Batch: start application doesn't show a GUI - shell

I try to launch a self written autoit application called "KeyShortcuts.exe" using a batch called "launchMacros.bat". This applications provides keyboard shortcuts for various things and includes a GUI which shows me the available shortcuts.
start "MyMacros" "M:\applications\AutoIt\KeyShortcuts.exe"
The application does start and I'm able to use every shortcut but I'm not able to see the GUI.
If I start the application direct (double click on KeyShortcuts.exe) everythings works fine.
I also tryed starting the application using runas:
runas /user:REQUIREDUSERNAME /savecred "M:\applications\AutoIt\KeyShortcuts.exe"
Same problem here. Even right click -> "Run as administrator" doesnt worked.
Any suggestions?

If your batch file is in a different directory than KeyShortcuts.exe, you may need to specify the starting directory using the /D parameter for START.
Like this:
START "MyMacros" /D "M:\applications\AutoIt" "M:\applications\AutoIt\KeyShortcuts.exe"

Every batch file launched from Windows GUI create a new console window, run the batch file, then close. If you need this to be different, there's several ways:
Create a shortcut to CMD /K YOURBATCHFILE.BAT
Add a pause to your BAT file
Here's a demonstration of method 1:
New > Shortcut
Type the location of the item: C:\Windows\System32\CMD.EXE
Type the name for this shortcut: InsertYourNameHere
Click Finish
Right click on your Shortcut and go properties
Change Target to: C:\Windows\System32\CMD.EXE /K "InsertYourBatchFileName.BAT"
Click OK
Done, now you have a shortcut that opens a new console window and leaves it open whilst ir runs your batch file.


How to make the cmd line executable

Here's the situation, every time I need to do the step below after I boot my computer:
Open the cmd(admin)
copy this cmd into cmd:
C:\Windows\system32\netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65
For now, I hope to double click a file that can directly execute the command above without the step above.
Any method?
You can save it to .bat or .cmd file and run it on double-click.
Create a file with any name and extension .bat I.g. setLimit.bat. I assume you know how to create files.
Open file from above step in file editor, i.g. notepad.exe. Copy and paste line C:\Windows\system32\netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65 into the file and press Ctrl+S to safe it. I hope it makes sense otherwise ask.
Double click on the file to execute the command.
If you need to run it under elevated privilege (i.e. admin) right click on file and choose Run as administrator option in menu.
You need a .bat file to execute the command and a shortcut to have it executed as administrator.
Creating the .bat file is trivial: use you favorite text editor (or notepad), type the command, optionnaly add a line PAUSE if you want to see eventual messages and save it to disk with a .bat extension (say c:\...\sethoplimit.bat)
Creating the shortcut is not much harder: right click on desktop, Create new..., Shortcut, and just select the newly created file
The magic comes now: right click on the newly created shortcut and click Properties, in Shortcut tab, click the Advanced button and select Execute as admin.
That's all. Each time you double click on the shortcut, Windows will start a console with elevated priviledges, eventually open the User Account Control confirmation dialog, and execute the batch file as administrator.
Here I showed you how to create the shortcut directly on the Desktop, but the same process can be used for a shortcut anywhere on a disk folder.

Hide CMD window after execute command line by the RUN

How to hide CMD/BAT (the black box) WITHOUT using Vbscript, I dont like using VBSCRIPT because it slows down application before it autorun. So if you have a code to put into batch or CMD to hide the CMD/Bat file WITHOUT using VBScrpit. please let me know.
This might help you:
Solution #1
Use the /min slash after START command when starting your bat-file. This will start it with a minimized window. Example:
START /min c:\mypath\mybatfile.bat
Solution #2
Create a shortcut to CMD.EXE. Open up Properties box of the shortcut.
In shortcut-tab change "run" to "minimized".
In the target address (path and name of CMD) append path and name of your bat-file.
If you now doubleclick the shortcut, it should run CMD minimized, with no window showing, which in turn should start your bat-file.

open program minimized via command prompt

I have a windows 8.1 machine and I want to open a program with minimized window.
For a program like notepad, I just use the following command:
start /min "" "C:\Windows\notepad.exe"
and then a new notepad window starts in minimized mode.
The problem is that not all programs do this. When I want to start for instance MS Word in minimized mode I use:
start /min "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE"
but then a new Word windows starts up in MAXIMIZED mode.
Is there a way to start it minimized?
I tried this commands in my PC.It is working fine....
To open notepad in minimized mode:
start /min "" "C:\Windows\notepad.exe"
To open MS word in minimized mode:
start /min "" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE"
Try this
Go to the properties of the shortcut that points to the program (ALT ENTER or right click->properties); if there is no shortcut to it, you can make it by dragging and dropping the program while holding CTRL SHIFT;
Click in the Normal window dropdown, and choose minimized;
Save and run the shortcut.
You could try using the third-party tool called NirCmd. It is a genuine, free command line utility. If or when you have it, use this code in a batch file:
title Open Word
nircmd win hide title "Open Word"
start "C:\Program" "Files" "(x86)\Microsoft" "Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe
nircmd wait 20
nircmd win min foreground
This program, in order, changes its title, hides itself according to its title, starts Word, waits 20 milliseconds as a buffer for Word to settle, minimizes Word by assuming it is now the top window, and then exits itself. This program should work as intended as long as their are no key presses or clicks in that ~50 millisecond time window, which shouldn't be hard.
As for installing nircmd on your computer, use this link, and click "Download NirCmd" at the bottom of the page. Save the .zip folder to a normal directory (like "My Documents"), extract it, and copy "nircmd.exe" to %systemroot%\system32, and there you go. Now you have nircmd included with your command line utilities.
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE" --new-window/min
I had the same problem, but I was trying to open chrome.exe maximized. If I put the /min anywhere else in the command line, like before or after the empty title, it was ignored.
Local Windows 10 ActiveMQ server :
#echo off
start /min "" "C:\Install\apache-activemq\5.15.10\bin\win64\activemq.bat" start
Its actually not so simple.
It depends what you're trying to do and how the program behaves/interacts with Windows and UAC.
Certain programs will not start from a shortcut (for whatever reason that Windows determines). I have such a case with ViceVersa. I wanted to run the scheduler (VVScheduler) and no way could I get it to run via a shortcut in the user startup folder"s". Even with UAC disabled. Just would not start. Even tried adding it direct to the registry, no luck. So I was confined to using a batch file to run it at startup.
In my case I was unable to get it to open minimized, I tired the various syntax options offered in this post, none worked for me. I've resorted to just clicking the "-" on the VVScheduler window after startup.
For the people which are looking for the opposite (aka fullscreen), it's very simple. Because you just have to replace the settings /min by /max.
Now the program will be open at the "maximized" size !
In the case, perhaps you will need an example : start /max explorer.exe.
The answer is simple. Just look at the image.

Changing default startup directory for command prompt in Windows 7

How do I change default startup directory for command prompt in Windows 7?
I usually do the following to start command prompt from C:\
WIN-R (Run Prompt)
cmd /K cd C:\
I want to do the following to start command prompt from C:\
WIN-R (Run Prompt)
Make a shortcut pointing to cmd.exe somwhere (e.g. desktop) then right-click on the copy and select "properties". Navigate to the "Shortcut" menu and change the "Start in:" directory.
The following solution worked well for me. Navigate to the command prompt shortcut in the start menu:
C:\Users\ your username \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt
Right click on the shortcut file to open the properties dialog. Inside the "Start in:" textbox you should see %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%. If you want the prompt to start in C:\ just replace the variables with "C:\" (without quotes).
It appears that Microsoft has changed this behavior recently and so now an additional step is required. After performing the steps above copy the modified shortcut "Command Prompt" and rename it to "cmd". Then when typing "cmd" in the start menu it should once again work.
Open regedit and browse to this path
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
Create new string vale named Autorun. Set its value to cd /d C:\.
Run cmd again. Voila!
While adding a AutoRun entry to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor like Shinnok's answer is the way to go it can also really mess things up, you really should try to detect a simple cmd.exe startup vs a script/program using cmd.exe as a child process:
IF /I x"%COMSPEC%"==x%CMDCMDLINE% (cd /D c:\)
Easiest way to do this
Click "Start" and type "cmd" or "command prompt".
Select Top most search application named exactly same "cmd" or "command prompt".
Right Click on it and select "Send To"=>"Desktop".
On Your Desktop New "cmd" Shortcut will appear
Right Click on that icon and choose "properties"
Popup will appear, In "Shortcut" Tab Type the new location in "Start In" option (e.g D:\xyz)
Drag that icon and add/pin it in "Task Bar"
On Windows Start Menu, right click on Command Prompt.
Click on "Properties".
"Command Prompt Properties" dialog box opens.
Edit the field "Start in " to a location where you want to start the command prompt.
Example: Chand %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% to D:\PersonalPrograms.
Next time when you start command prompt the start up directory will be D:\PersonalPrograms
Bit late but ignore the registry mods.
Simply change the shortcut target to:
cmd /k "command"
cmd /k "cd\myStartUpFolder"
This doesn't work for me. I've tried this both under Win7 64bit and Vista 32.
I'm using the below commandline to add this capability.
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v AutoRun /t REG_SZ /d "IF x"%COMSPEC%"==x%CMDCMDLINE% (cd /D c:)"
I think the easiest way is to make a cmd shortcut, then change the shortcut's "Start in" directory to the one you want to start with.
On windows 7:
Do a search for "cmd" on your Windows computer
right-click cmd and left click "Pin to start menu" (Alternatively, right-click cmd - click copy and then paste to your desktop )
right-click the cmd in your start menu or on your desktop (depending on choice 2 above) - left click properties
inside the "start in" text box paste the location of your default start directory
Press Apply and OK
Every time you click on the cmd in your start menu or your desktop shortcut, the CMD will open in your default location
changing shortcut under Windows System on 8.1 worked for me - another thing I found is that 'Start In:' WORKS when Advanced -> Run as admin is UNCHECKED, however, if CHECKED, it does not work
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
string: Autorun
value: cd /d %~dp0
all bat files will run from the bat file location
One easy way to do it + bonus.
Start cmd with administrator rights, the default directory for the prompt will be C:\WINDOWS\system32.
I created a bat file in that directory (notes.bat)
Opened it with notepad and wrote the following lines. Each line is followed with a comment which should not be added to the bat file.
#echo off
prompt $S$CYourNamel$F$S$G$S
/* This is a comment, do not include it in the bat file - above line will make the prompt look like (YourName) > */
cd C:\Your_favorite_directory
/* This is a comment, do not include it in the bat file - above line will navigate you to your desired directory */
Saved the file and that was it.
Now when You open cmd with admin rights, just write: notes or notes.bat
and it will execute the notes.bat file with desired changes.
go to regedit ( go to search and type regedit)
expand "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" node
under HKEY_CURRENT_USER node expand "software" node
under software node expand "microsoft" node
under microsoft node click on "Command Processor"
path looks like this : "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor"
it looks something like this :
if you do not see "Autorun" String Value
Right Click - New - Expandable String Value, and rename it to Autorun
double click on "Autorun"
10.enter this value path format:
"CD/d C:\yourfoldername\yoursubfoldername"
Edit: It actually seems that editing the file shortcut breaks the Win+x, c key shortcut. (Moral of the story: only change system files you know how to fix! Eventually after a Windows update it repaired itself.)
What I ended up doing is creating a new customized Command Prompt shortcut in the start folder and pinned to the taskbar that I launch instead of cmd.exe
As other answers point out, changing the registry Autorun cmd start location is a bad idea because it silently will break other programs that shell out for tasks, like Visual Studio Code.
You should just change whatever shortcut you use to open cmd to have a Start In entry.
If you use Win+x, c to launch cmd, you can edit the Start In for
"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\WinX\Group3\02 - Command Prompt.lnk"
cmd.exe /k cd c:/
in a text file and save as cmd.bat Clicking this file does the trick. You can pin it to the start menu as well.
To start in a partitioned drive (e.g. D), use
cmd.exe /k d:
My default dir was system32 when starting CMD.
I then created a batch file in that directory to change dir to the one I was after.
This caused me to always call that bat when starting CMD every time.
So I made a reg file & put this inside:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"Autorun"="cd C:\\Users\\Me\\SomeFolder"
After saving it, I opened the file, clicked ok to merge with registry, and since then every time I open CMD, I get my dir
In the new Windows Terminal, you can click Settings and edit the line "startingDirectory" to achieve something similar.
Please note, however, that this changes the default startup directory only in Windows Terminal, and not for the command prompt globally.
Use Windows Terminal and configure a starting directory.
Partial settings.json:
// Make changes here to the cmd.exe profile.
"guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"name": "Command Prompt",
"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"hidden": false,
"startingDirectory": "C:\\DEV"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor is no longer valid.
The new key is here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor
Change "Autorun" to "CD /d C:\YourFolder" (without double quotes)
Keep the opening of the command prompt clean. Avoid editing the registry key and adding an Autorun, it may come back to bite you.
Create a simple batch file and save it in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder. I call mine !.bat (exclamation mark). It has the following commands:
#echo off
cd \
It goes to the folder where I need to work, clears the screen and tells me what security context I'm in.
"start in directory" command
cmd /K cd C:\WorkSpace
but if WorkSpace happens to be on different than C drive, console will be launched in default folder and then you still need to put D: to change drive
To avoid this use cd with -d parameter
cmd /K cd -d D:\WorkSpace
create a shortcut and your fixed ;)
hi if you want cmd to automatically open when the machine starts up you can place the cmd.exe executable in the startup folder(just search for startup and place a shortcut of cmd.exe there)
regedit worked great. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Command Processor, all you have to do is change the AutoRun key value, which is already set to wherever you are currently getting dumped into to a new value in the format of:
cd /d <drive:path>
for c:\, that would be cd /d c:\
for junk, that would be cd d/ c:\junk
its very simple, even a novice thats never used regedit should be able to figure it out. if not, go to the c:\prompt and just type in regedit, then follow the path to the key.

Desktop shortcut to restart a windows service

Is it possible to create a windows desktop shortcut that will restart a windows service?
I'd like a button to restart my apache service after I have made changes to the config file.
You can do this in a batch file, then make a shortcut to it.
Create a text file with the following content, but save it with the file extension .bat
net stop "Service Name"
net start "Service Name"
Once the file exists, you can create a shortcut to it, and even assign a keyboard shortcut too if deemed necessary.
You can accomplish this without a batch file using the following shortcut target:
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "net stop "Service Name" & net start "Service Name""
In addition to the answer the following comment by Tibo is mandatory:
To make it run as Administrator (required for some services, maybe all?), in the shortcut's properties window, tab Shortcut, clic on the button "Advanced..." (at the bottom) then check "Run as administrator". It will open the User Account Control popup each time.
I'm using a system consisting of a simple CMD batch script and an LNK shortcut. The batch script contains the sc command, which acts as a Windows services controller. For starting or stopping a service it uses the same parameters as the net command:
sc <start|stop> <service>
So, e.g. for starting Apache web server service and MySQL database server service, the batch script named web_servers_start.cmd could look like the following:
sc start "Apache2.2"
sc start MySQL
The batch script must be launched elevated as an administrator. So I created a LNK shortcut which points to the batch script web_servers_start.cmd and checked "Run as administrator" in the file's Properties dialog under the "Advanced..." button on the Shortcut tab.
You can place the LNK shortcut on the desktop, start menu or wherever you prefer.
Note: One of differences between the sc and net commands is that sc sends a message (e.g. start) to a service and ends itself immediately while net waits until service operation is done. If you don't need to manipulate with operation status or error code, sc command is much faster.
