Exporting Groovy Dependencies in STS/Maven project causes invalid classpath - maven

I'm using STS, and with a Web (WTP); Maven; Groovy stack.
By default, it appears that the Groovy classpath entries weren't marked to be exported, and I was issued with the following warning:
Classpath entry GROOVY_DSL_SUPPORT will not be exported or published.
Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result. Classpath entry
GROOVY_SUPPORT will not be exported or published. Runtime
ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
So, I added the libraries from Project Properties -> Deployment Assembly -> Add...
However, now I get the following error:
Invalid classpath publish/export dependency
The project contains another dependency with the same archive name.
I worked around by excluding antlr manually from my pom.xml. However, this seems counter-intuitive, and leaves me concerned about issues later when I deploy to a server outside of STS.
Is there a more appropriate way to resolve this issue?

You do not need to export the DSL support container. It provides editing support for some built in Groovy AST transforms. There is nothing in the classpath container required for compilation or runtime.

Looks like your project is groovy project. Go to eclipse and install groovy addon - from software site - http://dist.springsource.org/snapshot/GRECLIPSE/e4.6/
After this restart eclipse and you should have these in path/eclipse to work with.
Detailed instructions # https://github.com/groovy/groovy-eclipse/wiki
Make sure you have the proxy configured properly - if any.


Using Openjfx 11 classes in an OSGi application

Does anyone know if there is a way to use JavaFX modules in eclipse workspace? I have an OSGi-maven multi-modular application.
Up until now, I have tried a couple of things.
To download JavaFX SDK and to add jars in eclipse as a user-defined library.
To bundle JavaFX jars and to use them as regular OSGi bundles after that (added as dependency and after that in target-platform).
Both of these things work. But, in the first case, every developer would have to manually add those jars as a library on the classpath. And in the second for every platform, we would have to have a different bundle for each module.
If I do neither of those things I have compile errors that JavaFX classes cannot be found (as expected).
Is there some third way to do this? By using some OSGi functionality or something like that?
I haven't found any way to add a module in MANIFEST.MF. Is that even possible?
I have added JavaFX modules as VM arguments in the OSGi framework launcher, and everything works fine. But I have to do one of those things mentioned before so that I don't have compile errors.
VM arguments: --module-path /path/to/javafx/sdk/11/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.graphics,javafx.base
I tried to convert an E4/OSGI/GEF/JavaFx project that uses JRE 8 to JRE 11 and OpenJFX 11, and found a way to do so.
In my case, I use SWT and javafx.embed.swt.FxCanvas. Including the user defined JavaFX library in the modulepath didn't work, generating class not found errors during compile-time; but including the library in classpath worked.
I also couldn't run the application using --module-path arguments; it gave NoClassDefFoundError exception for org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas
My solution uses E(fx)clipse, which could also be the third option for you. After including the javafx libraries in the classpath, and including org.eclipse.fx.osgi in the project configuration, I used the following VM parameters to load JavaFX classes using E(fx)clipse.
-Dosgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.fx.osgi -Defxclipse.java-modules.dir=[openjfx-lib-directory]
You can also add -Defxclipse.osgi.hook.debug=true" to see debug messages from E(fx)clipse while loading the classes.

Can JRebel reload Kotlin classes when they are used by kotlin-maven-plugin plugin on maven?

Can JRebel reload Kotlin classes when they are used by kotlin-maven-plugin plugin on Maven?
The project runs on an application server.
JRebel will reload kotlin classes provided they are compiled either via IDE or manually by invoking maven compile.
Also the classes must either be compiled to the path specified in the rebel.xml or to the classloader's classpath(e.g. when using exploded deployment with target/classes or target/artifact-name/WEB-INF/classes as the root).
Usually achieving this requires no extra steps and it should be just: Enable JRebel -> Start server & deploy application -> Make changes -> make/compile to reload
If you have not done so yet, please try the free trial at https://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel/trial/
and report back any issues and suggestions to support#zeroturnaround.com

I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/web/context/WebApplicationContext

I have added spring-web.4.0.jar in classpath. It contains the class - org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext. but when I try to run it in eclipse it shows me an error : org/springframework/web/context/WebApplicationContext.
How to resolve this error?
Choosing "Clean..." from the server contextual menu helped me get rid of this problem.
Try clean and rebuild your eclipse project, because sometimes eclipse gets out of date.
Alternatively, if this doesn't help, you need to verify that the runtime path indeed points to the correct jar, and that the jar does indeed contain the WebApplicationContext.class and is readable.
To see the runtime path, use the debug view (Window - Views- Debug), right click to view properties.
Find the jar and open it with a normal zip viewer to see if the file reads correctly.
The root cause of this problem can be almost literally anything, but here are a few weird things to check:
Maven dependencies with test or provided scope that should be normal scope
Spring XML files have schema versions that don't match framework version (3.0 or 4.0)
Spring XML references "https://" instead of "http://" or vice-versa (depends on version)
web.xml file containing ${} references not compatible with chosen web server
Conflicting version of very core libraries such as Jackson, Servlet API, spring-*
Misconfigured or missing or incompatible loggers: slf4j, log4j, jcl
Mixing of old and new: jdk version, spring version, dependency versions, IDE, server
Maven dependencies not showing up in Deployment Assembly (this one went away with upgrades)
Stale or locked jarfiles... may require a reboot, tomcat "Clean..." not enough
Missing required -D or environment variables
My application ended up with several of these all wrong one after another.
The exception is misleading. Setting a debugger breakpoint on the exception sometimes helps.

Using annotations from a library which is not a bundle in a Tycho build

I'm building an Eclipse plugin using Tycho and am making use of Declarative Services for my OSGi services. Eclipse has a nice Editor for DS files, but it still is a manual process, which means it's slow and error-prone.
In non-Tycho OSGi projects I can use the maven-scr-plugin to generate these annotations. The catch with Tycho is that I can't add a reference to the org.apache.felix.annotations jar since it's
not present in a p2 repository
not a bundle
These annotations are defined with a RetentionPolicy = CLASS, so they don't have to be in a bundle.
I know about dependency on pom-first artifacts, but it's not going to work for me since the annotations jar is not a bundle. Ideally I could just configure Tycho/Eclipse to look for an extra jar just at compile time.
How can I get a compile-time only jar considered by Tycho and Eclipse?
Update: I've tried to use the extraClasspathElements option of the tycho-compiler-plugin. That does allow me to invoke the maven-scr-plugin (see the current pom.xml). However, it seems that the scr plugin can't access the classes, as the build fails with
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.felix:maven-scr-plugin:1.13.0:scr (generate-scr-descriptor) on project org.apache.sling.ide.eclipse-core: /mnt/md/robert/git/sling-ide-tools/eclipse-core/src/org/apache/sling/ide/eclipse/core/ServerUtil.java : Unable to load compiled class: org.apache.sling.ide.eclipse.core.ServerUtil
You can also see the full build log
Since you are using Tycho/Eclipse, you probably want to use "org.eclipse.equinox.ds" rather than "org.apache.felix.annotations". If I understand correctly, org.eclipse.equinox.ds is a bundle. The Tycho FAQ mentions this as well:
EDIT2: A lot has changed. I'll be updating my answer when time permits. Check the comment threads in the meantime =)
I think the best you can do is to separate your building in two steps.
One for building the felix (scr/bnd) based bundles. the result will be on a local maven repository and all will be already bundles with the manifests and component xmls.
As the annotation is processed only at building time you won't have any problem with the following step.
The second step is to build the tycho based artifacts(bundles,features,rcp,p2,etc) that will consume the bundles in the first build.

Jdev project dependency libraries

JDeveloper 10.1.3.x
I've recently learned that a library that is not exported will not be included on the classpath when deployed to the embedded OC4J container because it will have no library entry in the application-oc4j-app.xml file.
I have also demonstrated to myself that libraries that are not exported in projects that my project depends on are included in the application-oc4j-app.xml file.
Unexported libraries in my project do not get included. Unexported libraries in my project dependencies do get included.
Is that a bug or a feature, and can I change that behavior such that unexported libraries in my project dependencies also do not get included?
Unexported libraries should not get included in the application-oc4j-app.xml file. It looks like there is a bug, or some inexplicable behavior in JDeveloper.
IMHO, given a choice between Eclipse or <insert another IDE here>, and JDeveloper, it is wise to choose Eclipse.
One of the inexplicable behaviors that I referred to earlier, was the issue with JDeveloper compiling all projects in the application's directory, even if they were not part of the current workspace file (jws file). In other words, JDeveloper will consider a JPR file for inclusion in the workspace, even if the JWS file states otherwise (i.e. is does not appear visually in the JDeveloper workspace).
To date I have not found a way to specify different classpaths for build vs run time, but with help from a colleague, a solution to my specific situation was stumbled upon. Even though the connector is not a JDev project, the dependent project can reference the log4j jar file that is packaged and loaded with it. That effectively mimics the behavior at runtime, for both standalone as well as embedded oc4j container deployment, in which the web application and associated application code link to the log4j instance loaded by the 3rd party JCA connector's classloader. I did not think this would work assuming that a log4j library loaded by two different classloaders would still appear to be two distinct instances of the library with respect to log4j's static initializers. (That is what I am presuming motivates log4j to throw an exception if it finds another instance of itself in the classloader hierarchy.) Apparently this is not the case, at least for the embedded scenario. I do not have to test this for the standalone container since the Maven build knows not to include a copy of the log4j library jar in the application EAR file via the "provided" scope specification in the build file. The embedded OC4J container now loads the JCA connector, the associated log4 library instance, deploys the application, and allows both to use the log4j classes from the same log4j library file. Not entirely sure of how the connector and web applications classloaders interact, but it works now.
