inline view query - oracle

I wanted to delete some records which i added recently, from this table mytemp, please tell me what is wrong with this query,
data in selected column had been populated using cursor
DELETE FROM (SELECT ROWNUM RM, S from mytemp) where rm > 20;
error is:
ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view

Edited for accuracy...
Here's the description of the error you are getting:
An attempt was made to use an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement on a
view that contains expressions or functions or was derived from more
than one table. If a join operation was used to create the view or the
view contains virtual columns derived from functions or expressions,
then the view may only be queried.
So it looks like an updateable view can be substituted for a table, as long as it doesn't join more than one table or use virtual columns. In your case, the problem is the virtual ROWNUM column.

It's the rownum>20 statement.
ROWNUM>x, where x values greater than a positive integer are always false.
select * from ANYTABLE where rownum>(ANY POSITIVE INTEGER)
doesn't return any record.
The first row fetched is assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and makes the condition false. The second row to be fetched is now the first row and is also assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and makes the condition false. All rows subsequently fail to satisfy the condition, so no rows are returned.
Check THIS for further info.
You can do the following:
delete from (select amount from TABLE t where t.amount=1000)
but it's the same as
delete from TABLE where amount=1000


how to use triggers to inherit values from another "parent" record in same table

I feel like this is one of those "if you're careful you can do it" scenarios that Oracle just doesn't want to let me do.
My problem is that I have a single configuration table that I want to enable inheritance via Triggers. Think an Employee table with a SUPERVISOR ID column, and 'inherited' SUPERVISOR NAME that self populates if the ID is changed.
I'd like to do a simple self-lookup to capture a value from another row at time of INS/UPD. But Oracle is rejecting as a mutating trigger error.
My code is essentially:
This is a normal behavior. Oracle protects you from inconsistent data that you may get accessing a table which is already being updated.
Imagine this scenario.
You submit two update statements and have a trigger that selects from that same table. Let's assume that the first statement is successfully applied and the data gets changed. Now it's time for the second statement. What output would you expect from the select statement in the trigger? Should it return data as it was before the first update, or should it include the changes made? You probably think that Oracle should return the new data. But first, Oracle does not really know your intentions, and second, that would mean that your query is dependent on row order, which contradicts the relational algebra.
The solution for your problem is quite simple. You do not need the SUPERVISOR_NAME column at all. To get supervisor's name, simply join the table with itself and get the desired result, something like:
select t1.ID, t1.SUPERVISOR_ID, t2.NAME from FAKE_EMPLOYEE t1
left join FAKE_EMPLOYEE t2 on t1.SUPERVISOR_ID = t2.ID;

Joining tables with table type slows down calculation?

I have a big calculation that joins together about 10 tables and calculates some values from the result. I want to write a function that allows me to replace one of the tables that are joined (lets call it Table A) with a table (type) I give as an input parameter.
I have defined row and table types for table A like
create or replace TYPE t_tableA_row AS OBJECT(*All Columns of Table A*);
create or replace TYPE t_tableA_table as TABLE OF t_tableA_row;
And the same for the types of the calculation I need as an output of the function.
My functions looks like this
create or replace FUNCTION calculation_VarInput (varTableA t_tableA_table)
RETURN t_calculationResult_table AS
result_ t_calculationResult_table;
SELECT t_calculationResult_row (*All Columns of Calculation Result*)
FROM (*The calculation*)
RETURN result_;
If I test this function with the normal calculation that just uses Table A(ignoring the input parameter), it works fine and takes about 3 Second. However, if I replace Table A with varTableA (the input parameter that is a table type of Table A), the calculation takes so long I have never seen it finish.
When I use table A for the calculation it looks like this
/*Inside the calculation*/
*a bunch tables being joined*
JOIN TableA A On A.Value = B.SomeOtherValue
JOIN *some other tables*
When I use varTableA its
/*Inside the calculation*/
*a bunch tables being joined*
JOIN TABLE(varTableA ) A On A.Value = B.SomeOtherValue
JOIN *some other tables*
Sorry for not posting the exact code but the calculation is huge and would really bloat this post.
Any ideas why using the table type when joining makes the calculation so much slower when compared to using the actual table?
Your function encapsulates some selection logic in a function and so hides information from the optimizer. This may lead the optimizer to make bad or inefficient decisions.
Oracle has gathered statistics for TableA so the optimizer knows how many rows it has, what columns are indexed and so on. Consequently it can figure out the best access path for the table. It has no stats for TABLE(varTableA ) so it assumes it will return 8192 (i.e. 8k) rows. This could change the execution plan if say the original TableA returned 8 rows. Or 80000. You can check this easily enough by running EXPLAIN PLAN for both versions of query.
If that is the problem add a /*+ cardinality */ to the query which accurately reflects the number of rows in the function's result set. The hint (hint, not function) tells the optimizer the number of rows it should use in its calculation.
I don't want to actually change the values in my tables permanently, I just want to know what the calculation result would be if some values were different.
Why not use a view instead? A simple view which selects from TableA and applies the required modifications in its projection. Of course I know nothing about your data and how you want to manipulate it, so this may be impractical for all sorts of reasons. But it's where I would start.

A fast query that selects the number of rows in each table

I want a query that selects the number of rows in each table
but they are NOT updated statistically .So such query will not be accurate:
select table_name, num_rows from user_tables
i want to select several schema and each schema has minimum 500 table some of them contain a lot of columns . it will took for me days if i want to update them .
from the site ask tom he suggest a function includes this query
'select count(*)
from ' || p_tname INTO l_columnValue;
such query with count(*) is really slow and it will not give me fast results.
Is there a query that can give me how many rows are in table in a fast way ?
You said in a comment that you want to delete (drop?) empty tables. If you don't want an exact count but only want to know if a table is empty you can do a shortcut count:
select count(*) from table_name where rownum < 2;
The optimiser will stop when it reaches the first row - the execution plan shows a 'count stopkey' operation - so it will be fast. It will return zero for an empty table, and one for a table with any data - you have no idea how much data, but you don't seem to care.
You still have a slight race condition between the count and the drop, of course.
This seems like a very odd thing to want to do - either your application uses the table, in which case dropping it will break something even if it's empty; or it doesn't, in which case it shouldn't matter whether it has (presumably redundant) and it can be dropped regardless. If you think there might be confusion, that sounds like your source (including DDL) control needs some work, maybe?
To check if either table in two schemas have a row, just count from both of them; either with a union:
select max(c) from (
select count(*) as c from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2
union all
select count(*) as c from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2
... or with greatest and two sub-selects, e.g.:
select greatest(
(select count(*) from schema1.table_name where rownum < 2),
(select count(*) from schema2.table_name where rownum < 2)
) from dual;
Either would return one if either table has any rows, and would only return zero f they were both empty.
Full Disclosure: I had originally suggested a query that specifically counts a column that's (a) indexed and (b) not null. #AlexPoole and #JustinCave pointed out (please see their comments below) that Oracle will optimize a COUNT(*) to do this anyway. As such, this answer has been altered significantly.
There's a good explanation here for why User_Tables shouldn't be used for accurate row counts, even when statistics are up to date.
If your tables have indexes which can be used to speed up the count by doing an index scan rather than a table scan, Oracle will use them. This will make the counts faster, though not by any means instantaneous. That said, this is the only way I know to get an accurate count.
To check for empty (zero row) tables, please use the answer posted by Alex Poole.
You could make a table to hold the counts of each table. Then, set a trigger to run on INSERT for each of the tables you're counting that updates the main table.
You'd also need to include a trigger for DELETE.

Getting count from large tables

I was trying to get the count from a table with millions of entries. My query looks somewhat like this:
Select count(*)
from Users
where status = 'A' and office_id = '000111' and user_type = 'C'
Status can be A or C, User Type can be C or R.
Status, Office_id and User_type are Strings
The result has around 10 million rows, and its taking a lot of time. I just want the total count.
Would appreciate if anyone could tell me why its taking this much time, and workaround if any.
Do let me know in case of any more details required.
The database engine is Oracle 11g
Edit: I Added index for all three columnns. Still theres no improvement. Also tried the below query, but it always returns the total count in the table without checking the conditions.
SELECT COUNT(office_id_key)
FROM Users
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE status = 'A' AND office_id = '000111' AND user_type = 'C')
Why not just simply create indexes on the table on age and place this way your search will be faster then simply scanning the entire table for these values.
CREATE INDEX age_index ON Employee(age);
CREATE INDEX place_index ON Employee(place);
This should speed up the process.
CREATE INDEX status_index ON Users(status);
CREATE INDEX office_id_index ON Users(office_id);
CREATE INDEX user_type_index ON Users(user_type);
You'll want to create the following multi-column index on the Users table to improve the query:
(office_id, status, user_type)
The database can use a "covering" index with COUNT(*). Create the index with the columns in that order, due to cardinality.
After adding the indexes, I think changing where to where exists and a subquery may help as well.
Edit2: removed exists as it was returning all valid, usually the subquery has multiple joins, but I guess the case with one table returns all true. I read that count is optimized to act similar to exists when it has only one table and no where clause, so I treat the results as a table. Hopefully, this will have the same quick results.
select count(1) from
(select 1 from Employee where age = '25' and place = 'bricksgate')
Edit: When you use 'where exists' the db server doesn't load your data into memory and also takes advantage of the indexes because you will be reading values from the indexes not doing costly table lookups. You may also want to change count(*) to count(place) - that way it will limit the fields to an indexed field as well.
In your original query, your data was doing table lookups and then loading them into memory just to be counted.
count(1) works faster than count(*)

ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables

I am getting
ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
in the following query:
MERGE INTO table_1 a
(SELECT a.ROWID row_id, 'Y'
FROM table_1 a ,table_2 b ,table_3 c
WHERE a.mbr = c.mbr
AND b.head = c.head
AND b.type_of_action <> '6') src
ON ( a.ROWID = src.row_id )
I've ran table_1 it has data and also I've ran the inside query (src) which also has data.
Why would this error come and how can it be resolved?
This is usually caused by duplicates in the query specified in USING clause. This probably means that TABLE_A is a parent table and the same ROWID is returned several times.
You could quickly solve the problem by using a DISTINCT in your query (in fact, if 'Y' is a constant value you don't even need to put it in the query).
Assuming your query is correct (don't know your tables) you could do something like this:
MERGE INTO table_1 a
(SELECT distinct ta.ROWID row_id
FROM table_1 a ,table_2 b ,table_3 c
WHERE a.mbr = c.mbr
AND b.head = c.head
AND b.type_of_action <> '6') src
ON ( a.ROWID = src.row_id )
You're probably trying to to update the same row of the target table multiple times. I just encountered the very same problem in a merge statement I developed. Make sure your update does not touch the same record more than once in the execution of the merge.
A further clarification to the use of DISTINCT to resolve error ORA-30926 in the general case:
You need to ensure that the set of data specified by the USING() clause has no duplicate values of the join columns, i.e. the columns in the ON() clause.
In OP's example where the USING clause only selects a key, it was sufficient to add DISTINCT to the USING clause. However, in the general case the USING clause may select a combination of key columns to match on and attribute columns to be used in the UPDATE ... SET clause. Therefore in the general case, adding DISTINCT to the USING clause will still allow different update rows for the same keys, in which case you will still get the ORA-30926 error.
This is an elaboration of DCookie's answer and point 3.1 in Tagar's answer, which from my experience may not be immediately obvious.
How to Troubleshoot ORA-30926 Errors? (Doc ID 471956.1)
1) Identify the failing statement
alter session set events ‘30926 trace name errorstack level 3’;
alter system set events ‘30926 trace name errorstack off’;
and watch for .trc files in UDUMP when it occurs.
2) Having found the SQL statement, check if it is correct (perhaps using explain plan or tkprof to check the query execution plan) and analyze or compute statistics on the tables concerned if this has not recently been done. Rebuilding (or dropping/recreating) indexes may help too.
3.1) Is the SQL statement a MERGE?
evaluate the data returned by the USING clause to ensure that there are no duplicate values in the join. Modify the merge statement to include a deterministic where clause
3.2) Is this an UPDATE statement via a view?
If so, try populating the view result into a table and try updating the table directly.
3.3) Is there a trigger on the table? Try disabling it to see if it still fails.
3.4) Does the statement contain a non-mergeable view in an 'IN-Subquery'? This can result in duplicate rows being returned if the query has a "FOR UPDATE" clause. See Bug 2681037
3.5) Does the table have unused columns? Dropping these may prevent the error.
4) If modifying the SQL does not cure the error, the issue may be with the table, especially if there are chained rows.
4.1) Run the ‘ANALYZE TABLE VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE’ statement on all tables used in the SQL to see if there are any corruptions in the table or its indexes.
4.2) Check for, and eliminate, any CHAINED or migrated ROWS on the table. There are ways to minimize this, such as the correct setting of PCTFREE.
Use Note 122020.1 - Row Chaining and Migration
4.3) If the table is additionally Index Organized, see:
Note 102932.1 - Monitoring Chained Rows on IOTs
Had the error today on a 12c and none of the existing answers fit (no duplicates, no non-deterministic expressions in the WHERE clause). My case was related to that other possible cause of the error, according to Oracle's message text (emphasis below):
ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml activity or a non-deterministic where clause.
The merge was part of a larger batch, and was executed on a live database with many concurrent users. There was no need to change the statement. I just committed the transaction before the merge, then ran the merge separately, and committed again. So the solution was found in the suggested action of the message:
Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.
SQL Error: ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
30926. 00000 - "unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables"
*Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of large dml
activity or a non-deterministic where clause.
*Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the dml.
This Error occurred for me because of duplicate records(16K)
I tried with unique it worked .
but again when I tried merge without unique same proble occurred
Second time it was due to commit
after merge if commit is not done same Error will be shown.
Without unique, Query will work if commit is given after each merge operation.
I was not able to resolve this after several hours. Eventually I just did a select with the two tables joined, created an extract and created individual SQL update statements for the 500 rows in the table. Ugly but beats spending hours trying to get a query to work.
As someone explained earlier, probably your MERGE statement tries to update the same row more than once and that does not work (could cause ambiguity).
Here is one simple example. MERGE that tries to mark some products as found when matching the given search patterns:
CREATE TABLE patterns(search_pattern VARCHAR2(20));
INSERT INTO patterns(search_pattern) VALUES('Basic%');
INSERT INTO patterns(search_pattern) VALUES('%thing');
CREATE TABLE products (id NUMBER,name VARCHAR2(20),found NUMBER);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(1,'Basic instinct',0);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(2,'Basic thing',0);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(3,'Super thing',0);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(4,'Hyper instinct',0);
SELECT search_pattern FROM patterns
) o
ON ( LIKE o.search_pattern)
SELECT * FROM products;
If patterns table contains Basic% and Super% patterns then MERGE works and first three products will be updated (found). But if patterns table contains Basic% and %thing search patterns, then MERGE does NOT work because it will try to update second product twice and this causes the problem. MERGE does not work if some records should be updated more than once. Probably you ask why not update twice!?
Here first update 1 and second update 1 are the same value but only by accident. Now look at this scenario:
CREATE TABLE patterns(code CHAR(1),search_pattern VARCHAR2(20));
INSERT INTO patterns(code,search_pattern) VALUES('B','Basic%');
INSERT INTO patterns(code,search_pattern) VALUES('T','%thing');
CREATE TABLE products (id NUMBER,name VARCHAR2(20),found CHAR(1));
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(1,'Basic instinct',NULL);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(2,'Basic thing',NULL);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(3,'Super thing',NULL);
INSERT INTO products(id,name,found) VALUES(4,'Hyper instinct',NULL);
SELECT code,search_pattern FROM patterns
) s
ON ( LIKE s.search_pattern)
SELECT * FROM products;
Now first product name matches Basic% pattern and it will be updated with code B but second product matched both patterns and cannot be updated with both codes B and T in the same time (ambiguity)!
That's why DB engine complaints. Don't blame it! It knows what it is doing! ;-)
