TeamCity Deployment with Minimum Dependencies - teamcity

We have TeamCity running on a server and our Production site (ASP.NET) running on another Web server. What would be the best way to deploy from TeamCity to the Production server, so that we don't have to install much on the Production server and deployments are fast & secure?
Would Web Deploy ( be the ideal solution?

Ideally you could have your build script FTP the output of your build to your production server if it's got an FTP daemon running. SSH would give you more security still. It's up to you as to how far you want to take it security wise. I don't use SSH with my blog, for example. If someone wants to jack with my blog, so be it.


Publishing and Hosting Oracle Apex app into WWW

This question may sound silly for some of you, but I would be grateful if you could advise if it is possible to publish apex app into www?
Let's say I am going to run my testing environment under url, however I would like my production environment to be running under for example
Many thanks in advance for any tips.
If you want to host your own production environment, you have two stages: setting up your server, and deploying your application.
For server setup, you've got two main options:
Sign up with a specialized APEX hosting company who will do all the server setup and administration for you.
Do it yourself. You'll need to register your domain name and sign up with a hosting company. Then you'll install and configure Oracle Database, as well as a web application server (like Weblogic or Tomcat). Then install and configure Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS), which will act as the listener for APEX.
Now, once your server is ready, look at the documentation on Deploying Your Application. The basic steps are that you want to export your application from your test workspace, and import it into your production environment.

Configure TFS Autodeploy to destination server via proxy server

I have a requirement to set up TFS build that auto deploys build deployment result to a remote server location/folder. In order to access this remote deployment folder, I would need to first access a proxy server A, and then from the proxy, I am then able to access machine where the deployment location/folder is located. How do I set this up on TFS please? How do I set up a build that on success makes the two jumps required to get to the deployment destination? Thanks in advance
You should not do this with the Build server. Its for compiling and testing your code. If you look at Release Management for TFS2013 you can configure a deployment to execute how you describe fairly easily.

Can capistrano be used for non web applications

I want to deploy my non web application to server. Wheni was going thru this site '' the first line says capitrano is used to deploy web applications. I am confused should i proceed with capistrano or not..
Capistrano is a remote orchestration library, basically it is a nice API for running commands over ssh on a remote server.
As an example, it can be used to run provisioning/setup scripts on a remote server. See the Rubygems AWS repository for an example of this.

Web Deploy works with VS2010; fails with VS2012

With VS 2010 Web Deploy is functional and working without issue. At the same time, Web Deploy from VS 2012 fails, indicating that the server did not respond and suggesting this link.
This notes the following conditions, all of which are fulfilled.
You can ping the remote machine
That the msdepsvc or wmsvc service is started on the remote server.
Your firewall is not blocking incoming connections of your ports on the destination. If you used the default installation, then it would be 80 for msdepsvc and 8172 for wmsvc
Web Deploy is still functioning for VS2010.
How can this be solved?
Clearly an example of not reading all the documentation first. However, for those looking to understand some of the changes here's what I found.
VS 2012 uses the Web Deployment Agent Service and NOT the Web Management Service
Local deployment is to "http://Your Server/msdeployagentservice" and NOT :8172/msdeploy.axd
For a complete account of the many options GO HERE!
Hope this helps someone else.

Teamcity as buildserver, host or pay for some else?

I am working with a team of 5 developers at a small company. There are 3 who work here and 2 work remotely. Currently, we are using Assembla with Trac for source control. We are working on a ASP.NET MVC web site. We are not hosting our production environment right now. I am setting up a BuildServer with Teamcity!! I have it working right now on my locally on my laptop. Should we host our own buildserver or pay some else?
TeamCity is pretty good for small shops such as yours. Hosting your own really shouldn't be bad in terms of setup and cost. As long as your remote colleagues can access it without issue and it fulfills your requirements, go for it.
I'd recommend hosting it closer to your version control server so that it can obtain the sources and perform builds faster. If you host your own version control server, either install TeamCity on the same machine (if the hardware allows it) or put it in the same network. You will also need to install build agent(s) somewhere and a database server (as the internal database may lack the performance and reliability). In a small shop a standalone server would handle all of it (TeamCity Server + Build Agent + MySQL database). In a long term buying a server and hosting it by yourself would be much cheaper than paying some hosting provider each month for a virtual or dedicated server with limited resources. It would also simplify upgrading if it becomes necessary.
TeamCity server by itself is a web application hosted on the Tomcat server. It's accessed via the web interface from the browser. If you have an external IP address on the server, just configure the Tomcat to listen on that address and TeamCity will become accessible from all over the world (don't forget to configure the security).
