Synchronizing the environments - Folders, dlls, files - windows

We want to Sync our dev environment to Prod. There are different kinds of files dlls, aspx, html, txt, folders, subdirectories. Is there any tool that can give us report that states these files are out of sync based on modified, created date or version
Is it possible to copy out of sync files from one location to other. We are using windows server 2003

there are a lot of version control / file comparison tools.. I personally like Scooter Soft's Beyond Compare, it's a bit simple (which is why i like it), then there's this one, which i use at my day job: diffMerge Honestly, there's a ton of tools for this, each with there different pro's / con's.. it will depend on the granular needs of your situation.
Google "file comparison tool"


File and folder compare tool for Mac (like Synchronize It!)

I need a file compare and merge utility like Synchronize It! only for Mac. THE MOST IMPORTANT feature to me that I cannot seem to find is the ability to save off files that are different and keep the folder structure. As an example, I have a production version of a web app and a self-hosted version of the same app. When I make changes in the production version, I want to provide patches for the self-hosted version - but only the files that have changed. There could be 1/2 dozen files in 5 different directories. So, I need to be able to easily save these files somewhere instead of just merging them. And I don't want to have to print out a diff report, copy the files manually, create the file structure, etc. etc. Thanks!
patch is the inverse of diff. rsync is pretty awesome at keeping files synchronized.

How do I structure folders under LocalApplicationData?

I’m looking into the special folders which have enumerations, such as the LocalApplicationData. On my Windows 7 machine I’ve seen what’s there, and first I see several sub-folders that are GUID’s. I’ve no idea what they are, and presume them to be something that Microsoft puts in for whatever.
Next I see folders named after various companies, like Adobe, Apple, Citrix, Microsoft, etc. However, when I go into each of these sub-folders I’ll see more sub-folders, e.g. under Adobe I see sub-folders named Acrobat, Color, Reader 9.3 and Updater6. So when I go to re-write our application, do I adopt a similar structure, something like \OurCompany\App1, \OurCompany\App2, etc.? Or can we just put all of our various applications data into \OurCompany? What I’m asking for is what is standard procedure, or best practice?
If your company only makes one product and there is only going to be one version of it, then the structure doesn't matter - but it is better to plan for a more positive outcome :)
As you have seen from the other companies/products you have installed, having a folder structure that includes the company name, product name, and possibly version will all help to avoid clashes. You could avoid using folders and just use some file name convention, but you may find that you need multiple files in the future and it is simpler to start off with folders. They don't cost much.
As for the question of whether to include the version number or not, the key issue is whether it makes sense to have multiple versions of the same product co-existing at the same time. Not all products need this and some apps will upgrade the settings or have code to read data in the old format. Bear in mind that for data under the roaming area (ApplicationData not LocalApplicationData) may be visible to different versions of the same application installed on different machines.

StarTeam -- How do I move files programmatically?

Any StarTeam users out there?
I'm using StarTeam 2009, which comes with some client tools, including a command line tool, stcmd.exe.
I'm reorganizing a somewhat large Java project containing thousands of .java files and resource files. I would like to know if there is a way using stcmd or some other scripting tool to move files from one folder in the StarTeam repository to another folder.
Of course I can use the StarTeam client interface to drag and drop files, but I'm hoping to avoid that.
Any help would be appreciated.
stcmd gives you the ability to add, modify, and delete files and folders. It doesn't provide a mechanism for sharing or moving.
It may be possible to do some of the moves using VCMUtility, but that's not really what it was designed for and I would guess it would end up being more of a pain than doing it by hand.
The StarTeam SDK does provide all the tools necessary to do moving and sharing. It may be worthwhile to look into writing a small utility to do what you're looking for.

Is there a sensible way to backup Visual Studio C++ solutions without all the "extra" files the IDE creates?

I would like to make a backup of my project, but the folder now exceeds 6.6 GB mainly through extra libraries like boost etc, but even if I just select the folders with my sources, I end up with big files like: .ipch, .sdf and potentially others. To make matters worse I use eclipse to code and VS to compile, so that adds to the mess, although I have the impression that only VS creates big files.
In case shit hits the fan I would like to be able to unpack one archive, and have everything in there like the project settings and solution files, and the sources so that I can easily open it again in VS. I can live with having to re-download boost or other third party libs.
How do you tackle this problem and do I need to preserve file like .sdf?
Thanks for all the tips. I will now adopt the solution proposed by LocustHorde because that seems to fit my needs best. I simply want one file that I can take offsite as a safe backup (and I don't want to use an online service). Storing all versions of all files doesn't seem to work towards smaller and simpler and it would be a bit overkill in this case, although I will look to install some version control system because I have no experience with them and I would like to get some...
Final Answer
After having a good look I found that dishing out which files had to be ignored by the winrar archiving was still a hassle. I finally ended up installing Git out of curiosity and liked it. So I now have some of my projects in a local repository. From eclipse I can easily mark files and directories for being ignored, and to make a backup I use git-extensions to clone the repo. I still need to look at purging old versions, which isn't very userfriendly in Git, but seems to be possible at least and then i will just 7zip the folder up. In the worst case I just delete the git database and I just have the last version of my source files. Or maybe I can checkout to another directory. We'll see.
First: Instead of doing a backup, I would strongly recommend using a version control system (VCS) like Subversion, Mercurial, or Git. This is the professional equivalent of a backup, except it maintains every version of every file—not just a copy of the latest version.
Even with a VCS, you will still need to decide which files to check-in to the VCS, and you don’t want to back up files that can be easily re-generated.
For my projects, I generally don’t check-in:
Generated executables (the output in the Release, Debug, x64\Release, and x64\Debug directories).
Pre-compiled headers (the ipch folder)
The browsing database (sdf files)
All of these things can be re-generated by rebuilding your project. If you are working as part of a team, you probably shouldn’t check in:
Your personal settings (.suo)
You can always re-create this if needed.
A particularly nice way to backup your stuff is to put your source in a revision control system. I am using git sometimes, and other times mercurial. Using git I can ignore the files that should not be backed up, by adding them to .gitignore:
With git I can set up a backup repository on a network drive and simply push to it every now and then.
you can write a simple script (batch file) that only zips the types of files you want. suppose, you want to zip all your .aspx, .cs, .config, .xsd files only,
suppose you have winrar installed in your c:\program files\winrar
and your project is in c:\project\MyBigProject
then, just open your notepad, copy paste this, and save as "script.bat" (dont forget the double quotes while saving, you need to save it with double quotes, so that notepad saves as .bat extention instead of .txt)
so to backup (in other words, to zip wanted files) :
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar" a -r0 -ed MyBackup.rar c:\project\MyBigProject\*.aspx,*.cs,*.xsd,*.config
the syntax is like this:
"path to winrar folder" 'switches' "Name of completed rar file" 'folder to zip'
just make sure the paths are in proper order. the "a -r0 -ed" parts are switches, and you can find out all about the switches here:
I use the "Ignore files" switch ( to ignore all files and folders that I dont want (with wildcards) and My project is about 86 mb, when It gets compressed just with code files, it comes up to 6mb.
its the best way to do it really. If you need more help, please ask!
edit: Also, Look into SVN (its free!) - I use svn too, and its really helpfull. there is even a free tool called AnkhSvn to integrate into visual studio. its just fantastic!
Doing a "clean" before archiving removes most of what you don't need.
Edited to add:
Of course a version control system is essential for any ongoing project, but that's not what he's asking.

Should a .sln be committed to source control?

Is it a best practice to commit a .sln file to source control? When is it appropriate or inappropriate to do so?
There were several good points made in the answers. Thanks for the responses!
I think it's clear from the other answers that solution files are useful and should be committed, even if they're not used for official builds. They're handy to have for anyone using Visual Studio features like Go To Definition/Declaration.
By default, they don't contain absolute paths or any other machine-specific artifacts. (Unfortunately, some add-in tools don't properly maintain this property, for instance, AMD CodeAnalyst.) If you're careful to use relative paths in your project files (both C++ and C#), they'll be machine-independent too.
Probably the more useful question is: what files should you exclude? Here's the content of my .gitignore file for my VS 2008 projects:
(The last entry is just for the AMD CodeAnalyst profiler.)
For VS 2010, you should also exclude the following:
Yes -- I think it's always appropriate. User specific settings are in other files.
Yes you should do this. A solution file contains only information about the overall structure of your solution. The information is global to the solution and is likely common to all developers in your project.
It doesn't contain any user specific settings.
You should definitely have it. Beside the reasons other people mentioned, it's needed to make one step build of the whole projects possible.
I generally agree that solution files should be checked in, however, at the company I work for we have done something different. We have a fairly large repository and developers work on different parts of the system from time to time. To support the way we work we would either have one big solution file or several smaller. Both of these have a few shortcomings and require manual work on the developers part. To avoid this, we have made a plug-in that handles all that.
The plug-in let each developer check out a subset of the source tree to work on simply by selecting the relevant projects from the repository. The plugin then generates a solution file and modifies project files on the fly for the given solution. It also handles references. In other words, all the developer has to do is to select the appropriate projects and then the necessary files are generated/modified. This also allows us to customize various other settings to ensure company standards.
Additionally we use the plug-in to support various check-in policies, which generally prevents users from submitting faulty/non-compliant code to the repository.
Yes, things you should commit are:
solution (*.sln),
project files,
all source files,
app config files
build scripts
Things you should not commit are:
solution user options (.suo) files,
build generated files (e.g. using a build script) [Edit:] - only if all necessary build scripts and tools are available under version control (to ensure builds are authentic in cvs history)
Regarding other automatically generated files, there is a separate thread.
Yes, it should be part of the source control.
When ever you add/remove projects from your application, .sln would get updated and it would be good to have it under source control. It would allow you to pull out your application code 2 versions back and directly do a build (if at all required).
Yes, you always want to include the .sln file, it includes the links to all the projects that are in the solution.
Under most circumstances, it's a good idea to commit .sln files to source control.
If your .sln files are generated by another tool (such as CMake) then it's probably inappropriate to put them into source control.
We do because it keeps everything in sync. All the necessary projects are located together, and no one has to worry about missing one. Our build server (Ant Hill Pro) also uses the sln to figure which projects to build for a release.
We usually put all of our solutions files in a solutions directory. This way we separate the solution from the code a little bit, and it's easier to pick out the project I need to work on.
The only case where you would even considder not storing it in source control would be if you had a large solution with many projects which was in source control, and you wanted to create a small solution with some of the projects from the main solution for some private transient requirement.
Yes - Everything used to generate your product should be in source control.
We keep or solution files in TFS Version Control. But since or main solution is really large, most developers have a personal solution containing only what they need. The main solution file is mostly used by the build server.
.slns are the only thing we haven't had problems with in tfs!
