How to display an email images on Pbear Html viewer component? - delphi-xe

I just know I must save the images in a temp folder and then use them on Htmlviewer .
But suppose we have an email which contains 5 pictures, so html viewer provides 5 empty frames for the images , some of them are located before the text body, some of them are at the middle and some at the end of the email body . Now How can I define which frame should contain which picture ! ? and how to insert them to the Html viewer ?!.
(is there any way to do all job in a memory stream ? I mean without saving the images in a folder )

The benefit to using THtmlViewer is that you do not need to save the images to file beforehand. The component can request the image data from you when needed, via the OnImageRequest event. You can supply the data from any source you have available. HTML emails use cid: URLs to refer to resources inside the email itself, usually attachments. When the component asks you for such a URL, you can pull the coresponding data from TIdMessage directly. TIdMessage supports loading emails completely into memory without using any temp files at all. You do that by creating an instance of the TIdAttachmentMemory class in the TIdMessage.OnCreateAttachment event.
PBear released THtmlViewer into the public domain a few years ago and it is now being maintained as an open source project on Google Code. There are several demos available, include a couple that use Indy 9. You should be able to update them to Indy 10, which is what XE2 uses.


How can I preview Virtuemart2 Order verification email layout changes?

I am trying to change the layout ( css/html structure) of Virtuemart 2 order verification emails. Problem is that I have to make a fake purchase each and every time I do a change in the 10 different files (located # components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/order/tmpl) that create this email template.
The closest "preview" I got was this direct access url ""
But again it loads Joomla's head/body elements not the actual email template.
So how can I have a "preview" of how the template looks like with my new changes BEFORE make an actual test purchase? Is this possible?
You shouldn't change the core files otherwise the next update of VirtueMart (of which there are many) will erase your changes.
You should use Joomla!'s template overrides which VM2 supports that way you can update as needed to new versions without loosing your changes. See this article on on "How to override the output from the Joomla! core" and this one on template overrides.
3. You need to add the &format=raw at the end of the link to retrieve just the output of the component with out the template/html body wrapped around it. Of course that relies on the component as well.
I was going to suggest using raw, but looking at the current VM2 it doesn't properly support the format=raw option. Looking at the mail layout in the invoice view it not structured to return it the way you expect, it actually generates a HTML version by default with a matching text only version.
The best I could come up given those two options
Return a close equivalent of the HTML email
Return the text version, albeit wrapped in the html page... you may have to view the source to see your invoice text.

Download pdf or image through ajax

I would like to send a lot of data through ajax request to my server which will generate pdf or jpg format according to that data.
Now i have done all that, my issue is to how output that generated pdf/jpg back to the user trough ajax? I guess i might be able to use json for that, but im not really sure how, and i think there would be a lot issues with pdf.
Also if some one gonna suggest using form with hidden inputs that will not work since i have really big multidimensional array with lot's of data and it would simply take to much effort to make it work.
By the way, i am using jquery, but anything else is acceptable as long as it does the job done without making me to rewrite half of my script.
To display a JPG
AJAX: You can return the data hex encoded (be sure to set the content type appropriately: header('Content-type: image/jpeg')). Then you just inject an <img/> element into the DOM and set it's src attribute to the returned Data URI.
HTML: Also, you could inject the <img/>'s with a normal src URL to some location on your server.
It's a little more tricky. Some browsers display PDF's natively (Chrome/Firefox), others rely on optional third-party plugins. You can detect these plugins, but can't control whether the PDF is displayed in a window/frame or is downloaded.
If you choose to display, you can create a new window/tab to display it or display it in an iframe dynamically.

Designing Web Album: CSS or Ajax?

I want to design a web album with every image in the album having it's own title, and description. So, at a time only one set of image, title and description would be visible. And on clicking next button, the next set of image, title and description would appear,and so on.
So am wondering, what would be the best way to design with? HTML or AJAX?
I don't want to use the ready to use tools such as lightbox.
Do you want the browser's back button to work? If so, then you should make your life simple
and use html (since you will only be displaying one image at a time either way).
Ajax implies using html. On the other hand, using html does not necessarily imply that you need to use AJAX to load content dynamically.
What is the purpose of this project? If you are doing it for the learning experience you should go on with AJAX (from scratch). If you want speed and quality use an existing web image gallery. If you need to write it yourself use plain html (or an ajax framework such as dojo, jquery, etc. this will save you a lot of pain solving cross-browser quirks).
In addition, if you want to be able to click a button to take you to the next (previous) image
and you don't know how many images you will have beforehand, then you are looking for dynamic behavior. You can code dynamic logic either on the client side (javascript), or on the server side (let's say "php" to start with).
Also, how do you plan to keep the corresponding (image, title, description) together?
If you only have a 3 images, say you could hard code each of this into its corresponding html file. eg. 1.html, 2.html, 3.html. Then you would have to point the forward button from a.html to point to b.html. etc...
If you didn't want this boring static behavior and wanted something smarter, say you decided for AJAX. Then you would only have 1.html file and from there (using javascript) you would ask your server for the (image, title, description) and load all that (dynamically, without refreshing the browser) into the same page. The easiest way to get this from the sever is by just reading a a static (XML, or JSON) file which contains all the info (image urls, titles, descriptions). Then with javascript and using DOM manipulation you would remove the old image, and add the new one.
However, this would all be a lot simpler with server-side processing (and it's worth learning). In this case you could have a url which takes a parameter with the image number. eg.
then before the server responds to the client with the html, it would realize that you want to load image X so it would get it's corresponding description, title, and url. and "embed" those into the file. Of course, depending on the number, it would also add the right links for the previous and next buttons. Eg. If the currently displaying image was 9 then forward button would "dynamically" be determined to link to (X+1) :

Reduce the HTTP Requests of 1000 images?

I know this question might sound a little bit crazy, but I tough that maybe someone could come up with a smart idea:
Imagine you have 1000 thumbnail images on a single HTML page.
The image size is about 5-10 kb.
Is there a way to load all images in a single request? Somehow zip all images into a single fileā€¦
Or do you have any other suggestions in the subject?
Other options I already know of:
CSS sprites
Lazy load
Set Expire headers
Downloads images across different hostnames
There are only two other options I can think of given your situation:
Use the "data:" protocol and echo a base64 encoded version of your thumbnails directly into the HTML page. I would not recommend this since you cannot then cache those images on the users browser.
Use HTML5's Web Storage to store all the images as records with the base64 encoded image data stored as BLOBs in a column. Once the database has downloaded to the users machine, use Javascript to loop through all the records and create the thumbnails on the page dynamically using something like jQuery. With this option you would need to wait till the entire database was done downloading on the end users browser, and they will need a fairly modern browser.
I think your best bet is a combination of lazy loading, caching with expires headers and serving images from multiple hostnames.
If the images can be grouped logically, CSS sprites may also work for you in addition to everything above. For example, if your thumbnails are for images uploaded on a certain may be able to create a single file for each day which could then be cached on the users browser.
This is done by using what's called a CSS sprite; a single image with all the other images inside it, with the particular part that's wanted in the html selected by css.
See one tutorial at
It sounds like you want something like SPDY's server push. When the client requests the HTML page (or the first image), SPDY allows the server to push the other resources without waiting for more requests.
Of course, this is still experimental.
You could try the montage command of imagemagick to create a single image.

What is a good approach for dealing with the uploading of image sequences

I am implementing the back end for an online store. The store receives new products periodically. Each product comes with a sequence of images for a 3D rotation effect on the website. What is a good approach for uploading these images onto the web store? I'm currently using a web form but uploading each image using a separate upload form element feels like a waste of time. These sequences can have anywhere from 12-50 frames. Any suggestions for a better way?
If you want a minimum amount of change from your current solution you can add the multiple attribute to your file input box, and update your back-end to support it.
You can then select multiple files at once with a modern browser, for instance Firefox 3.6. Try:
<input type="file" multiple=""/>
