MS Access Expressions in Pass-Through Query to Oracle DB - oracle

I am trying to create a Pass-through SQL statement from my MS Access 2003 (Yeah, I know it's oldschool but my hands are tied :/) to an Oracle DB on a Server.
Long story short, the server-table contains freezer models, where each model exists 1 to 5 times with the ID prefixed with a value indicating it's condition. The problem is, that I have to fetch all "versions" of a freezer. In Access I would write something like:
But this triggers an error in my Pass-through query to Oracle. Is it even possible to write expressions like this in a pass-through query?
I am using vba and a QueryDef with a connectstring to the server (which works fine if i strip the Right()-expression), and then open a recordset with the result.
Thanks on beforehand, Viggo
Ah, sorry..
Took one last Googling and the Answer popped up:
Apparently Oracle has a different syntax for some of these functions. In this case I found that Oracle has a SUBSTR-function and a LENGTH-function, fixing my problem..
To others in search: The key is searching for Oracle syntax rather than Pass-through syntax..
Hope it can help someone else :)

As described in the above:
In Pass-Through queries the SQL language of the server.. :)


OLE DB connection in SSRS doesn't like when parameters are repeated

I'm changing an Oracle based SSRS report and I'm having all sorts of issues with parameters.
The connection to Oracle is OLE DB.
My code is not doing anything complicated. I've only added in a new parameter. When I only have one instance of said parameter, it runs without any issues. As soon as I add it again, it bombs.
What I'm trying to do is show records if a parameter has a match. If no match, show all records.
I can run both queries in DBVisualizer without any issues.
This is what I've done
WHERE FieldName = nvl(:parameter, FieldName)
This one doesn't return the same results as this below
WHERE FieldName = :parameter
OR :parameter IS NULL
Problem is the second WHERE clause will not run in SSRS with an OLE DB connection. We cannot use another connection manager, unfortunately.
EDIT: Thanks to Hannover Fist, I was able to get this to work by doing this
I changed my WHERE clause to
WHERE FieldName = :parameter
OR :parameter2 IS NULL
Then mapped parameter2 to pull from the same SSRS parameter as the original parameter
I haven't found a good solution to this problem but I have worked around it by declaring the parameter in the Oracle SQL and mapping it to the SSRS parameter.
Then use the parameter created in the Oracle SQL in the rest of the query. This way you'll only use each SSRS parameter once.

LINQ Count() but don't return all rows

I need to get a count of a DB table.
When I do the below I can see that the table enumerates (so looks like the rows come back then get counted on the app server side) but I'd like the SQL server to do the counting then return just the count.
db.Places.Where(x => x.City == 'San Jose').Count()
This totally depends on the Linq to SQL provider that you're using, but most of them should translate your LINQ statement into an actual server side count.
You will need to enable logging on your provider or turn on profiling on your database in order to see what actual SQL was sent to it.
PS: Please tag with the appropriate provider and SQL server (for example: linq-to-sql sql-server)

SQLITE3 strings in where clauses seem confused

I'm wondering if anyone has any clarification on the difference between the following statements using sqlite3 gem with ruby 1.9.x:
#db.execute("INSERT INTO table(a,b,c) VALUES (?,?,?)",
some_int, other_int, some_string)
#db.execute("INSERT INTO table(a,b,c) VALUES (#{some_int},"+
+"#{some_int}, #{some_string})")
My problem is: When I use the first method for insertion, I can't query for the "c" column using the following statement:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE c='some magic value'
I can use this:
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE c=?", "some magic value"
but what I really want to use is
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE c IN ('#{options.join("','")}')"
And this doesn't work with the type of inserts.
Does anyone know what the difference is at the database level that is preventing the IN from working properly?
I figured this out quite a while ago, but forgot to come back and point it out, in case someone finds this question at another time.
The difference turns out to be blobs. Apparently when you use the first form above (the substitution method using (?,?)) SQLite3 uses blogs to enter the data. However, if you construct an ordinary SQL statement, it's inserted as a regular string and the two aren't equivalent.
Insert is not possible to row query but row query used in get data that time this one working.
SQLite in you used in mobile app that time not work bat this row query you write in SQLite Browse in that work

How to make Oracle 'order by' behave like SQLServer?

i'm trying to write an Oracle query that sorts the results in the same way as MS SQL Server does. I'm toying with the 'NLSSORT' function and it's parameters but i can't get exactly the same results as what i can see with MS SQL Server.
The context is a generic data collection system that supports both Oracle and MS SQL Server. This is a pretty old system that is still under maintenance and development. No entity framework or any recent approaches to handle database interactions.
With a simple order by on MS SQL Server i get this result:
The same query on Oracle returns this:
I have tried many combinations of NLSSORT parameters without any success.
By using the 'PUNCTUATION' NLS_SORT parameter value, i get results very close to the MS SQL sorting but there is still differences with substrings that contains sequences of numeric chars. Here is a sample query result:
Thank you for your help!
I finally found this solution:
At least in my particular context, i get the same sorting under both MS SQL Server (default sorting) and Oracle.
Here is two useful links:
Could consider use of rpad function?
select name, rpad(upper(replace(translate(name,'_','+'),'-','') ),15,'0') as v1
from sorttest order by
rpad(upper(replace(translate(name,'_','+'),'-','') ),15,'0')

Linq equivalent of SQL LEFT function?

We have a database with some fields that are varchar(max) which could contain lots of text however I have a situation where I only want to select the first for example 300 characters from the field for a paginated table of results on a MVC web site for a "preview" of the field.
for a simplified example query where I want to get all locations to display in the table
(this would be paginated, so I don't just get everything - I get maybe 10 results at a time):
return db.locations;
However this gives me a location object with all the fields containing the massive amounts of text which is very time consuming to execute.
So what I resorted to before was using SQL stored procedures with the:
LEFT(field, 300)
to resolve this issue and then in the Linq to SQL .dbml file included the stored procedure to return a "location" object for the result.
However I have many queries and I don't want to have to do this for every query.
This maybe a simple solution, but I am not sure how I can phrase this on a search engine, I would appreciate anyone who can help me with this problem.
You can use functions that directly translate to those functions too, this is useful when you need to translate code that functionally works just fine in SQL at no risk in LINQ.
Have a look at System.Data.Objects.EntityFunctions
This will get directly translated into a LEFT on the server side.
EDIT: I misread LEFT for LTRIM. Here's all the String functions that can't be used in LINQ to SQL. Have you tried String.Substring()?
Your best option is to map the stored procedure and continue using it. Here is an excellent article with screen shots showing you how to do so.
If you're not using the designer tool you can also call ExecuteCommand against the DataContext. It isn't pretty, but it's what we have for now.
I found something like this worked for me:
return from locationPart in db.locations
select new LocationPart
Description = locationPart.description,
Text = locationPart.text.Substring(0,300)
Not ideal because I have to use "select new" to return a a different object, but it seems to work.
