Error when trying to update Extensions in Visual Studio [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm trying to update Extensions in Visual Studio 2010, and I am suddenly getting errors. I open the extension manager and let it load the list of updates. I select one, and click Update, but I get a dialog with an error. One of two errors occurs depending on which extension I am trying to update.
For example, trying to update Nuget gets me:
Value cannot be null
Parameter name: v1
Code Maid, on the other hand:
Invalid entry to install/download
Parameter name: entry
Ankh SVN gives me the same error as Code Maid. (Haven't used or updated Ankh SVN in quite some time, but I tried it to see if it worked)
I am not aware of any recent changes which I have done which could have caused this. The only thing which remotely comes to mind was installing VS11 Beta, but I'm fairly sure I've updated VS2010 extensions since then successfully.
Hopefully, I can avoid the Dreaded Reinstall ™
I appear not to be the only one with this problem:
Incidentally, I was able to update the extensions in question by downloading and executing the installers manually. But I would still like to know what's going on here, of course!

Not really a full answer but I think I can help in regards to nuget issue:
In Control Panel -> Programs find and uninstall Nuget. (Make sure VS isn't running)
Go to and click 'Install Nuget'
On the next page click Download.
Open the downloaded file (it should be associated with VS).
Follow the wizard.
This should install the latest version of nuget which means there will bo no update available. I'm not sure what will happen when next update is out.
I realise it's only a workaround.
Edit: Sorry, just noticed that you did exactly that.

Here is the hotfix for that issue.
Worked like a charm for me.

Try loading DevEnv in /SafeMode and installing from there. I can't tell you what's going on, but VS does get itself knotted sometimes, and just needs a helping hand.

I've had similar issues with NuGet especially in the earlier versions (pre 1.4 I noticed most).
1) If it's listed in Programs and Features, remove it there.
2) open "%PROGRAMFILES (X86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions", if Nuget is listed, delete it.
3) go to your users directory (c:\users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0 if Nuget is listed in there. Delete that. Close/Open VS. See if the error persists, if so. You can try the /ResetAddin flag from the command line to see if something else was interfering.
If the error doesn't, re-install Nuget 1.7 (or latest) and hopefully all is well.
You using Telerik Extensions at all? The Silverlight stuff hosed me royally.

I get this when I have a WiX project open in my solution and go to update manage packages for the entire solution. If I right-click all of the WiX projects in my solution and unload the projects, then I can get update the NuGet packages fine. Then I reload the WiX projects.
I imagine it might occur for other "weird" project types as well. Something to try!


Unknown Files when sync project to get last version

I am using Visual studio 2017 Last Update (15.4.1) and Git source Control .
When I get Latest Update some files that My co-worker had added are unknown and I cant use them.
when I press Go to Definition I've got this Message
cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret
but when I clone Project again from Source Control It works fine .
Is it related Not Same visual studio Version ?
Please see the bug fix page from Microsoft at GitHub. This is the ticket #20779, which is fixed in the Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 (However, you're using 15.4.1, It's should be fixed.)
Based on the ticket, the problem only happened with generic types. It turns out the problem only happens when trying to navigate to a type where one or more of the generic type arguments is a user defined type. So you can Go To Definition on List, but if you try on List, you'll get this error: "Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret".
So, you can try to temporarily change types to int, then undo. See what's happen.
In your scenario, maybe you can use other approach, such as, empty the symbol cache, clean the solution and recompile, reset the visual studio user data, disable extensions, close all documents, clear various caches and temporary files first. Then you can sync project.
I got the problem merging a project file with others. After a long r&d, I fund some of the help contents.
May these help you I also try them.
This one works for me.
Close all open files and then VS
Clean solution
Rebuild solution
this is the most preferred help content in my opinion.
Going back to VS 2015 there is no solution for this. A huge setback to lose this feature. It is not fixed in the latest release, contrary to everyone saying it is.
thanks. "Rebuild Solution" can fix the problem.
Problem: Show "Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret." after click "go to definition".

InstallShield 2013 SQLServerSelectLogin screen doesn't populate

I've inherited an InstallShield 2013 InstallScript MSI project that installs our product and I'm really new to IS. I've figured out the basics and even created an new project, but this has me baffled. One of our installers uses SQLServerSelectLogin (or at least I assume that it does) to get the user to select a SQL server to install to, and just recently it stopped populating with the list of installed servers and I need to figure out why.
I've rolled back just about all of the changes that have been made since this started being an issue and it's still happening. (The changes that I haven't rolled back are really minor and shouldn't effect the install). Being new to IS I really don't even know where to look for this to debug it. So my questions are:
Where would I find the code that populates this list?
How can I debug an install to figure out what's not happening?
I found an obscure post that describes three files that need to be downloaded and installed. Doing this fixed the problem.

Visual Studio is acting weird. How do I fix this?

My installation of Visual Studio was fine previously, but has started acting weird lately. Some of the symptoms include
Visual Studio randomly hangs or crashes
Visual Studio won't start
Intellisense disappears sometimes
Plugins are not working, or are failing to start
I can't install or uninstall tools
I can't connect to source control anymore
Certain known good project types fail to load properly
Known file types don't have syntax highlighting anymore
I can't add files to a solution because the option is greyed out
I can't add, remove, or update files to a solution due to an error
I can't add or remove projects to a solution due to an error
I can't open a solution due to an error
The debugger cannot launch, or attach to processes
I can't find any templates when I try to add a new item
I can't copy/paste due to an error
A DLL required by Visual Studio is missing or corrupt
Menus are suddenly empty
Something that I know should normally work, now does not work
How can I fix this?
(This question is meant to be a canonical close dupe for these types of questions)
Visual Studio is pretty reliable, and most of us using it aren't experiencing the issues you are. It's a pretty large and complex suite of components, though, which means problems are bound to occur.
First: Restart Visual Studio and, if that fails, restart your computer
The majority of small issues are fixed by restarting Visual Studio. Some of the ones involving connectivity or services can be fixed by restarting your computer.
If this doesn't fix your problem
There's no way to guarantee that something bad won't happen to a particular installation of Visual Studio. The ways a large, complex application can become misconfigured or damaged are too varied to mention.
The effort it would take to diagnose and track down every possible cause is great. Ain't nobody got time for that. The one reliable solution—which works almost every time it's tried—is:
Reinstall Visual Studio.
Go ahead, rest your eyes for a little bit. Come back when you've come to terms with this sad fact.
Resigned? Okay. We're going to go through the steps to fix your problem, starting with the lowest impact, but probably least likely to work, one first. While you are attempting to fix this, keep notes! Mentally, or write them down. If you get to the last step, you'll need them.
First, let's go the easiest route and return Visual Studio to its original state. We can do this by removing all extensions and by resetting all settings.
Open the "Extensions and Updates" dialog. If you can't find it, type that into the quick launch. If you can't find that, try ctrl-q. For each installed extension, highlight it and click the Uninstall button.
Next, let's reset those settings. Make sure you export them first!
From the docs:
To export your settings
1. On the menu bar, choose Tools, Import and Export Settings. Choose the Export selected environment settings option button, and then
choose the Next button.
2. Make sure that the check boxes for the kinds of settings that you want to export are selected and all other check boxes are cleared, and
then choose the Next button.
3. (Optional) Name your settings file, enter a different path where it should be saved, or both. By default, setting files are named
Currentsettings.vssettings and saved to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual
Studio 2015\Settings.
4. Choose the Finish button.
You can import them later from the same location. Now, once you've saved your settings, go back and reset them.
Tools -> Import and Export Settings... -> Reset all settings
Having reset everything, try to repro your issue. Still breaking?
There's no doubt that you need to reinstall. Let's go the easiest route and do a repair. Do the following:
Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features
Select Microsoft Visual Studio [whatever edition] [whatever year]
Click "Change"
Click "Repair"
After you've done this, try to repro your issue. Did it still happen?
Damnit, sorry.
If you want to try a different way, you may be able to do an "overlay" reinstall. Simply run the installer directly and select "install" (if this option is available to you). You can use your original media, but I'd strongly suggest you re-download the installer. This will overlay a new version over the old, without messing up your settings. After reinstalling, try to repro. Did it?
Aw hell. Here we go.
You need to try uninstalling/reinstalling. First, though, you might want to export your settings. You should have done this for step one of this answer, but if you didn't, go back and follow the instructions to do it now.
After saving them, repeat steps 1 and 2 (from the repair instructions) and this time select "Uninstall" instead of "Change". If your issue has to do with an external component, search for it in the list of other installed applications and uninstall it as well. If you're paranoid, uninstall everything Visual Studio related. They may be out to destroy you.
Now, reinstall Visual Studio. If you've found yourself at this point, you're in deep, so don't risk installing from your original media. Download a fresh, fully updated copy from where you originally got it. For example, if you got Visual Studio via your MSDN subscription, go there and download the ISO.
Now, having reinstalled everything, try to repro. Did it happen again?
F##&ing s#!t.
Now is the time to create a bug report. Go to Connect
Provide as much information as possible. You need to give them all the info they ask for in the form, plus details about the bug, how to repro it, and what you did to try and fix it. Remember those notes I told you to write down? Bust them out now. I'd strongly recommend you mark your issue public, as it may be found and commented on by others with your problem.
Within a day you'll get a response. They will probably want you to turn on Visual Studio logging and repro the issue. I won't tell you how to do this here, as they will give you exact instructions for the version of Visual Studio you are running. Follow them and reply as soon as you can.
There will be one of three outcomes from this process:
They will tell you that you're doing it wrong
They will discover an outside actor causing the issue
They will discover a bug
For #1, stop doing that, and you're done. For #2, they'll probably tell you to uninstall the bad actor (e.g., remove a plugin) and go tell the people responsible about the bug (don't slack--do it). For #3, they'll triage the bug and it will be fixed sometime later. It's likely they will suggest workarounds that will at least get you moving again, if it's a true bug.
And that's it. Now, go forth and reinstall Visual Studio!

Can't run a VS Universal Windows App project

I'm very new to Visual Studio and Universal Windows Apps Development. As a part of the course, I have this codeSHOW project provided.
I've cloned it successfully in VS 2015, but I can't run the project using the .sln file. Error:
Here's the error log:
I have no clue how to fix it, and the issues on github go unanswered so I can't expect much from there.
This is an known issue in Visual Studio 2015.
The problem is with files with the exact same name under different folders in a Shared project, which in your case is "resources.resjson".
The only workarounds are either to make the file names unique and if that is not an option, to duplicate the files in the projects instead of sharing them out of the Shared project.
This is a VS2015 specific bug, the solution loads just fine on VS2013. You can get some insight into what is going wrong. First note that your got two message boxes that announced this error. Barely visible in your screenshot.
The failure.txt file gives more hints, you can see the stack traces of the two AggregateException that are raised when the solution is loaded. You'll see that two tasks are trying to load the same resources.resjon project item. Not correct of course, quacks like a standard concurrency bug.
Nothing actually goes wrong, Visual Studio can handle the exception and declares it "Recoverable", the projects are still loaded correctly. And compile just fine. Only other thing you need is the Bing Maps SDK, you can download the correct version here.
If you have VS2013 then prefer that version, it doesn't have this bug and loads the solution without any complaint. And minimizes the odds that you'll run into other quirky problems. Given the current stability of VS2015, not great, it is the best way to avoid losing time. Otherwise just ignore the mishap and close the message boxes, some future Update will no doubt fix the bug. You can report it at if you wish. Not actually necessary I think, it looks like VS is phoning home.

Unexplained results with VS2008 "Get everything..." option

We've only recently begun using TFS (2008) with Visual Studio (2008). A couple of developers discovered the "Get everything when a solution or project is opened" option in VS and decided it was a good idea--and it would seem to be.
However, we've been getting some curious results when opening some solutions. The solutions in question contain several projects of mixed types--mostly class libraries and web apps. The curious part is the list of files in the "Get" dialog box that comes up.
Here's what I've found out so far about the files in the list:
The list is incomplete; not every controlled file in the solution is listed.
The version in the workspace matches the version in source control.
They are not missing from the workspace.
There are files from each of the projects in the solution; though, not every file in each project is included.
The list of files is the same for three seperate developers on three seperate machines.
Running a tf get from a command line does not yeild the same results.
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated. As I mentioned, this option seems like a good idea, but we're a bit hesitant to rely on it when the results are unexpected.
I know that any files that are not in any project will not be pulled down by TFS when you go to get a latest at the solution level. My guess is that is part of your mixed/unexpected results.
I personally do not have that option checked. I always pull everything down from source control first thing. Whenever I check in source code, I also pull down everything again, compile it and run it first. That way I do not introduce any issues into TFS.
I would make sure that everyone on your development team is using the same general settings for TFS source control. I always have it prompt for check out (saving/editing) and get latest version of item on check out.
Have you applied the latest SP for TFS 2008 (SP1 last I remember). And SP1 on each developer's machine as well?
