intensive computation parts in the sequential code - parallel-processing

I have written a sequential code of the algorithm. I am going to parallelize it, but I have to determine which parts of the sequential code are worth to be parallelized. How I can find these parts? Are there any tools to do it?

You can use a profiler such as VisualVM or JProfiler (paid) to figure out which parts of the code are consuming most of the CPU time.

Although you did not specify your programming language or IDE, I will shoot a guess.
Intel Parallel Studio has great tools on this topic. Also Visual Studio IDE has different profiling tools. If you dont want to use any tools..You can profile your functions manually by using QueryPerformance functions for C/C++.


Are there any open-source alternatives to ReplayDIRECTOR / Chronon Debugger?

You may be familiar with
they both advertise themselves as 'Java DVRs' - are there any open-source implementations that offer similar (even a subset of their) features?
The only ones I know of are
Not open source yet, but may eventually be, free download though
Omniscient Debugger
Omniscient debuggers record the trace data to query afterwards. They are often also called reverse-, back-in-time, bidirectional- or time-travel-debuggers, but I prefer to reserve those terms for debuggers that allow actual reversing in a live program.
TOD is an open-source omniscient debugger for Java.
JIVE is another free omniscient debugger for Java, though not open-source.
The GNU debugger, gdb. It has two modes, one is process record and replay, the other is true reverse debugging. It is extremely slow, as it undoes single machine instruction at a time.
And for Python, the extended python debugger prototype, epdb, is also a true reverse debugger. Here is the thesis and here is the program and the code. I used epdb as a starting point to create a live reverse debugger as part of my MSc degree. The thesis covers the details of the implementation, as well as most of the historical approaches to reverse debugging. It is available online: Combining reverse debugging and live programming towards visual thinking in computer programming.

Any way to get Processing working in VS?

Is there any convenient way to get the Processing language working in Visual Studio?
Haven't used VS much, but do check out this great answer on the Best Java IDE for VS.
I am not fully aware of your setup/needs, but I would say, if Processing is must and you don't find the 'Processing IDE' usable, use eclipse.
If you need to use bits and bobs that Processing has to offer, why not try OpenFrameworks, which is C++ and is very similar to Processing.
Depending on your needs, might be worth having a quick look at Cinder or Polycode which are C++ also. Personally I think OpenFrameworks is the closest to Processing and it's fairly easy to port code from Processing to it.

Production debugging: Is there a less intrusive way than WinDbg?

I was wondering if there is a less intrusive way to analyze a running, managed process in production environments.
Less intrusive meaning:
No delay of execution when attaching the debugger.
No delay of execution when getting basic stats like running threads.
In the Java world there is a such a tool part of the JDK. I was wondering if there're similar tools in the .NET world.
The tool should answer questions like:
What are the thread pool parameters? Same as "!threadpool" in Windbg.
What are the callstacks of my currently running threads (yep, you get it from the Java tool :) ).
Basic heap analysis e.g. howmany objects of type ABC.
Any ideas?
If I understand you correctly, you don't want to actually debug the program, only get some basic information. In such cases, Process Explorer may be sufficient.
As Oefe says, you can get a lot of info including the stacks of all threads from Process Explorer. Also, the .NET runtime has a number of useful performance counters, that may give you some insight. If you have special needs, your application can publish its own counters.
Here is production debugging in a non-intrusive manner using ETW and another one
It depends on what you want to debug. WinDbg is the giant hammer of Windows debugging, suitable for debugging anything from kernel extensions on up.
If you just want to debug a program, most people just use visual studio, which will attach to a running processs.
However, #oefe may have the bull by the horns here. When most people say 'debugger' they want backtraces and breakpoints and such. In Java, you need to make prior arrangements to attach that sort of debugger. Either Windbg or visual studio (-debugexe) is more convenient than that.

Any real world experience debugging a production functional program?

I'm interested in what tools and methods are used for diagnosing flaws in large scale functional programs. What tools are useful? My current understanding is that 'printf' debugging (e.g. add logging and redeploy) is what is typically used.
If you've done debugging of a functional system what was different about it then debugging a system built with an OO or procedural language?
Sadly, printf debugging seems to be the state of practice for Standard ML, Objective Caml, and Haskell. There's a little bit of debugging at the interactive read-eval-print loop, but once your app hits 25,000 or 50,000 lines that's less useful.
If you're lucky enough to be using Haskell, there's an exception: QuickCheck is indispensible for testing and deubgging. QuickCheck can be used even on combinations of Haskell and C code, as demonstrated by experience with the Xmonad window manager.
It's worth noting that around 1990 Andrew Tolmach built a very nice time-travel debugger for Standard ML of New Jersey, but that it was not considered worth maintaining. It's also worth noting that at one point the OCaml debugger (also a time-travel debugger) worked only on bytecode, which was inconvneient, and refused to violate abstraction barriers, which made it useless. This was around release 3.07 or so; perhaps things have improved.
Also in the early 1990s, Henrik Nilsson built an interesting debugger for Haskell, but mostly what it did was prevent the debugger from accidentally changing the evaluation behavior of the program. This was interesting, but only to lavzy-evaluation weenies.
As someone who has built or worked on large applications in all three of these languages, I find the state of play depressing.
The main tools we use at work (a Haskell shop) are:
HPC: visual Haskell program coverage tool (we developed this in house)
Sometimes, the GHCi debugger
My current job is to implement new features and support a large system implemented in ocaml and C#. Most of the "logic" is implemented in caml and the GUI and data access is in C#. The debugging techniques are pretty much as you describe lots of logging and assert to work out what's gone wrong.
Additionally we have a large number of unit tests, which are just caml scripts for testing the logic and help to spot any regression errors.
We also use continuous integration to check the build and run nightly test scripts, including some automated testing of the GUI though our "automation" style scripting interface.
I quite often use the C# debugger for debugging the C# portion of the application, the ocaml debugger does yet work under windows so we don't use it. Although we hope one day we may fix this but it isn't top of our priority list. I have occasionally used windbg to investigate managed and unmanaged memory problems, though this turned out to be caused by a third party component implemented in C#.
So overall, nothing out of the ordinary but it seems to work okay, we don't see too many production problems.
F# has Visual Studio integration, so you can attach the debugger to your program and set breakpoints, watches, etc, just like with any other .NET language.
However, I prefer to avoid debugging as much as possible, by writing short functions that I can unit-test individually.
A couple of years ago when I did this I had to use a combination of printf debugging and QuickCheck. These days I would also use the ghci built-in debugger.
The biggest headache was actually laziness causing space-time leaks. There still doesn't seem to be a good answer to these: just do lots of profiling and keep trying to figure it out.
OCaml and F# both have excellent debuggers. OCaml's is time reversible. F#'s has excellent IDE and multithreading support.

Code Profiling in Visual Studio 2005

I have a Visual Studio 2005 Solution workspace which in turn has 8 projects included in it. I want to profile the complete code(all the projects) and get some measure about the absolute cycles taken by each function to execute, or at least percentage cycle consumptions.
I checked out help for VS 2005, and also the project setiings options but could not find any pointers on hwo to get the profile info.
Any help regarding this would be beneficial.
If your application is not particularly processor intensive, redgate ANTS Profiler is a good choice - the line-by-line stats can come in quite handy, and the whole product is clean and well-designed.
If your app needs a lot of CPU to operate normally, however, most of the .NET profilers on the market won't be able to handle it. The only two that I have ever found that will work for a really heavy-weight application are JetBrains dotTrace and YourKit. The two are very similar, which is not surprising, given that YourKit seems to have been started by a former JetBrains employee. I personally prefer dotTrace, but that may just be because that is what I used first, and there has never been any good reason to switch.
I have tested ANTS, AQTime, DevPartner, GlowCode, Borland OptimizeIt and Intel VTune, and all of them have too much overhead to handle a demanding application. (VTune is a possible exception, but it is so horribly complex to configure and use that I was never able to figure out exactly what it could handle. It is also very expensive.)
I guess the inbuilt profiler of Visual Studio 2005 comes onyl with the Developer Edition and Team Edition. I have a Professional edition which, it seems doesnot have the inbuilt profiler tool.
I've used both the profiler in Compuware’s DevPartner (I like to still call it “TrueTime”) and Rational's Quantify. I always liked Quantify better, but as I've moved between companies DevPartner is usually already the “standard”.
Both are expensive, but they (seem to) add so much value that any commercial shop should have no problem investing in some seats.
Quantify didn’t require special rebuilds of the project – which was GREAT. It also crashed less (that’s not saying much, it had its own issues). DevPartner also tends to break as each new version of Visual Stuido was release (maybe this is better now?). Buy the yearly maintenance agreement if you go this way.
That said, I’ve often just write a class remembers the time at construction and spits out (log file) the elapsed time in its destructor. I used QueryPerformanceCounter. I’d stick this class at the top of the function I’d want to time. You could get fancy with making it a macro, use the preprocessor to include this class only under a special build…
I recommend you EQATEC profiler which also includes in its site a tracer.
Also it's free and easy to use.
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We use DevPartner with Visual Studio 2005. It gives you performance analysis of the specific projects in your solution you want to look at. We also use it for memory management analysis, and error analysis. Is commercial tool, so it's not free.
Red-gate's Profiler is great for this.
I use Jebrains profiler is very easy to use and performs very well too.
If your app needs a lot of CPU to operate normally, however, most of the .NET profilers on the market won't be able to handle it.
I have used a trial version of RedGate Ant's profiler on an optimizing algorithm that normally uses up to 100% CPU on a single core machines and though slow it managed to get through and report all I needed to know. Extremely helpfull tool. I wonder what kind of algorithms have you run on the Ant's profiler.
Has anyone used the VS profiler ?
