visual studio building exe to incorrect directory - visual-studio-2010

I have a project solution that contains multiple solution folders and projects under it. when i try to build the lone winform project in the solution (specified path in the project settings are Debug/ for the debug config). For some reason, vs2010 will build to my Solution root dir/Debug and not to the project root dir/Debug.
This is the dir structure
->Globals (Solution Folder, and physical folder)
-> some dll prog
-> some dll prog
->Front End (Solution Folder, and physical folder)
-> winform prog
does anyone know why? I have tried to put the entire path to where the exe should go, but that doesn't solve anything.

No, that's the default. The final outputs end up in the toplevel, so if you build DLLs and executables that require them, they will work from this directory.


How to make Visual Studio working directory to be same as built executable's directory?

I am trying to understand how Visual Studio treats paths when they are being run from inside the IDE vs manually opening the executable file from bin. I have two projects that are linked together:
-> references engine.vsxproj
So, in basic-triangle application, I have set up the following path:
This resolves to /engine/bin/Debug/assets, which looks like the path is counted from bin directory instead of bin/Debug directory. However, when I open the executable, the path is calculated from bin/Debug. How can I normalize this so Visual Studio uses the same current working directory as opening the executable file.

Add shared library project's dll file to executable projects path at runtime in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Juno for c/c++ under Windows 7. I've created a shared library project and an executable project. I've added the shared library project as a reference in the executable project via:
executable project's properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols -> References -> check the shared library project
All this works great at compile time, I can include my shared library project's class in the executable project, and use it etc.
However when I try to run the executable project in Eclipse, I get nothing. No error, no console output. After some googling I've discovered a similar issue here:
Apparently adding the shared library project to the executable project in Eclipse, as described above, does NOT also add the dll file to the executable (.exe) file's PATH at run time inside Eclipse. As an analogy with Eclipse for Java: if you have a Java JAR project A and another Java JAR project B, by making a reference from B to A in Eclipse, B's compiled jar file IS added to A's class path when running project A inside Eclipse. I thought it would be similar with Eclipse for C/C++ but apparently it's not.
Sure enough, if I manually take the .exe file and the .dll file, place them in the same folder and run the .exe, everything works ok. Also if I copy the .dll file in to Eclipse's compilation directory for the executable project, I can run the executable project from Eclipse and it's ok.
My question is then, is there a way to have Eclipse add that shared library project's dll file to the run time when I'm telling it to run the executable project? The discussed solution in the post I link to above is to manually add the shard library project's compile directory to the Eclipse's run configuration for the executable project, namely, to add it to the PATH variable there. But I find this cumbersome and not portable, if Eclipse is managing both projects it should be able to pass all that's necessary to the run time.
Well, I've went with the manual adding of the library project's dll to the excutable project's path at run time. I did find a way to make it more portable and project location neutral (i.e. if you move both projects' source folders to another machine, and reopen them in Eclipse there, it should still work):
right click on executable project -> Run as... -> Run Configurations
in the Environment tab click "New..." to add a new environmental variable
Name your variable "PATH" and give it a value similar to this:
${env_var:PATH} is Eclipse's way of saying "get the already existing value of the PATH environmental variable as declared in Eclipse"
the ";" is to separate the exisitng PATH entries from the new one we're about to add
${workspace_loc:/cppAStar/Debug} this tells Eclipse to get the location of the workspace project named cppAStar (here cppAStar is my shared library project) and then the "/Debug" refers to where this particular project creates the .dll file when it's built.
Issues that I couldn't figure out:
the "Environment" tab in "Run configuration" has an option called "Append environment to native environment". I thought that by checking this I'd only need to add the location of the .dll dir in the PATH variable I declare here, and it will be appended to the existing PATH. However I've not managed to make this work, hence the manual re-adding of all the existing PATH before appending the new value
Unfortunately that solution does not work for the debugg configuration. See Bug 338420 -Launch configuration's Environment tab variables are not passed to the gdb process itself.
Is there a way to solve this problem for debugging? I mean except from doing post-build steps like:
cmd /c copy "${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${WorkspaceDirPath}\bin\"

Visual studio compile error

I as using visual studio 2010. My solution is having more than one projects in it which are have relationships to each. When I adding a reference to a other project I can use public components (classes,enums ) of that. But when I compile it it gives error saying that those classes are not referenced(Not available).
But when I change the folder structure(When I reduce the level of folder hierarchy/when project folders borings to the root folder ex: d:\ ) it works fine.
Is it because of the length of the folder hierarchi ?
Check your namespaces
When you're adding reference, add it using Project References. So what it does is it compiles the dependencies first. Check if all projects are compiling individually.
Verify target framework versions
No, it is not because of folder hierarchy.... it is because not setting hierarchy properly !!
Follow this steps:
Lets say you have project A and project B.
Project A is dependent on Project B. So we need to add dependency of Project B to Project A.
So right click on Project A -> Open Folder in File Explorer.
Then check which folder it opens into (Lets call it "source folder") and check where the project files whose dependency to be added (Lets call it "destination folder") are located from that folder location. Add the relative path from source to destination folder. (Ex: "..\..\destination folder" ).
Add this relative path in Project A Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ ->Additional Include Directories.
Good luck.
Yes, hangar18 has suggested correctly. Add reference of each project (Static Libraries) to you execuatble project ( Console Application Project / Startup project).
Also add path of each folder where the header files and corresponding C/C++ files are residing.

Anyone else notice that $(SolutionDir) resolves to ProjectDir when loading Wix projects into Vs2010?

I'm using Vs2010 and Wix 3.6.0917.0, for the record. I use the $(SolutionDir) property quite a bit in my .wixproj file, since I only ever build the installer as part of a solution build or as part of a team build, and never by itself. However, while building from the command line works just fine (both from cmd on the desktop and when building on build agents), when I attempt to reload the .wixproj file into the IDE, I get errors because all the $(SolutionDir) variables are resolving to the project directory, not the solution directory. Consider:
and assume a shared custom targets file:
which is referenced inside installer.wixproj with:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)build\shared.targets">
Command line builds work fine...
C:\workspace\projectCollection\teamProject\branch\> MSBuild /t:build /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=Debug solution.sln
0 Errors
0 Warnings
Build succeeded!
But load into vs2010 and you see...
The imported project
"C:\workspace\projectCollection\teamProject\branch\source\installer\build\shared.targets" was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
You can see here that the resolved result of $(SolutionDir)build\shared.targets is getting the project directory and not the solution directory. What gives?
My guess would be that $(SolutionDir) resolves to nothing when the wixproj is being loaded into VS2010. In this case the imported file becomes "build\shared.targets". Since the path is relative it is assumed to be relative to the project directory. Using ".." or some other path could get you around the problem.
I verified this failed with WiX 3.5.2222.0 in VS2010. A C# console application project (csproj) worked as expected.
Have you filed a bug against WiX for this?
I looked at the WiX vs2010 addin code a little bit and the Solution properties are only created when doing a build and not when the project is loaded.

Visual Studio problem with deploying all files of .NET Compact Framework application

My application consist of an executable project and a dll library. My executable project has added the reference to the library project.
The library project contains some "content" files like .ini .bmp. The problem is that these files are not copied to the device when I deploy the executable project. Only dll file is copied. The curious thing is that all files are copied to the \ExecutableProject\bin\Debug directory on the desktop machine.
To workaround this I've set the deployment path of dll project the same as executable project and I'm deploying them both, but this solution doesn't seem to be nice.
I'm using VS2008 and my device works on Windows CE.
There are a few things to check.
Double check that the "Build Action" is set to "Content"
Make sure that the "Copy to Output folder" is set to "Copy Always" or "Copy If Newer"
Make sure that the deployment folder for the library project is what you expect (Properties->Devices->Output File Folder)
Make sure that the library project is set to the same target device as the executable
Make sure the library project is set to deploy for your configuration (Build->Configuration Manager)
Remember that if the content files are in a subfolder in the project, they will end up in a subfolder on the device
