Regexp for specific matching of character string - ruby

I need a regex to match something like
but not like

[\da-f]{24} is exactly 24 characters consisting only of 0-9, a-f. The whole pattern is one such number optionally followed by a > and a second such number.

I think you want something like:
That matches 24 characters in the 0-9a-f range (which matches your first string) followed by zero or one strings starting with a >, followed by 24 characters in the 0-9a-f range (which matches your second string). Here's a RegexPal for this regex.

Don't need a regex.
str = "4f0f30500be4443126002034>4f0f31310be4443126005578"
match = str.count('>') < 2
match will be set to true for matches where there are 1 or 0 '>' in the string. Otherwise match is set to false.


Characters at the end do not match

I need to match all the alphabets and numbers in a string str.
This is my code.
When str = AB57933A [sic], it matches only AB57933, and not the characters appended after the numbers.
If I try with str = AB57933AbC [sic], it matches only AB57933; it only matches up to the last number, and not the characters after that.
In the way you have written it:
you impose that the last character is between 0 and 9, you can replace it depending on your needs by if you do not expect digits after the last letter
or by
if AB57933AbC12 are also accepted as valid input.
Last but not least, if you do not use back references you can omit the parenthesis as you do not need capturing groups

Username Regular Expression

I need the username to be two or more characters of a-z, 0-9, all downcase. This is the current regex I am using
USER_REGEX = /\A[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{1,19}\z/i
With this regex, users are able to use uppercase charters in their username. How do I modify the current regex to avoid that?
The regular expression to filter for two to twenty lower-case characters or digits is
which means:
^ at the front of input
a-z accept lower-case 'a' through 'z'
0-9 accept '0' through '9'
{2,20} accept 2 to 20 elements from preceding [] block
$ until the end of input
You can make a regular expression case-insensitive with trailing i, as in your example; that appears to be the root of problem. That said, I don't know Ruby's peculiarities with respect to regular expressions.
If you must keep the RegEx - remove the "i" from the end
USER_REGEX = /\A[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{1,19}\z/i
USER_REGEX = /\A[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{1,19}\z/
the "i" tells the RegEx to be a case-insensitive RegEx.
but you want it to be case-sensitive and only match on lowercase letters.

Why won't my simple regex pattern match and remove a file extension?

I have a string:
The result I want is:
The number after -- could be of variable length, so I want to match everything including and after --.
I've tried a few patterns, but none are matching for some reason:
gsub("--\*", "")
gsub("--*", "")
gsub("--*.ipa", "")
gsub("--\[0-9].ipa", "")
What am I missing?
Let's take a look at your test patterns:
"--\*" is actually equivalent to "--*" (since the \* is an escape sequence).
"--*" will match a single - character, followed by zero or more - characters.
"--*.ipa" will match a single - character, followed by zero or more - characters, followed by any single character, followed by a literal ipa.
"--\[0-9].ipa" is actually equivalent to "--[0-9].ipa" (since the \[ is an escape sequence), which will match a literal --, followed by a single decimal digit, followed by any single character, followed by a literal ipa.
However, none of these patterns would work as you used them because gsub will not treat it as a regular expression:
The pattern is typically a Regexp; if given as a String, any regular expression metacharacters it contains will be interpreted literally…
You'd need to wrap type convert your pattern to a Regexp (using, or use a regular expression literal.
Try this pattern
This pattern will find any literal --, followed by zero or more of any character.
For example:
"app_copy--28.ipa".gsub(/--.*/, "") # app_copy
Don't use gsub to try to change the string, simply use a pattern to match the part you want:
"app_copy--28.ipa"[/^(.+?)--/, 1] # => "app_copy"
String's [] takes a lot of different types of parameters. You can pass in a pattern, and the index of the capture that you want, to extract just that part. From the documentation:
str[regexp, capture] → new_str or nil
If a Regexp is supplied, the matching portion of the string is returned. If a capture follows the regular expression, which may be a capture group index or name, follows the regular expression that component of the MatchData is returned instead.
How is this ?
str = "app_copy--28.ipa"
# => "app_copy"
str = "app_copy--28.ipa"
# => "app_copy"

How do I match repeated characters?

How do I find repeated characters using a regular expression?
If I have aaabbab, I would like to match only characters which have three repetitions:
Try string.scan(/((.)\2{2,})/).map(&:first), where string is your string of characters.
The way this works is that it looks for any character and captures it (the dot), then matches repeats of that character (the \2 backreference) 2 or more times (the {2,} range means "anywhere between 2 and infinity times"). Scan will return an array of arrays, so we map the first matches out of it to get the desired results.

Ruby regular expression

Apparently I still don't understand exactly how it works ...
Here is my problem: I'm trying to match numbers in strings such as:
910 -6.258000 6.290
That string should gives me an array like this:
[910, -6.2580000, 6.290]
while the string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
should not be matched.
The regex I'm trying to use is
but it doesn't do exactly that. Could someone help me ?
It would be great if the answer could clarify the use of the parenthesis in the matching.
Here's a pattern that works:
Note that [^\d]+ means at least one non digit character.
On second thought, here's a more generic solution that doesn't need to deal with regular expressions:
str.gsub(/[^\d.-]+/, " ").split.collect{|d| d.to_f}
str = "blabla9999 some more text -1.1"
[9999.0, -1.1]
The parenthesis have different meanings.
[] defines a character class, that means one character is matched that is part of this class
() is defining a capturing group, the string that is matched by this part in brackets is put into a variable.
You did not define any anchors so your pattern will match your second string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
^^^^ here ^^^ and here
Maybe this is more what you wanted
See it here on Regexr
^ anchors the pattern to the start of the string and $ to the end.
it allows Whitespace \s before and after the number and an optional fraction part (?:\.\d+)? This kind of pattern will be matched at least once.
maybe /(-?\d+(.\d+)?)+/
irb(main):010:0> "910 -6.258000 6.290".scan(/(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)+/).map{|x| x[0]}
=> ["910", "-6.258000", "6.290"]
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
# => [910.0, -6.258, 6.29]
If you don't want integers to be converted to floats, try this:
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
str.scan(/-?\d+\.?\d+/).map do |ns|
ns[/\./] ? ns.to_f : ns.to_i
# => [910, -6.258, 6.29]
