How to add modification to the Kannel and then update - kannel

I want to customize Kannel according to my requirements.
If I have changed the source files or add some source files, how do I commit those changes (compile and update), without configure and install from the beginning?
If I add some source files (*.c and *.h), is there a naming rules for those files?
(There should be a compatible way to develop and test it. That's what I want to know)
Can anybody help me on this?
Thank You!

I recommend first read README file from Kannel.
It contains section for developers describing some coding issues and sources tree.
However it seems better way is to read sources and to follow existing practices unless you add architecture changes.


How to use Subversion with HelpNDoc

I am writing a documentation for a project that involves multiple developers. We use Subversion (SVN) to work on our code base.
I wrote the first draft of the documentation document using HelpNDoc, which I like for the nice tree-view and easy of use; the problem is that there is a single file, so I don't know how to use SVN to allow other developers to contribute to the documentation and update it.
Do you know if it's possible? If not, can you advice a nice software, easy to use, with a tree-view of the documentation that can be used with SVN or makes it possible for multiple users to update it? We use Windows.
HelpNDoc projects are binary files based on the SQLite open source database engine. The advantage is that the whole documentation stored in a single file so it can easily be copied, moved, shared, backed-up...
However one drawback is that it has to be checked-in as binary content in any version control system including Subversion: diff and merge are not possible on those files.
One possible solution would be to use external documents in HelpNDoc's library: each user works on her own document (which can be a Word document, and HTML web-page...) and a master HelpNDoc project is created to include those documents at generation time. See "Include a file at generation time" in the following step by step guide: How to add an item to the library
Amount of files doesn't matter, real format (text/* or binary) - does. If SVN|any VCS can merge two HelpNDoc files with diverged history (just try it by hand), you'll be happy
I once used Helpinator for software documentation, it's pretty close to HelpnDoc but it's storage format is more suitable for version control.

SonarQube rule to disallow 'forbidden' files

Is there a way to get SonarQube to raise a violation if certain files/folders are found in source?
For example, specifically-named configuration files which contain sensitive data (e.g. passwords) should not be included in version control, and neither should IDE-specific configuration directories like IntelliJ's ".idea" and Eclipse's ".settings" folders.
(Side-note: I'm aware these can/should be part of a global ignore in version control - but that's not what I'm asking about)
I'd like SonarQube to raise a violation during analysis if any of a set of files/folders exist, preferably using a regex-or-similar pattern to do the checking.
I've read up on the fact that SonarQube plugins can be written in Java, but this seems such a simple concept (and one I'm sure isn't unique) that I'm a little surprised I haven't been able to find any existing rules or plugins. The closest I've found is sonar-text-plugin, though that focuses on file contents rather than whether files exist at all.
Before I go reinventing the wheel, is there something pre-existing which could offer this?
SonarQube version 4.5.7 - upgrading is an option if there's no other route.
I do confirm that there is no such built-in feature in SonarQube.
You may be want to write a custom rule for the java plugin.

Dynamically create WIX files without having to edit the wix files manually

Suppose you release the next version of your software, you will have to manually update your WIX files to remove obsolete files and add new files, etc.
My use case is as simple as "recursively add the files under /sample/path in the user target C:\Program Files\MyApp".
Is there a program that does this sort of automation?
For WiX v3 (and a free solution), look at heat.exe. If you have more advanced harvesting needs, there is a commercial option from FireGiant**.
** Disclaimer: I am the benevolent dictator of the WiX Toolset and CEO of FireGiant. We contribute to the open source project and provide commercial solutions around the project. Pick what works best for you.
If Heat doesn't meet your needs, you may want to look at Paraffin by John Robbins.
For Wix 2 there was a tool called Mallow that did this. It was freeware and I got the source somewhere. This functionality may also be available in Heat.exe at this point, but I am not sure.
It also seems some guys in the Wix community are experimenting with a sort of automatic scanner feature where you can put files in a pre-defined release location and new msi files are continually created - ala "continuous integration".
Are you looking to do this for a lot of packages, or just for one or a few ones? Let me know the scope and I can send you the Mallow code, or dig up links for the "continuous integration" oriented solutions.
You can use heat.exe as Rob stated already (i think he knows since he is the man behind), or you can write a simple harvester script, that evaluate the wix-script as pre-compile action of the wix-project. We used a vbscript for that since heat did not suit our problems, cause of different files, different directories, etc.
WixEdit has an import folder function that can grab the entire contents of a folder and turn it into Directory/Component/File nodes.

Should a .sln be committed to source control?

Is it a best practice to commit a .sln file to source control? When is it appropriate or inappropriate to do so?
There were several good points made in the answers. Thanks for the responses!
I think it's clear from the other answers that solution files are useful and should be committed, even if they're not used for official builds. They're handy to have for anyone using Visual Studio features like Go To Definition/Declaration.
By default, they don't contain absolute paths or any other machine-specific artifacts. (Unfortunately, some add-in tools don't properly maintain this property, for instance, AMD CodeAnalyst.) If you're careful to use relative paths in your project files (both C++ and C#), they'll be machine-independent too.
Probably the more useful question is: what files should you exclude? Here's the content of my .gitignore file for my VS 2008 projects:
(The last entry is just for the AMD CodeAnalyst profiler.)
For VS 2010, you should also exclude the following:
Yes -- I think it's always appropriate. User specific settings are in other files.
Yes you should do this. A solution file contains only information about the overall structure of your solution. The information is global to the solution and is likely common to all developers in your project.
It doesn't contain any user specific settings.
You should definitely have it. Beside the reasons other people mentioned, it's needed to make one step build of the whole projects possible.
I generally agree that solution files should be checked in, however, at the company I work for we have done something different. We have a fairly large repository and developers work on different parts of the system from time to time. To support the way we work we would either have one big solution file or several smaller. Both of these have a few shortcomings and require manual work on the developers part. To avoid this, we have made a plug-in that handles all that.
The plug-in let each developer check out a subset of the source tree to work on simply by selecting the relevant projects from the repository. The plugin then generates a solution file and modifies project files on the fly for the given solution. It also handles references. In other words, all the developer has to do is to select the appropriate projects and then the necessary files are generated/modified. This also allows us to customize various other settings to ensure company standards.
Additionally we use the plug-in to support various check-in policies, which generally prevents users from submitting faulty/non-compliant code to the repository.
Yes, things you should commit are:
solution (*.sln),
project files,
all source files,
app config files
build scripts
Things you should not commit are:
solution user options (.suo) files,
build generated files (e.g. using a build script) [Edit:] - only if all necessary build scripts and tools are available under version control (to ensure builds are authentic in cvs history)
Regarding other automatically generated files, there is a separate thread.
Yes, it should be part of the source control.
When ever you add/remove projects from your application, .sln would get updated and it would be good to have it under source control. It would allow you to pull out your application code 2 versions back and directly do a build (if at all required).
Yes, you always want to include the .sln file, it includes the links to all the projects that are in the solution.
Under most circumstances, it's a good idea to commit .sln files to source control.
If your .sln files are generated by another tool (such as CMake) then it's probably inappropriate to put them into source control.
We do because it keeps everything in sync. All the necessary projects are located together, and no one has to worry about missing one. Our build server (Ant Hill Pro) also uses the sln to figure which projects to build for a release.
We usually put all of our solutions files in a solutions directory. This way we separate the solution from the code a little bit, and it's easier to pick out the project I need to work on.
The only case where you would even considder not storing it in source control would be if you had a large solution with many projects which was in source control, and you wanted to create a small solution with some of the projects from the main solution for some private transient requirement.
Yes - Everything used to generate your product should be in source control.
We keep or solution files in TFS Version Control. But since or main solution is really large, most developers have a personal solution containing only what they need. The main solution file is mostly used by the build server.
.slns are the only thing we haven't had problems with in tfs!

tools for diffing windows binaries?

Our QA team wants to focus their testing based on what EXEs and DLLs have actually changed between builds. We have a nice svn change report, but the relationship between source and changed binaries isn't always obvious. The builds we're comparing are always full clean builds, so we can't use file system timestamps. I'm looking for tools to compare windows (and windows CE) PE binaries that will ignore the embedded timestamps and other cruft. Any recommendations for tools or other ways to generate a reliable 'what binaries have really changed' report? Thanks.
clarification: Thanks for the answers so far, but we can't generate the report by doing straightforward byte-for-byte compares or comparing checksums, because all the files appear different every time we build, even if the sources haven't changed, because of timestamps that the compiler inserts. The problem is how to ignore the false positives. The disassemble & compare idea is closest to what we need, I think...
answered! Bindiff is just what I was looking for. Many thanks.
Have you had a look at Bindiff?
I ran into this problem before. My solution was to write a tool which set all the timestamps in an .EXE/.DLL to a known value. I would run it as a post-build step. Then binary diffs would work just fine.
You could perhaps disassemble the binary, and then do a diff on the assembly...
This sounds like your QA team is taking the wrong approach though... It shouldn't matter to them what the code looks like; just that it does what it's supposed to do.
Oh! After reading it again, I realized that I misinterpreted your question. I thought they wanted to test the methods that had changed...
In that case, why not get the MD5 hash and compare those? The tiniest change will cause a totally different hash to be generated.
Not sure what kind of binaries (DLLs? PE/WinCE executables only? Other?)Is it possible to embed version information in the binaries, e.g. using a source control tag that updates the version in the source code on commits. Then when the new build is created, the binary would have it's version string updated as well. Instead of having to diff a binary file, you could use the version string and check that for changes.
Look at NDepend.
When I was working on the "home grown" tool for installation verification at my company, we used Beyond Compare as a backend for comparison.
It has great file/folder comparison (binary as well) and scripting capabilities and can output XML reports.
Project dependency graph generator and Dependency-Grapher for C++-Projects both use GraphViz to visualize dependencies. I imagine that you could use either of them as a basis for your needs with special highlighting of the branches in the dependency graph where source files or other leaves have changed.
MD5 hashes or checksums (as suggested above), a simple diff ignoring whitespace and filtering out comment changes, or changlist information from your version control system can signal which files have changed.
gnu binutils specifically strings
