Recover Visual Studio 2010 macros from a previous install? - visual-studio-2010

I'll keep it short and simple. I had a OCZ Vertex 100Gb SSD that I had my operating system and programming tools aka VS2010. Anyway the drive failed and Windows went kaput, however I am able to recover certain folders including all those related to VS2010.
My question is where will the old macros be stored and how if possible do I copy them to my new VS2010 install on my new O/S ? I don't want to have to re-program all my macros again.

By default Visual Studio 2010 stores user recorded macros in "%userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\VSMacros80", you can just copy that folder to the new drive to get them on the new install (you may have to load them manually).


Recover Visual Studio installation from external hard disk

I recently had to replace my hard disk on my laptop, which contained my Visual Studio installation. When the new hard disk was added, unfortunately the person involved in setup has put Windows 8.1 on an internal SSD (I am using Dell XPS) and made this the system drive -- since this is ~30GB only, re-installing Visual Studio is not an option it seems, as my understanding is that even if the install path is changed to the new hard drive, VS will still need significant space on the system drive (I have ~6GB left).
My old hard drive is being used as an external drive, and it seems all the data is fine, and can see that the VC compilers work fine via the command line. My question is, if there is a method by which I can get the Visual Studio installation up and running on my old hard drive(external), as all the components needed are present -- is there a config file or some such that I could use, and manually enter the registry information to make it work? Is there anything else I could do?

Visual Studio 2008 keeps adding 3 folders to solution folder prefixed with "Visual Studio"

For some reason, Visual Studio 2008 keeps adding three folders to my solution folder. I always have to delete them so I don't accidentally add them to SVN. How do I prevent these from being created? This happens about once every couple weeks, but I haven't figured out when it happens. We're probably going to convert all of our projects to Visual Studio 2010 later this year, but in the mean time, I'd like to figure this out.
If anyone knows how to write a Windows folder (or file) creation listener, I'll be able to track this down faster. I'm imagining a Windows Service that displays a popup when a folder gets created somewhere in the Windows file system, and it's constantly listening. I've had other situations where folders and files get created in Windows (in different project types in Visual Studio 2008 or Windows for that matter), so that might be a cool resource to have in the arsenal.
That directory is probably set as your VS Projects location. If you open Tools>Options and then click Projects and Solutions, it should show you the folder paths. VS will recreate these paths if you delete them.
After installing VS, they are usually set to something like:
C:\Users\username\Documents\Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2005 build problem

I have Microsoft VS 2005 installed (full version). And when I'm trying to build or debug my solution (with 10 projects) a windows installer window opens and says:
The feature you are trying to use is on cd-rom or other removable....
So I then put my VS2005 CD and VS does his thing and than my build and debug processes are working. But when I shut down VS and open it again and when I want again to build my solution it asks me the same thing.
I deleted VS2005 and installed it again (again full version) and it asks me the same thing. I am really crazy right now.. why VS just don't do "update" or something, I don't want to insert CD every time I start VS.
When Visual Studio was installed on your system, you might have chosen a typical installation or a custom installation that did not include everything available to it. This is appropriate in some cases (low disk space, you know only a certain subset is all that is aver or should ever be used).
Try reinstalling, and make sure its a complete install. And don't have it delete unused pieces.

Most reliable way to find the visual studio executable?

Assuming I want the newest flavour of visualstudio that is able to open C# projects, and if there are multiple (pro/express), I'd like to open pro.
edit: I want my own program to open visual studio on the computer of my program's user.
Is this the sort of thing that would be changing with great frequency? If not, I'd just do a search on your PC for "devenv.exe" (the VS executable) and then associate *.cs, *.csproj, *.sln, etc. files to open automatically with the "newest flavor" found that you want to use.
Edit: You could try having your program check the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio registry entry and retrieve the latest version from there, then have your program open the file using the Visual Studio executable at the appropriate location.
There isn't one API available that will simply open the latest version of Visual Studio. This is especially true when you start to consider the impact of expression versions of Visual Studio (and the ones which can open C# projects).
I think you're best bet is to simply create a list of Visual Studio versions that you care about in priority order. Then enumerate them in your process checking for the first one that is available and launching that process.
The most reliable way to find the installed location of Visual Studio is to examine the InstallDir key inside of
32 Bit: HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio{VersionNumber}
64 Bit: HKLM:\Softawre\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio{VersionNumber}

Change Visual Studio installation folder after install

I'm running out of space on the partition that has Visual Studio installed. It's safe to copy the installation in another partition?
You could move the files to the new location (manually) and then use Junction ( to create a link back. I did that with 2012 and it seems to be working for me.
Without having tried I bet this isn't possible.
Installation folders are typically stored in many places such as config files and the registry. After moving, all these references will still point to the old and now invalid location. And, even worse, moving the folder will also break any installation / uninstallation / update routines which means that you will no longer be able to install patches and service packs.
Conclusion: You are way better off uninstalling Visual Studio and moving it to the new location. It takes only a short time as compared to the headache that you would end up otherwise.
(Or, if you don't like to do that you can of course still mount a new partition to the program files folder to increase disc space or get a larger hard drive)
I tried repairing or modifying it via the installer (add remove programs), because I moved it to another Partition. But nothing, it crashes with weird error reports.
Uninstalling and reinstalling seems the only choice, but that doesn't work either...
I used a USB Stick, gave it the old HDD label and made a junction like described here:
mklink /J <new directory to be linked> <target directory>
D:\>mklink /J "Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0" "K:\Program Files\Mic
rosoft Visual Studio 11.0"
This doesn't work unfortunately because VS still complains about other missing files, but it at least let's you unistall it.
EDIT: If you try to reinstall VS and it won't let you choose a different folder look here at the accepted answer: How to change Visual Studio 2012 install directory?
No, that wouldn't work with any newer versions of Visual Studio. If it's pre-2003 you might have a chance.
