MVC3 validate only one entity in ViewModel -

I have an mvc3 create page using a View Model with 2 entities
class ViewModel1{
public User user{get;set;}
public Company company{get;set;}
where User and Company are EF4 entities(tables). I need to use a single page to create both(related) tables. Now the Company entity is optional under some conditions and I use jQuery to hide the corresponding section in the view.
However since company has required fields , the post back create function has ModelState.Valid as false.
What I want to do is if the Company section is hidden, I would like to skip validating the Company entity in ViewModel in Server( I avoid validation of hidden elements in Client).
Maybe there is a better and more proper approach to this?

What you have shown is not a view model. You call it a view model but it isn't because it is referencing your EF domain entities.
A more realistic view model would look like this:
class ViewModel1
public UserViewModel User { get;set; }
public CompanyViewModel Company { get; set; }
or even flattened out and containing only the properties that your view needs:
class ViewModel1
public int UserId { get;set; }
public string FullUserName { get;set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
Now depending on your specific requirements about view model validation your UserViewModel and CompanyViewModel classes will be specifically designed for them.

Instead of putting the entities directly in the view model, put the properties for the entities in the view model and map between the view model and the actual entity objects on the server. That way you can control what properties are required for your view. Create some custom validation rules to validate that the required company properties are there when some company information is required. To do this on the server, you can have your view model implement IValidatableObject and implement the logic in the Validate method. On the client you can add rules to the jQuery validate plugin for the "required if" properties.
public class UserCreationViewModel : IValidatableObject
public string Username { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public string CompanyEmail { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate( ValidationContext context )
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyEmail))
return yield new ValidationResult("Company Email is required if you specify a company", new [] { "CompanyEmail" });
I'm not sure what I would do on the client-side. You have a choice of either adding specific rules to the validate plugin directly, but it might be hard to make it look exactly the same as using the unobtrusive validation that MVC adds. Alternatively, you could look at adding/removing the unobtrusive attributes from the "required if" elements using jQuery depending on the state of the elements that trigger their requirement. I suggest trying both ways -- look at the docs for the validate plugin to see how to add custom rules and examine the code emitted by the MVC framework for the unobtrusive validate to see what you would need to add to make that work.
Another possibility would be including/removing a partial view with the company properties in the from based on whether the company information is required or not. That is, type in a company name and use AJAX to grab the inputs required for the company and add them to the form. If the company name is deleted, delete the elements. Leave the server-side validation the way it is, but in the partial view mimic the HTML that the framework would add in for unobtrusive validation. This is sort of the best of both worlds as the jQuery code is much simpler and you get consistent validation, too.

There are many ways you can achieve,
1) more commonly donot use [Required] attribute on Company object, but have proper validation for parameters inside Company object.
In this case if Company object is null still validation will pass, but if Company object isnot null it will validate each properties.
2) If validation involves some complex business logic, then go for Self Validating Model. (inherit from IValiddatableObject, and override Validate(...).
3) By code, in the controller.
if( == null)
this.ModelState.Keys.Where(k => k.Contains("company")).ToList().ForEach(k => this.ModelState.Remove(k));
first two are best approved approaches, third is just another way to achieve your functionalities


Server-side validation

I am having trouble figuring out how to get server-side DbContext validation errors back to the client. I understand that Breeze has default validators that react to a few of the attributes such as Required, but what about all the other attributes? I could write a custom JavaScript validator for Breeze that will check on the client side, but I also need to check to make sure the entity is valid on the server-side.
For example, the application requires a Person to to have a valid email address. A malicious user comes along and gets an email address past the client and posts to the server with a data that would not pass the EmailAddress validator. Thus far my experience with Breeze is that the email address will save and not bubble up any DbContext Entity Framework errors.
Assuming the model below, what would be the best way to get any entity validation errors?
public class PeopleContext : DbContext
public PeopleContext()
: base("name=ConnectionString"){ }
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
public class Person
public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
Here are some instructions to re-create the issue that I am experiencing.
Follow the instructions to create the "Todo" sample (
Add a new custom validator to the BreezeSampleTodoItem.cs file:
public class CustomValidator : ValidationAttribute
public override Boolean IsValid(Object value)
string val = (string)value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) && val == "Error")
ErrorMessage = "{0} equal the word 'Error'";
return false;
return true;
Decorate the Description field with the new custom validator:
public string Description { get; set; }
Add the proper usings of course (System and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations).
Run the project.
In one of the description fields type "Error" and save.
This is where I would expect to see an error come up through Breeze, or even an DbEntityValidationException be thrown from Entity Framework. I have tried on 2 separate computers with the same result. The entity saves to the database as if there were no error. In fact, if you put a breakpoint anywhere inside IsValid method of the custom validator you will see that its not even being called.
As of Breeze v 0.78.1 all registered DbContext server side validations will now execute during an EntityManager SaveChanges call. Any exceptions encountered will cause the save to rollback, and any validation errors to be serialized back to the Breeze client.
Note that this functionality is not yet supported for older ObjectContext ( as opposed to DbContext) based EF models.
And ... thanks to adamlj for discovering this issue and suggesting the solution.
I'm not sure what you mean by
get server-side DbContext validation errors back to the client
You could mean that you want the validation error messages to be sent to the client. But the rest of your question suggests that you want to know (a) how to run a custom validation on the server and (b) how to acquire and run a corresponding JavaScript version of that validation on the client. I will address this interpretation of your question.
The Entity Framework (which you're using in your example) automatically runs Data Annotation validation rules for you ... unless you've disabled that feature manually. If you create custom validation rules in the proper way, EF will run these as well. This post by Daniel Wertheim describes how to write such rules. I can't vouch for that post in every detail but it seems correct to me. It even defines a custom Email-validationattribute!
If authoring a custom Data Annotation validation rule seems too Baroque to you (as it often does to me), you can write and call your own validation logic in one of the BeforeSave... methods discussed in "Server-side Interception".
I think these are your best server options. On to the client ...
Breeze registers client-side JavaScript validations to match certain of the server-side Data Annotations (e.g., Required and MaxLength) that come across the wire in the metadata. As I write, custom Data Annotations are not recognized nor included in the metadata and they have no out-of-the-box analogs on the client. If you want the client to prescreen your entities using these rules, you'll have to write your own corresponding JavaScript validators and register them for the pertinent entity types as discussed in the Validation documentation page.
If you have suggestions or better alternatives, we'd love to hear them.

mvc3 composing page and form element dynamically

I'm developing an MVC3 application and I have a page (well, a view) that let the users edit document's metainfo (a classic #Html.BeginForm usage). For general documents users will see standard fields to fill up, but through a dropdownlist they will be able to specify the type of the document: this, through an ajax call, will load new fields on the edit-document-form.
Whem the user submit the completed form, at last, the controller should read all the standard fields, plus all the fields loaded as being specific to the type of document selected.
Question is, how can I handle all this extra fields in a controller?
Say that I have Document class and a bunch of other classes extendinf Document, like Contract : Document, Invoice : Document, Complaint : Document and so forth, each having specific property (and this fields loaded on the form), how do I write the action in the controller?
I thought to use something like (I'll omitt all the conversions, validations, etc, for brevity)
public ActionResult Save(dynamic doc)
int docType = doc.type;
switch (docType)
case 1:
var invoice = new Invoice(doc);
invoice.amount = Request.Form["amount_field"];
invoice.code = Request.Form["code_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Invoice
case 2:
var contract = new Contract(doc);
contract.fromDate = Request.Form["fromDate_field"];
contract.toDate = Request.Form["toDate_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Contract
..... // and so forth for any document types
But it seems a very dirty approach to me. Do you have a better idea on how to achive this? Maybe there's a pattern that I don't know nothing about to approach this kind of scenario.
A second idea comes to my mind. After commenting Rob Kent's answer, I thought I could take a different approach, having just one class Document with a property like
public IEnumerable<Field> Tipologie { get; set; }
public class Field
public int IdField { get; set; }
public String Label { get; set; }
public String Value { get; set; }
public FieldType ValueType { get; set; }
public List<String> PossibleValues { get; set; } // needed for ENUMERATION type
public enum FieldType
Is this a better approach? In this case I can have just an action method like
public ActionResult Save(Document doc)
But shoud I create the fields in the view in order to make the MVC engine do the binding back to the model?
Given that the class inheriting from Document in the first approach will probably be generated at run-time, would you prefer this second approach?
To keep it all hard-typed on the server, you could use an abstract base type with a custom binder. See my answer here to see how this works: MVC generic ViewModel
The idea is that every time they load a new set of fields, you change the BindingType form variable to the instantiated type of the handler. The custom binder is responsible for creating the correct type on submission and you can then evaluate that in your action, eg:
if (model is Contract) ...
I'm not sure if you will be able to set up different actions each with a different signature, eg,:
public ActionResult Save(Contract contract) ...
public ActionResult Save(Invoice invoice) ...
Pretty sure that won't work because Mvc will have already decided which method to call, or maybe it will firstly see what type it gets back and then decides.
In my linked example, I am checking for overridden base members but if that is not an issue for you, you just need to create the correct type.

A `ViewModel` for each page (`Create.cshtml` and `Edit.cshtml`)?

There are actually two related questions:
Should I create a ViewModel for each page?
If you do not have problems in creating a single ViewModel class for the two pages (Create.cshtml and Edit.cshtml) how can I validate the ViewModel in different ways (depending on the page that is being used)
public class ProjectViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Url { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
#using BindSolution.ViewModel.Project
#model ProjectViewModel
ViewBag.Title = Model.Name;
#using BindSolution.ViewModel.Project
#model ProjectViewModel
ViewBag.Title = "New Project";
public class ProjectValidator : AbstractValidator<ProjectViewModel>
private readonly IProjectService _projectService;
public ProjectValidator(IProjectService projectService)
_projectService = projectService;
RuleFor(p => p.Name)
.NotEmpty().WithMessage("required field")
/*The validation should be made only if the page is Create.cshtml. That is, if you are creating a new project.*/
.When(p => p.??) //Problem Here!!
.Must(n => !_projectService.Exist(n)).WithMessage("name already exists");
RuleFor(p => p.Url)
.NotEmpty().WithMessage("required field");
Note that if the user is editing an existing project, validation of the property name should not be done again.
ProjectController.cs > Edit method
public ActionResult Edit(Guid projectID, ProjectViewModel model)
var project = _projectService.Repository.Get(projectID);
if (ModelState.IsValid && TryUpdateModel(project))
if (_projectImageWrap.Create(project) && _projectService.Repository.Save() > 0)
return AjaxRedirect("Index");
return View(model);
If I create a ViewModel for each page, there is a duplication of code since pages have the same properties.
Add a property on the ViewModel indicating what page it is being displayed does not solve my problem as to instantiate the ViewModel, I use AutoMapper.
To validate the data, I use FluentValidator.
Thank you all for your help!
My understanding is that there isn't a 1:1 correlation between ViewModels and Views. Oftentimes you will have a View that will not require a ViewModel to go alongside with it.
You will want to create a ViewModel if and only if you need a Model absolutely paralleled and tailored to a specific View. This will not be the case 100% of the time.
When the functionality / use case /validation is different between the pages I use different models. If its the exact same besides the presence of an ID or something similar I use the same model, and its also possible to just use the same view if the differences are pretty minor.
Since your validation is different, if I were doing it I would create two different models so that I could use the out of the box DataAnnotations, with your validation though it may not be required. You could also on the edit model have a readonly property for name since its not editable any longer.
For me the same object must have the same validation on every time, in main to ensure the consistence of the object, independently if it was created or edited.
i think that you should create only one validation, and edit your "exists" method to pass to verify if it is a new object or the current object in repository.
Personally, I don't have a problem with 2 view models, especially if (as Paul Tyng suggested) you use a base class for the fields that are common to edit and create scenarios.
However, if you really only want a single view model then you would either need to:
add a flag to the view model and use the When() method in your validator. Note though that this will not generate the appropriate client-side only validation
define a second validator and invoke the appropriate one from the controller (i.e. instead of the "automatic" validation)
Provide another view Edit.cshtml which will allow the user to edit the data for a selected item.
Create another view Query.cshtml which based on the ItemName will allow the users to query the Inventory table.
Perform the calculation for the total profit (numbersold times (saleprice-purchasecost). Display the total profit.
(BONUS) Create another view Sell.cshtml that will indicate the sale of an item. Adding one to NumberSold and subtract one from NumberInventory for the selected record.

validation rules in mvc 3.0

I have one view model which is common for 3 to 4 views in this model I also define validation rules.Now problem is that in one of that view I want to overwrite that view model validation rules for two to three what I do? I don't want to make new view model for that view.
From an MVC architecture standpoint - this is exactly why you use view models.
You should create separate view models for each case. Use automapper (available for free on codeplex) to copy the values between your view model and your entity.
Don't even consider a different way, inheritance, etc - this is what ViewModels are for.
Three options I can think of:
Make a separate ViewModel using AutoMapper to handle some of the heavy lifting.
Make a subclass having different validation rules.
Make a custom ValidationAttribute which is context sensitive (Either by overriding the IsValid(Object, ValidationContext)method, or relying other context information from static methods/properties.
For instance, this Required validation attribute would be ignored if the request came from a certain URL:
public class CustomRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute
public override bool IsValid(object value)
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url != "urlwhennotrequired")
return base.IsValid(value);
return true;
If you do go ahead and use inheritance, then make sure that you inherit from abstract class. I think that as the system grows, you are likely to come across a scenario where your abstract class will have to be modified heavily,therefore If I were you, I'd create more view models, even if the code appears to be repetative. In the long term run you'll benefit because you'll be able to modify parts of your applications with as little side affects as possible.
My recommendation is basically what you don't want: create new model classes, but use inheritance to avoid repeating the properties you want. If you are adamantly opposed to creating separate models, you might look into implementing IValidatableObject and have it inspect other properties before validating the properties that you wish to vary.
I don't disagree with Tuliper's answer, but to flesh out my suggestions, consider a scenario in which you want to save a user's data. From one form, you are creating a user; from another, you are simply updating (this is a bit of a stretch but it's for purposes of illustration). The "create" form might require the name of a person referring the user, while the "update" form might not.
Using inheritance, you could do the following:
public class SaveUserModel
public int? UserId { get; set; }
public class CreateUserModel : SaveUserModel
public string ReferredByName { get; set; }
Using IValidatableObject, you could do it this way:
public class SaveUserModel : IValidatableObject
public int? UserId { get; set; }
public string ReferredByName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
// if UserId is null, we are creating a user vs. updating
if (UserId != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReferredBySiteUrl))
yield return new ValidationResult("Please specify the name of the person who referred you.", new[] { "ReferredByName" });
To reiterate, I am not trying to push my answer. I would be inclined to reuse models if they are exactly the same across different views, but generally there are enough differences to warrant simply creating separate models. In the end, any perceived technical debt alleviated by adhering to DRY in this situation would a bit of a wash; models tend to be easy to maintain.

How to programatically turn on/off a Data Annotation Validation Attribute

So, I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 and Entity Framework 4.1 (code-first).
I have a class like this:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Range(18, 99)]
public int Age { get; set; }
The range validation is fired correctly. But, for example, in some situations I would like to change the range for the Age attribute. Or even turn it off. How could I do it without changing my Model class? Is this possible to made programatically?
You can use the IValidatableObject interface and define custom validation rules.
See my answer at:
Using Data Annotations to make a field required while searching for another in a form mvc 3
Its usually just a matter of implementing the interface and determine when to enforce your rules.
I just realised the solution for this case.
Eg. A user can have an authorization to create a 14 years old person.
Before save the Model, we can invoke DataContext.GetValidationErrors() and infer if the only error validation is that we want to disable, and then set
DataContext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
So, this way we are able to save the model.
Yes, it is possible to inject validators programmatically. Altering existing validators presents separate issues, as some attributes are read-only, so you may have to delete and replace your existing validator.
You can add a class to work on the validators by following my answer to this question.
