Without being specific, I've personally had some mixed results with attempts to implement some other approaches, and I don't find either claimed method particular long; however, I did think some of the other approached looked a little "prettier".
#using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
#model string
var htmlAttributes = ViewData["htmlAttributes"] ?? new { #class = "checkbox-inline" };
var attributes = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);
if (!attributes.ContainsKey("maxlength"))
var metadata = ViewData.ModelMetadata;
var prop = metadata.ContainerType.GetProperty(metadata.PropertyName);
var attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false);
var maxLength = attrs.OfType<MaxLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (maxLength != null)
attributes.Add("maxlength", maxLength.Length.ToString());
var stringLength = attrs.OfType<StringLengthAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (stringLength != null)
attributes.Add("maxlength", stringLength.MaximumLength.ToString());
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m, attributes)

ASP.NET MVC language change link

I have an ASP.NET MVC site that it's in two languages using Resources. To allow the server to present the site in the apropiate language (depending on the one that's configured in the user's browser) I put the following in my web.config:
<globalization culture="es-es" uiCulture="auto" />
How can I add a link to change the uiCulture? I want to store the selection in a cookie and if it's not present, then fall back to the browser configuration... Is it possible?
You may take a look at the following guide. It uses Session to store the current user language preference but the code could be very easily tweaked in order to use a cookie. The idea is that you will have a controller action:
public ActionResult ChangeCulture(string lang, string returnUrl)
var langCookie = new HttpCookie("lang", lang)
HttpOnly = true
return Redirect(returnUrl);
and then in Global.asax you could subscribe for the Application_AcquireRequestState event in order to set the current thread culture based on the value of the cookie:
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
var langCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["lang"];
if (langCookie != null)
var ci = new CultureInfo(langCookie.Value);
//Checking first if there is no value in session
//and set default language
//this can happen for first user's request
if (ci == null)
//Sets default culture to english invariant
string langName = "en";
//Try to get values from Accept lang HTTP header
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UserLanguages != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.UserLanguages.Length != 0)
//Gets accepted list
langName = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserLanguages[0].Substring(0, 2);
langCookie = new HttpCookie("lang", langName)
HttpOnly = true
//Finally setting culture for each request
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci;
//The line below creates issue when using default culture values for other
//cultures for ex: NumericSepratore.
//Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name);
Now this being said using cookies and session to store current language is not SEO friendly. What I prefer doing when I need a localized application is to use a special route which will contain the language:
lang = "en-US",
controller = "Home",
action = "Index",
id = UrlParameter.Optional
and then prefix all my urls with the language. This provides unique urls for different languages so that robots can properly index all content. Now all that's left is to modify the Application_AcquireRequestState method so that it uses the lang token of the url and based on its value set the proper Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture and Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.
And now when you wanted to change the language you would simply generate the proper link:
#Html.ActionLink("Page index en français", "index", new { lang = "fr-FR" })
An alternative and I feel it is more flexible
protected override void ExecuteCore()
if (RouteData.Values["lang"] != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RouteData.Values["lang"].ToString()))
var cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["myappculture"];
if (cookie != null)
{ SetCulture(cookie.Value); }
{ SetCulture(HttpContext.Request.UserLanguages[0]);}
public ActionResult ChangeCulture(string lang, string returnUrl)
// Little house keeping
Regex re = new Regex("^/\\w{2,3}(-\\w{2})?");
returnUrl = re.Replace(returnUrl,"/" + lang.ToLower());
return Redirect(returnUrl);
private void SetCulture(string lang)
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(lang);
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name);
// Force a valid culture in the URL
RouteData.Values["lang"] = lang;
// save the location into cookie
HttpCookie _cookie = new HttpCookie("myappculture", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);
_cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);
In the view
I kept the resource in a different project as follows
If you use the App_GloabalResources to store your resx language files, all you have to do is add a drop down which changes the current thread's UI Culture and this will automatically select the right resx language file to display.
App_GloabalResources is not the right place the resources when it comes to MVC programmering. See

Pass a value from one controller to another in mvc

I've been new to ASP.NET MVC. This is what I'm doing. I've 2 Controllers:Home and Customerservice.
Now I have a Customer list where when I click details gets redirected to the products he acquired.
So, I need to pass in the id so that the products of that customer can be displayed. So, my home consists of customer details. Now i need to pass that id to CustomerService controller ,Index action. This is what I've done in Home:
public ActionResult Customers()
var dc = new ServicesDataContext();
var query = (from m in dc.Customers
select m);
return View(query);
public ActionResult Details(int id)
var datacontext = new ServicesDataContext();
var serviceToUpdate = datacontext.Customers.First(m => m.CustomerId == id);
ViewData.Model = serviceToUpdate;
// return View();
return Redirect("/CustomerService");
public ActionResult Details(FormCollection form)
var id = Int32.Parse(form["CustomerID"]);
var datacontext = new ServicesDataContext();
var service = datacontext.Customers.First(m => m.CustomerId == id);
return Redirect("Customers");
Now I'm not sure whether I need to pass an id as parameter for index in CustomerService. SO can you please guide me in finishing this?
If you are using any Redirect (such as RedirectToAction) you can use TempData to store any parameters. The semantics have slightly changed in MVC 3 but TempData is designed to pass data between actions in a POST-Redirect-GET scenario.
Passing it as a parameter is probably your best option. Try using something like return RedirectToAction(ActionName, ControllerName, RouteValues);.
