Java3D: Very poor performance in applet on MacOS X - macos

I'm trying to do some animations using Java3D on a Mac.
If I use universe = new SimpleUniverse(); to create a universe, everything is fast. The problem is that there's a bit of tearing sometimes because I'm altering object properties while in the middle of rendering. What I would like to do is stop the rendering while I'm updating properties.
My first step was to try creating my own Canvas3D, and that's where things went wrong. Rather than just creating a SimpleUniverse, I do this sort of thing:
GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();
canvas = new Canvas3D(config);
universe = SimpleUniverse(canvas);
When I do this, the first problem is that the window doesn't automatically appear. So based on the example at java2s, I embedded the Canvas3D in an applet. Then I get a window, but performance is TERRIBLE. The rendering is MUCH slower.
It's almost as though the rendering is no longer being done by the graphics engine but instead in software.
Can anyone give me some tips as to what I'm doing wrong here?

You should try compiling your BranchGroups before they become live. This helps preprocess the objects before they get displayed in the universe. It might also be something else that java is getting hung up on, if you put the whole source in the question, then i could tell you more. It might also just be your computer, Java3D takes a big hunk of Memory and is pretty CPU intensive, your computer specs would also be relevant in answering this question
Hope that helped you out a little bit, if you add more to your question i would be happy to help you more


three.js filmpass noise becomes weird after a while
// Old Film Look
filmPass = new THREE.FilmPass();
In this example you can see it and it's something I've been having in my own tests as well. I'm not sure if it's only tabbing out or if by leaving the computer idle it eventually turns like that.
The way to replicate it is to open the demo, leave the tab for a while and after 15 minutes or so, when you return to the tab, the noise will look displaced and forming patterns
. Chrome latest version.
My assumption is that the requestanimationframe is causing this issue, but I wouldn't know what to tweak to fix it.
Anyone got a pointer?
It appears adding a deltatime to the render alleviates the issue greatly.

Draw2d: Containing RectangleFigure will sometimes cuts off text when zoomed. (Pictures included)

In my program I have a bunch of RectangleFigures where each figure holds text. The text is held in a TextFlow which is held by FlowPage to allow word wrapping. RectangleFigure then uses getPrefferedSize() to make itself just big enough to hold it's text (using a fixed width).
These RectangleFigures are held by a ScalableLayeredPane. The problem rises when I try to zoom by calling setScale(). Most of the time it works fine but occasionally the ends of the text will be cut off. If I zoom again the figure will correct itself. I should also say that I have tested my program using Figure instead of RectangleFigure with the same result.
Has anyone dealt with this bug before and can shed some light on why this is happening and/or know of any workarounds?
I havn't included any code because this is a rather large program and relevant chunks of code are spread out. But if you would like to see the code let me know and I will try piecing it together.
I was holding the text inside a Figure and that was the Figure I was calling getPrefferedSize() on. But I then put that Figure(lets call it textFigure) inside a second Figure(called containerFigure). I was essentially doing the equivalent of containerFigure.setSize(textFigure.getPrefferedSize()).
You're probably wondering why I was doing that. Well originally I planned on having containerFigure hold multiple things instead of just textFigure. I ended up coding it differently but forgot about the unnecessary extra layer.
So even though containerFigure was technically the size it needed to be scaling caused problems. But when I removed containerFigure and started placing textFigure directly on the screen this bug was fixed.
This is a fairly specific error on my part so I don't know how much help this will be to others. To make it more broad if you're having some kind of sizing issue just check to see how the size of parent Figures are being set. Using sizes from child Figures might be incorrect and/or causing problems.

create a simple (and visible!) UI slider in Unity 5

![enter image description here][1]please I need some help, this should apparently be something very simple and basic to do, but maybe I'm missing something.
I'm quite newbie to Unity3d, I had no much problem with creating a somewhat flashy 2.D scene (I mean 2D with different layers in Z level), scripts, etc. But I'm having trouble to create a "UI Slider" object: when I create it, it just shows nothing on screen. How can I make it visible? I just need to create a very simple, plain slider whose value can be controlled at runtime by means of a script.
Well.. since you give nothing to go on, I suggest that you take a look at a tutorial for the UI:
If you have troubles after this tutorial, come back with an example of your problem to make people more willing to sacrifice their time in helping you.
Hope this is somewhat useful
Take a look at the Unity3D docs here.
It should have what you are looking for.

Mobile webapp performance issues

I’m building a mobile web application, and even though I’m still in a prototyping kind of the process, I’m having a hard time fixing certain performance problems.
The application itself (works all smooth in desktop browsers, but significantly sluggish in Mobile Safari): Hancards webapp prototype. You may login as mifeng:wangwang or create a new user.
The overall clumsy performance could be tolerable though, except for one thing: the browser simply crashes (!) when you open a set page, tap ‘view’ (enlarge all cards) and then try to go back to the previous page.
The code that gets executed when ‘view’ is tapped is this (very sluggish by itself as well; any way to improve it?):
if ($(this).hasClass('big')) {
$('.card').unwrap().removeClass('big flippable').addClass('small');
else {
$('.card').wrap('<div class="bigCardWrap" />').removeClass('small').addClass('big flippable');
And another thing, a pretty weird bug. Very often the ‘word of the day‘ block won’t display the text node for the last element (<div class="meaning">), even though it’s in the code. The text will not show unless you ‘shake’ the DOM anyhow (unticking and ticking back one of the associated CSS properties can also achieve that). This happens in both desktop and mobile Safari browsers.
The code that writes it in there is this:
// While we are here, also display the Word of the day
$.post('ajax.php', {action: 'stuff:showWotd'}, function(data) {
// Decode the received data
var msg = decodeResponse(data);
// Insert the values
$('.wotd .hanzi').text(msg.content[0]['hanzi']);
$('.wotd .pinyin').text(msg.content[0]['pinyin']);
$('.wotd .meaning').text(msg.content[0]['meaning']);
I don’t expect you to advice me on how to fix the performance of the whole application (I will probably have to revise the overall scope of the project instead of trying to find workarounds), but I at least would like to see how to solve these two problems. Thank you!
The only performance issue I see in the script is the wrap/unwrap calls - adding and removing elements from the DOM tends to be fairly slow, and you can probably get the same effect by always having a wrapper element and changing its class rather than adding or removing it.
However, the performance issues you are seeing are most likely in your css:
3D transforms can be much faster than 2D due to hardware acceleration. It looks like you already have this, though you do need to be careful about which elements it is applied to
Shadows have real performance issues, especially when animated. Removing them will probably fix most of the slowness.
Rearranging background images can help - A single background image under transparent pages is faster than having a background image for each page.

Weird Memory Problem of Cocoa Application

I am writing a Cocoa program for Mac, and it includes a picture viewer.
What the picture viewer's job is to download a picture from web and show it. It would do this every time I click a button who would give it a picture URL. So this would be frequent.
My design goal is, every time after I change to another picture or close it temporarily (it is not the main window), it will release the memory it takes. For example, before I open the picture viewer for a picture, my application takes 1M memory. After I open a picture, it takes about, say, 2M memory. And after I close it, it will decrease the memory usage to the original 1M.
The problem is, sometimes after I viewed a picture, especially a big one, the viewer won't give all the memory it took, for example, opening it cost about 20M memory, but after I close it, just 10 of the 20 released, the another 10 is still there and never be freed. It looks like memory leak, but I checked my code and analyzed it many times, I couldn't find any memory leak, and also, some other pictures won't behave like this.
this is weird, is this possibly certain Cocoa internal memory cache policy? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Update: Today after I added a scrollView as a wrapper of the imageView, this weird memory problem seems almost fixed.
Thanks for your advice, edc1591, I will continue to figure out what happened.
Without seeing the code it's hard to tell quite what the problem is. But until I see the code, I'll give you a few pointers for dealing with this:
Enable Garbage Collection. If you already have it enabled, try forcing a garbage collection after releasing the image file like this:
[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] collectIfNeeded];
Try heapshot analysis. Here's a good tutorial on that.
I'll update this answer once the code has been posted.
