How to fix hanging popen3 in Ruby? - ruby

I am getting unexpected behaviour using popen3, which I want to use to run a command like tool ala cmd < file1 > file2. The below example hangs, so that stdout done is never reached. Using other tools than cat may cause hanging, so that stdin done is never reached. I suspect, I am suffering from buffering, but how do I fix this?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3("cat") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdin.puts "foobar"
puts "stdin done"
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "stdout done"
puts wait_thr.value
puts "all done"

stdout.each_line is waiting for further output from cat because cat's output stream is still open. It's still open because cat is still waiting for input from the user because its input stream hasn't been closed yet (you'll notice that when you open cat in a terminal and type in foobar, it will still be running and waiting for input until you press ^d to close the stream).
So to fix this, simply call stdin.close before you print the output.

Your code is hanging, because stdin is still open!
You need to close it with IO#close or with IO#close_write if you use popen3.
If you use popen then you need to use IO#close_write because it only uses one file descriptor.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3("cat") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdin.puts "foobar"
stdin.close # close stdin like this! or with stdin.close_write
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts wait_thr.value
See also:
Ruby 1.8.7 IO#close_write
Ruby 1.9.2 IO#close_write
Ruby 2.3.1 IO#close_write

The answers by Tilo and by sepp2k are right: If you close stdin, your simple test will end. Problem solved.
Though in your comment to the answer of sepp2k, you indicate that you still experience hangs.
Well, there are some traps that you might have overlooked.
Stuck on full buffer for stderr
If you call a program that prints more to stderr than the buffer of an anonymous pipe can hold (64KiB for current Linuxes), the program gets suspended. A suspended program neither exits nor closes stdout. Consequently, reading from its stdout will hang. So if you want to do it right, you have to use threads or, non-blocking, unbuffered reads in order to read from both stdout and stderr in parallel or by turns without getting stuck.
Stuck on full buffer for stdin
If you try to feed more (much more) than "foobar" to your program (cat), the buffer of the anonymous pipe for stdout will get full. The OS will suspend cat. If you write even more to stdin, the buffer of the anonymous pipe for stdin will get full. Then your call to stdin.write will get stuck. This means: You need to write to stdin, read from stdout and read from stderr in parallel or by turns.
Read a good book (Richards Stevens, "UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications") and use good library functions. IPC (interprocess communications) is just too complicated and prone to indeterministic run-time behavior. It is for too much hassle to try to get it right by try-and-error.
Use Open3.capture3.


How to write to and read from the same named pipe in a single ruby script?

edit: I think I fixed the issue:
I might have been missing the Process.wait, hence creating a lot of zombie processes.
I have a piece of code that's working most of the time, but "locks" itself after a while, probably because of a race condition.
My code
pipe = "goals.png"
(1..100).each do |time|
fork do
# This runs ffmpeg, and gets it to write 1 frame of a video to the pipe 'goals.png'
print "before ffmpeg"
`#{ffmpeg(time, score_crop_options, pipe)}`
# Reads from 'pipe'
print "before read"
blob =
image = Rocket::Image.from_blob(blob)
# do stuff with image
Things to note:
#{ffmpeg(time, pipe)} writes to pipe, and is blocking until something reads from pipe is blocking until something writes to pipe
My issue
edit: when the script is locked, and I try to read the pipe from another script, I get zsh: fork failed: resource temporarily unavailable. That's probably a good clue...
Most of the time, gets executed before the code in fork, so it works great, but after a little while the script just stops: it prints "before ffmpeg" and never gets to "before read"...
First, should I use threads instead of fork? And can I control the order the 2 statements (read and write) get run, to avoid a race condition? Or maybe it's not even about the race condition and I'm missing something?
The issue wasn't caused by a race condition, but too many zombie processes, since I wasn't calling Process.wait
The parent process should use Process.wait to collect the termination statuses of its children or use Process.detach to register disinterest in their status; otherwise, the operating system may accumulate zombie processes.
That's why I was getting zsh: fork failed: resource temporarily unavailable when trying to read from the pipe from another script probably.
Here's something that works:
(1..100) do
if fork
# Parent
image = read_image(pipe)
# do stuff with image
Process.wait # I think that's what was missing previously
# Child
Open3.popen3(command(time, score_crop_options, pipe)) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
# stuff

popen3 hangs when executing script with popen3

I have next code
def execute_bash(cmd)
puts "Executing: [#{cmd}]"
exit_code = Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdout.each { |line| puts line }
stderr.each { |line| puts line }
return exit_code
Command that I run with this function is vagrant up, that produces a lot of output. I have a lot of recipes so I need to monitor it's output in realtime, line by line.
And I have another script that ensures that previous script did well and did not crash. So I have another script that runs bash commands in the same way as previous. So I'm like running(in second script):
execute_bash "./vagrant_up.rb"
Such consequence leads me to dead lock or something: in some point output stops. I could wait a lot of time but it will not continues.
When I run just vagrant in console - everything is fine.
Is that a problem to run ruby script with popen3 in another popen3?
Is there proper way of handling dead locks in popen3(if it's dead lock, I'm not sure)?
Hard to say what the real issue is without seeing the details of vagrant_up.rb but consider the following.
Here I have a little bash script:
echo "about to sleep"
sleep 3
echo "just woke up"
And another:
echo "about to sleep" 1>&2
sleep 3
echo "just woke up" 1>&2
With your code, running execute_bash("") produces something that is probably in line with your expectations. It says "about to sleep" and then 3 seconds later it says "just woke up". But, running execute_bash("") does something a little surprising. It waits 3 seconds then prints "about to sleep" and "just woke up".
So, for your situation, here is my guess. Your command is probably producing a lot of output to stderr, and you just aren't seeing it. In fact you won't see it until the command finishes (because the stdout stream for the Open3 process won't be closed until then).
Can you just redirect stderr to stdout? Can you comment if this doesn't resolve the issue?
execute_bash("./vagrant_up.rb 2>&1")

Open3.capture3 hangs without any outputs [duplicate]

I am getting unexpected behaviour using popen3, which I want to use to run a command like tool ala cmd < file1 > file2. The below example hangs, so that stdout done is never reached. Using other tools than cat may cause hanging, so that stdin done is never reached. I suspect, I am suffering from buffering, but how do I fix this?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3("cat") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdin.puts "foobar"
puts "stdin done"
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts "stdout done"
puts wait_thr.value
puts "all done"
stdout.each_line is waiting for further output from cat because cat's output stream is still open. It's still open because cat is still waiting for input from the user because its input stream hasn't been closed yet (you'll notice that when you open cat in a terminal and type in foobar, it will still be running and waiting for input until you press ^d to close the stream).
So to fix this, simply call stdin.close before you print the output.
Your code is hanging, because stdin is still open!
You need to close it with IO#close or with IO#close_write if you use popen3.
If you use popen then you need to use IO#close_write because it only uses one file descriptor.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3("cat") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stdin.puts "foobar"
stdin.close # close stdin like this! or with stdin.close_write
stdout.each_line { |line| puts line }
puts wait_thr.value
See also:
Ruby 1.8.7 IO#close_write
Ruby 1.9.2 IO#close_write
Ruby 2.3.1 IO#close_write
The answers by Tilo and by sepp2k are right: If you close stdin, your simple test will end. Problem solved.
Though in your comment to the answer of sepp2k, you indicate that you still experience hangs.
Well, there are some traps that you might have overlooked.
Stuck on full buffer for stderr
If you call a program that prints more to stderr than the buffer of an anonymous pipe can hold (64KiB for current Linuxes), the program gets suspended. A suspended program neither exits nor closes stdout. Consequently, reading from its stdout will hang. So if you want to do it right, you have to use threads or, non-blocking, unbuffered reads in order to read from both stdout and stderr in parallel or by turns without getting stuck.
Stuck on full buffer for stdin
If you try to feed more (much more) than "foobar" to your program (cat), the buffer of the anonymous pipe for stdout will get full. The OS will suspend cat. If you write even more to stdin, the buffer of the anonymous pipe for stdin will get full. Then your call to stdin.write will get stuck. This means: You need to write to stdin, read from stdout and read from stderr in parallel or by turns.
Read a good book (Richards Stevens, "UNIX Network Programming: Interprocess communications") and use good library functions. IPC (interprocess communications) is just too complicated and prone to indeterministic run-time behavior. It is for too much hassle to try to get it right by try-and-error.
Use Open3.capture3.

Access STDIN of child process without capturing STDOUT or STDERR

In Ruby, is it possible to prevent the standard input of a spawned child process from being attached to the terminal without having to capture the STDOUT or STDERR of that same process?
Backticks and x-strings (`...`, %x{...}) don't work because they capture STDIN.
Kernel#system doesn't work because it leaves STDIN attached to the
terminal (which intercepts signals like ^C and prevents them from
reaching my program, which is what I'm trying to avoid).
Open3 doesn't work because its methods capture either STDOUT or
So what should I use?
If you’re on a platform that supports it, you could do this with pipe, fork and exec:
# create a pipe
read_io, write_io = IO.pipe
child = fork do
# in child
# close the write end of the pipe
# change our stdin to be the read end of the pipe
# exec the desired command which will keep the stdin just set
exec 'the_child_process_command'
# in parent
# close read end of pipe
# write what we want to the pipe, it will be sent to childs stdin
write_io.write "this will go to child processes stdin"
Process.wait child

How to detect a process ending with Ruby open3

If I run open with:
input, output,error = Open3.popen3 "nikto -host someip -port 80 -output xml"
How can I detect if nikto is done? It takes a while for the scan to complete.
If something goes wrong, I suppose I have to periodically check error to see if anything that been written?
Is there any decent docs that exist for open3? No, the ruby-docs are nowhere near decent.
input, output, error = Open3.popen3 "nikto -host someip -port 80 -output xml"
if select([output], nil, nil, 0.1) and output.eof?
# process exited and doesn't have output queued.
# still running or has output not read yet.
Also, here is some good documentation I found by googling:
If you're using any *nix OS, your process will receive SIGCHLD when a subprocess exits. Depending on whether or not you have more than one subprocess at a time, this can be used to detect when it ends.
Also, the IO channels to the subprocess are implemented under the hood with pipes, so you will definitely get an EOF at the end of the output and possibly SIGPIPE when it shuts too.
In Ruby, installing a signal handler is just:
Signal.trap("CHLD") do
$child_died = true
You may be able to get the PID from $?
Process.wait $?.pid
Turns out that was wrong.
See some options here:
Output is seen after the execution of command finishes
Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
puts "stdout is:" +
puts "stderr is:" +
Output is seen incrementally
Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
while line = stderr.gets
puts line
Check this more options
