efficiently find the first element matching a bit mask - algorithm

I have a list of N 64-bit integers whose bits represent small sets. Each integer has at most k bits set to 1. Given a bit mask, I would like to find the first element in the list that matches the mask, i.e. element & mask == element.
If my list is:
index abcdef
0 001100
1 001010
2 001000
3 000100
4 000010
5 000001
6 010000
7 100000
8 000000
and my mask is 111000, the first element matching the mask is at index 2.
Method 1:
Linear search through the entire list. This takes O(N) time and O(1) space.
Method 2:
Precompute a tree of all possible masks, and at each node keep the answer for that mask. This takes O(1) time for the query, but takes O(2^64) space.
How can I find the first element matching the mask faster than O(N), while still using a reasonable amount of space? I can afford to spend polynomial time in precomputation, because there will be a lot of queries. The key is that k is small. In my application, k <= 5 and N is in the thousands. The mask has many 1s; you can assume that it is drawn uniformly from the space of 64-bit integers.
Here is an example data set and a simple benchmark program that runs on Linux: http://up.thirld.com/binmask.tar.gz. For large.in, N=3779 and k=3. The first line is N, followed by N unsigned 64-bit ints representing the elements. Compile with make. Run with ./benchmark.e >large.out to create the true output, which you can then diff against. (Masks are generated randomly, but the random seed is fixed.) Then replace the find_first() function with your implementation.
The simple linear search is much faster than I expected. This is because k is small, and so for a random mask, a match is found very quickly on average.

A suffix tree (on bits) will do the trick, with the original priority at the leaf nodes:
000000 -> 8
1 -> 5
10 -> 4
100 -> 3
1000 -> 2
10 -> 1
100 -> 0
10000 -> 6
100000 -> 7
where if the bit is set in the mask, you search both arms, and if not, you search only the 0 arm; your answer is the minimum number you encounter at a leaf node.
You can improve this (marginally) by traversing the bits not in order but by maximum discriminability; in your example, note that 3 elements have bit 2 set, so you would create
2:0 0:0 1:0 3:0 4:0 5:0 -> 8
5:1 -> 5
4:1 5:0 -> 4
3:1 4:0 5:0 -> 3
1:1 3:0 4:0 5:0 -> 6
0:1 1:0 3:0 4:0 5:0 -> 7
2:1 0:0 1:0 3:0 4:0 5:0 -> 2
4:1 5:0 -> 1
3:1 4:0 5:0 -> 0
In your example mask this doesn't help (since you have to traverse both the bit2==0 and bit2==1 sides since your mask is set in bit 2), but on average it will improve the results (but at a cost of setup and more complex data structure). If some bits are much more likely to be set than others, this could be a huge win. If they're pretty close to random within the element list, then this doesn't help at all.
If you're stuck with essentially random bits set, you should get about (1-5/64)^32 benefit from the suffix tree approach on average (13x speedup), which might be better than the difference in efficiency due to using more complex operations (but don't count on it--bit masks are fast). If you have a nonrandom distribution of bits in your list, then you could do almost arbitrarily well.

This is the bitwise Kd-tree. It typically needs less than 64 visits per lookup operation. Currently, the selection of the bit (dimension) to pivot on is random.
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long long Thing;
typedef unsigned long Number;
unsigned thing_ffs(Thing mask);
Thing rand_mask(unsigned bitcnt);
#define WANT_RANDOM 31
#define WANT_BITS 3
#define BITSPERTHING (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Thing))
#define NONUMBER ((Number)-1)
struct node {
Thing value;
Number num;
Number nul;
Number one;
char pivot;
} *nodes = NULL;
unsigned nodecount=0;
unsigned itercount=0;
struct node * nodes_read( unsigned *sizp, char *filename);
Number *find_ptr_to_insert(Number *ptr, Thing value, Thing mask);
unsigned grab_matches(Number *result, Number num, Thing mask);
void initialise_stuff(void);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
Thing mask;
Number num;
unsigned idx;
srand (time(NULL));
nodes = nodes_read( &nodecount, argv[1]);
fprintf( stdout, "Nodecount=%u\n", nodecount );
mask = nodes[nodecount/2].value | nodes[nodecount/3].value ;
mask = 0x38;
fprintf( stdout, "\n#### Search mask=%llx\n", (unsigned long long) mask );
itercount = 0;
idx = grab_matches(&num,0, mask);
fprintf( stdout, "Itercount=%u\n", itercount );
fprintf(stdout, "KdTree search %16llx\n", (unsigned long long) mask );
fprintf(stdout, "Count=%u Result:\n", idx);
idx = num;
if (idx >= nodecount) idx = nodecount-1;
fprintf( stdout, "num=%4u Value=%16llx\n"
,(unsigned) nodes[idx].num
,(unsigned long long) nodes[idx].value
fprintf( stdout, "\nLinear search %16llx\n", (unsigned long long) mask );
for (idx = 0; idx < nodecount; idx++) {
if ((nodes[idx].value & mask) == nodes[idx].value) break;
fprintf(stdout, "Cnt=%u\n", idx);
if (idx >= nodecount) idx = nodecount-1;
fprintf(stdout, "Num=%4u Value=%16llx\n"
, (unsigned) nodes[idx].num
, (unsigned long long) nodes[idx].value );
return 0;
void initialise_stuff(void)
unsigned num;
Number root, *ptr;
root = 0;
for (num=0; num < nodecount; num++) {
nodes[num].num = num;
nodes[num].one = NONUMBER;
nodes[num].nul = NONUMBER;
nodes[num].pivot = -1;
nodes[num-1].value = 0; /* last node is guaranteed to match anything */
root = 0;
for (num=1; num < nodecount; num++) {
ptr = find_ptr_to_insert (&root, nodes[num].value, 0ull );
if (*ptr == NONUMBER) *ptr = num;
else fprintf(stderr, "Found %u for %u\n"
, (unsigned)*ptr, (unsigned) num );
Thing rand_mask(unsigned bitcnt)
{struct node * nodes_read( unsigned *sizp, char *filename)
struct node *ptr;
unsigned size,used;
FILE *fp;
if (!filename) {
size = (WANT_RANDOM+0) ? WANT_RANDOM : 9;
ptr = malloc (size * sizeof *ptr);
ptr[0].value = 0x0c;
ptr[1].value = 0x0a;
ptr[2].value = 0x08;
ptr[3].value = 0x04;
ptr[4].value = 0x02;
ptr[5].value = 0x01;
ptr[6].value = 0x10;
ptr[7].value = 0x20;
ptr[8].value = 0x00;
for (used=0; used < size; used++) {
ptr[used].value = rand_mask(WANT_BITS);
#endif /* WANT_RANDOM */
*sizp = size;
return ptr;
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (!fp) return NULL;
fscanf(fp,"%u\n", &size );
fprintf(stderr, "Size=%u\n", size);
ptr = malloc (size * sizeof *ptr);
for (used = 0; used < size; used++) {
fscanf(fp,"%llu\n", &ptr[used].value );
fclose( fp );
*sizp = used;
return ptr;
Thing value = 0;
unsigned bit, cnt;
for (cnt=0; cnt < bitcnt; cnt++) {
bit = 54321*rand();
value |= 1ull << bit;
return value;
Number *find_ptr_to_insert(Number *ptr, Thing value, Thing done)
Number num=NONUMBER;
while ( *ptr != NONUMBER) {
Thing wrong;
num = *ptr;
wrong = (nodes[num].value ^ value) & ~done;
if (nodes[num].pivot < 0) { /* This node is terminal */
/* choose one of the wrong bits for a pivot .
** For this bit (nodevalue==1 && searchmask==0 )
if (!wrong) wrong = ~done ;
nodes[num].pivot = thing_ffs( wrong );
ptr = (wrong & 1ull << nodes[num].pivot) ? &nodes[num].nul : &nodes[num].one;
/* Once this bit has been tested, it can be masked off. */
done |= 1ull << nodes[num].pivot ;
return ptr;
unsigned grab_matches(Number *result, Number num, Thing mask)
Thing wrong;
unsigned count;
for (count=0; num < *result; ) {
wrong = nodes[num].value & ~mask;
if (!wrong) { /* we have a match */
if (num < *result) { *result = num; count++; }
/* This is cheap pruning: the break will omit both subtrees from the results.
** But because we already have a result, and the subtrees have higher numbers
** than our current num, we can ignore them. */
if (nodes[num].pivot < 0) { /* This node is terminal */
if (mask & 1ull << nodes[num].pivot) {
/* avoid recursion if there is only one non-empty subtree */
if (nodes[num].nul >= *result) { num = nodes[num].one; continue; }
if (nodes[num].one >= *result) { num = nodes[num].nul; continue; }
count += grab_matches(result, nodes[num].nul, mask);
count += grab_matches(result, nodes[num].one, mask);
mask |= 1ull << nodes[num].pivot;
num = (wrong & 1ull << nodes[num].pivot) ? nodes[num].nul : nodes[num].one;
return count;
unsigned thing_ffs(Thing mask)
unsigned bit;
#if 1
if (!mask) return (unsigned)-1;
for ( bit=random() % BITSPERTHING; 1 ; bit += 5, bit %= BITSPERTHING) {
if (mask & 1ull << bit ) return bit;
#elif 0
for (bit =0; bit < BITSPERTHING; bit++ ) {
if (mask & 1ull <<bit) return bit;
mask &= (mask-1); // Kernighan-trick
for (bit =0; bit < BITSPERTHING; bit++ ) {
mask >>=1;
if (!mask) return bit;
return 0xffffffff;
struct node * nodes_read( unsigned *sizp, char *filename)
struct node *ptr;
unsigned size,used;
FILE *fp;
if (!filename) {
size = (WANT_RANDOM+0) ? WANT_RANDOM : 9;
ptr = malloc (size * sizeof *ptr);
ptr[0].value = 0x0c;
ptr[1].value = 0x0a;
ptr[2].value = 0x08;
ptr[3].value = 0x04;
ptr[4].value = 0x02;
ptr[5].value = 0x01;
ptr[6].value = 0x10;
ptr[7].value = 0x20;
ptr[8].value = 0x00;
for (used=0; used < size; used++) {
ptr[used].value = rand_mask(WANT_BITS);
#endif /* WANT_RANDOM */
*sizp = size;
return ptr;
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if (!fp) return NULL;
fscanf(fp,"%u\n", &size );
fprintf(stderr, "Size=%u\n", size);
ptr = malloc (size * sizeof *ptr);
for (used = 0; used < size; used++) {
fscanf(fp,"%llu\n", &ptr[used].value );
fclose( fp );
*sizp = used;
return ptr;
I experimented a bit with the pivot-selection, favouring bits with the highest discriminatory value ("information content"). This involves:
making a histogram of the usage of bits (can be done while initialising)
while building the tree: choosing the one with frequency closest to 1/2 in the remaining subtrees.
The result: the random pivot selection performed better.

Construct a a binary tree as follows:
Every level corresponds to a bit
It corresponding bit is on go right, otherwise left
This way insert every number in the database.
Now, for searching: if the corresponding bit in the mask is 1, traverse both children. If it is 0, traverse only the left node. Essentially keep traversing the tree until you hit the leaf node (BTW, 0 is a hit for every mask!).
This tree will have O(N) space requirements.
Eg of tree for 1 (001), 2(010) and 5 (101)
/ \
0 1
/ \ |
0 1 0
| | |
1 0 1
(1) (2) (5)

With precomputed bitmasks. Formally is is still O(N), since the and-mask operations are O(N). The final pass is also O(N), because it needs to find the lowest bit set, but that could be sped up, too.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* For demonstration purposes.
** In reality, this should be an unsigned long long */
typedef unsigned char Thing;
#define BITSPERTHING (CHAR_BIT*sizeof (Thing))
#define COUNTOF(a) (sizeof a / sizeof a[0])
Thing data[] =
/****** index abcdef */
{ 0x0c /* 0 001100 */
, 0x0a /* 1 001010 */
, 0x08 /* 2 001000 */
, 0x04 /* 3 000100 */
, 0x02 /* 4 000010 */
, 0x01 /* 5 000001 */
, 0x10 /* 6 010000 */
, 0x20 /* 7 100000 */
, 0x00 /* 8 000000 */
/* Note: this is for demonstration purposes.
** Normally, one should choose a machine wide unsigned int
** for bitmask arrays.
struct bitmap {
char data[ 1+COUNTOF (data)/ CHAR_BIT ];
} nulmaps [ BITSPERTHING ];
#define BITSET(a,i) (a)[(i) / CHAR_BIT ] |= (1u << ((i)%CHAR_BIT) )
#define BITTEST(a,i) ((a)[(i) / CHAR_BIT ] & (1u << ((i)%CHAR_BIT) ))
void init_tabs(void);
void map_empty(struct bitmap *dst);
void map_full(struct bitmap *dst);
void map_and2(struct bitmap *dst, struct bitmap *src);
int main (void)
Thing mask;
struct bitmap result;
unsigned ibit;
mask = 0x38;
for (ibit = 0; ibit < BITSPERTHING; ibit++) {
/* bit in mask is 1, so bit at this position is in fact a don't care */
if (mask & (1u <<ibit)) continue;
/* bit in mask is 0, so we can only select items with a 0 at this bitpos */
map_and2(&result, &nulmaps[ibit] );
/* This is not the fastest way to find the lowest 1 bit */
for (ibit = 0; ibit < COUNTOF (data); ibit++) {
if (!BITTEST(result.data, ibit) ) continue;
fprintf(stdout, " %u", ibit);
fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
return 0;
void init_tabs(void)
unsigned ibit, ithing;
/* 1 bits in data that dont overlap with 1 bits in the searchmask are showstoppers.
** So, for each bitpos, we precompute a bitmask of all *entrynumbers* from data[], that contain 0 in bitpos.
memset(nulmaps, 0 , sizeof nulmaps);
for (ithing=0; ithing < COUNTOF(data); ithing++) {
for (ibit=0; ibit < BITSPERTHING; ibit++) {
if ( data[ithing] & (1u << ibit) ) continue;
BITSET(nulmaps[ibit].data, ithing);
/* Logical And of two bitmask arrays; simular to dst &= src */
void map_and2(struct bitmap *dst, struct bitmap *src)
unsigned idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < COUNTOF(dst->data); idx++) {
dst->data[idx] &= src->data[idx] ;
void map_empty(struct bitmap *dst)
memset(dst->data, 0 , sizeof dst->data);
void map_full(struct bitmap *dst)
unsigned idx;
/* NOTE this loop sets too many bits to the left of COUNTOF(data) */
for (idx = 0; idx < COUNTOF(dst->data); idx++) {
dst->data[idx] = ~0;


How to store into and read back multiple number values on an `uint16_t` using bitwise manipulation?

Using bitwise operations, is it possible to package and read back the following set of values into an uint16_t variable? I think yes but I am trying to figure out how using a sample program.
Lets say following is the set of values I want to package into an uint16_t.
unsigned int iVal1 = 165 // which is 8 bits
unsigned int iVal2 = 28 // which is 5 bits
unsigned int iVal3 = 3 // which is 2 bits
bool bVal = true; // which can stored in 1 bit if we use 0 for true and 1 for false
Following is my program which aims to write in the values and needs to read back. How can write and read the values back using C++ 11?
#include <iostream>
uint16_t Write(unsigned int iVal1, unsigned int iVal2, unsigned int iVal3, bool bVal) {
// Is this technique correct to package the 3 values into an uint16_t?
return static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal1) + static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal2) + static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal3) + static_cast<uint16_t>(bVal);
unsigned int ReadVal1(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// How to read back iVal1
unsigned int ReadVal2(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// How to read back iVal2
unsigned int ReadVal3(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// How to read back iVal3
bool ReadVal4(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// How to read back bVal
int main() {
unsigned int iVal1 = 165; // which is 8 bits
unsigned int iVal2 = 28; // which is 5 bits
unsigned int iVal3 = 3; // which is 2 bits
bool bVal = true; // which can stored in 1 bit if we use 0 for true and 1 for false
const uint16_t theNumber = Write(iVal1, iVal2, iVal3, bVal);
std::cout << "The first 8 bits contain the number: " << ReadVal1(theNumber) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Then after 8 bits contain the number: " << ReadVal2(theNumber) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Then after 2 bits contain the number: " << ReadVal3(theNumber) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Then after 1 bit contains the number: " << ReadVal4(theNumber) << std::endl;
For this, you need to play on bit shifts.
uint16_t Write(unsigned int iVal1, unsigned int iVal2, unsigned int iVal3, bool bVal) {
// this will encode ival1 on the 8 first bits, ival2 on bits 4 to 8,
// ival3 on bits 2 and 3, and bval on last bit
return (static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal1)<<8) + (static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal2)<<3) + (static_cast<uint16_t>(iVal3)<<1) + static_cast<uint16_t>(bVal);
Then your uint16_t will hold all the value you need.
To read back, let us say ival2, you need to shift back and to use the and operator:
unsigned int ReadVal1(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// ival1 is the first 8 bits from place 9 to 16
uint16_t check1 = 255; // in bits 0000000011111111
return (theNumber>>8)&check1;
unsigned int ReadVal2(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// ival2 is the 5 bits from place 3 to place 8
uint16_t check2 = 31; // in bits 0000000000011111
return (theNumber>>3)&check2;
unsigned int ReadVal3(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// ival3 is the 2 bits on places 2 and 3
uint16_t check3 = 3; // in bits 0000000000000011
return (theNumber>>1)&check3;
bool ReadVal4(const uint16_t theNumber) {
// ival4 is the last bit
uint16_t check4 = 1; // in bits 0000000000000001
return theNumber&check4;
NB : here true is equal to 1 and false to 0.

Speed up random memory access using prefetch

I am trying to speed up a single program by using prefetches. The purpose of my program is just for test. Here is what it does:
It uses two int buffers of the same size
It reads one-by-one all the values of the first buffer
It reads the value at the index in the second buffer
It sums all the values taken from the second buffer
It does all the previous steps for bigger and bigger
At the end, I print the number of voluntary and involuntary CPU
In the very first time, values in the first buffers contains the values of its index (cf. function createIndexBuffer in the code just below) .
It will be more clear in the code of my program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE ((unsigned long) 4096 * 100000)
unsigned int randomUint()
int value = rand() % UINT_MAX;
return value;
unsigned int * createValueBuffer()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
valueBuffer[i] = randomUint();
return (valueBuffer);
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer()
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = i;
return (indexBuffer);
unsigned long long computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer)
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += valueBuffer[index];
return (sum);
unsigned int computeTimeInMicroSeconds()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = createValueBuffer();
unsigned int * indexBuffer = createIndexBuffer();
struct timeval startTime, endTime;
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
unsigned long long sum = computeSum(indexBuffer, valueBuffer);
gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);
printf("Sum = %llu\n", sum);
return ((endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec) * 1000 * 1000) + (endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec);
int main()
printf("sizeof buffers = %ldMb\n", BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int) / (1024 * 1024));
unsigned int timeInMicroSeconds = computeTimeInMicroSeconds();
printf("Time: %u micro-seconds = %.3f seconds\n", timeInMicroSeconds, (double) timeInMicroSeconds / (1000 * 1000));
If I launch it, I get the following output:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch && ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 1562Mb
Sum = 439813150288855829
Time: 201172 micro-seconds = 0.201 seconds
Quick and fast!!!
According to my knowledge (I may be wrong), one of the reason for having such a fast program is that, as I access my two buffers sequentially, data can be prefetched in the CPU cache.
We can make it more complex in order that data is (almost) prefeched in CPU cache. For example, we can just change the createIndexBuffer function in:
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer()
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = rand() % BUFFER_SIZE;
return (indexBuffer);
Let's try the program once again:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch && ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 1562Mb
Sum = 439835307963131237
Time: 3730387 micro-seconds = 3.730 seconds
More than 18 times slower!!!
We now arrive to my problem. Given the new createIndexBuffer function, I would like to speed up computeSum function using prefetch
unsigned long long computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer)
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &indexBuffer[i + 1], 0, 0);
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += valueBuffer[index];
return (sum);
of course I also have to change my createIndexBuffer in order it allocates a buffer having one more element
I relaunch my program: not better! As prefetch may be slower than one "for" loop iteration, I may prefetch not one element before but two elements before
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &indexBuffer[i + 2], 0, 0);
not better! two loops iterations? not better? Three? **I tried it until 50 (!!!) but I cannot enhance the performance of my function computeSum.
Can I would like help to understand why
Thank you very much for your help
I believe that above code is automatically optimized by CPU without any further space for manual optimization.
1. Main problem is that indexBuffer is sequentially accessed. Hardware prefetcher senses it and prefetches further values automatically, without need to call prefetch manually. So, during iteration #i, values indexBuffer[i+1], indexBuffer[i+2],... are already in cache. (By the way, there is no need to add artificial element to the end of array: memory access errors are silently ignored by prefetch instructions).
What you really need to do is to prefetch valueBuffer instead:
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + 1]], 0, 0);
2. But adding above line of code won't help either in such simple scenario. Cost of accessing memory is hundreds of cycles, while add instruction is ~1 cycle. Your code already spends 99% of time in memory accesses. Adding manual prefetch will make it this one cycle faster and no better.
Manual prefetch would really work well if your math were much more heavy (try it), like using an expression with large number of non-optimized out divisions (20-30 cycles each) or calling some math function (log, sin).
3. But even this doesn't guarantee to help. Dependency between loop iterations is very weak, it is only via sum variable. This allows CPU to execute instructions speculatively: it may start fetching valueBuffer[i+1] concurrently while still executing math for valueBuffer[i].
Prefetch fetches normally a full cache line. This is typically 64 bytes. So the random example fetches always 64 bytes for a 4 byte int. 16 times the data you actually need which fits very well with the slow down by a factor of 18. So the code is simply limited by memory throughput and not latency.
Sorry. What I gave you was not the correct version of my code. The correct version is, what you said:
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + prefetchStep]], 0, 0);
However, even with the right version, it is unfortunately not better
Then I adapted my program to try your suggestion using the sin function.
My adapted program is the following one:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE ((unsigned long) 4096 * 50000)
unsigned int randomUint()
int value = rand() % UINT_MAX;
return value;
unsigned int * createValueBuffer()
unsigned int * valueBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
valueBuffer[i] = randomUint();
return (valueBuffer);
unsigned int * createIndexBuffer(unsigned short prefetchStep)
unsigned int * indexBuffer = (unsigned int *) malloc((BUFFER_SIZE + prefetchStep) * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (unsigned long i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
indexBuffer[i] = rand() % BUFFER_SIZE;
return (indexBuffer);
double computeSum(unsigned int * indexBuffer, unsigned int * valueBuffer, unsigned short prefetchStep)
double sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < BUFFER_SIZE ; i++)
__builtin_prefetch((char *) &valueBuffer[indexBuffer[i + prefetchStep]], 0, 0);
unsigned int index = indexBuffer[i];
sum += sin(valueBuffer[index]);
return (sum);
unsigned int computeTimeInMicroSeconds(unsigned short prefetchStep)
unsigned int * valueBuffer = createValueBuffer();
unsigned int * indexBuffer = createIndexBuffer(prefetchStep);
struct timeval startTime, endTime;
gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);
double sum = computeSum(indexBuffer, valueBuffer, prefetchStep);
gettimeofday(&endTime, NULL);
printf("prefetchStep = %d, Sum = %f - ", prefetchStep, sum);
return ((endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec) * 1000 * 1000) + (endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec);
int main()
printf("sizeof buffers = %ldMb\n", BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned int) / (1024 * 1024));
for (unsigned short prefetchStep = 0 ; prefetchStep < 250 ; prefetchStep++)
unsigned int timeInMicroSeconds = computeTimeInMicroSeconds(prefetchStep);
printf("Time: %u micro-seconds = %.3f seconds\n", timeInMicroSeconds, (double) timeInMicroSeconds / (1000 * 1000));
The output is:
$ gcc TestPrefetch.c -O3 -o TestPrefetch -lm && taskset -c 7 ./TestPrefetch
sizeof buffers = 781Mb
prefetchStep = 0, Sum = -1107.523504 - Time: 20895326 micro-seconds = 20.895 seconds
prefetchStep = 1, Sum = 13456.262424 - Time: 12706720 micro-seconds = 12.707 seconds
prefetchStep = 2, Sum = -20179.289469 - Time: 12136174 micro-seconds = 12.136 seconds
prefetchStep = 3, Sum = 12068.302534 - Time: 11233803 micro-seconds = 11.234 seconds
prefetchStep = 4, Sum = 21071.238160 - Time: 10855348 micro-seconds = 10.855 seconds
prefetchStep = 5, Sum = -22648.280105 - Time: 10517861 micro-seconds = 10.518 seconds
prefetchStep = 6, Sum = 22665.381676 - Time: 9205809 micro-seconds = 9.206 seconds
prefetchStep = 7, Sum = 2461.741268 - Time: 11391088 micro-seconds = 11.391 seconds
So here, it works better! Honestly, I was almost sure that it will not be better because the math function cost is higher compared to the memory access.
If anyone could give me more information about why it is better now, I would appreciate it
Thank you very much

How can I check if there is only value changed in a (bitwise?) value?

How can I check if there is only 1 bit change between a value and another (next) value?
the output is for example
in the second output there is a 0 changed into a 1
in the third output there is a 0 changed into a 1 AND also the last 1 changed into a 0
the program may only continue if there is only 1 change.
First, XOR the two numbers. XOR will return a 1 for every bit that changed.
would give you
Now what you need is a quick way to check if there is only a single bit in your resulting number, or in other words, if the resulting number is a power of two.
A quick test for that is: (x & (x - 1)) == 0.
No for loops needed.
You can compute the bitwise XOR and then just count the bits that are 1's. This is known as the Hamming distance. For example:
unsigned int a = 0b001;
unsigned int b = 0b100;
unsigned int res;
/* Stores the number of different bits */
unsigned int acc;
res = a ^ b;
/* from https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html */
for (acc = 0; res; res >>= 1)
acc += res & 1;
In Java
void main(String[] args){
boolean value = moreThanOneChanged("101", "001");
static boolean moreThanOneChanged(String input, String current){
if(input.length() != current.length()) return false;
char[] first = input.toCharArray();
char[] second = current.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < input.length(); i++){
if(first[i] == second[i])
if(j > 1)
return true;
return false;
You can prove it to yourself fairly easily by using an and comparison between an exclusive or of each value and the exclusive or minus 1. It is easier to visualize what takes place by looking at the binary representation of the values and results. Below the function onebitoff performs the test. The other functions just provide a way to output the results:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */
#define WDSZ 64
/** returns pointer to binary representation of 'n' zero padded to 'sz'.
* returns pointer to string contianing binary representation of
* unsigned 64-bit (or less ) value zero padded to 'sz' digits.
char *cpbin (unsigned long n, int sz)
static char s[WDSZ + 1] = {0};
char *p = s + WDSZ;
int i;
for (i=0; i<sz; i++) {
*p = (n>>i & 1) ? '1' : '0';
return p;
/* return true if one-bit bitwise variance */
int onebitoff (unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
return ((a ^ b) & ((a ^ b) - 1)) ? 0 : 1;
/* quick output of binary difference for 2 values */
void showdiff (unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
if (onebitoff (a, b))
printf ( " values %u, %u - vary by one-bit (bitwise)\n\n", a, b);
printf ( " values %u, %u - vary by other than one-bit (bitwise)\n\n", a, b);
printf (" %3u : %s\n", a, cpbin (a, sizeof (char) * CHAR_BIT));
printf (" %3u : %s\n", b, cpbin (b, sizeof (char) * CHAR_BIT));
printf (" xor : %s\n\n", cpbin ((a ^ b), sizeof (char) * CHAR_BIT));
int main () {
printf ("\nTest whether the following numbers vary by a single bit (bitwise)\n\n");
showdiff (1, 5);
showdiff (5, 6);
showdiff (6, 1);
showdiff (97, 105); /* just as a further test */
return 0;
$ ./bin/bitsvary
Test whether the following numbers vary by a single bit (bitwise)
values 1, 5 - vary by one-bit (bitwise)
1 : 00000001
5 : 00000101
xor : 00000100
values 5, 6 - vary by other than one-bit (bitwise)
5 : 00000101
6 : 00000110
xor : 00000011
values 6, 1 - vary by other than one-bit (bitwise)
6 : 00000110
1 : 00000001
xor : 00000111
values 97, 105 - vary by one-bit (bitwise)
97 : 01100001
105 : 01101001
xor : 00001000

What is the most efficient way to subtract signed integral data in binary (bits)?

I'm working in C on a PC, trying to leverage as little C++ as possible, working with binary data stored in unsigned char format, although other formats are certainly possible if worthwhile. The goal is subtracting two signed integer values (which can be ints, signed ints, longs, signed longs, signed shorts, etc.) in binary without converting to other data formats. The raw data is just prepackaged as unsigned char, though, with the user basically knowing which of the signed integer formats should be used for reading (i.e. we know how many bytes to read at once). Even though data is stored as an unsigned char array, data are meant to be read signed as two's-complement integers.
One common way we're often taught in school is adding the negative. Negation, in turn, is often taught to be performed as flipping bits and adding 1 (0x1), resulting in two additions (perhaps a bad thing?); or, as other posts point out, flipping bits past the first zero starting from the MSB. I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way, that may not be easily described as a pen-and-paper operation, but works because of the way data is stored in bit format. Here are some prototypes I've written, which may not be the most efficient way, but which summarizes my progress so far based on textbook methodology.
The addends are passed by reference in case I have to manually extend them to balance their length. Any and all feedback will be appreciated! Thanks in advance for considering.
void SubtractByte(unsigned char* & a, unsigned int & aBytes,
unsigned char* & b, unsigned int & bBytes,
unsigned char* & diff, unsigned int & nBytes)
NegateByte(b, bBytes);
// a - b == a + (-b)
AddByte(a, aBytes, b, bBytes, diff, nBytes);
// Restore b to its original state so input remains intact
NegateByte(b, bBytes);
void AddByte(unsigned char* & a, unsigned int & aBytes,
unsigned char* & b, unsigned int & bBytes,
unsigned char* & sum, unsigned int & nBytes)
// Ensure that both of our addends have the same length in memory:
BalanceNumBytes(a, aBytes, b, bBytes, nBytes);
bool aSign = !((a[aBytes-1] >> 7) & 0x1);
bool bSign = !((b[bBytes-1] >> 7) & 0x1);
// Add bit-by-bit to keep track of carry bit:
unsigned int nBits = nBytes * BITS_PER_BYTE;
unsigned char carry = 0x0;
unsigned char result = 0x0;
unsigned char a1, b1;
// init sum
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nBytes; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BITS_PER_BYTE; ++i) {
a1 = ((a[j] >> i) & 0x1);
b1 = ((b[j] >> i) & 0x1);
AddBit(&a1, &b1, &carry, &result);
SetBit(sum, j, i, result==0x1);
// MSB and carry determine if we need to extend:
if (((aSign && bSign) && (carry != 0x0 || result != 0x0)) ||
((!aSign && !bSign) && (result == 0x0))) {
sum = (unsigned char*)realloc(sum, nBytes);
sum[nBytes-1] = (carry == 0x0 ? 0x0 : 0xFF); //init
void FlipByte (unsigned char* n, unsigned int nBytes)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i) {
n[i] = ~n[i];
void NegateByte (unsigned char* n, unsigned int nBytes)
// Flip each bit:
FlipByte(n, nBytes);
unsigned char* one = (unsigned char*)malloc(nBytes);
unsigned char* orig = (unsigned char*)malloc(nBytes);
one[0] = 0x1;
orig[0] = n[0];
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nBytes; ++i) {
one[i] = 0x0;
orig[i] = n[i];
// Add binary representation of 1
AddByte(orig, nBytes, one, nBytes, n, nBytes);
void AddBit(unsigned char* a, unsigned char* b, unsigned char* c,
unsigned char* result) {
*result = ((*a + *b + *c) & 0x1);
*c = (((*a + *b + *c) >> 1) & 0x1);
void SetBit(unsigned char* bytes, unsigned int byte, unsigned int bit,
bool val)
// shift desired bit into LSB position, and AND with 00000001
if (val) {
// OR with 00001000
bytes[byte] |= (0x01 << bit);
else{ // (!val), meaning we want to set to 0
// AND with 11110111
bytes[byte] &= ~(0x01 << bit);
void BalanceNumBytes (unsigned char* & a, unsigned int & aBytes,
unsigned char* & b, unsigned int & bBytes,
unsigned int & nBytes)
if (aBytes > bBytes) {
nBytes = aBytes;
b = (unsigned char*)realloc(b, nBytes);
bBytes = nBytes;
b[nBytes-1] = ((b[0] >> 7) & 0x1) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
} else if (bBytes > aBytes) {
nBytes = bBytes;
a = (unsigned char*)realloc(a, nBytes);
aBytes = nBytes;
a[nBytes-1] = ((a[0] >> 7) & 0x1) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
} else {
nBytes = aBytes;
The first thing to notice is that signed vs. unsigned doesn't matter to the generated bit pattern in two's complement. All that changes is the interpretation of the result.
The second thing to notice is that an addition has carried if the result is less than either input when done with unsigned arithmetic.
void AddByte(unsigned char* & a, unsigned int & aBytes,
unsigned char* & b, unsigned int & bBytes,
unsigned char* & sum, unsigned int & nBytes)
// Ensure that both of our addends have the same length in memory:
BalanceNumBytes(a, aBytes, b, bBytes, nBytes);
unsigned char carry = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nbytes; ++j) { // need to reverse the loop for big-endian
result[j] = a[j] + b[j];
unsigned char newcarry = (result[j] < a[j] || (unsigned char)(result[j]+carry) < a[j]);
result[j] += carry;
carry = newcarry;

clear all but the two most significant set bits in a word

Given an 32 bit int which is known to have at least 2 bits set, is there a way to efficiently clear all except the 2 most significant set bits? i.e. I want to ensure the output has exactly 2 bits set.
What if the input is guaranteed to have only 2 or 3 bits set.?
0x2040 -> 0x2040
0x0300 -> 0x0300
0x0109 -> 0x0108
0x5040 -> 0x5000
Benchmarking Results:
value = (base =2)|1;
for (l=0;l<A_LOT; l++)
//!!value calculation goes here
junk+=value; //use result to prevent optimizer removing it.
//advance to the next 2|3 bit word
if (value&0x80000000)
{ if (base&0x80000000)
{ base=6;
{ value<<=1;
time = (end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart);
time /= freq.QuadPart;
printf("--------- name\n");
printf("%ld loops took %f sec (%f additional)\n",A_LOT, time, time-baseline);
printf("words /sec = %f Million\n",A_LOT/(time-baseline)/1.0e6);
Results on using VS2005 default release settings on Core2Duo E7500#2.93 GHz:
--------- BASELINE
1000000 loops took 0.001630 sec
--------- sirgedas
1000000 loops took 0.002479 sec (0.000849 additional)
words /sec = 1178.074206 Million
--------- ashelly
1000000 loops took 0.004640 sec (0.003010 additional)
words /sec = 332.230369 Million
--------- mvds
1000000 loops took 0.005250 sec (0.003620 additional)
words /sec = 276.242030 Million
--------- spender
1000000 loops took 0.009594 sec (0.007964 additional)
words /sec = 125.566361 Million
--------- schnaader
1000000 loops took 0.025680 sec (0.024050 additional)
words /sec = 41.580158 Million
If the input is guaranteed to have exactly 2 or 3 bits then the answer can be computed very quickly. We exploit the fact that the expression x&(x-1) is equal to x with the LSB cleared. Applying that expression twice to the input will produce 0, if 2 or fewer bits are set. If exactly 2 bits are set, we return the original input. Otherwise, we return the original input with the LSB cleared.
Here is the code in C++:
// assumes a has exactly 2 or 3 bits set
int topTwoBitsOf( int a )
int b = a&(a-1); // b = a with LSB cleared
return b&(b-1) ? b : a; // check if clearing the LSB of b produces 0
This can be written as a confusing single expression, if you like:
int topTwoBitsOf( int a )
return a&(a-1)&((a&(a-1))-1) ? a&(a-1) : a;
I'd create a mask in a loop. At the beginning, the mask is 0. Then go from the MSB to the LSB and set each corresponding bit in the mask to 1 until you found 2 set bits. Finally AND the value with this mask.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int clear_bits(int value) {
unsigned int mask = 0;
unsigned int act_bit = 0x80000000;
unsigned int bit_set_count = 0;
do {
if ((value & act_bit) == act_bit) bit_set_count++;
mask = mask | act_bit;
act_bit >>= 1;
} while ((act_bit != 0) && (bit_set_count < 2));
return (value & mask);
int main() {
printf("0x2040 => %X\n", clear_bits(0x2040));
printf("0x0300 => %X\n", clear_bits(0x0300));
printf("0x0109 => %X\n", clear_bits(0x0109));
printf("0x5040 => %X\n", clear_bits(0x5040));
return 0;
This is quite complicated, but should be more efficient as using a for loop over the 32 bits every time (and clear all bits except the 2 most significant set ones). Anyway, be sure to benchmark different ways before using one.
Of course, if memory is not a problem, use a lookup table approach like some recommended - this will be much faster.
how much memory is available at what latency? I would propose a lookup table ;-)
but seriously: if you would perform this on 100s of numbers, an 8 bit lookup table giving 2 msb and another 8 bit lookup table giving 1 msb may be all you need. Depending on the processor this might beat really counting bits.
For speed, I would create a lookup table mapping an input byte to
M(I)=0 if 1 or 0 bits set
M(I)=B' otherwise, where B' is the value of B with the 2 msb bits set.
Your 32 bit int are 4 input bytes I1 I2 I3 I4.
Lookup M(I1), if nonzero, you're done.
Compare M(I1)==0, if zero, repeat previous step for I2.
Else, lookup I2 in a second lookup table with 1 MSB bits, if nonzero, you're done.
Else, repeat previous step for I3.
etc etc. Don't actually loop anything over I1-4 but unroll it fully.
Summing up: 2 lookup tables with 256 entries, 247/256 of cases are resolved with one lookup, approx 8/256 with two lookups, etc.
edit: the tables, for clarity (input, bits table 2 MSB, bits table 1 MSB)
I table2 table1
0 00000000 00000000
1 00000000 00000001
2 00000000 00000010
3 00000011 00000010
4 00000000 00000100
5 00000101 00000100
6 00000110 00000100
7 00000110 00000100
8 00000000 00001000
9 00001001 00001000
10 00001010 00001000
11 00001010 00001000
12 00001100 00001000
13 00001100 00001000
14 00001100 00001000
15 00001100 00001000
16 00000000 00010000
17 00010001 00010000
18 00010010 00010000
19 00010010 00010000
20 00010100 00010000
250 11000000 10000000
251 11000000 10000000
252 11000000 10000000
253 11000000 10000000
254 11000000 10000000
255 11000000 10000000
Here's another attempt (no loops, no lookup, no conditionals). This time it works:
var orig=0x109;
var x=orig;
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
x = orig & ~(x & ~(x >> 1));
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
var solution=orig & ~(x >> 1);
Console.WriteLine(solution.ToString("X")); //0x108
Could probably be shortened by someone cleverer than me.
Following up on my previous answer, here's the complete implementation. I think it is as fast as it can get. (sorry for unrolling the whole thing ;-)
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char bittable1[256];
unsigned char bittable2[256];
unsigned int lookup(unsigned int);
void gentable(void);
int main(int argc,char**argv)
unsigned int challenge = 0x42341223, result;
if ( argc > 1 ) challenge = atoi(argv[1]);
result = lookup(challenge);
printf("%08x --> %08x\n",challenge,result);
unsigned int lookup(unsigned int i)
unsigned int ret;
ret = bittable2[i>>24]<<24; if ( ret ) return ret;
ret = bittable1[i>>24]<<24;
if ( !ret )
ret = bittable2[i>>16]<<16; if ( ret ) return ret;
ret = bittable1[i>>16]<<16;
if ( !ret )
ret = bittable2[i>>8]<<8; if ( ret ) return ret;
ret = bittable1[i>>8]<<8;
if ( !ret )
return bittable2[i] | bittable1[i];
} else {
return (ret | bittable1[i&0xff]);
} else {
if ( bittable1[(i>>8)&0xff] )
return (ret | (bittable1[(i>>8)&0xff]<<8));
} else {
return (ret | bittable1[i&0xff]);
} else {
if ( bittable1[(i>>16)&0xff] )
return (ret | (bittable1[(i>>16)&0xff]<<16));
} else if ( bittable1[(i>>8)&0xff] ) {
return (ret | (bittable1[(i>>8)&0xff]<<8));
} else {
return (ret | (bittable1[i&0xff]));
void gentable()
int i;
for ( i=0; i<256; i++ )
int bitset = 0;
int j;
for ( j=128; j; j>>=1 )
if ( i&j )
if ( bitset == 1 ) bittable1[i] = i&(~(j-1));
else if ( bitset == 2 ) bittable2[i] = i&(~(j-1));
//printf("%3d %02x %02x\n",i,bittable1[i],bittable2[i]);
Using a variation of this, I came up with the following:
var orig=56;
var x=orig;
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
In c# but should translate easily.
I'm not so sure I've answered your question. This takes the highest bit and preserves it and the bit next to it, eg. 101 => 100
Here's some python that should work:
def bit_play(num):
bits_set = 0
upper_mask = 0
bit_index = 31
while bit_index >= 0:
upper_mask |= (1 << bit_index)
if num & (1 << bit_index) != 0:
bits_set += 1
if bits_set == 2:
num &= upper_mask
bit_index -= 1
return num
It makes one pass over the number. It builds a mask of the bits that it crosses so it can mask off the bottom bits as soon as it hits the second-most significant one. As soon as it finds the second bit, it proceeds to clear the lower bits. You should be able to create a mask of the upper bits and &= it in instead of the second while loop. Maybe I'll hack that in and edit the post.
I'd also use a table based approach, but I believe one table alone should be sufficient. Take the 4 bit case as an example. If you're input is guaranteed to have 2 or 3 bits, then your output can only be one of 6 values
Put these possible values in an array sorted by size. Starting with the largest, find the first value which is equal to or less than your target value. This is your answer. For the 8 bit version you'll have more possible return values, but still easily less than the maximum possible permutations of 8*7.
public static final int [] MASKS = {
0x03, //0011
0x05, //0101
0x06, //0110
0x09, //1001
0x0A, //1010
0x0C, //1100
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (countBits(i) < 2) {
for (int j = MASKS.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (MASKS[j] <= i) {
System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(i) + " " + Integer.toBinaryString(MASKS[j]));
Here's my implementation in C#
uint OnlyMostSignificant(uint value, int count) {
uint newValue = 0;
int c = 0;
for(uint high = 0x80000000; high != 0 && c < count; high >>= 1) {
if ((value & high) != 0) {
newValue = newValue | high;
return newValue;
Using count, you could make it the most significant (count) bits.
My solution:
Use "The best method for counting bits in a 32-bit integer", then clear the lower bit if the answer is 3. Only works when input is limited to 2 or 3 bits set.
unsigned int c; // c is the total bits set in v
unsigned int v = value;
v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333); // temp
c = ((v + (v >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24; // count
