Is it possible to detect in an app the opening/ending of the dashboard? - macos

In the app I'm working on, a custom cursor is displayed using an image, and the system cursor is hidden (at least when it's over the app). The main system notifications are used to hide/display the system cursor, and it works fine, except with the dashboard: when the dashboard is launched (using fn+F12), the system cursor appears (the app is still running behind the dashboard), and when the dashboard is exited, well... the system cursor is still here (since we did not send a specific message to hide it again).
Would somebody know how to detect those changes? I thought about getting the keys to know when the dashboard is launched, but the problem is that there are several ways to close it, and what is more the app can be launched as the dashboard is opened...


Cancel macOS logout

Users often forget to do a task which must be done before logging out. To help with this I'd like to create a popup on logout with an option to cancel logging off.
I'm open to using any language. AppleScript looks promising, although I have no idea how to go about detecting and canceling a logout.
Since writing the question I've discovered the quit handler fires on logging out. I've created a script showing a dialog in the quit handler, which does the job of cancelling a logout, but I'm left with an ugly icon in the dock.
I'm able to remove the dock icon using the "LSUIElement" property in "info.plist", however it no longer prevents logging out when this is set.
Normally, logout clean-up is handled by individual apps: e.g., a document-based app with unsaved changes might prompt the user to save documents first. That makes sense, because each app knows what does and does not need to be taken care of before it closes, while the system generally doesn't.
As you've discovered, if you create a front-facing app the system will poll it and give the app a chance to delay or abort logout. The system does not notify background apps, services, or accessories (on the assumption that only user input needs to be checked for persistence). If you set LSUIElement to 1, your app becomes a background app, and never gets the chance to interfere with logout. There's no easy or immediate way both to have such an app work and have it be invisible to the dock.
Maybe if you're more specific about what your goal is, there might be a workaround (e.g., if you're only interested in monitoring a specific app, that might be doable).

Open second window when laravel app opens

I am creating an app with Laravel that is supposed to use GoogleMaps API to show certain data in the map.
What I want to achieve is, that when you browse the root of the app, so when the user hits the main website, a new window is opened that will show a map to work with. So I want to have the ability to work with a second screen that only shows the map and all the information that should be displayed on the map.
How can I open a new window with certain content automatically when I browse to the main page.
All modern browsers prevent this from happening, as it's commonly abused to serve popup advertisements. You'll need to make the new window happen via a user action, like a click on a button.

Fast Switching Windows Phone(7.8)

I am a little bit confused if I need to really do anything for fast switching. It seems like if I am not using media element, camera and sockets I get this "fast switching" for free.
I am not sure how to test it though. I see a couple videos where
Hit the Windows Icon(Start Icon)
Hit the back button
Hold down the back button till you get the screen view
Go to some other app
Come back to your app.
These both seem to load up fast again but how about if.
Load up app
Hit windows icon
click on tile app
Should fast switching happen at this point or does it load a new instance of your app up killing your old one?
There is different concept involved here:
-the first thing is Fast App resume which is a new feature of windows phone 8 that you can enable so that when you press the application tile it don't restart your app but keep the same instance (by default it will just kill the app and just recreate a new instance exactly as if the app was never opened). You can find more information about that here.
-the second concept is Fast App Switch and Tombstoning. You can find more information about the application life-cycle here. Basically what happen is when you press the windows button or navigate to another app your app will go in dormant state. In this state the application is not running but is still in memory. When you go back since everything is still in memory everything should as it was left off. The main case to handle in case of fast app switch is the fact that when your app is deactivated all the network connection are killed so you should make sure that when you go back you don't display any web error message dialog and that you redo any failed web request.
The second possible state of your application is that after the app is in dormant state you open a couple of app and the device don't have enough memory, then it will choose to tombstone your app. In that state your app is removed from memory so anything you have not saved will be lost. When you go back to your app it will go back to the page where the user previously was and recreate it.
That mean that to handle this case before the app deactivate you should have :
save any context specific data that you might not have been passing by navigation parameter.
maybe save what the user have been currently doing (for example if he is currently entering a long text, it might be better to save it so that the user don't have to reenter it from scratch)
saving the current scroll position or thing like selected items could be a plus
Also when the app resume you have to make sure that you re-query all information that you need. An example of something which would break would be if you load some Data (from a web server for example) in OnNavigatedTo of the main page and then just reuse the data on the detail page without re-querying it. If you are on the detail page press the start button and then do some other and the app tombstonne, when you go back to the app than the data will not be available (since the memory has been "cleared" and onNavigatedTo of the main page is not called since it will navigate back directly to the detail page).
You can use the page state and application state to save whatever information you need to handle properly the tombstoning case. Basically there are dictionary to which you can add some object which will be serialize (so you need to make sure that whatever object you try to save is serialisable) automatically when the app is deactivated.
To test the Tombtonning case easily, what you can do is in the project properties, in the Debug Tab check the check box "Tombstone upon deactivation while debugging". Like this it will always tombstonne the app when you debug and press the windows button or go to another app. To check that it is really tombstonning, when you go back you should see your app showing a resuming screen for a few second (while in the tombstonning case it's almost instantaneous.
So this is a bit confusing. It took me forever to figure out what they really mean by this.
What fast switching references is for more complicated apps. Apps that take advantage of something that requires a saved state.
For example if you are creating a navigation app. You are navigating then you leave the app. When you go back to that app it should show the "Resuming..." indicator and then bring your app back to its previous state.
Here is a Channel 9 video on FAS
Also here is the MSDN article about it
Should fast switching happen at this point or does it load a new instance of your app up killing your old one?
In that case, new instance of your would be launched.
Actually, its a bit confusing, but not that much.
App can be either closed (by Windows key or pressing BAck key for a while) or exited (by pressing Back key in the main menu). Next, app comes to dormant state, it holds everything in memory. ApplicationDeactivated would be risen.
So, if you would just re-activate it (by pressing Back and selecting your app, or by pressing Back only, if you have nothing else in the stack), it would be resumed. ApplicationActivated event would be risen with e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved = true
If you would use lots of other apps (device would run out of memory), your app would go to tombstoned state. Then, you'd be needed to restore all data. e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved would be false.
If you would re-launch your app (by clicking on tile), new instance would be launched, and ApplicationLaunching would be risen.
Fast switching isn't something that really concerns you as a developer. What you need to worry about is "tombstoning" - when someone switches away from your app, you need to save the state: when the user switches back to it, you as the developer have to assume that your app was actually restarted from scratch and needs to reload that saved state. That's the difference between Application_Launching and Application_Activated (user started your app anew from the start screen, vs. app was suspended and is now being resumed, but from scratch).
At some earlier point this was the only way app switching worked. Fast App Switching was added later on and simply changed the contract such that sometimes your app would be resumed where it left off without being tombstoned. It depends on memory, etc, but it is simply a benefit to the user who will, in many cases, no longer need to wait for the app to reload its tombstoned state. You as the developer still have to assume you'll be tombstoned.

How to force windows to appear when pressing Ctrl-Tab, even though app is agent

I have a Cocoa application which I am running as an agent because it has a status bar component. When my application brings up a window, these windows don't appear in the list when I press Ctrl-Tab to cycle through applications.
Is there a way to force a window in my application to appear?
Not while it's an agent, because it can never become the active application. Agents are meant to have only minimal user interaction, so it's assumed that you won't have an agent window around long enough for the user to need to command-tab away from it. (I personally find this annoying, because I'm constantly losing crash report windows behind application windows for the same reason, but it does make sense.)
However, the app doesn't have to be running as an agent in order for the status bar item to work, so I would just set the LSUIElement flag to NO and be done with it. It can be a regular, non-agent app that just happens to instantiate a status bar item.
If you don't want the application to be able to become active except when a window is visible, then that's more involved. You'd probably need to separate the application and the agent into separate processes, and have the agent launch the application in order to display the window. Then make sure the application quits when the window is closed, leaving just the agent running. Arq ( is one example of an app/agent pair that works this way, with perhaps a clearer distinction between the agent and the app than you're after.

EmailComposeTask / SmsComposeTask loses my app state

I'm developing my first Windows Phone 7 app. I don't yet have access to an actual device, so I am relying on the emulator that ships with the SDK.
In my app, I use the EmailComposeTask and SmsComposeTask where required. When debugging my app in the emulator, I click a button which runs one of these tasks, and it works. But when I then push the back button to get out of the task and back to my app, the app state is lost - it's as if I am launching it fresh all over again.
But, where it gets weird, is that on occasion this doesn't happen. I have gone back from one of the Tasks more than once to find my app state exactly how I left it.
And so, my questions:
Is this just a bug with the emulator?
If not, why is not consistent, and how should I be "saving" my app state prior to call the Email or SMS task?
Your page is being tombstoned which is why it seems like your application has restarted. This basically means that your app is still stored on the stack, ready to be called, but pages state and other data information is lost. To fix this, you need to handle the serialization of any data you want to keep.
For transient data, like page state things (e.g. textboxes, checkbox etc..), you can use PhoneApplicationPage.State. I believe the limit is 2mb. If you need to store more, you should store it in Isolated Storage (unlikely, unless you need to save an image). You can read about the process here. To understand the process of Tombstoning, you should read this MSDN page. To save time, you can use Tombstone Helper which handles all the lower level storage details for you, but it's a good idea to understand the process of Tombstoning anyway so you know what's going on.
The reason your app doesn't always get tombstoned is because EmailComposeTask doesn't cause a tombstone straight away. From this MSDN blog post:
Below is the list of native
experiences that, when invoked, do not
trigger an automatic tombstone in the
calling application:
There are three scenarios in which an
application in the background will
immediately be tombstoned:
User forward navigates away from an application [for example, user
presses the Start key]
Application invokes launchers or choosers not listed above
System requires more resources to carry out a foreground activity
As you can see, that's not to say EmailComposeTask will never cause a tombstone, so you should still handle it, but it explains why your page state is sometimes kept automatically.
