File completion when mapping commands in VIM - ruby

I often create a temporary mapping to do something on a particular file.
Typical example is this:
:map <leader>f :w<cr>:! bundle exec cucumber features/account/sign_in.feature:41<cr>
I want the file features/account/sign_in.feature to be autocompleted from the current directory.
This should simply save the current file and shell out on <leader>f to run the command.
It allows me to easily work on a piece of code not thinking about jumping to a particular file and run it.
The problem is that creating such a binding is cumbersome and error prone.
VIM doesn't allow completing the file name when mapping. Also using % is totally different ( I want to map to a file statically).
What is a better way of doing it?

Allthough I think your question should be made a lot clearer, here are some hints:
:nnoremap <leader>f :w<bar>!exec "bundle exec cucumber " . expand('%') . ":" . line('.')<CR>
Will correctly save and insert current filename/line number in the command
Also, you will want to know about the autowrite option:
:se autowrite
Lastly, I usually employ makeprg for this kind of purpose:
:let &makeprg="bundle exec cucumber %"
This has the added benefit of working with quickfix commands (:copen, :colder, :cnewer) and (given a correct makef) also jumping to error lines

I don't know the answer but if I were you I'd use cabbr:
:cabbr fas features/account/sign_in.features:
Or something like that. It's not autocomplete, but it sure does reduce the number of keystrokes you need.
Another alternative is to create a function mapped from a user command that accepts an argument that creates the mapping. If I remember it correctly you can customize the user command completion so that might work.
Update: yes you can customize user command. See :help user-command
Something like this should get you started:
command -complete=file_in_path -nargs=1 Map call CreateMap(expand('<args>'))
function CreateMap(filename)
exec 'map <leader>f :w<cr>:! bundle exec cucumber ' . a:filename . ':41<cr>'
Once you do that, ensure that you 'path' setting includes the current directory ".", or if you want to make it search recursively "./**". Then you can use the Map user command like this:
:Map fea<tab>ac<tab>


How do I give my shell script a simple word to make it run. For example "mkdir"

so I have a bash script right now which automates the git process for me. I have made the shell script accessible from everywhere. I want to give the script a command like "ctdir" instead of typing in "" every time. Is there a way to make this possible?
There are (at least) three ways to do this:
First, if it's on your path, you can simply rename it to ctdir.
Second, you can create an alias for it in your startup scripts (like $HOME/.bashrc):
alias ctdir=''
Third, you can create a function to do the work (again, defining it in your startup scripts):
ctdir() {
Just remember to make sure you load up your modified startup scripts after making the changes. New shells should pick the changes up but you may need to re-source it manually from an existing shell (or just exit and restart).
Agreed with #paxdiablo, the best way is to create an alias.
Following steps will work in Linux:
Naming the alias.
Type the following at the command line:
alias ctdir=''
Edit bashsrc file.
This file is usually present at your home directory.
Add at the alias mentioned in step 1 at the end of the bashsrc file to make them permanent and reusable in every session.
vi ~/.bashsrc

vimdiff E97 in Powershell

I am having trouble getting vimdiff to work on a Windows 10 machine. I am running vim from Powershell. Powershell is also declared in $myvimrc as my shell of choice:
set shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
The documents I am attempting to compare are not saved as files. I open two vertical splits, enter text into each, and run :windo diffthis. The output is E97: Cannot create diffs.
This article says I may need to download and use a different diff.exe than the one installed with gvim. I have downloaded the recommended "GnuWin32 diff" package and added the install directory to my Windows Path ($env:path). Continuing to follow these directions, I've commented out the default diffexpr declaration, but still get E97.
I have also tried calling my own function to no avail. In this attempt, I've made sure to escape backslashes, and have also copied the downloaded diff.exe to a directory I am confident I have full permissions to. To help with troubleshooting, I've temporarily saved the two files I wish to compare, and specified their full paths explicitly rather than using vim's v:fname_in and v:fname_new (and v:fname_out).
set diffexpr=TestDiff()
function TestDiff()
silent execute "!& " . "C:\\diff.exe" . " -a --binary " "C:\\a.edi" . " " . "C:\\b.edi" . " > " . "C:\\tmp.txt"
I've researched this error by running :h E97, which returns the following information:
Vim will do a test if the diff output looks alright. If it doesn't,
you will get an error message. Possible causes:
The "diff" program cannot be executed.
The "diff" program doesn't produce normal "ed" style diffs (see above).
The 'shell' and associated options are not set correctly. Try if filtering works with a command like ":!sort".
You are using 'diffexpr' and it doesn't work. If it's not clear what the problem is set the 'verbose' option to one or more to see
more messages.
The self-installing Vim for MS-Windows includes a diff program. If
you don't have it you might want to download a diff.exe. For example
I believe that I pass the first two of these requirements, as tmp.txt is generated and follows the example "ed" style diff that is provided in the help file. I have not set other shell-related parameters (shelltype, shellpipe, etc) in $myvimrc, but executing other commands with :! complete without issue.
There is no additional information in :messages, only the E97 error.
If I remove set shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe from $myvimrc, defaulting the shell back to cmd.exe, diffthis works as expected. It seems that others have also had this problem when using Powershell.
Below are captures of the command windows that pop up when running diffthis with both shells. The commands used are nearly identical.
I had speculated that the forward slashes apparent in the Powershell version of this attempt were problematic, but I am able to run this command exactly (with dummy files in place of the .tmp files) and it outputs what seems to be an adequate file for use with diff. I've also tried adding a substitute of forward slashes to back slashes to no avail.
The problem boils down to how vim/Powershell are A) encapsulating the command in quotes and B) handling white space in path names.
I am able to bypass this problem with the following changes to $myvimrc:
set shell=powershell
set shellcmdflag=-c
set shellquote="
set shellxquote=
Also a change in the default MyDiff() function within the if that sets the path to diff in the cmd variable:
" below is the default
" let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
let cmd = "C:/diff"
This approach is dependent upon copying the diff.exe that ships with vim to a directory that doesn't contain spaces in the path for simplicity (C:\diff.exe).
The resulting command that is executed is:
powershell -c C:/diff -a --binary C:/<redacted>/a.tmp C:/<redacted>/b.tmp > C:/<redacted>/c.tmp

How do I map a certain input in bash to a command?

So I was wondering if it is possible for me to map a certain input to a command in gnome terminal. For example, when I type "foo" in the command shell, it would automatically execute a certain command like going to a directory where a program is located and execute that program in a specific configuration.
Yes, it is called an alias:
A Bash alias is essentially nothing more than a keyboard shortcut, an
abbreviation, a means of avoiding typing a long command sequence. If,
for example, we include alias lm="ls -l | more" in the ~/.bashrc file,
then each lm [1] typed at the command-line will automatically be
replaced by a ls -l | more. This can save a great deal of typing at
the command-line and avoid having to remember complex combinations of
commands and options. Setting alias rm="rm -i" (interactive mode
delete) may save a good deal of grief, since it can prevent
inadvertently deleting important files.
So basically:
alias foo="cd /path/to/dir; ./myprogram; cd -"
cd - is following #Cyrus's suggestion - to return you to the directory you started from. This is safer and more expected of most commands, but of course, you can use whatever you like.

How can I make shell autocomplete the beginning of a filepath?

I have a project with a deeply nested folder structure. Most of the time I know the name of the file I want to work with, but the folder path is too long/complicated to type when I want to edit it, like:
vim folder/is/deep/down/there/myfile.js
Is there a way to make the shell auto populate the path for me if the filename is unique, with something like:
vim *myfile.js
press TAB -->
vim folder/is/deep/down/there/myfile.js
I mostly use bash, but I'm fine with zsh if it can solve the problem.
I think this is what you're looking for, vim will open all instances of myfile.js in the directory. Fish shell will allow me to tab through the different matching files but I'm not sure it that works with bash.
vim **/myfile.js
What could be a good idea would be to use locate utility in a bash script.
Calling your bash script passing filename as argument would be a smart move, and then using the previously named utility to find it.
Having done that you could simply find if there was 1 or more matches, and if there's just a match you can just use vim [match].
And obviously, the script could be called like ./ myfile.js

Get Input for a bash script by capturing it from a VIM session

I am creating a new CLI application, where I want to get some sensitive input from the user. Since, this input can be quite descriptive as well as the information is a bit sensitive, I wanted to allow user to enter a command like this from this app:
app new entry
after which, I want to provide user with a VIM session where he can write this descriptive input, which when he exits from this VIM session, will be captured by my script and used for further processing.
Can someone tell me a way (probably some hidden VIM feature - since, I am always amazed by them) so that I can do so, without creating any temporary file? As explained in a comment below, I would prefer a some-what in-memory file, since the information can be a bit sensitive, and hence, I would like to process it first via my script and then only, write it to disk in an encrypted manner.
Git actually does this: when you type git commit, a new Vim instance is created and a temporary file is used in this instance. In that file, you type your commit message
Once Vim gets closed again, the content of the temporary file is read and used by Git. Afterwards, the temporary file gets deleted again.
So, to get what you want, you need the following steps:
create a unique temporary file (Create a tempfile without opening it in Ruby)
open Vim on that file (Ruby, Difference between exec, system and %x() or Backticks)
wait until Vim gets terminated again (also contained in the above SO thread)
read the tempoarary file (How can I read a file with Ruby?)
delete the temporary file (Deleting files in ruby)
That's it.
You can make shell create file descriptors attached to your function and make vim write there, like this: (but you need to split script in two parts: one that calls vim and one that processes its input):
# First script
vim --cmd $'aug ScriptForbidReading\nau BufReadCmd /proc/self/fd/* :' --cmd 'aug END' >(second-script)
. Notes:
second-script might actually be a function defined in first script (at least in zsh). This also requires bash or zsh (tested only on the latter).
Requires *nix, maybe won’t work on some OSes considered to be *nix.
BufReadCmd is needed because vim hangs when trying to read write-only descriptor.
It is suggested that you set filetype (if needed) right away, without using ftdetect plugins: in case your script is not the only one which will use this method.
Zsh will wait for second-script to finish, so you may continue script right after vim command in case information from second-script is not needed (it would be hard to get from there).
Second script will be launched from a subshell. Thus no variable modifications will be seen in code running after vim call.
Second script will receive whatever vim saves on standard input. Parent standard input is not directly accessible, but using </dev/tty will probably work.
This is for zsh/bash script. Nothing will really prevent you from using the same idea in ruby (it is likely more convenient and does not require splitting into two scripts), but I do not know ruby enough to say how one can create file descriptors in ruby.
Using vim for this seems like overkill.
The highline ruby gem might do what you need:
require 'highline'
irb> pw ='info: ') {|q| q.echo = false }
=> "abc"
The user's text is not displayed when you set echo to false.
This is also safer than creating a file and then deleting it, because then you'd have to ensure that the delete was secure (overwriting the file several times with random data so it can't be recovered; see the shred or srm utilities).
