Custom file sorting in VS2010 Solution Explorer - visual-studio-2010

Is there any way to force Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2010 to sort files alphabetically but in order *.h, *.inl and *.cpp?
I want to have
instead of

No, there is no such feature built in.
I don't know of any extension or add-in that supports this, either, but I imagine that you could create one. Get started with the Visual Studio SDK, or browse the Visual Studio Gallery for something that serves a similar purpose.
However, the Solution Explorer does support grouping related files (such as headers, resources, and code files) into virtual folders. Turn that feature on by deselecting the second button to the left at the top of the Solution Explorer window labeled "Show All Files".


Customise Solution List in Team Explorer Home Page (Visual Studio 2015)

I am using TFS with Visual Studio 2015. On the Team Explorer Home window it lists solutions from my current workspace. This is a really handy place to open solutions from - however the solutions listed seem to be just a random selection from the workspace. It doesn't even list my recently opened solutions. Is there any way to customise this list?
Cannot be achieved.
However there is a workaround, after checking this option " Open Source Control Explorer to the most recent folder" in Tools→Options→ VSTFS, it will remember your last TFS tree selection and jump the very same branch and sub-folder again.

Mark or highlight files in Visual Studios Solution Explorer

is there an Add-In which allows me to tag or mark files in Visual Studio and then these files are visual highlighted (eg. different background color) ?
I searched the Visual Studio Gallery but didn't find anything.
To highlight only the active (open and viewed) item in the solution explorer (without any add-ins):
Go to Tools -> Options -> Projects And Solutions
Then Check the Track Active Item in Solution Explorer option.
But if you really want to use any extension in order to mark the files you already checked/reworked so that you get an better overview or whatever then I would suggest ReSharper which has a number of features assisting navigation and search.
For example, there is a To-do Explorer which helps navigation between to-do items within the solution. You can also create custom filters in Resharper To-do Explorer. After creating custom filters according to your need, you will have to leave comments wherever required but you won't have to open all the files to read the comments.
I found the extension Visual Studio Tags on codeplex that can do what we need, but there's not (yet) visual support (ie, diferent colors in solution explorer).

How to jump to a file in the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio

I love the Solution Explorer > Right-click > "Open Containing Folder" feature of the PowerCommands extension for Visual Studio 2010. I want the equivalent of a "Jump to location in Source Control Explorer" feature. How can I find out the location in TFS of a given open file, or a file in the solution explorer (or a file in the solution navigator in you have the Productivity Power Tools extension)?
The best answer would be a couple of mouse clicks and no keyboard. Next best answer would be a hotkey mapping.
The only solution that I have found so far is to use the Productivity Power Tools extension which has the feature "Find in Source Control". A file in the results list can be right-clicked to "Open folder in Source Control Explorer". The drawbacks to this solution is that is takes many clicks, and the search results can match more than one file if files exist with the same name in different folders.
There is a stand-alone extension that you can download, called Locate in TFS, within Visual Studio.
"Locate in TFS" on TFS Gallery
"Locate in TFS" on GitHub
This also works on files that you "Exclude from source control", as many developers do with the web.config files.
psulek's post, above, mentions this as part of VSCommands, but I prefer the stand-alone extension.
Try Visual Studio extension VSCommands for Visual Studio 2012. It has feature called Locate in TFS. This will add new button to Solution Explorer Locate in TFS which opens active selected file/folder in TFS Source Control Explorer.
Feature request has been raised with Visual Studio team. Read here
I know it's probably too late. See TfsExt extension for vs2010
I'm not sure if it's possible, but it's a good suggestion.
These two examples show how to use the Visual Studio Extensibility APIs to access the TFS Source Control Explorer APIs.
For Visual Studio 2013 try lightweight extension TfsExt13

How do I see contents of filesystem directories in Visual Studio Solution Explorer?

We have some files (config, static files, that sort of thing) in our codebase that are kept in the same filesystem tree as our codebase, but are not part of projects (ie, not underneath a project's tree).
We're after a way of easily managing these from within the IDE.
I dimly recall there being a Visual Studio addin that lets you do something like right-click "open explorer here" or something like that. Can't find it, now, and it might not even be for VS 2008.
What are the options, if any?
If only solution-folders could display contents of the filesystem (for example)... Or perhaps there's a "files" project type...?
Solution Explorer Window has a "Show All Files" button, to the left of refresh.
I personally use the Power Commands add-in, which has this functionality along with others that I find helpful. You can find more information and download from here.

Hidding source control files within Visual Studio's solution tree

We use Visual Studio 2008 and Surround SCM for source control. SCM drops files into each directory named ".MySCMServerInfo" which are user specific data files that shouldn't be checked into source control. They are similar to the .scc files dropped by Visual Source Safe. We also have several WAPs (Web Application Projects) that we develop. All these .MySCMServerInfo files show up in the solution tree and the Pending Checkins window when they should not. There has to be some way to force VS to ignore files of a given extension because it ignores .scc files. How do I get VS to ignore .MySCMServerInfo files within a WAP?
I have new information about this issue. Setting the hidden bit on .MySCMServerInfo file causes Surround SCM to loose track of the modification state for files. It starts thinking files are out-of-date when they are not, and it always attemps to get new versions.
Instead, set this registry key if you're using Visual Studio 2008:
Set this registry key if you're using Visual Studio 2005:
These will tell Visual Studio to not display .MySCMServerInfo files within the Solution tree and the Pending Checkins view.
Using the file system hidden bit should work.
Late Answer but hopefully useful to others.
I began experiencing this problem when using Visual Studio 2015 with the new ASP.Net 5 Project templates. (I presume this is because the new templates automatically include everything in the folder rather than only showing the things that are listed in the project file).
Showing these files in the Solution explorer change be prevented by right clicking the file and selecting "Hide from Solution Explorer" but this didn't prevent SCM from including them in the Pending Check-ins Window.
The correct way to deal with this problem is:
Select the file(s) in Solution Explorer
Select the File > Source Control > Exclude from Source Control
NOTE: Right Click in the Solution Explorer DOESN'T have this option.
