Hidden references in visual studio 2010 web site project - visual-studio-2010

When I create a new web site project (not web application) in VS 2010, it seems to have some dlls already referenced. If I try to add System, System.Core, System.Data, I get the error stating that "The Web site is already referencing the assembly 'System.Core'" etc. When I try to use a datatype from one of these assemblies, it seems to be recognized and I get intellisense and all. But I cannot see these dlls added in the Web.Config nor when I open the references tabs in the properties of the website. Is there any new secret place that these "Default" references are being added to?
Background Info:
The main reason I am trying to figure out these references is that I have migrated a project from VS 2008 to 2010 and I am getting build errors that System.Data.DatasetExtensions need to be refered. However, the reference is present in the web.config and I can also see the reference in the project properties. I also checked that it has the same version and same public key token as the build error. Below if the build error:
error BC30007: Reference required to assembly 'System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the base class 'System.Data.TypedTableBase`1'. Add one to your project.
Here is the reference in the web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="false" strict="false" explicit="true">
<add assembly="System.Data.DataSetExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
I would really appreciate if someone can help me figure this out.
1. I do not have the option of moving to a Web Application project.
2. In VS 2008, references from GAC were stored in Web.Config, Project references were stored in the solution file and other dll references were stored as .refresh files in the bin folder. I cannot find these dlls in any of the above places.

I had the exact same problem, and I eventually figured out the cause to mine was that I had copied a DLL to the project's BIN folder. Doing this causes Visual Studio to consider the DLL referenced. If you move the DLL outside of that folder, you'll be able to add the reference from within Visual Studio.


Why getting Intelligence error in VS 2019

First, I update the VS 2019. After that I updated my project from .net framework 4.6 to 4.8.
Now I getting the Intelligence error in the MVC view. I check some article and blog related it and try below points for it.
Delete the bin and obj folder.
Delete .vs file
Delete the packages folder.
I did all things but still I am getting the same Intelligence error.
I was getting the same error after the framework upgrade. Need to add System.Core reference in the main Web.config file.
<add assembly="System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>

Assembly binding redirect from a Class Library

I have a GitHub project (Test Automation Essentials) which references some Visual Studio specific assemblies (Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension which is part of CodedUI; but that's not significant for the question). This project is published as a NuGet package containing my class library.
I want my project to support different versions of Visual Studio, and all in all, this assembly does not have any noticeable differences between the versions of Visual Studio, so I don't anticipate any compatibility issues (it should be backward compatible anyway).
However, if I compile my project in one version of Visual Studio (e.g. 2015), when I try to reference the NuGet package from a project in a newer version of Visual Studio (e.g. 2017), when the hosting project runs I get the following exception:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file
Note: my library references this assembly with Specific Version=False.
I found I can work around this issue by adding the following element to the app.config of the application:
<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>
Note: In this particular case the executable is typically QTAgent32_40.exe which is itself part of Visual Studio, so I had to add the element to QTAgent32_40.exe.config and not actually to the project's app.config file. QTAgent32_40.exe.config already has many similar dependentAssembly elements, but for some reason not for this specific assembly.
The question:
I don't want my clients to add this setting themselves. I'd be glad if I could have such a setting specific for my class library, so that anyone who references my library automatically gets this Assembly Redirect setting. However, I didn't find a way to do that...
Does anyone knows how can I do it?
The only way to do this is to create a Nuget package for each specific version of Visual Studio.

'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' is not defined in Web Applications (not web sites)

In a Web Forms Web Application project, in both C# and VB, Linq2SQL is not working. I'm getting the error 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' is not defined, and my Linq2SQL class will not compile. Well, that's not quite correct. The entire solution will compile, but if I try to open the default page, the error comes up, and if I look in the designer for the class, anything to do with Linq is underlined in red, and I can't reference the class.
Also, in the Imports of the Linq class, the compiler is telling me "Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'System.Data.Linq' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found."
And if I create a Web Site project, there is no problem with Linq.
Visual Studio 2015.
I encountered this issue, found that the core problem was not having the web.config file in the root with the following node:
<compilation strict="false" explicit="true" targetFramework="4.0">
<add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/>
My understanding: the referencing issue arises as it's not including the Linq assembly in the build, so if you add the assembly, it works.

MVC3 referencing dlls installed in GAC

I have some legacy dlls installed as part of a asp.net MSI setup package. All dlls are installed into the GAC. On asp.net I was able to reference dlls in GAC by placing such entries into the web.config file
<add assembly="MY.DEPENDENCY.MODULE, Version=1.2.3, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=qwertyuiop"/>
I did the same thing as above in MVC3 but my source complains it can't find the expected references. have anyone else know or done this before?
Did you try adding a reference from inside VS? Right click on References>Add Reference
When you reference a dll via the Add Reference, you can have it push when you publish by clicking on the referenced dll and change the "Copy Local" option in properties to true. Then when you deploy use the publish function of the project.
This doesn't hard code a path when you publish, it just uses that path to do the compilation.
The published app will then look at the bin folder for that dll.

How to stop Visual Studio adding assemblies to my web.config?

Every time i build, or publish, a web-site, Visual Studio attempts to check out the web.config file so that it can add numerous assemblies that are not required.
In other words:
web.config before:
web.config after:
<add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common... />
<add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms... />
<add assembly="System.DirectoryServices... />
<add assembly="System.Windows.Forms... />
<add assembly="ADODB... />
<add assembly="System.Management... />
<add assembly="System.Data.OracleClient... />
<add assembly="Microsoft.Build.Utilities... />
<add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel... />
<add assembly="System.Design... />
<add assembly="Microsoft.Build.Framework... />
None of these assemblies are required, and most don't exist on the target test, or production, servers.
i keep deleting them every time i build, but it's getting real annoying real fast.
Right now my workaround is to leave web.config read-only - so Visual Studio cannot add assemblies to it.
Screenshots as proof:
Project Property Pages before:
Web.Config before:
Project Property Pages after:
Web.config after:
Update Two
It should be pointed out explicitly that the web-site works without these extraneous references being added. My interim solution is to keep web.config read-only, and hit Cancel whenever Visual Studio complains that it's read-only as it tries to modify it. If i can just stop Visual Studio from trying to modify it in the first place...
Update Three
It looks like it's not possible. Someone can feel free to give the correct answer, "You cannot stop Visual Studio from adding assemblies to your web.config." and i'll mark it.
The only reason i'm keeping the question up is that hopefully someone knows the super-secret option, or registry key, or project or solution setting, to tell Visual Studio to stop thinking.
Update Four
i didn't accept the accepted answer, and i'd unaccept it if i could. i'm still hoping for the panacea. But right now i'm leaning towards:
Answer: cannot be done (manu08)
Workaround: filtered GAC assemblies registry key (Nebakanezer)
How do i stop Visual Studio from adding assemblies to my web.config?
ASP Net - Visual Studio keeps adding Oracle assemblies to web.config
Why are the Visual Studio Add-In Assemblies being added to my web.config?
Visual Studio Adds Assembly Reference To web.config
removing VsWebSite.Interop Assembly from Web.Config
Visual Studio 2005 automatically adding references to web.config on build
Maybe the "Avatar DotNet Library" is referencing those assemblies by itself.
The references of a referenced assembly are needed to correctly deploy a project.
Otherwise, how could the referenced assembly work?
Note that it's possible that your referenced assembly does not use its own references, although they exists.
Edit: You can use the great tool ".Net Reflector" to check this.
I used VS2005 to edit a .net 1.1 (VS2003) .aspx and saved it, then the web.config will mysteriously have the net. 2.0 assemblies added:
If I used VS2008 or VS2010, this does not happen. So I believe this is is a bug in the VS2005 IDE.
I had this problem with Visual Studio 2005 (but I'm happy to report that the solution works for VS 2008, see bolded text below). There is a registry section that VS checks before it adds assemblies to the web.config file.
Here is the key:
So, let's say you don't want Visual Studio to add the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces assembly to your web.config. Add the following entry to your registry and you are set.
It worked perfectly for me. And yes, the rest of your team will have to do the same, but at least you don't have to manually remove the entries every time :)
To make it work for VS 2008 - just change the 8.0 in the registry path to 9.0
Convert you "Web Site" project to a "Web Application" project.
A "Web Site" does not have a project file, so it contains all assembly references in the web.config. A "Web Project" has a project file, and all references are stored in the project file.
Remove the References.
If it is a web app: you can see the References under Solution Explorer.
If it's a website: right-click the project on Solution Explorer then select Property Pages. Manage them there.
If a shared assembly references them, then they will be added to the calling project as well.
Since the Avatar library makes these other references, Visual Studio adds these references to the main project as well. Otherwise, a call into the Avatar library could fail since the reference it needs is missing.
Well this might seem like a hack but given your requirements another option would be to load the Avatar assembly dynamically using Assembly.Load or LoadFrom at runtime. This would keep a reference out of the main project and should then prevent the extra reference lines in the web.config. This would only really be practical though if you were only using a small number of classes from the Avatar project. I would make a third project that both projects referenced that held interfaces that one or more Avatar classes implemented in order for the main project to maintain strict typing when handling Avatar instances. I admit this could be a lot more work that previously submitted answers. If your interested in this method search google for creating plugins in .Net
As long as you are using a website, rather than a webapp, I don't know of any way to stop Visual Studio from adding assemblies to your web.config. This same problem of sorts happens for my company's solutions as well.
You cannot stop Visual Studio from adding assemblies to your web.config.
Sorry, you cannot stop Visual Studio from adding assemblies to your web.config, but all is not lost.
I have hit this in the past; someone had added some references (including WinForms) to a low level data access assembly. The web-site used the low level data access assembly and therefore had WinForms etc added to the web.config file.
The solution was to move his code into the correct assembly and remove the incorrect reference.
If you can not sort how the assembly that has the unwanted references and you know you are not calling code that depends on the unwanted references. Then you can (none of these are nice)
Write a custom install action that automates the removal of these unwanted assembly references from the web.config
Write a custom MSBUILD action to remove then at the time of the build
Use a different hand-written web.config file when the application is installed.
It can take ages to find how why Visual Studio is adding a reference to the web.config file. You have to hand-check EVERY assembly that is used directly or indirection by the web site.
I know and appreciate why Microsoft invented Web Sites in ASP.NET 2.0, but sometimes they just plain suck. If it is practical for you, convert your site to a Web Application Project, and problems like this will go away.
If that is not practical for you, try to re-factor as much code as possible into a separate class library project. Any references you can move out of the web site and into the class library will cut down on web.config changes.
EDIT: To clarify, in a Web Site, the aspnet compiler compiles everything (markup, code-behind, the lot), so all assembly references must go into web.config. However, in a Web Application Project, the C# or VB compiler compiles the code-behind files into a separate DLL, which is then referenced by the aspnet compiler when it compiles the markup. In this scenario, assemblies that are only referenced in code-behind files will go into the code-behind DLL and not touch web.config at all. Only assemblies that are directly referenced in markup will go into web.config.
I don't believe you can prevent Visual Studio from automatically adding references to assemblies that are referenced by others.
One solution is to create a Web Setup project with a custom action that automates
the removal of these unwanted assembly references from the web.config.
Those are all the assemblies required by your project, in some shape or manor and the aid the compilation that ASP.NET does on your pages at runtime. They are probably being imported in by either by code you are using in your project or another library that is using them.
But according to the documentation. These are the assemblies defined in your global web.config which can be found in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG:
<add assembly="mscorlib" />
<add assembly="System, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Configuration, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Web, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Data, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Web.Services, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Xml, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Drawing, ..." />
<add assembly="System.EnterpriseServices, ..." />
<add assembly="System.Web.Mobile, ..." />
<add assembly="*" />
If you look there is an assembly="*" reference being added. And if you read the documentation about this command it says:
Optionally, you can specify the
asterisk (*) wildcard character to add
every assembly within the private
assembly cache for the application,
which is located either in the \bin
subdirectory of an application or in
the.NET Framework installation
This means that any assembly in your /bin directory or in the .NET Framework installation directory is going to be included already.
What this tells me about your problem is that those assemblies that are being included are already referenced in some way to your project. And they are probably coming from the Avatar Dot Net Library or some controls on your page. Check the "References" folder in your Visual Studio project on the Avatar Library for these references you don't want. Because that is where the build process gets these libraries from.
So in other words if you don't want them to be included scrub your referenced projects of all references of these libraries.
Alternatively you can use a MSBuild XML parser to drop that section of the web.config each time you run your build process. Personally I use a task called XmlUpdate to modify certain parts of my web.config to get it production ready. If you would like to do the same it is part of the MSBuild Community Tasks.
If you are running on a vista or server 08 machine, you can use the appcmd command line utility to remove it after rebuilding rather than manually removing it.
see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178728.aspx
there it's explained that what you see in Property Page is not all, implicit references exist also in Machine.config file and are added at compile time. Hope this helps.
I would start by checking the "using" statments in your code files as well as any references in your .aspx, .ascx files. It sounds like you've referenced some of these (I know some are added by default from the Add New Item templates.
