I have component which needs to update the database for the customer and customer address (via JDBC). Is it appropriate to call the CustomerAddressDAO from the CustomerDAO? Or create a separate "CustomerDataManager" component which calls them separately?
You can do it, but that doesn't mean you should. In these cases, I like to use a Service (CustomerService in this case) that has a method call that uses both DAOs. You can define the transaction around the service method, so if one call fails, they both roll back.
The problem with DAOs that call other DAOs is you will quite quickly end up with circular references. Dependency injection becomes much more difficult.
Obviously, you can do it in different ways. But, to properly answer this question, you should start from your model. In the model, see if Address is an Entity (something with its own id and used also independently), or it is a value type (something that only makes sense in the context of a Customer. Then, you will have two cases:
Address is a Entity:
In this case, Address has its own Dao and Customer has its own Dao. Neither Dao should access the other one. If there is some logic that needs to manipulate the two, then that has to be in your application logic, not in Data Access Layer.
Address is a value type associated with Customer:
In this case, address does not have a separate DAO of itself. It is being saved/restored as part of the containing Customer object.
Conclusion: If properly designed, DAOs don't access each other (under standard situations).
I have a lot of code like this
additional_params = {
date_issued: pending.present? ? pending.date_issued : Time.current,
gift_status: status,
date_played: status == "Opened" ? Chronic.parse("now") : (opened.present? ? opened.date_played : nil),
email_template: service&.email_template,
email_text: service&.email_text,
email_subject: service&.email_subject,
label: service&.label,
vendor_confirmation_code: service&.vendor_confirmation_code
SomeService.new(reward, employee: employee, **additional_params).create
The same pattern applies to many models and services.
What is the name of this pattern?
How to refactor the current solution?
Is there a gem to solve this kind of solution? Like draper or something else
To me, that looks a bit like a god object for every type of entity. You expect your service to take care of everything related to your entity. The entity itself just acts as a data container and isn't responsible for its data. That's called an anemic model.
First of all, you need to understand that there can be several representations of the same entity. You can have several different classes that represent a user. On the "List user" page, the class contains just a subset of the information, maybe combined with information from the account system (last login, login attempt etc). On the user registration page, you have another class as it's not valid to supply all information for the user.
Those classes are called data transfer objects. Their purpose is to provide the information required for a specific use case and to decouple the internal entity from the external API (i.e. the web page).
Once you have done that, your service classes will start to shrink and you need fewer custom parameters for every method call.
Now your service class has two responsibilities: To manage all entities and to be responsible for their business rules.
To solve that, you should start to only modify your entities through behaviors (methods) and never update the fields directly. When you do so, you will automatically move logic from your service class to your entity class.
Once that is done, your service classes will be even cleaner.
You can read about Domain Driven Design to get inspired (no need to use DDD, but get inspired by how the application layer is structured in it).
You can try the builder pattern. I am not familiar with a ruby gem, but you can find information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface
In DDD, your domain object's properties are mostly readonly from the outside. Now, in MVC, you'll typically get the object provided to you from the view or repository, but how do you go about this in Webforms, where you read the form inputs manually and apply them to the domain object? Do you create a DTO and give the domain object a Create method that takes the DTO?
The common pattern for recording an action or activity in a domain model, is to model the action as an object associated with the thing, people and places it interacts with.
So by example, if one had Orders associated with a Product, one would typically create the Order via an Order method on the applicable product. Data representing the Order captured via the UI would be passed to that Order method.
This represents the simple case for illustration purposes.
Do you create a DTO and give the domain object a Create method that takes the DTO?
No, you will typically have a piece in the middle, a message handler which is responsible for taking the DTO and converting it to values recognized by the domain. The domain objects have command methods that are used to update the state of the model.
So something like
Receive the DTO
Lookup the appropriate handler for that DTO
Parse the DTO, creating the value types recognized by the domain
Load the target aggregate from the repository
Invoke the command on the target, passing domain value types as arguments.
"Input validation" typically happens in step 3. "Business validation" typically happens on step 5.
A good approach is to make your domain entities always valid, always consistent. How you make them consistent right from creation is simply through the entity's constructor or a Factory that will check that the provided input is good enough to construct a valid entity.
Do you create a DTO and give the domain object a Create method that
takes the DTO?
The Domain layer doesn't have a dependency to other layers, so you can't reference an external DTO there. Entity constructors and Factories typically take primitive values or value objects (sometimes other entities) as an input, not DTO's.
I just have started working with Realm for Swift. After reading the documentation, still I have a couple of question marks in mind.
My biggest one is, if there is a best practice for separation Model classes from Realm classes.
For example, in Java MVC projects we used DAO classes (Data Access Object classes) which were responsible for the communication with the database layer.
Our corresponding model classes only have either the dao object injected or we used service classes for this (like CRUD operations).
If I habe a Realm “Model” class, this seems now to be everything in one. But after having the object persisted to the database, changing attributes of the object in the UI-Layer results in
'Attempting to modify object outside of a write transaction - call
beginWriteTransaction on an RLMRealm instance first.'
Which brings me back to my initial though: Shouldn’t this be separated in Realm objects and model objects. Or is it OK to have "realm.write" processes in View-Classes then?
I did some research on this but the results are very vage on this.
How do you deal with this in your projects. Do you have some kind of best practice or guidance?
Many thanks in advance
Officially, (on the iOS side at least), there's no established best practice for abstracting the model class logic away from the actual Realm Object subclasses. That being said, I've definitely heard of apps in the past who do do this sort of logic in order to support multiple types of data frameworks.
If I were to do this, I would make a separate object class for each model implementing my own API on how to get/set data properties, and make the Realm object an internal member of this object. This object would then serve as the generic interface between my app's logic and how to save that data to Realm. That way, if I did want to swap out the data framework down the line, I could simply replace my own data object with a new one, but keep the API consistent.
In regards to that error message you posted, in order to ensure data integrity, you cannot modify a Realm object (UI thread or otherwise) unless it's in a write transaction. That being said, you could encapsulate that logic (i.e. open up a Realm write transaction on the current thread) pretty easily within that abstract object.
In my service facade layer, I have a service class with a method/operation that accepts a DTO (data contract) object. AutoMapper is used to map this DTO into an instance of my domain object to apply any changes. The request is passed onto my domain service which does the actual work. Here's what the method might look like:
public EntityContract AddEntity(EntityContract requestContract)
var entity = Mapper.Map<EntityContract, Entity>(requestContract);
var updatedEntity = Service.AddEntity(entity);
var responseContract = Mapper.Map<Entity, EntityContract>(updatedEntity);
return responseContract;
The Service and Mapper properties are set using constructor injection with Unity as the IoC container.
In performing the operation, the domain service makes changes to the entity then uses a repository to persist the changes like:
public Entity AddEntity(Entity entity)
// Make changes to entity
// Prepare return value
The Repository is also set using constructor injection.
The issue is that the data becomes immediately available to other clients once it has been persisted so I have to ensure that no invalid data is persisted. I've read the "blue book" of DDD (Evans) as well as Nilsson and am not clear what approach to validation I should take.
If my goal is to prevent the entity from entering an invalid state, should I validate entityContract in my service method to ensure all rules are satisfied before ever passing the request on to my domain service? I hesitate to do so because it seems like I'm breaking encapsulation having these rules defined in the service facade.
The reason we are using a thin facade layer delegating to domain services is that we are exposing course-grained interfaces in our API but support reuse via composition of the fine-grained domain services. Keeping in mind that multiple facade services may be calling the same domain service method, perhaps delegating these rules into the domain service would be better so we know every use is validated. Or should I validate in both places?
I could also put guards in the property setters that prevent unacceptable values from ever putting the entity into an invalid state. This would mean that AutoMapper would fail when trying to map an invalid value. However, it doesn't help when no value is mapped.
I still can't get past the thinking that these rules are part of the entity's behavior and determining if the object is valid should be encapsulated within the entity. Is this wrong?
So first I need to determine when and where I perform these validation checks. Then I need to figure out how to implement with DI so the dependencies are decoupled.
What suggestions can you provide?
I've read the "blue book" of DDD (Evans) as well as Nilsson and am not
clear what approach to validation I should take.
Blue book approaches the problem from a different angle. I think that the term 'Validation' is not used because it is a dangerous overgeneralization. A better approach is to think about object invariants, not validation. Objects (not only in DDD) should enforce their internal invariants themselves. It is not UI or services or contracts or mappers or 'validation frameworks' or anything else that is external to the objects. Invariants are enforced internally. You may find these answers helpfull: 1, 2, 3, 4.
I could also put guards in the property setters that prevent
unacceptable values from ever putting the entity into an invalid
state. This would mean that AutoMapper would fail when trying to map
an invalid value.
You probably should not care about AutoMapper failing or using AutoMapper at all. Domain objects should encapsulate and enforce their internal invariants and throw exception if the attempt to break it is made. It is very simple and you should not compromise the simplicity and expressiveness of your domain objects because of some infrastructural issues. The goal of DDD is not to satisfy AutoMapper's or any other framework's requirements. If the framework does not work with your domain objects don't use it.
You have two types of validation:
Object consistency: is the responsibility of entities. Entities should not allow you to set them to invalid state, dependencies should be enforced, values should be in range. you have to design classes' methods and properties and constructors not to allow invalid state.
Business roles validation: this type of validation requires server processing, like checking id availability, email uniqueness and the so. these types of validations should be processed in server as Validators or Specifications before persistence.
In the project I am working with, there is a UserDetailServiceImpl class which carries out all of the user-related database lookups.
The problem is, I have gotten into the bad habit of doing non-user-related database lookups there too and using the UserDetailServiceImpl class as a default lookup service to avoid doing database lookups directly in the controller action methods. The advantage of this is that I don't have to create a separate lookup service for each of my models - which would seem rather silly and redundant. But is there a more standard approach to database lookups that I should consider to avoid angering the Spring gods?
I don't like using services just to wrap database lookups, you end up with all of the business logic in your controller. I would organize my services so there would be one per type of user. So if I had customers and data-entry people and admins, I would make a customerService and a dataEntryService and an adminService. Each service would expose the methods that that kind of customer needs. No business logic should be in a controller, it is strictly concerned with getting inputs from the url and request and the session, calling a method on some service (passing in those inputs), then taking the result of the service call and putting that where the page can display it.