TFS State Changed Date not Working - visual-studio-2010

We're using the Scrum 1.0 template for TFS. We're trying to do a work item query and I've noticed the State Changed Date for all of our items is empty. If I do a search for Changed Date, that works fine, but doesn't produce the desired results...
Why would this be the case?

Export the WIT (Task, Bug or Impediment) using the Process Editor or witadmin to a file.
Add the following block within the element:
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate" name="State Change Date" type="DateTime">
<WHENCHANGED field="System.State">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
<WHENNOTCHANGED field="System.State">
<HELPTEXT>Date and time that the value of the State field changed. </HELPTEXT>
Save the file, and import it back to TFS using the Process Editor or witadmin..
Click the Refresh button on Team Explorer.
From this point forward changing the state of a work item will be queryable.


Primeface 10 Datatable filter function is doing a copy of my object

i updated from PF8 to PF10 last week and there are some problems i got.
Currently i have a big problem with my DataTable. Im showing a list of users, where i can open a dialog to edit them. After saving im closing the dialog and make a update on the table to see the changes.
And here is my problem: somehow the tables is showing the old values. After debugging i saw the setter got a copy of the selected object. im using eclipse and the object-id was a different then the original object, so i know its a copy.
These are things i tested:
Open the Page, click button for edit (debugging is showing the right objectid), do something and save+hide+update table -> Table showing the changes. I can do this multiple times and everytimes its working fine.
Open Page, use a filter (simple contains-filter for a name) , click buton for edit (debugging shows a different objectid), do something and save+hide+update table -> Table showing the old changes. Now everytime im using the button to edit i see a different object id in debugger.
Open Page, use a filter, put a breakpoint inside the lib for checking if the right object is added to the values to show. Filter got the right object (right objectid) but after clicking the button somehow i got a copy.
This is my datatable:
<p:dataTable var="m" id="mitID" widgetVar="mitTable"
value="#{meineDaten.allmlist}" filteredValue="#{meineDaten.filtermlist}"
rowStyleClass="#{m.ausgeschieden ? 'ausgeschieden':''}">
my editbutton:
<p:column exportable="false" width="28" style="text-align:center">
<p:commandButton disabled="#{m.typ eq 'SERVICE' and me.typ ne 'SERVICE' || not me.findRecht('Editor','Basisdaten-Stammdaten-Mitarbeiter')}" id="bearbeiten" update=":mitformID" icon="ui-icon-pencil" styleClass="old" style="width:23px;height:23px;border:none"
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{m}"
target="#{meineDaten.selectedmit}" />
<f:ajax />
In PF8 its working fine, but im not sure if its a PF10 problem because it tested it inside the showcase and its working fine too. Is there some web.xml settings i need to do?
Hoping my english is understandable
Thanks for reading and maybe helping :)

Umbraco : creating custom property editor based on dropdown - not saving selection

I have been trying to build a custom property editor based on the dropdown.
I have managed to get it to build with a set of options based on a prevalues field, and when I edit the document with this editor, I see all the drop down options, but having selected one and saved the document, it does not save my selection. (I checked the back end db, and no value is being written)
I must be missing something?
code extracts...
description: "Options",
<select ng-model="model.value" ng-options=" as opt.value for opt in model.config.myOptions">
Do I need to somehow bind them to the model?
ps just tested, if I hard code the options in the view it works fine. Hmm.....what do I do next!

Why does the Orbeon custom control tutorial stop showing when I change the name?

I am wanting to create a number of custom controls in Orbeon. Having had (seemingly) random success, I decided to go back to basics and start with the Tutorial.
After reading through the tutorial, I copied the basic component XBL into a file, linked it up in properties-local.xml, restarted Tomcat, went into Form Builder and clicked on the new control and it inserted the input with the label and hint into a new grid box on the form as to be expected (yay).
(here is the part of the properties-local.xml file that includes my tool)
<property as="xs:string" name="*.*">
I then tried to change the element name from fr|tutorial-input to fr|tutoria-input as below (a nice easy change I thought).
xxbl:mode="lhha binding value">
<!-- Input points to the external single-node binding -->
<xf:input ref="xxf:binding('fr-tutoria-input')"/>
After, restarting Tomcat, going in to Form Builder and clicking on the new control again, it inserted an empty new grid box (no input, label or hint). Looking at the source of the form, it has inserted the input (see below) and the label and hint resources, just nothing shows.
empty grid box
<tutoria-input xmlns="" id="control-19-control"
<xf:label ref="$form-resources/control-19/label"/>
<xf:hint ref="$form-resources/control-19/hint"/>
<xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/>
I can changed the tutoria-input back to tutorial-input in the source code (without changing my code back), apply and it will show up in the form, so obviously it is running off the code included with Orbeon and using the magical something I am missing. I have even gone as far as to grep through the source to find all occurrences of tutorial-input to see if there was a file I was missing.
Please, what am I missing to get my tutoria-input custom control showing up as it should in Form Builder/Orbeon?
In order to be automatically found at runtime, components must be placed in folders named with the name of the XBL component. So in your case if you decide to name your component tutoria-input, you must place it under:

Dropdown in templated column for ultrawebgrid does not function properly

I have a templated column. I am using a Dropdown as header template and based on the value of the dropdown user sets, I update sigle DB record. Header drop down has nothing to do with the contents of the cells of that column. Everything works fine when the page is loaded and dropdown functions as expected.
As soon as I click anywhere on the gid and then click on the drop down, it behaves in a weird fashion i.e. it expands and then collapses. If I double click on the drop down it works as expected.
I am not able to understand what happens when I click inside the grid so that my drop down only responds to double click and not single click.
Here is the code snippet:
<igtbl:TemplatedColumn BaseColumnName="Assigned" Key="Assigned" AllowResize="Free" AllowRowFiltering="False"
AllowUpdate="Yes" Width="80px" Type="Custom" EditorControlID="assignTo" IsBound="false">
<Header Caption="Assigned To" ClickAction="SortSingle">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="15" />
<HeaderTemplate>Assigned To <select id="AssignToDefault" width="40px" runat="server" name="AssignToDefault"><option value="0">-Select-</option><option value="1">User</option><option value="2">API</option></select>
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="15" />
I am trying to solve the issue since long. Please help.
Found the answer on Infragistics Community:
EDIT (in case link deprecates):
I tested your scenario and was able to replicate the behavior in IE8 but not in Firefox.I suggest that you try disabling the activation behavior of the grid to see if that makes a difference:
UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.ActivationObject.AllowActivation = false;
Alternatively you may want to consider using the WebCombo control in this scenario as it seems to be unaffected by the issue.
Please note that the UltraWebGrid control is now outdated and as of .NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 2 is no longer included in our product package. I would suggest that you consider switching to the WebDataGrid/WebHieararchicalDataGrid. More information regarding these controls is available at:
Additional samples demonstrating the features of these grids can be found at:
Thank you :)

Save drop-down history in a Firefox Toolbar

I'm doing some testing on Firefox toolbars for the sake of learning and I can't find out any information on how to store the contents of a "search" drop-down inside the user's profile.
Is there any tutorial on how to sort this out?
Since it's taking quite a bit to get an answer I went and investigate it myself.
Here is what I've got now. Not all is clear to me but it works.
Let's assume you have a <textbox> like this, on your .xul:
<textbox id="search_with_history" />
You now have to add some other attributes to enable history.
<textbox id="search_with_history" type="autocomplete"
This gives you the minimum to enable a history on that textbox.
For some reason, and here is where my ignorance shows, the onTextEntered event function has to have the param to it called "param". I tried "event" and it didn't work.
But that alone will not do work by itself. One has to add some Javascript to help with the job.
// This is the interface to store the history
const HistoryObject = Components.classes[";1"]
Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory2 || Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory
// The above line was broken into 4 for clearness.
// If you encounter problems please use only one line.
// This function is the one called upon the event of pressing <enter>
// on the text box
function Search_Change(event) {
var terms = document.getElementById('search_with_history').value;
HistoryObject.addEntry('Search-History-Name', terms);
This is the absolute minimum to get a history going on.
I wanted to do the same thing - I found an answer here on the Mozilla support forums. (Edit: I wanted to save my search history out of interest, not because I wanted to learn how the Firefox toolbars work, as you said.)
Basically, that data is stored in a sqlite database file called formhistory.sqlite (in your Firefox profile directory). You can use the Firefox extension SQLite Manager to retrieve and export the data:
You can export it as a CSV (comma- separated values) file and open it with Excel or other software.
This has the added benefit of also saving the history of data you've entered into other forms/fields on sites, such as the Search field on Google, etc, if this data is of interest to you.
Gustavo's solution is good, but document.getElemenById('search_with_history').value; is missing a 't' in getElementById
